
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
Here you can read the most recent news on the site, as well as the old ones...
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
The day has finally come: your Renewed Walthamstow Memories site is ready, with a more up-to-date look and layout along with a few novelties (of which I'll tell you in a minute)!
Memories are valuable. In my mind, I consider this site like a valuable antique car that had a few dents. It needed to be dusted and spruced up a bit. It took a lot of hammering to get the bodywork up to shape and gave it a nice paint spray. I can now proudly - alas! only metaphorically - nip down to Brighton in my buffed and polished vintage car.
In 2015 (time passes with the speed of light) the original creator of this site, John H. Knowles, retired and handed the site and all the works over to me. Since then, it's been a humdinging, thumping "one-man-band" overture. The changeover occurred when I was just about to move my family from Italy to Spain. A difficult moment? I leave it you to imagine.
My granddaughter, then 4 years old and living with us, demanded her grandfather's entire doting attention and
all I could dedicate to the WM site was the occasional update of the incoming emails. And little of that too...
However, 2020 has obliged us to appreciate that an Englishman's home is his castle. In some aspects, this
has been positive for me and has given me the time to sit down and think of how to update and improve the web site.
How lucky I am to have this site with so many affectionate visitors!
Considering the enormous outlandish growth of the fandangled "Oh so invasive" mind boggling smartphones & tablets, the site badly needed a new suit. The advent of HTML5 (the language used for writing web pages) and the emergence of new exact and demanding coding that can make or break a website, everything on the site, had to be updated! A daunting task! Easier said than done. It has taken many days and sleepless nights and months of hard work
For those interested in some statistics, there are 120 html pages in the Walthamstow Memories site, each containing an average of 4000 lines of code (with peaks of over 8000). Out of the 1300+ images in the site, more than half had spaces in their names (hardly tolerated by HTML5!), so... as you have guessed, I have had to maddingly rename every single image by hand (or to be more precise, by my almost 70yrs old fingers). This past two months I've been thumping away on my keyboard and it now squeaks like... an old castle door!
But let's come to the little surprises.
Firstly, the pages are now 'resizeable': you may change the size of your browser's window and... text
and images will (should?) adapt to your viewport.
Then, there are new pages:
Now to the "known problems". The display of images and/or text, in some pages, is not optimal (either for size or position)
and some of the tables may not display properly on small screens.
I'm working on these issues, but please notify me if you find any problems that have slipped through: I'm not Asimov's R. Daneel Olivaw,
the twenty-thousand-year-old android Robot! I am just (now and again) almost a human...
Finally, the suit is new, but all the contents are still there for you to enjoy!
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome and don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing and exploring your new site. Thank you for your attention and kindest regards to you all.
Email Daniel
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
It's almost Christmas, a time of the year particularly dedicated to being at home in the warmth of our loved ones. Indeed, the year 2020 will be long remembered for the Covid19 pandemic. A terrible experience, unfortunately not over yet, which has caused the loss of friends and family members, the closure of numerous commercial and non-commercial activities, the limitation of travel and, in part, our freedom. A worldwide event, which risks having a heavy impact also in interpersonal relationships: even the mere fact of not being able to hug or kiss, or exchange a handshake, especially in this festive period, poses a huge obstacle to the demonstrations of affection that we normally exchange. We will get over this ordeal too!
My thoughts go to the older people and, among them, to those who live alone, to whom I feel like giving a big hug ... unfortunately only virtual. A little more than seventy years ago the world emerged from a world war, which brought grief and pain, which separated families and friends. But then the time came to start again and to rebuild. From rubble, new buildings, new businesses, new friendships and new families were born. The inner strength of each one and the solidarity of all, made it possible for the economy to restart with great impetus.
We will have to follow this example.
In these pages we can find many memories and we are led to a certain melancholy, which is often felt by looking back, but I think we can also find the inspiration to launch our mind towards the future, taking an example from those who preceded us.
When you fall, your goal must be to get up and start again, and it is my wish that you are all capable of doing so.
Please have a look at Dave Hughes’s DVD Appeal in the "Highlights" Section and also to the new page Dennis Penfold: A poet from Walthamstow. There is also one of his books (PDF) "Poems For Pleasure" you can read!
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site. Kindest regards and a great big hug!
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
There are new pictures on "The Karilion" (Local Bands Section): many thanks to Norman Moore, ex-member of the band.
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
... so UK is out of the EU! Some will be happy, some will be sad. However, Great Britain remains great.
Sadly, after over 16 years of unconditional love, my dear Ulisse died two weeks ago. In spite of his age, he was still up and running and bright as always. I shall miss him very much and I like to think that he's now keeping company to my son Alan.
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
Welcome back again!
I've added a new page to the "Local Bands" section: The Karilion Band. Thanks to Norman Moor, former member of the band, for providing the pictures and text.
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
... and Welcome back again!
I've updated October's Postbag, and will soon fill in the remaining months too.
I was away in September (a 1450kms drive from Spain to Italy and return) and on our way back our 16old dog, Ulisse, felt sick. He is used to travel this way and, in fact, one of the main reasons we go by car is to bring him with us - no flights for him!
So we had to stop at a vet in Cannes for a few hours. He has since recovered quite well... but age is age...!
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
The Postbag will shortly be updated, but in the meantime there are good news for the "Walthamstow Finest" project: our friend Dave Hughes has put a remarkable effort in creating both this CD and the event, and I hope you will attend and, possibly, also buy copies of the CD for yourself and your friends. You will own a rare collection of music from local artists, and at the same time you will support a good cause!
See the Highlights Section below.
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
Would you believe it? I'm still trying to catch up with some (old) emails that haven't made it to the postbag: it is a time-taking process, because each single email has to be edited to the appropriate format. In addition, I receive over 100 spam emails per day, in spite of my antispam software! I still have to rake through them too, since not seldom 'good' emails are dropped in the spam folder...
Some good news: my cat "Maicol" has fully recovered from a bad infection to an eye!
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
May I wish you all a happy new year, full of the things you like, but mostly of the love of you family & friends!
I'm still trying to catch up with some (old) emails that haven't made it to the postbag: it is a time-taking process, because each single email has to be edited to the appropriate format. In addition, I receive over 100 spam emails per day, in spite of my antispam software! I still have to rake through them too, since not seldom 'good' emails are dropped in the spam folder...
To add a further delay, my cat "Maicol" has a bad infection to an eye and needs treatment every 3 hours: 3 eyedrops an 10mins intervals... Over 10 days of this treatment and at least a week more to come, but we've saved his eye!
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
Our friend Dave Hughes keeps very active in his fundraising for charity and is now planning to issue a new CD (limited edition): read about it in the Highlights Section.
A new page in the "Local Bands" section: "Herbie & The Deltas!"
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
Just to keep your worries at bay.. the site is still alive!
Presently, I will update the Postbag - my grandaughter is now in Italy: although I miss her very much, I should now have more time to dedicate to the WM site.
A new addition to the "Personal Stories" section from Arthur Parker; a biography under the name From Go to Whoa. Arthur is 89 yrs 'young' and I am proud to host his many memories on this site! Thank you, Arthur!
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
Weeks, months (and years!) seem to fly and I can hardly manage to keep in pace!
I often receive emails concerning the Queens Road Cemetery, currently not at its best conditions: you will be pleased to know that a "Friends of the Queens Road Cemetery" is being formed! Please see the Highlights Section for the announcement: I hope that those of you who live in Walthamstow may be able to attend. I am planning to creat a special section on the Cemetery on this site.
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
I have updated the 2018 Postbag with emails recived up to January. More to come to fill the gaps.
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
Back once again and, again, I have to apologise for the sporadic updates to the site! I'm having a short break from my 24/7 occupation as grandad and "acting father", since my grandaugther is temporarily on holiday in Italy...
I wish to point out two emails I received that may interest you: one from Neil Pearce [see in 2018 Postbag] concerning a Memorial for three Walthamstow Fireguards who died in WWII (19 April), and the other from Lindsay Collier [see in Current Postbag], regarding the Waltamstow Pumphouse Musem.
Both are alos posted on the Highlights.
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
I wish you all a 2018 full of the things you love most.
On my side, I have a new computer: an important ingredient to keep the WM site going! Now what I need is a little bit of time, to catch up with all the updates that arre long due. With little Vicky (my granddaughter) going to school, I just might to manage some spare time I can use to this purpose.
January's Postbag is now up-to-date, and (working backwards, Dec 2017 is on its way.
May I point out an email (received last December, but only today posted on WM) from Robert (Bob) Edward Yoxen: he's hoping to contact some old schoolmates from Joseph Barrett Secondary. Read his appeal here and please try to help..! As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
I just can't believe that Christmas is just a few days away! A whole year has gone past in a blink!
A time of joy, lights, hugs and happiness. However, as another new year is about to start, I can't avoid thinking of those dear to us that will celebrate, if only in our hearts. Walthamstow Memories has recently lost one of its major contributors. His constant work, providing us with so many articles, assistance in locating lost bits of family trees, always digging in Walthamstow's history for amusing, interesting facts, will surely be missed. Goodbye Bill Bayliss. We enjoyed travelling with you on the train of life - and in Walthamstow's life in particular. A great man!
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
I would like to reassure you that Walthamstow Memories is gradually coming back to life, after a long period of e-silence.
There is a new entry in the History Articles section, concerning the "Special Constabulary in Walthamstow 1940-43" by Peter Pleydell, who is also the author of "School Out Of Time", (under the name of John Halden).Former pupils of William Morris school, where Pleydell attended in 1966-71, may be particularly interested to read this book - which is based partly on his memories of school at that time. News in the "Literature Section".
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
First of all, my very best wishes to you all for 2017!
I finally managed to get my hands (but mainly... my mind!) back to the WM site, so I will gradually fill the gaps in the postbags. The current 2017 Postbag contains some of the latest emails received. More will follow.
Dick Dunn's Walthamstow History Site: Very unfortunately, the site went down some time ago. I was informed that attempts are being made to recover all its contents. Quite fortunately, however, I had downloaded the site shortly after Dick's untimely death (Dec. 3rd, 2014).
Until things are sorted out, WM is hosting the mirror image of Walthamstow History [here]. Some pics or link may not be complete, but most of it is there!
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
NOTE: On 22 Oct 2017 the site is back to its original address:
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
Just a short note to let you all know that the WM site is not become a chunk of digital ice!
In many ways 2016 has not proven to be the best of my 65 yrs of life: at the end of July, whilst I was in Spain, my only son Alan (little Vicky's father) was found dead in his flat in Florence, following a devastating internal hemorrhage. In order to ascertain the causes, the Italian authorities ordered a post mortem, which was carried out on the 1st of August. However, the doctor in charge did not deposit his report until 2 months later (gone on holiday in the meantime), so I could not proceed with the cremation (Alan's will) until the 10th of September, and this thanks to a very understanding officer of the Court. You may well imagine he agony we have gone through!
Now we're back in Spain with little Vicky and her mother, but it has taken me all this time before I could even approach the idea of setting my mind on the WM site.
I will now slowly revert to my previous plan (ie: update the postbag going backwards: on a "latest first" procedure).
Our friend Dave Hughes has taken a big decision: to go off-line (ie: no internet, no email, no FaceBook, etc) and has thus asked me to remove any reference to his email address on this site. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank him for all the work he's done in these past years, especially before and during our 10th Anniversary Gathering, in 2011, and ever since with his much appreciated "Walthamstow Snaps" offer, which will be no longer available (sigh!).
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
As is so often the case, I am beginning with an apology for the fact that it has been so long since the Walthamstow Memories site was properly updated. As usual, I have been busy but, in the last eight months, even busier than usual: last September my wife and I rented a house in Spain, and moved from Florence (Italy) - our regular residence - to a town near Valencia. Initially the plan was to spend some time in Spain and some in Italy. As it worked out, our little granddaughter and her mother came over with us too. I drove the 1400 kms with (you can imagine!) all but the kitchen sink... (and... yes, our 12 yrs old Border Terrier was with us too..)! And, of course, my desktop and associated paraphernalia.
In mid October I received an email from John Knowles, the originator of the site, telling me that he was about to hand me over the full site I've been co-editing with him over the past 7 years. A great honour for me, but somewhat... badly timed, for setting up a house and also taking care of a very demanding granddaughter has not helped much. In addition, the process of moving the WM site from John's UK provider to my usual one in Italy - one I have used for many years with satisfaction - got jammed half way through, because the Italian provider had the wonderful idea of going out of business... just after I'd bought a large amount of web space to accomodate the WM site, the Waltham Forest site, and all my personal sites too. The WM site was however kept alive thanks to John's intervention and the very efficient services of his UK provider.
All this caused an ever growing accumulation of WM emails from you, and ever shrinking time to deal with them and with the normal upkeep of the site.
So, I once again aplogise if all seemed 'frozen'. However, a very positive 'side effect' to all this is the gigantic boost of Followers on our FaceBook page! There is a foundamental difference between Facebook and the WM site: the former is basically a message board, where it's quite hard to look for stored information, whereas the latter constitutes a constantly expanding repository of articles, photos, messages and historical facts that can be quite easily searched and used as reference. I would like to keep it this way. Please consider that the whole site (with the exception of the picture galleries) is all coded in HTML and CSS (the basic bricks of the web). Each email I receive has to be manually transcribed, formatted, and indexed for reference.
Similarly, each picture has to be converted/resized/formatted and stored appropriately. The choice of following this path was taken several years ago and, as a consequence, John could not update the site directly or else, I'm sure, he would have been more than happy to help during this transitional period.
I have found no satisfying software that can help in this time consuming task. "What about Forum software?", you may ask: nowhere near my target and often very dispersive. So... please "Don't shoot at the pianist"!!
Anyway, enough of the apologies! I've come to the conclusion that I shall update the Postbag 'backwards', i.e.: from the most recent ones and progressively filling the gap with all the arrears. In this manner, the site will immediately again feel 'alive' to all visitors.
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friend & Visitors,
From our friend Dave Hughes:
An afternoon of quality acoustic music from the following people:
Nick Pickett, John Arthur, Mikanora, John Wishart, Ted Heath and Something To Sing Choir, Matt, Jim Kane, Rom Shanty Crew, Ivor Game and Carole Vincent.
Child friendly venue
On-site parking
2 mins from Wood Street BR Station
2 mins from buses 230 and w16
A collection will be taken and there is a raffle
Donations of cd's would be most welcome on the day and would help in raising funds for the charity.
For more information tel: 07766 964 420
I'm still processing my WM arrears, but hope to catch up soon!!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Dear Friend & Visitors,
Few day to Christmas - and it seems impossible to me that 2015 is almost.. clicking one up!
I'm currently processing my WM arrears: September emails and and October ones are now completed! Xmas engagements permitting,I should be able to get all received emails updated before the end of the month.
Thanks to the remarkable efficiency of my new provider (NetNorth Ltd), the entire WM site and my email account were painlessly transferred to their new home. A rather complex job... all behind the scenes!
As for myself, I'll be celebrating my 1st Spanish Christmas with my family, here near Valencia, where, a few weeks ago, I very proudly met the famous tenor Placido Domingo and presented him with a very special gift: a numbered copy of my hand-written version of Dante Alighieri's "Divina Comedia". How exciting!
I should mention that Placido has on several occasions recorded his wonderful singing at the Assembly Hall in Walthamstow!
Be back soon. All the best for now!
Dear Friend & Visitors,
After a rather 'shaky' period since last September, I can now rely on a much better internet connection (optical fibre).
However, in spite of many attempts to contact my Italian web-hosting provider - even through my lawyer - I have had, to date, no reply concerning the web package I had bought (and paid!) in September. So I have decided to use another more reliable provider, and the switch-over should happen very soon, with little - if any - black-out.
I still have a rather bulky "Postbag" to update: please be patient a little more!
I'm happy to see that our "Walthamstow Memories" FaceBook page is having a great success!
All the best!
Please read John Knowles' letter [here].
Dear Friend & Visitors,
I'm, at last!, back on internet (a very slow line - awaiting a fibre connection which should be some 100 times faster!)
I'm slowly settling down in a small town near Valencia, Spain. Today is a sunny day, with 24°C...
I have quite a load of emails to post on the WM site (dating back to September) and this which might take some days: please be patient a little more!
All the best!
Please read John Knowles' letter [here].
3 May 2015 - From Daniel:
My dear Friends & Visitors,
I have just returned from a very enjoyable week in London with little granddaugher Vicky, who was thrilled by the playground in Kensington Park and by feeding squirrels & swans.
There are many mails & articles I have to catch up with, so please be patient: I will soon update the site.
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
20 April 2015 - From Daniel:
My dear Friends & Visitors,
I have made some minor "aesthetical" improvements to the site, that I hope you will like:
I hope you all appreciate!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
3 April 2015 - From Daniel:
My dear Friends & Visitors,
I wish you and all your families a Happy Easter, with plenty of peace and joy.
The "Public/Private" reply button in the 2015 Postbag (and soon all over the site) is now more readable.
I'm gradually adding Lists of Teachers/Staff/Pupils to the individual school pages, if you have pictures, names or memories to share, please send them in!
I hope you all appreciate!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
20 March 2015 - From Daniel:
My dear Friends & Visitors,
A small change in the Menu items: in the "History" heading, you now find "List of Mayors" (previously contained in the "General" section).
A "List of Businesses" is now available, as a PDF file, in the "Lost Trades" Section (again under "History"): there are two versions (by Name and
by Category).
WARNING: : The list contains over 3100 entries, so the file is rather large and may take some time to view/download.
I hope you all appreciate!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
12 March 2015 - From Daniel:
My dear Friends & Visitors,
Considering the vast success ot the Walthamstow Memories site, I thought it fit to create some "twin sites" to it: Waltham Forest Memories, reflects the current administrative/geographical setup. So if you have memories & pictures for Chingford, Leyton and Leytonstone visit and get in touch!
I hope you all appreciate!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
23 February 2015 - From Daniel:
My dear Friends & Visitors,
Several new items on our site:
Please visit the new "Walthamstow Memories Galleries" (or click "Galleries" on the top menu)
New entries in the "Personal Stories" section: just scroll down to see the "Just in" message..
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
19 February 2015 - From Daniel:
My dear Friends & Visitors,
Two new pages have been added to the School's list (see "Schooldays"): Greenleaf Rd School and Selwyn Ave School - if you can name any in the pictures or provide any information please contact me...
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
1 February 2015 - From Daniel:
My dear Friends & Visitors,
A new article from 'our' Bill Bayliss, that I suggest you read: "Walthamstow WWII Evacuation"
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
29 January 2015 - From Daniel:
My dear Friends & Visitors,
A new year and its first month almost over! Is the whole world speeding up or is time shrinking?
I have just updated the current Postbag with the many emails received: thank you and keep sending in your memories!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
23 December 2014 - From Daniel:
My dear Friends & Visitors,
I have some very sad news to share with you: I have just learnt that Richard (Dick) Dunn, originator of the "Walthamstow History" site has lost his fight against cancer, on December the 3rd. I remember meeting Dick in person in 2010, and then again in 2011, for the 10th Anniversary of Walthamstow Memories. We periodically corresponded via email. I shall surely miss him.
2010 - Dick Dunn (left) and me (right) - Entrance to Vestry House Museum, Walthamstow
My deepest sympathy to his wife Vivienne, who very courageously assisted him in every way.
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
23 December 2014 - From Daniel:
My dear Friends & Visitors,
Done it! All your December emails (up to this very moment) are now in the 2014 Postbag, which, if I counted correctly, now contains 446 emails! In 2013 we received 258 emails, and in 2012 there were just(?) 198... I'm happy to say that you keep me more and more busy!
Only two days to Christmas, so I renew my hearty good wishes and I hope you will be surrounded with your loved ones, wherever you live in this old globe.
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
18 December 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I have ("At last!!" - you may say..) updated the 2014 Postbag, at least with emails up to the 30th of November. In the next few days I'll be able to complete the update, to include the December ones too.
Only a few days to Christmas, so accept my hearty good wishes: I hope you will be with your loved ones and share the magic of this special period.
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
7 November 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Back home in Florence, after a most enjoyable (too short!) stay in UK. I was a few days in Somerset, then in London, where I visited the "Tower Poppies": a most impresive display of 888,246 poppies, one for each British life lost in WWI! Below I have merged 3 snaps in one to give a "panoramic view":
I have also, of course, visited briefly Walthamstow, where I met with our friend and contributor Dave Hughes and paid a due visit to my grandparents in Queen's Cemetry
Bill Bayliss has sent in another article: "Sun Trap on High Beach", posted in our "History Articles" Section
One last bit of good news: the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God has finally sold the EMD Cinema! Full details on the McGuffin website [here].
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
20 October 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
For all Walthamstow Avenue supporters, a new contribution from Bill Bayliss in the "History Articles" section: "Walthamstow Ave. & Stan Gerula)"
If all goes according to plans, my wife & I will be flying to UK next Monday until the 5th November (a short visit to Walthamstow is, of course, included!). Consequently, emails sent to the WM during that period will not be posted until my return home.
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
17 October 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Just a short note to say that (Phew!) I just completed posting all emails received up to now!
You may find three new pieces in the "History Articles" section, by our Indefatigable contributor Bill Bayliss: one is "Whipps Cross Hospital (Part 2)", one is on a curious character indeed: "Lieutenent Commander Bill Boaks". The third is also a curiosity: "Walthamstow's Spion Kop"
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
16 October 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Since I got back home, at the end of September, I had painters in to redecorate all the rooms... and I'm sure you know what this means: moving furniture, dust everywhere... etc, etc...
Amongst the many things that got left behind, the update of WM was one of them. I beg your pardon for this delay, and I'm trying to catch up. There are more October emails to come...
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
1 October 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Our visitor Joy Travers has kindly sent me a copy of her book "A Toynbee to remember" Literature" sections): I'm really impressed by the huge amount of research Joy has carried out, including going through over 500 letters!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
27 September 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I've finally managed to update the current Postbag with the many mails received! Not an easy task, since I'm working on my (old) laptop, which is rather slow in handling the considerably large (over 600kb) postbag file...
I'd like to point out two 'history' appeals, one concerning the "Whipps Cross Hospital", and one "Sir Winston Churchill in Walthamstow - 1945"
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
24 Aug 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
A very interesting article by Bill Bayliss "The London Rubber Company" now appears in the "Lost Trades" section: I suggest you read it for it contains many curiosities!
Our visitor Victoria Alexander has sent in some great pictures: see our 2014 Postbag.
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
11 Aug 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
As Len Hall mentions in his email, this site has considerably grown this year: the lenght of our 2014 Postbag is an evident proof of the increasing number of visitors/emails to our virtual "sitting room"... Many thanks to all those who generously share with us their memories and their knowledge of Walthamstow's past.
Site Navigation: A few years ago, to facilitate navigation through the postbags, I introduced a "month selection" menu. Now I've provided you with a little floating (or should I call it 'static'?) icon at the bottom left corner of the screen (Have you noticed it? I bet you have now!): in any position on the page, by clicking on it, you instantly move to the top, instead of frenetically hand-scrolling... I hope you find it useful. I will soon implement it on all long pages.
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
23 July 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
The site's structure has changed, so the main menu reflects this: some menu items have been moved around, seeking for a more coherent layout:
Some minor changes are still due.
Whilst at it, I've carried out an extensive check on missing/wrong links: there should be none now!
The next step will be a compete revision of the Picture Galleries: two of them rely on software that does not work on iPads/iPhones and the third is cluttered by useless information. This will be taken care of in August.
I hope you like what I've done and, of course, I'm always open to suggestions!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
10 Aug 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Bill Bayliss has submitted another history article, the third in his Hospital Series, regarding the " Hale End Hospital".
Lidsay Collier has announced "The Year of the Bus Event" - please see the Highlights Section below: those of you who can be in Walthamstow on August the 15th will surely enjoy this occasion.
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
2 Aug 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I'm now back home, and feel more comfortable with my desktop pc: updating the WM site on a laptop has given me headaches!
Keith Rodger has tickled a few keyboards with his bykes in our Postbag! And a few new pics plus an article by Maureen Hemming
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
30 July 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Whilst trying to improve the graphics of the site, there has been a little quirk concerning the "Public/Private Reply" buttons, that momentarily disappeared! I apologise. All should be back to normal now, but please let me know...
Check the new entries by our friend Bill Bayliss in the "History Articles" section.
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
23 July 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
The site's structure has changed, so the main menu reflects this: some menu items have been moved around, seeking for a more coherent layout:
Some minor changes are still due.
Whilst at it, I've carried out an extensive check on missing/wrong links: there should be none now!
The next step will be a compete revision of the Picture Galleries: two of them rely on software that does not work on iPads/iPhones and the third is cluttered by useless information. This will be taken care of in August.
I hope you like what I've done and, of course, I'm always open to suggestions!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
16 July 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I have re-organized the "Personal Stories" section, separating the articles into four main subjects:
A "Quick link" menu helps to reach each part. I have also arranged the titles in alphabetical order, to facilitate searching for a specific one. On the last column (Notes) a "JUST IN" message signals the most recent. I hope you like this new layout- your comments are most welcome...
Whilst on the this matter, I'd like to thank Bill Bayliss for a number of new articles that now appear in the aforementioned "History" section of the "Personal Stories"... marked "JUST IN"...
There are also several new emails, some asking for assistance and I sincerely hope that some of our visitors may be able to provide some feedback.
Interesting news about the EMD Cinema: Compulsory Purchase UPDATE.
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
28 June 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
A new entry in the "Personal Stories" section: Mary Connoughton has just sent in her Memories.
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
26 June 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Bill Bayliss has submitted A Walthamstow Mugging in 1834 - Part 2, fruit of a synergy with Michael Gilbey, another of our contributors.
Alan Miles has also provided another article: "Oh I aint half prad of my ol’ Mum".
Dave Hughes, my 'right arm' in Walthamstow, has just undergone a major operation: my best wishes for a speedy recovery. If you would like to send him a card, please contact me at and I will provide you with a postal address.
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
21 June 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Yet another pair of articles from our prolific friend and contributor Bill Bayliss: one on The Walthamstow Stadium and A Walthamstow Mugging in 1834. Thanks once again, Bill!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
17 June 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Our friend and contributor Bill Bayliss has sent in two articles (one on Vestry House and one on Walthamstow's Workhouses) which I highly recommend reading: they both give a good account of the history behind the origins and use of the now Vestry House Museum. Thanks once again, Bill!
After several rainy days (and an overload of calligraphy work), I'm now enjoying the sun on the Italian coast, but more than that, I'm enjoying having with me my grandaughter Vicky!
Catching up with emails to add to the Postbag!
Enjoy your site & kindest regards
27 May 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
During June & July I will be updating the WM site from my laptop, so be patient if emails you send me do not appear straight away.
Enjoy your site & kindest regards
27 May 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
A new exhibition on the Warner Estate opens this week at the E17 Art Trail in Walthamstow. Read about it in the Highlights section below.
Enjoy your site & kindest regards
15 May 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
"A Night at the Pictures at the Wood Street Indoor Market" is the name of an event that promises fun and enjoyment: you'll find details in the"Highlights section" below.
Enjoy your site & kindest regards
11 May 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Bill Bayliss' article on "Britains Toys", and I strongly suggest you read both the article and Bill's accompanying email. I wonder how many of us have held in our hands at least one of Britain's toys!
A special thought to all Mothers 'out there', on Mother's Day...!
Enjoy your site & kindest regards
3 May 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Alan Miles has kindly sent in a note on Sasha and Dickin Medal, (posted in the Personal Stories Section).
Enjoy your site & kindest regards
29 April 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Inspired by Sally Passmore's email, Bill Bayliss has sent in an article concerning the Northcott House, (posted in the Personal Stories Section).
Enjoy your site & kindest regards
23 April 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
A remarkable set of "Then & now" pictures of High Street, Walthamstow, taken in 1971 and in 2010, was kindly supplied by Jane Lefwich: see "High Street Pictures" in our Personal Stories section. Many thanks to Jane!"
Enjoy your site & kindest regards
13 April 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
It will soon be Easter: our best wishes that it will be a joyful and peaceful one for all of you.
I have re-arranged the main menu, moving the "Maps" & "Walthamstow at War" sections under the more appropriate heading "History", and I've added a "List of Mayors" and a "Walthamstow Diary" to the "General" section, again under the heading of History.
Enjoy your site & kindest regards
11 April 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
A few new pages will soon come up on our site (possibly in the next few days) - I hope you will appreciate our efforts to provide further references on Walthamstow's history.
An article has just been sent to us by Bill Bayliss, on occasion of the 100th Anniversary of WW1, entitled Jack Cornwell, Victoria Cross. As usual, you can also find it in the Personal stories Section. Thanks, Bill!
Enjoy your site & kindest regards
7 April 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I've prepared for you a small Easter surprise: Walthamstow's "Lost Streets": a list of Streets that no longer exist, but you may come across Census/family records if you're searching your roots... I hope you'll find it useful!
Still working on the 'Galleries': the "Picture Gallery" has now a new format: you may browse the thumbnail pictures and, if you click on one, you access the slideshow in larger dimensions. Any feedback will be appreciated, in particular if you have additions to the captions.
Alan Miles has sent in Part 3 of his "Once Upon A Time In Walthamstow" article : "Oh Micky you’re so Fine" read it in the Personal stories Section. Thanks, Alan!
Enjoy your site & kindest regards
2 April 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I'm still quite busy turning "chaos into order" in the 200+ pages of our site. The next step will be even more of a challange: the picture and the postcard galleries.
I will probably create several galleries, each dedicated to a single subject.
Bill Bayliss has produced a new article: "The Sir George Monoux School Scandal" read it in the Personal stories Section. Thanks, Bill!
Enjoy your site & kindest regards
27 March 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
the Walthamstow Memories site has grown enormously since the early days: in contents, in size and - I'm very happy to say - in the number of visitors.
In order to accomodate this growth, I had to deeply reorganize the underlaying structure of the site: nothing you will notice... unless I've made a mistake! Although I have tested the changes and all seems to work smoothly, should you find any problem (i.e.: links not working) please let me know.
These 'internal' changes have taken a considerable share of my time and I have neglected our Newsletter: I apologise and promise that it will soon be back!
Enjoy our site & kindest regards
23 March 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I've been busy updating some of the "Lost & Found" pages, the FAQ page, and also adding more School pages to the "Schooldays" section: if you have personal stories and pictures you'd like to share... You're are most welcome!
By the way, if you'd like to see what our site was in 2002... Click Here!
Two new entries in the Personal Stories:
Many thanks to the authors!
Enjoy our site & kindest regards
18 March 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I have edited - quite extensively! - the 'Schooldays' section, which now contains a list of Schools, with some entries linking to single school pages. Information on some of the school names are also included (thanks to Bill Bayliss, who provided much of the material). Much more to be added, and I would be grateful for any info you might provide on the school you attended in Waltham Forest.
Another section which will be soon extended is the "Lost Streets" (existing, disappeared and/or changed): I will create a special page for this project - quite big task too!
The Personal Stories section has been enriched by four new entries:
Many thanks to the authors!
Enjoy our site & kindest regards
11 March 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I just completed a rather intensive update of the 2014 Postbag: there are many emails to read and also news go give:
Lindsay Collier, director of the Pumphouse Museum in Walthamstow, will be presenting his book "Walthamstow Through Time" (see below for details). Also, see the article on "The Guardian" on-line. Those of you who live in the area are invited to meet Lindsay.. and get your copy singed!
And another "Stowie" (now living in Canvey Island), Marion Cunningham has also written a book, in good part based on her family's experiences in Walthamstow before, during and after WW1, please read her email [here].
To both I wish a great success with their respective books!
Enjoy our site & kindest regards
28 February 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Thank you!
I received the following from Anna Mason of Vestry House Museum:
Dear Daniel,
Hope you're well?
I just wanted to write to let you know the good news that we've managed to pull together the funds for the scanner and the order has now been placed. We're very grateful to Walthamstow Memories and to you especially for your support - much appreciated! We are processing this financial year which ends very soon! Would it be possible to send a cheque for the donations received? Cheques are made payable to the London Borough of Waltham Forest and paid directly to the Museum and Archive.
Very best wishes,
Anna Mason
Museum, Gallery and Archive Manager
William Morris Gallery and Vestry House Museum
020 8496 1474
I, in turn, would like to express my personal gratitude to all those who have helped to achieve this result. Although my hope was to reach a higher figure, the final sum raised, which will be promptly forwarded to Vestry House Museum, is £220! Full info on the 2013 VHM Appeal page
Enjoy our site & kindest regards
27 February 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
A new article from Bill Bayliss tells us a brief history of a highly attended institution: The Walthamstow Baths.
Visit the Personal Stories section for more articles from Bill and other visitors.
Enjoy our site & kindest regards
22 February 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Alan Miles has provided a few commented extracts from Dawn R Young's book: Not Fade Away
Enjoy our site & kindest regards
19 February 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
There are two appeals which deserve our attention and, if possible, some help from you.
The first one comes from Emily Harwood, and concerns the Wood Street Market Cinema: read her email [here] and more on the project [here].
The second one is from Katherine GREEN, and refers to the Warner Estate: read her email [here].
Alan Miles has sent in another article: Abraham
We are always interested in receiving your personal memories (and pictures)!
Enjoy our site & kindest regards
31 January 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Alan Miles has added yet two new short articles - see his email in the current Postbag.
We are always interested in receiving your personal memories (and pictures)!
Enjoy our site & kindest regards
20 January 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Alan Miles has added four new short articles - little "pictures in words" of life in Walthamstow in the '60s: my grateful thanks!
Enjoy our site & kindest regards
16 January 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I've found a old copy of the "Walthamstow Official Guide - 1961": it contains a list of schools (and a few pics) that may be useful, so I've scanned the relevant pages and posted them on the "Schooldays section".
The guide also contains other usefu info & many ads of local shops. Give me time and I shall deal with this subject too: many visitors ask for names of business in the Walthamstow/Leyton area. Perhaps I shall create a dedicated picture gallery...
One more donations to our VHM Appeal - many grateful thanks to the contributor!
Enjoy our site & kindest regards
6 January 2014 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
A brand new year has started, and I hope it brings the many good things that could not fit in the past one!
For a start, our 2014 Postbag has already quite a few good entries - some from new visitors, who are always welcome.
Two more donations to our VHM Appeal - many grateful thanks to the contributors.
Enjoy & Kindest regards
14 December 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
It will soon be Christmas, and I wish to all of you warm (or fresh, if you live where now the summer heat prevails!) & happy days, in company of your loved ones, wherever you may be.
There's a new article by Bill Bayliss (The Royal Standard) and one from Alan Parsons (Arnold Parsons - A Wrestler from Walthamstow)
Alan has also sent in some interesting pictures [postbag 2013] on Warwick and Woodside Schools (in one you can see Mr. Knowles, father of our John Knowles!): can anyone add a few missing names?
Kindest regards
P.S. Please remember to visit the "Vestry House Museum Appeal 2013" page and consider contributing with generosity.
7 December 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I'm happy to announce that our top contributor of the year is Bill Bayliss, and at the second place is Alan Miles. The constant flow of articles from both of them - the former with historical articles, the latter with personal anectodes - provide our visitors with a large and enjoyable collection of readings and memories.
The latest articles are: from Bill ["The Walthamstow Palace"] and from Alan ["For Gallantry We Also Serve"], both are listed in the "Personal Stories" section.
I'm sure that many of our visitors have their own memories/pictures to share, so please do send them in!
Please remember to visit the "Vestry House Museum Appeal 2013" page and consider contributing with generosity.
Kindest regards
26 November 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
There's a new article from Alan Miles ["Sound of Silence"] in the "Personal Stories" section: thanks Alan!
I will soon be adding more pictures to the "Postcard Gallery", so if any of you have some old postcards you would like to be posted, email a scan of them to me at:
Please visit the "Vestry House Museum Appeal 2013" page and to please consider contributing with generosity.
Kindest regards
P.S. Please remember to let us know if you change your email address...
22 November 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
We are rapidly approaching the end of another year, full of good and bad news, innovations and experiences.
Thanks to you all, this site has grown in its contents and in the number of visitors: since the visits counter started off on 11/03/09, Shinystat have recorded a total of 124,740 Visits and 355,743 Page Views!
I must apologise for a belated "Happy Birthday" to John Knowles, creator of this site: it was yesterday, November the 21st! I'm sure you will all join me in sending him our best wishes!
As many of you know, on occasion of the "10th Anniversary Gathering" an appeal was launched, to help the Vestry House Museum. As a result of your generosity, we raised £750.00, which enabled the VHM to buy urgently needed archival equipment.
I am now asking you to visit the "Vestry House Museum Appeal 2013" page and to please consider contributing with generosity. Any sum will be highly appreciated and I feel that the VHM really deserves our support.
Kindest regards
P.S. Please remember to let us know if you change your email address...
27 October 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Lots of news today!
Back in Florence after a gorgeous week in UK! The weather was quite good: some rain, some sunny spells. As a close friend of mine says: "If you're unhappy of british weather, wait five minutes and it will change!". I had a full proof of this.
After a few days in London, my wife Pat & I made a short visit to Somerset and then back to London and, in particular, to Walthamstow to meet Dave Huges, Tony Regan and, after many emails, Alan & Andrea Miles. They all made us feel as "being at home".
Of course, we also went to visit my grandparents, at Queen's Road Cemetery: an appointment I could not miss.
In the mean time, Bill Bayliss and Alan Miles sent me two articles ("Selborne Park" and "Living in the Love of the Common People", respectively, both appearing in the Personal Stories section.
After a long time, I was delighted to have news from Tas Richardson (see 2013 Postbag) and, privately, from Norman Bird & Gillian Lawrence. Happy to know that they are still following the WM site.
Now, last but not least, great news from John Knowles, who is appearing in theatre in "Cowards in the Wings"!! See the promo [here]. Cowards in the Wings is available for bookings in its full theatre version or cabaret version - for more information contact or telephone: 01603 767033
Kindest regards
12 October 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
more emails in our 2013 Postbag and two new articles in the "Personal Stories" Section: one from Alan Miles (A Mother's Heartbreak) and one from Bill Bayliss (Whipps Cross Lido). I found them enjoyable!
I shall pay a short visit to London (and a very short one to Walthamstow! Could I miss it?) next week, so during that period I will be away from my pc and will not be able to post any emails on the site. Please be patient. However, don't stop sending emails in!
Kindest regards
30 September 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Yet two new articles, thanks to Alan Miles (Sam: You know where I am) and (Dead End Street), both posted on the Personal Stories page - look out for the "Just In" notice at the far right of the page
I shall pay a short visit to London (and to Walthamstow, of course!) in mid October, so during that period I will be away from my pc and will not be able to post any emails on the site.
Kindest regards
P.S. Please remember to let us know if you change your email address...
19 September 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
New articles to read, thanks to Alan Miles (When The Sun Sets) and Bill Bayliss (Edward Neville Bray), both posted on the Personal Stories page
Please, do let us know if you change your email address...
Kindest regards
14 August 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Temperature where I live (Florence, Italy) has been in the region of 40°C for several days...! Bless my air-conditioner!
I've updated the current Postbag with all emails received and also the "Personal Stories" section, with contributions from Bill Bayliss and Alan Miles.
Kindest regards
26 July 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Time slips through at rocket speed! Since my last update many emails have come in (see Postbag 2013), as well as some new entries in the Personal Stories Section: Articles from Tony Deuters and Alan Miles, that you will enjoy reading.
Kindest regards
26 June 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Many thanks to all those who have privately emailed to me, worried by my long "silence": I can assure that all is well, and that my virtual absence was due to a heavy load of calligraphy work I had to do (a real blessing in these days of economical difficulties!)
In addition, my grandaughter Vicky has been staying with us and she IS an energy-magnet!!
As a consequence, I had to work my way through many new emails, which now appear in the 2013 Postbag: Enjoy!
Kindest regards
14 May 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Our friend & contributor Dave Hughes is compiling a list of pupils & teachers who attended the Sydney Chaplin School: can anyone help?
Send Email to David Hughes
I will soon upload a very interesting article, appeared in 2001 on "The Local Historian", on Walthamstow's Film Industry in the Silent Era": I'm sure it will interest many of you!
Kindest regards
7 May 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I have been prevented from updating the WM site for quite some time, due to a heavy load of calligraphy work and, unfortunately, to some health problems which are now under control.
You will find quite a number of new emails (with pictures!) in our 2013 Postbag - several containing appeals for lost contacts which, I hope, you may be able to provide some answers with.
Kindest regards
10 Apr 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Read about the event taking place at the William Morris Gallery on May the 1st (See box below).
Another two short articles from Alan Miles will be soon available in the 'Personal Memories' section - if you have your own recollections of strange/weird happenings in Walthamstow, please send them in!
Kindest regards
6 Apr 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Alan Miles has sent in article that, I hope, will be a 'starter': "Spooks Corner". If you have weird/scary stories concerning the Walthamstow area, do send them in! I could create a new section, dedicated to this subject!
I have added a link in our "Links page" to a very interesting site: Waltham Forest Oral History Workshop: WFOHW began its work in 1983, and now has more than 600 recordings of life in Leyton, Leytonstone, Walthamstow and Chingford in north-east London. All recordings are stored at the Vestry House Museum (VHM) and are accessible by applying in person at the VHM. A digitisation programme has started and is likely to take until the end of 2020. Hopefully, on-line access may be possible in future. However, a few pdf books are downloadable (free) and others (paper versions) and are on sale.
Kindest regards
2 Apr 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I hope you enjoyed Easter with the ones you love.
A few new emails in our 2013 Postbag, and one in particular I would like to point out, concerning the William Morris Gallery in Walthamstow, that is now one of ten finalists battling it out for the prestigious award "The Art Fund Prize for Museum of the Year 2013". Do spread the news!
Kindest regards
22 Mar 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
There are new emails and pics in our 2013 Postbag.
I have just learnt that Dennis Penfold - those who attended the 2011 WM Gathering may remember attending to the 'Poetry Night' - is unwell: I'm sure you'll join me in sending him our best wishes!
Kindest regards
17 Mar 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I've just posted some new emails in our 2013 Postbag. Many thanks to Bill Bayliss, Rodney Silk & Michael Gilbey, who have kindly provided visitors with replies to their questions.
Kindest regards
14 Mar 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Sorry for having kept you waiting for some updates! Well, here they are:
Bill Bayliss has sent in an article in two parts (Part 1 / (Part 2) on the Priory Court Estate - please see his email in the 2013 Postbag. The articles are also featured in the "Personal Stories" section, where you may find a few more articles from Alan Miles.
Kindest regards
28 Feb 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Been busy again with Vicky (our 1 year old grandaughter) staying with us, so I was not able to update the site for some time. However, all emails received up to today are now posted in our 2013 Postbag.
More articles from Alan Miles will shortly appear in the "Personal Stories" Section.
Kindest regards
8 Feb 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I have just posted some new emails in our 2013 Postbag: one from Vicky Carroll concerning the William Morris Gallery and one from Dave Hughes, announcing a Sydney Chaplin Modern Scholl reunion"
Kindest regards
2 Feb 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I have just posted three short articles from Alan Miles, concerning Local Bands, in our
"Personal stories" section:
[Police Police Me]
[Only The Lonely]
[The Merseys]
Kindest regards
16 Jan 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Our friend Bill Bayliss has again provided us with another article on local history: The Highams Park Estate Prefab, posted in our "Personal stories" section.
Walter Purkis has sent in some old pictures of the Purkis Shop: check the 2013 Postbag...
Kindest regards
16 Jan 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Our friend Bill Bayliss has provided us with another stimulating article on local history: the Xylonite (Halex) Company, posted in our "Personal stories" section.
Kindest regards
16 Jan 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Another few changes to the appearance of the menu and the structure of the site: the "Search" tab is now an item of the Main menu, so it is available from any page, without having to return to the Home page.
Kindest regards
8 Jan 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I have spent a little time editing the navigation menu so it looks nicer, but I have also changed the order of the Postbag entries: the first entry is now 2013. I thought this makes it easier to access the latest postbag, rather than scrolling right down the column. I hope you agree.
Happy new Year!
8 Jan 2013 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
The first week of the new year has already gone - only 51 more weeks to go for another new year's eve!
In the meantime, new emails have come in for you to read in our 2013 Postbag...
Happy new Year!
19 Dic 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Our hearty good wishes for a 2013 full of health, wealth & love however near or far from Walthamstow!
13 Dic 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
The December 2012 Newsletter is about to be delivered in your email box, so look out!
Bill Bayliss has emailed some bad news about the Walthamstow constituency: read about it in the 2012 Postbag
Kindest regards to all
4 Dic 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Michael Gilbey has just sent in A brief visit: Observations whilst driving through Walthamstow. The article is posted on the "Personal Stories" page. Thanks Mike!
Lauren Newby has sent in an email regarding a project called "Walthamstow Through Time": read about it in the box below and if you're interested, email Lauren direct.
Kindest regards to all
24 Nov 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Alan Miles has just sent in The Last Time: an article in his recollections of the Stones.
The article is posted on the "Personal Stories" section.
Kindest regards to all
21 Nov 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Sally Passmore has just sent in Part 2 of her "Walk along High St.": with great accuracy she describes the many shops & stalls that once were there (God bless her good memory!)
The article is posted on the "Personal Stories" section.
Julia Spicer has kindly provided us with some pictures of her "Out of the Box" Exhibition: see them [here]!
Kindest regards to all
9 Nov 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I have taken a big decision: from now on, all received emails will directly land in the (current) Postbag. There is not much point on duplicating them on the Home Page, whilst it is quite a time consuming task for me, all the site being edited in HTML code. I think this will avoid confusion, and make it all seem more tidy.
However, as usual, I'm open to your suggestions...
Kindest regards to all
9 Nov 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Bill Bayliss has sent in another article (Cooks Ferry Inn). Many thanks, Bill, also for the opening dedication!
The articles appears in the 'Personal Stories' section. Enjoy!
8 Nov 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
You may notice a few minor "aesthetical" changes to the site, in particular the new "Public / Private Reply" buttons: they now appear on the home page and on the most recent "Postbags", I hope you like the new look.
Alan Miles has sent in another article (Oh what a night) on "The Rolling Stones" concert in 1963. Many thanks, Alan!
The articles appears in the 'Personal Stories' section. Enjoy!
22 Oct 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Alan Miles has sent in his memories of when he attended at the Rolling Stones concert at Leyton Baths, in 1963. Many thanks, Alan!
Also Bill Bayliss has sent in a piece which I highly suggest reading: "The Walthamstow Temperance Poem of 1884", and not just because it lists all the pubs in the area!
Both articles appears in the 'Personal Stories' section. Enjoy!
I've added new pictures and background music to the "Postcard Gallery": worth a visit!
19 Oct 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Two articles have just come in. One from Sally Passmore on her memories of High St/Willow Walk, and one from Bill Bayliss on the "Ensign Cameras". Great thanks to both our contributors! Both articles appear in the 'Personal Stories' section. Enjoy!
4 Oct 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Back from my short visit to UK I've found quite a number of emails to be posted: you will find them in the 2012 Postbag.
I was briefly in Walthamstow and it was great fun meeting Dave (Hughes), Tony (Regan), Jo (Brind). I also met Julia Spicer, who is preparing an exhibition at the Vestry House Museum (see box below).
Bill Bayliss has sent in two most interesting stories on Walthamstow's past: "A Malagasy noblewoman" and "Feugia Basket" - you will find them in the "Personal stories" section.
Thanks Bill!
17 Sep 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I have updated the site with emails received up to today. I shall be away from my pc until the 28th of September, so any new messages will be posted only after that date.
I will be in UK and in Walthamstow for a few days: looking forward to it!
In the meantime, enjoy the site!
If, when you access this site, you find that the 'date updated' is rather old, try first 'refreshing' the page on your browser (browsers do tend to copy and save pages locally...) - pressing the F5 key usually does it...!
6 Sep 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Since the last update to the site, Bill Bayliss has sent in two articles ("National Holiday Camps" and "Folly Lane") both of which are now on the Personal Stories Section: Many thanks, Bill!
There are two reasons for this to happen: the first is that many people use 'temporary and/or free' email addresses when writing to us. The second reason (alas!) is that perhaps there is no email service (yet?) available in the biblical green pastures...
In the latter case there is not much we can do if not wish a peaceful rest and possibly say a prayer.
In the former, we can only hope that the owner of the 'lost' email address visits the WM site and remembers to warn us of his/hers new address.
However, I would like to suggest one possible solution for the future. It is quite simple and I'm sure you'll consider it feasable.
24 Aug 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
our regular visitor Len Hall has sent in an extensive account of his memories, many pertaining to his life in Walthamstow. Read "Memories of a Ten Pound Pom" in the Personal Stories section. Many thanks, Len!
If, when you access this site, you find that the 'date updated' is rather old, try first 'refreshing' the page on your browser (browsers do tend to copy and save pages locally...) - pressing the F5 key usually does it...!
20 Aug 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I hope you all had a good summer break (perhaps watching the Olimpics?)
For the moment, I have removed the small section "Daniel's Hints", where I listed some Walthamstow items for sale on eBay. If you are interested, I will put it on again - please let me know.
Dave Hughes has made an appeal for pictures of Walthamstow, to be added to the project he's working on: please read the "Walthamstow Past & Present Project" box below.
If, when you access this site, you find that the 'date updated' is rather old, try first 'refreshing' the page on your browser (browsers do tend to copy and save pages locally...) - pressing the F5 key usually does it...!
15 July 2012 - From Daniel:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I've been busy doing some site re-styling and I hope you like it:
If, when you access this site, you find that the 'date updated' is rather old, try first 'refreshing' the page on your browser (browsers do tend to copy and save pages locally...) - pressing the F5 key usually does it...!
Dear Friends & Visitors, I'm finally back home and to my pc, after spending a month on the coast, to be closer to Vicky, our granddaughter.
In fact, we had her staying with us for over 15 days... how beautiful!
Upon return, I obviously found a load of messages in my email box, waiting to be posted... you'll find them below and, as usual, in the 2011 mailbag.
I've come across a very neat piece of software that might interest some of you: WriteItNow! This is a bag-full-of-tools for anyone who, amateaur of professional, wishes to write a story, a novel, or even his own 'memoirs' for use of their children or grandchildren... I've placed a link on the links page of this site. I recommend it to you: you can download a free trial copy here:
I've added an article on Andrex paper, by Bill Bayliss in the Personal Stories section.
10 May 2012 - From Daniel:
A recent email has stimulated Bill Bayliss to seek connections between Walthamstow and the Titanic.. read his article in the Personal Stories section or [here].
If, when you access this site, you find that the 'date updated' is rather old, try first 'refreshing' the page on your browser (browsers do tend to copy and save pages locally...
16 Apr 2012 - From Daniel:
My apologies for not having updated the site for quite a while, but been busy as a 'full time grandfather' with little Vicky.
I've just updated the site with many new emails to read..! Enjoy!
Perhaps not all of you have heard of the death of Jim Marshall, the founder of Marshall Amplifiers. Although not strictly pertinent to Walthamstow, I just wonder how many bands of the area used (or dreamt of using) a "Marshall"! Read more at:
23 Mar 2012 - From Daniel:
There is a new article from Michael Gilbey: My Memories of Achille Serre available on the Presonal Stories page. Many thanks Michael!
(Personal) Thanks to all of you who sent their best wishes to Vicky, my newborn granddaughter. She is staying with me & my wife for a few days: how wonderful!
21 Mar 2012 - From Daniel:
My best wishes for this first day of Spring!
There are two new articles - one from Neil Watling and one from Bill Bayliss, both available on the Presonal Stories page. Many thanks to both.
Alex Scott has announced a project regarding the 1953 Queen's Coronation street parties (read his email in the current Postbag) and get in touch with him if you have your memories to share!
11 Mar 2012 - From Daniel:
Last November, our friend Tony Regan, the "78 disk jockey", opened an internet shop: the site has now been totally re-styled, new titles and a proper fully functional cart added. If you're a old shellac record enthusiast as I am, you'll love visiting (also available at
A new article from Bill Bayliss: a very instructinve fragment of Walthamstow's history: The AEC Company - read it [here].
17 Feb 2012 - From Daniel:
A new section on the site: "Reginald King's Gallery" (under Galleries' on menu)!
Our grat thanks to Susan Powell for kindly scanning and providing us with a part of her uncle Reg's pictures, many taken in the period 1940-1960 in St. John's Road.
Read a short note on Reginald King [here].
Unfortunately, the pictures have no reference on who appears in them.. Do you recognize anyone you know? Let me know!
Bill Bayliss has sent in a very nice account of the Achille Serre Company (in the Personal Stories Section, and more articles are on their way: My Reminiscences, a 3 part Article on Lloyd Park and one on the Edward Lloyd family.
17 Feb 2012 - From Daniel:
I am very proud to announce that there's a new descendant of the Quinn's from Walthamstow: little Vicky was born early this morning from my son Alan and her mother Beatrice:
Just 9 hrs old...
God save the.. Quinns!
14 Feb 2012 - From Daniel:
Yet another new contributing visitor to the WM site: Sue Powell!. Sue has a large collection of photographs, made by her uncle Reg King in the 40-50s and she is kindly scanning them for inclusion on our site. (See her email of 15 Feb). We are very grateful to Sue for this: it will give a chance to many of our visitors to spot people and places of old Walthamstow... I think she deserves a complimentary copy of Dennis Penfold's book "Born to Struggle"!
14 Feb 2012 - From Daniel:
I hope you had a pleasant Valentine's Day with your loved ones. Sally Passmore has kindly sent in Part 2 of her memories:
Middle & Later School Days (in the Personal Stories section).
12 Feb 2012 - From Daniel:
An interesting exchange of emails on 'Walthamstow at War' (see Postbag 2012) and a contribution from our new visitor Sally Passmore on the Personal Stories section.
27 Jan 2012 - From Daniel:
HM the Queen to start Diamond Jubilee tour with visit to Walthamstow! Read of this on "The Guardian"
Also in The Guardian: "Campaigners form residents' association to fight Stow plans"
23 Jan 2012 - From Daniel:
A new personal story is in: "Flossie's Story", kindly sent in by her grandaughter Claire: it mentiones places & people from Walthamstow in early 1900 - she lived in the Albion/Parkston Area. You'll find it in the "Personal Stories" Section or by clicking [here].
I should also mention that I received Dennis Penfold's latest book "Born to Struggle"... and I just had to read it end-to-end in one go! How fascinating! (see the "Literature Section" on how to get it..
08 Jan 2012 - From Daniel:
You may have noticed a slight change in the heading and the top menu of the site: I thought I'd give a little 're-styling' on occasion of the year that just started. I hope you like it this way. Furthermore, I've added a index to months in the 2011 Postbag, and a 'go to top of page' button at each month. I will in due time adopt the same system to other postbags. Of course I'm always open to comments...
03 Jan 2012 - From Daniel:
Bill Bayliss has sent in an fascinating article on "WWI, Walthamstow & Airships" it's in the Personal Stories section. Thanks, Bill!
02 Jan 2012 - From Daniel:
We just received a generous donation for our 2011 Vestry House Museum Appeal from our visitor Edward Emery. Many, many thanks, Edward!
If you'd like to visit the VHM Appeal page, [click here]
01 Jan 2012 - From Daniel & John:
Dear Friends & Visitors,
John and I would like to wish you and your families a most enjoyful new year, rich of all the things you desire!
Thank you for visiting our site and supporting us in keeping it alive.
17 Dec 2011 - From Daniel: We've received an email from Gareth Howells (in 2011 Postbag) concerning a filming project to take place in W'stow: I'm sure many of our visitors might be capable of giving Gareth some feedback.
I've just posted on the "Personal Stories" section an exquisite tiny & 'modern' bit from Bill Bayliss:
'An Xmas Story of our times...'.
13 Dec 2011 - From Daniel: With a heavy good dose of apologies for the delay, I've just posted on the "Personal Stories" section another short (and brillant as usual, may I add!) article from Bill Bayliss on another fragment of Walthamstow industrial history: "F Wrighton & Sons Ltd".
With an equal amount of apologies, again for the long delay, you shall soon receive our Newsletter: I had promised one shortly after our 'Gathering', but in spite of Albert Einstein saying that "time is an illusion", sure enough this long interval of (my) time was far from an illusion: it was filled to the top with loads of tasks to fulfill....
13 Dec 2011 - From Daniel: The 'Mystery Roads' around Beacontree Av. in an old map
(see Walthamstow Maps Section) have attracted quite e few comments, the latest from Rodney Silk and from Mick Gilbey (who has also sent in a short article on "The Future Essex... in 1933" - posted on the "Personal Stories" section.
I've transcribed over 1200 entries for Baptism, Marriage & Burials, extracted from a collection of St. Gabriel's Parish Magazines (1928-1937). The PDF file is on the 'Family Search' page: do let me know if you find it interesting! Current Census information does not go beyond 1911: here you might find some useful hints...
3 Dec 2011 - From Daniel: Another fascinating article from Bill Bayliss on disappeared Waltahmstow: the Rael Brook Factory You may also find in in the Personal Memories Section.
15 Nov 2011 - From Daniel: Another bit of good news: Tony Regan (those of you who attended the Gathering last June have enjoyed his "78s disco") has opened a web site for his vintage records shop: Very basic for now, but more to be added soon! If you love old 78s, email Tony for your requests. Good luck, Tony!
14 Nov 2011 - From Daniel: The server was down during the last few days and those of you who tried to access this site got a nasty and worrying 'address not found' message in return... (Len Hall promptly warned me of this mishap - thanks Len!).
As you see, we're back on the road again and all has returned to normal. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may have caused.
Whilst we're tuned onto Good News: I'm happy to announce that Dennis Penfold's new book has finally arrived (see below for details). I'm eager to receive my copy!
8 Nov 2011 - From Daniel: Bill Bayliss has produced another article, this time on the "Ever Ready Company": I suggest you read it for it is a clever & concise story of this, sadly, long-gone factory. You'll find it listed in the "Personal Stories" section (see under Memories on the top menu). Thanks, Bill!
1 Nov 2011 - From Daniel: Dear Friends, back after having spent a most enjoyable sunny week in London and - yes! - a brief visit to old Walthamstow, where I had lunch with Dave Hughes, Tony Regan & Jo Brind. Dave is now working on a huge project: "Disappearing Walthamstow". He is gathering information on all businesses that were once active in this "special" part of London. I will keep you posted on his progress.
Bill Bayliss has sent in a very useful article on "St Mary's Roman Catholic Convent & Orphanage": you may find it listed in the "Personal Stories" section (see under Memories on the top menu).
17 Oct 2011 - From Daniel: Dear Friends, please take note that I'll be away from my pc from October the 22nd to the 28th - any emails during this period will be answered upon my return. Enjoy the site!
15 Oct 2011 - From Daniel: Bingo! My hearty good wishes to Ashlea & Jean, who through our Walthamstow Memories site (and Len's help too) have got in touch after over 50 years!! (see emails of 15 Oct) I'm really pleased!
15 Oct 2011 - From Daniel: My thanks to Len Hall, who has sent in part 6 of his memories - (see Personal Memories page), or read them HERE.
01 Sep 2011 - From Daniel: Please note that I shall be away from my pc until Sept 12th, and will be unable to reply to emails during this period.
05 Oct 2011 - From Daniel: I apologise for not having updated the site lately - I had a cataract operation that kept me away from the pc for some days. All well now: how wonderful to see with both eyes! .
01 Sep 2011 - From Daniel: Please note that I shall be away from my pc until Sept 12th, and will be unable to reply to emails during this period.
24 Aug 2011 - George Gascoigne School: A new entry in the 'Schooldays' Section: the "George Gascoigne School" a contribution from Bill Bayliss. Thanks Bill!
15 Aug 2011 - New member 'on board': Many of us have often enjoyed very precise and useful pieces of information on local & family history provided (either through private or public replies) by Bill Bayliss. We also read his own personal stories on his life in Walthamstow. John Knowles & I are very proud to announce that Bill has been appointed our honorary Consultant on History & Genealogy! A brief note, and a picture, now appear in the "Who We Are" section.
3 Aug 2011 - Personal Stories Section: Our regular visitor & contributor Bill Bayliss has just sent in a fascinating story: "The Crumps: Two British Home children from Walthamstow" - Thanks, Bill!
14 Jul 2011 - General: The Walthamstow Pumphouse Museum (formerly "The Lea Valley Experience") has created a new website and is encouraging people to check it out - you can see it at
Read about the Centenary Celebrations [here].
15 Jun 2011 - Personal Stories - Message from Daniel: A new personal story entitled Memories of Millfield by Bill Kibby-Johnson
29 Apr 2011 - Personal Stories - Message from Daniel: Read a fascinating account of life at Priory Court by Bill Bayliss [HERE].
23 Apr 2011 - New Section - Message from Daniel: Following Bill Bayliss' email on the Walthamstow Stadium (The Stow), I've added a new section, under the "History" heading (see menu at top): The Stow
27 Feb 2011: Gathering: New details in the programme [here] And soon, a newsletter will be issued with some big surprises!!!!.
2 Oct 2010: Encouraged by a few recent emails, I have added a new page, dedicated to those men & women who served in home forces during WW2: "Walthamstow at War" (under the "Memories" heading), : I hope that those of you who have personal recallings might want to share them with us...
Email Daniel
Hope it encounters your favour!