
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
We are happy to receive emails on lost relatives for both personal reasons and family history research. We are not however able to answer
any queries about the history of Walthamstow or about lost relatives etc... We provide a bulletin board service where your query is recorded
with your email address, in the hope that someone browsing the website may have an answer for you. In the past this has worked well and
numerous queries and connections have been made between people.
We are not able to respond to any queries about facilities in Waltham Forest or to give details of local services (we have in the past been
asked to give quotes for using the Assembly Hall for a wedding or to provide details of waste disposal!) - try the Waltham Forest Council website).
Very simple: just send your emails to Daniel, editor and web-master of this site.
Don't forget to state your full name.
Text: simple emails or, as an attachment, Word-processor files (ie: Microsoft Word®, etc..) of PDF®
Images: jpg format is preferable, possibly in 150dpi or better resolution (if you don't know what this means.. just
Videos: mp4 files are preferable. (Or link to YouTube)
We are always willing to receive family photographs and stories about those who live(d) in Walthamstow and the surrounding suburbs of London.
By sending us your personal stories/photographs and attachements, you implicitly give authorisation to post them on the
"Walthamstow Memories" for public reading and viewing, but you retain ownership of their copyright.
However, our visitors may download text and/or images from this site, as long as it is for their personal use only.
By no means any parts or sections of the "Walthamstow Memories" website may be reproduced for commercial purposes, unless expressly authorised in writing by Daniel J. Quinn, editor and owner of "Walthamstow Memories" website.
There are two ways you can reply to the author of a message that appears in our "Postbags": by clicking on the Public Reply button or by clicking on the Private Reply button.
In both cases your reply email will be sent to the author, but only using the "Public Reply" a copy of your message is also sent to us and, in due course, will be posted on this site.
If you receive a "Public Reply" to a message you have posted here, please make sure you use the "reply to all" option of your email software, if you wish to continue the "public" conversation.
Email in the Postbags that are a "Public Reply", contain a link (date): if you click on it, you will jump the originating message. To return, click on the 'back' button of your browser.
In order to provide easy access to all the stories that have been sent in to us, we have created a PDF
library. Here is a short explanation for those of you not familiar with the term PDF and what it means when you want to read a PDF file:
PDF (Portable Document Format) is a universal file format developed by Adobe® that preserves all the fonts, formatting, graphics, and colour of
any source document, regardless of the application and platform used to create it.
Nearly all of the stories that contain text and pictures are stored as PDF files.
To read them you might need to download the Adobe Reader from here.