
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
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11 September 2010 - 1st Gathering
With only short notice, I called for a small gathering in Walthamstow and - quite expectedly - there were few of us: John & Joan McLaren, Dick Dunn (who runs the Walthamstow History site) & Dave Hughes (who runs the World Bands site). Unfortunately, Dennis Seager and Mike Wood, who were going to attend, were held up and sent apologies.
We had a stroll in the Vestry House Museum, which is small but packed with curious/historical items that testify the importance of Walthamstow in different times of history. (Not many know that the first british built petrol driven car "The Bremer" is exhibited there!)
Later we had a quick chat & drink at "The Nags Head".
Here are some pictures I took:
Vestry House Museum (Entrance)
Joan & John McLaren, Dick Dunn
Vestry House Museum (Entrance)
John McLaren, Dick Dunn and Daniel
No.1 Squires Almshouses
Where Daniel's grandmother lived
Old Town Hall in Orford Rd.
Queen's Road Cemetry (Entrance)
St. Mary's Church - Walthamstow
Ancient House - Walthamstow
This was our first experiment: next year we will try to organize a proper gathering, specially for those of you who live far away, possibly with accomodation info and some special event.
(All pictures on this page: © 2010 Daniel J Quinn. All rights reserved.)