
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
22 Feb 2009
Hi, I am Howard Watling, a friend of John Knowles, as I founded the Spartans Rock Group.
I am interested in your picture of The Blue Dukes, because I bought my first Electric
Guitar (a Hofner club 50) from Johnny Erkert (Urquhurt?) who was the Lead Guitarist with
the Blue Dukes. Their Bass Guitarist (Ken ?) lived in the first road on the right going down
Walthamstow High Street, from where, for a time a guitar teacher, who went by the name of
Al Bernard, (real name Allen Bernard Coyne) taught many aspiring Guitarists on
Saturdays, myself & Johnny included. He was a Jazz Musician, so I used to have to learn Jazz,
re-time it as Rock'n'Roll, then go back next week & play it to him as Jazz.
Johnny was an excellent, guitarist & the night I arranged to collect my Club 50, the Blue Dukes
were playing supporting Johnny Kidd & the Pirates at the George Moneaux School. The
arrangement was that, as I had already paid for it, I collect it during the interval, after they
had finished their set. During the interval, John came over & introduced Johnny Kidd's Guitarist,
to ask whether he could borrow my Guitar, as the Pirate's kit had not turned up, & so they borrowed
the Blue Dukes gear, including my guitar for the night.
Other local bands were The Starliners, from Highams Park.
(From Memory Mick Dewey; Bass, John Grindley; Rhythm, Roger Crooks; Lead, &
Barry Raven; Keyboards. I can't remember the Drummer or singer, but they used all Fender Guitars & Amps)
Dale Martin (or Stevens?) & Group 5, with Tony Atkins who lived near Simmons Lane
Bridge, Friday Hill (played a Hofner President). Their singer was called Colin, & played an Electric
solid Ukulele.
The Gunners, who used to play at Wellington Ave Youth Centre, with a Lead Guitarist called
Kenny Rio, & a Bass Guitarist who used to also play Malaguena on an Electric Guitar. I once saw
Jimmy Page there standing in for their regular guitarist, & he was kind enough to show me a few tips
in the interval. This was before he became famous, but he was still Brilliant, & very encouraging.
They used to play venues like the Bell Walthamstow, Heathcote School etc.
If any more come to mind, I will let you know. I would be glad to hear from any of the above, or anyone
who remembers seeing the Spartans, but doubt they will remember me.
Yours sincerely,
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