
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
Listed here are the 66 emails received during 2020.
One word of warning: following a severe computer crash early this year, some emails have still to be retrieved from my backups and added.
You are misinformed: Mr Stockdale was the "technical drawing" teacher in those years. Mr. Jones was the woodwork teacher. They had adjoining classrooms (sheds - if you like). Maybe this led to confusion. There was also a Mr Minchin ("Jim"), who taught metalwork. He was also in a "shed" - but that was elsewhere in the grounds of William Morris Technical School.
Terence ALLEN Private Reply Public Reply
The Tower Press jigsaw place was at 86, Palmerston Road. This would have been in the early 1960s. I believe it later became a "printers " shop where they made cardboard signs and things like that. That would have been around 1964 onwards. It may still have been called "Tower Press". The family that lived above the premises, and indeed were operating the business there were called Freeman. They had a son, Tom, who was a close friend.
Although the shop front was quite small, there was an extensive area at the back, which had vehicle access from a back yard.
This yard entrance was in fact in Gainsford Road. I believe it was quite an extensive business at the time,
albeit "family run".
The name "Field". Is not familiar to me.
Terence ALLEN Private Reply Public Reply
class="mlbody"Looks like John Burkin in the photo The YBA was a smashing club!
Gwen MCPHEE Private Reply Public Reply
Thomas March (my Father) - Last Day of Trolleybuses from Walthamstow depot 1958 Bell Corner.
Last Day of Trolleybuses from Walthamstow depot 1958 Bell Corner
If you are unable to receive this please let me know as I have other photos. Wood Street Walk etc. Regards
(neé MARCH)
Private Reply
Public Reply
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
It's almost Christmas, a time of the year particularly dedicated to being at home in the warmth of our loved ones. Indeed, the year 2020 will be long remembered for the Covid19 pandemic. A terrible experience, unfortunately not over yet, which has caused the loss of friends and family members, the closure of numerous commercial and non-commercial activities, the limitation of travel and, in part, our freedom. A worldwide event, which risks having a heavy impact also in interpersonal relationships: even the mere fact of not being able to hug or kiss, or exchange a handshake, especially in this festive period, poses a huge obstacle to the demonstrations of affection that we normally exchange. We will get over this ordeal too!
My thoughts go to the older people and, among them, to those who live alone, to whom I feel like giving a big hug ... unfortunately only virtual. A little more than seventy years ago the world emerged from a world war, which brought grief and pain, which separated families and friends. But then the time came to start again and to rebuild. From rubble, new buildings, new businesses, new friendships and new families were born. The inner strength of each one and the solidarity of all, made it possible for the economy to restart with great impetus.
We will have to follow this example.
In these pages we can find many memories and we are led to a certain melancholy, which is often felt by looking back, but I think we can also find the inspiration to launch our mind towards the future, taking an example from those who preceded us.
When you fall, your goal must be to get up and start again, and it is my wish that you are all capable of doing so.
Please have a look at Dave Hughes's DVD Appeal in the "Highlights" Section.
Ando also to the new page Dennis Penfold: A poet from Walthamstow. There is also one of his books (PDF) "Poems For Pleasure" you can read!
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site. Kindest regards and a great big hug!
We have a complete set of class photographs & can supply many names as we travelled through school together.
How do we pass these on for your site please?
Kind Regards,
& Kaye KIRBY
Private Reply
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From Daniel: just enclose the scanned images to your email. Thank you.
I am hoping you can help with some information on an address that I am unable to locate.
"64 Dagenham Road, Leyton" this is the address on my dad's birth certificate in 1930. I have visited the street and the number don't
go that far. I emailed Leyton council about 12 months ago, but 'no reply'. A friend in Cambridge has looked at the bomb drop map for that area during
WW11 which shows no strikes there. I am at a loss for this address. My dad passed away several years ago with dementia so I can't ask him and he had
no siblings. In 1936 my dad was living in Blenheim Road, Walthamstow.
Are you able to help in any way please?
Thank you for your time.
Teresa MARTIN Private Reply Public Reply
Peter Strutt (my husband's cousin) was the son of Tommy and Maisie Strutt.
Tommy was the brother of John Alfred Strutt (Jack). Jack and his wife Pauline ran Strutt's
sweet stall on the High Street in the late 1940s-early 1950's and I believe that Tommy and Maisie Strutt ran one in
St James at that time.
Thomas Jordan Strutt (Jack and Tommy's father) made the sweets and rock at the shop in Markhouse road.
Sadly,Jack passed away in 1954 following a tragic accident. Pauline and her 6 year old son John (my husband) left
Walthamstow, losing all contact with the family.
Going by posts that I have seen, Tommy and Maisie took over the shop from Thomas senior and Peter subsequently took over
from him until the shop closed in the 1970s.
Sue STRUTT Private Reply Public Reply
Hi I would like to join Walthamstow Memories.
Trudy NASH
Private Reply
Public Reply
From Daniel: No need to subscribe: just access whenever you like!
I came across the Wathamstow Memories site the other night and had a wonderful few hours looking through all of the information and memories.
I was born at Thorpe Coombe Maternity Hospital in 1963, lived at 133 Elphinstone Road, E.17, until my family moved to Suffolk in the summer of 1970. I attended Winns Infant School and have some class group photos.
I was wondering if this site is still active as there doesn't seem to be any recent activity and is it worth posting the photos?
Thanks for any help/information you may be able to give me.
Kind regards.
(neé HOLMES)
Private Reply
Public Reply
Yes the girl in the middle of the middle row was my Mum who was then Doris Turner. She spoke highly of a teacher called Miss Rogers. I that any help at all?
Alan THOMPSON Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
Thank you for your reply, I am sorry to hear about Bill Bayliss, it's sad to learn after he spent so much time devoted
to the history of Walthamstow, I think Genghis Khan Close has since changed name again? The area has gone
through so many changes, I used to frequent the Duke of Cambridge in Boundary road in my latter years in Walthamstow, so many memories...
Best Wishes
Steve Private Reply Public Reply
I was born in Thorpe Coombe in 1957 and lived in Walthamstow until my 30's,
I attended Connaught Hospital when I was about 7/8 years old and a few times
after, I remember the main entrance was probably the old town hall entrance. It was a huge entrance
door to me, due to being only a small child then, I never knew the old Town Hall was situated there,
that is a surprise to me.
I don't remember much about the hospital at all, except it was quite light and airy when you went
into the main building. I think the outpatients had some cubicles, as I remember the nurse trying
to administer a tetanus injection in one of them, only to get the needle in her own thumb when I
jumped as soon as I felt the needle touch me, the second attempt ended with me balling my eyes out!!
I live in Lennox Road, corner of Lennox Avenue, which later became
Genghis Khan Close. Lennox Ladders was a few doors up from us, we was
possibly one of the last residents to move out when they redeveloped the area.
Best Wishes
Steve (?) Private Reply Public Reply
Thank you for sharing your lovely memories.
I am a teacher at Mission Grove and have been for 8 years now.
If anyone else has anymore memories or photos please share. I'd love to share these with the children.
Natalie MIKKIDES Private Reply Public Reply
My mum, Ann Laker used to be a journalist for the Waltham Forest Gazette/Chronicle(?) in the 1970s.
She also worked for the local paper in Fulham either before or after, I'm not quite sure of the order. However, I do know by the time
I came along she was working for the Press Association covering cases from the Royal Courts of Justice.
She's now in her late 60s and I think she would love to rediscover some of her old articles if i can find them. Unfortunately, google has
been no help so far and I'm wondering if you might have any contacts or local knowledge that could point me in the right direction.
Many thanks in advance,
Alison EDWARDS Private Reply Public Reply
Yesterday, 11th November, 2020, the Old Monovians Association held their annual service of remembrance at the Sir
George Monoux College - online.
Here is a link to the video which you might like to share on your site and with others who might be interested:
Best wishes
Old Monovians
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Stockdale was the woodwork teacher also taught physics. Had the billiard cue over the head from him 1963-1968!
John SEARS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I've been researching my Family History and a relative lived in Lennox Avenue, Walthamstow in 1919. I was very interested
in your list of Lost Street Names but could find no mention of Lennox Avenue. I can see a Lennox Road on modern day maps of Walthamstow.
I wondered if you are aware of a Lennox Avenue in circa 1919 and if so where it was located and any information you have on that area.
Many thanks
Clive HARWARD Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
My name is David Ives born in 1945 and I lived at 32 Theydon Street from 1946 to 1955 and in Hibbert Road until 1970.
Growing up in Walthamstow in the 1950's and 1960's was great fun with such a wide range of recreational activities to choose from plus
Epping Forest close by to enjoy.
I have been writing my memories about living in Walthamstow and was interested to read Richard Dunn's memories who was a year younger than me.
His memories are similar to mine and my Dad used to be a conductor on the same bus routes as Richard's Dad!
I played with most of the kids down my road so it is highly likely that included Richard living at number 74 who I vaguely remember.
I also went to Gamuel Road Infant and Junior Schools, no memory of it ever being called Thomas Gamuel, perhaps that came about when the new
school was built and re-opened in 1980.
I was interested to see the Gamuel Road School photographs that have been submitted on the Walthamstow memories website, they were different classes
to mine but I recognise some of the faces but not their names.
The only two class photographs I have when I attended Gamuel Road Infant School was in 1950 & 1951, the class numbers don't give any clues to confirm
the years, but it looks like they were taken in the infants school hall?
1950 Gamuel Road Infants School
Picture kindly provided by David Ives
1951 Gamuel Road Infants School
Picture kindly provided by David Ives
I have also included two photographs taken at Low Hall Lane nursery when I was there in 1948 and 1949.
If you think these photographs would be useful additions to the Walthamstow Memories website then please upload them with the
rider "picture kindly provided by David Ives".
1948 Low Hall Lane nursery
Picture kindly provided by David Ives
1949 Low Hall Lane nursery
Picture kindly provided by David Ives
Please let me know if you require any further information.
Best wishes
David IVES Private Reply Public Reply
I lived at 48 Haroldstone Road, Walthamstow in 1940 and on the 16th September of that year my house was completely
bombed. By a miracle my parents, my sister and myself were not at home but we became homeless on that day. I have few memories of
that house as I was only six years old. Haroldstone Road was a cul-de-sac and I have photographs of the road as it is now.
I never went back to the site after the bombing and I would love to have a picture of the bomb site after the bomb fell. Apparently
the bomb site websites were nearly all started a month later so I have been unable to find a photograph. I wonder, could the local
newspapers have pictures of this bombing. I would be very interested if anyone knows what newspapers were around at that time.
Beryl DIFFEY Private Reply Public Reply
I am sure you made a mistake at the bomb at Church Hill/High street/Hoe street...
It was a V2 not a V1 - a great big difference!
I missed it by 2 hours. And missed one at the cinema at Ilford Broadway by 2 minutes. but did not missed being
bomb out at home 1 o' clock in the morning.
Angela DARLENE Private Reply Public Reply
I am looking for Patrick King, my first cousin. His Parents were Marie and Gerald King (the stamp enthusiast). He grew up as a boy in Walthamstow in the 1960's and 1970's. Many thanks for any direction anyone can provide.
Richard CHAMBERS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Bernard
I also was born in 1935 out in the far east where my father was sent to work for a British Tobacco Co., but when the Japanese
arrived in WW2 my mother and my sister and me were evacuated to New York, where my mother had some family.
By luck we stayed there and missed the war in London, when I returned to London I went to W.E.Whittingham in 1948 to Mr Greens
class my name is James Warner but they gave me the nickname "Yank" and I remember most of the boys in your photo.
I lived in Billet Rd. near the Crooked Billet.
It was quite traumatic for me to be plunged into another world as it was then but all the teachers looked after me and and boys
were ok towards me, not sure I remember your name can you remember me?
I have a good photo somewhere but can't find at the moment. Hope to hear from you!
James WARNER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
hope all is well. In your feb 2009 postbag there is an article that includes information on Allan Bernard Coyne.
I used to work with Allan and wonder if any of your readers know what became of him.
Chris SAVORY Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
I have been trying to find photos of Brunner Road. My Father Ronald Hunt lived
there at No: 3 with his family. He was born in 1930.
Over the years I have heard so many lovely stories about it and would love to see a photo.
I never got to visit the houses had gone by the time I was born in 1960.
I think they had a street party for the end of the war celebrations.
Or if anyone remembers my Dad, who sadly passed away in April this year, it would be great.
Thank you
Kim HUTCHINSON Private Reply Public Reply
This photo is of me being given the once over by Captain Stuart as we called him and some army chap, this was Maynard Road School, Walthamstow, my school at the time in around 1955-56 when I was probably 9 years old. It was great fun in the Young Braves Association, we went camping somewhere in Kent, and as angelic as we look in the photo, we were not! I remember we got hold of a hay/straw wagon (four wheels) and lugged it up a grass hill, where we all got on it, if I remember about 8 of us and took off down this hill which at the bottom was a quarry, we steered this wagon which had a hand rail, just as we reached the precipice we all jumped off sending the wagon into the void, it was lucky none of us were killed. That would have been the end of us and the Y.B.A. as well!
1955-56 Young Braves Association
Ron MOORE Private Reply Public Reply
Good afternoon Barry,
I've just seen the photo of Tony and my brother John. Gosh that's a long time ago! I remember playing in the road with the both
of playing cricket or football.
Sweet days
Private Reply
Public Reply
I have just read your article and was wondering if you know Josie Bonner, who went to Pitmans College in Holborn
London in about 1966?
My name was Diana Goodman and we used to be friends at that time with Mary Hellmuth and Jenny Ratcliffe?
If you could put me in touch with her I would be sooooooo happy.
Kind regards
Diana FIELD Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
I've been researching my family history and in particular something my mum told me about the Field family. I'd been looking for
a jigsaw factory in the area they lived in (Tottenham), when my Uncle told me he visited the factory, but it was in Palmerston Road,
Walthamstow, so looking at your site I've noticed a few postings from 2012 about it (18th March,
20th March & 8 Apr).
My great uncle was William Field and I think he and his father may have run the business.
Thank you to the contributors in 2012. I wondered if they, or anyone else, could remember more.
Also, I live in Bournemouth so am unlikely to get to Walthamstow, so can you recommend a Library or Museum, etc which may be able to help with more
official records, preferably online?
Many thanks
Geoff BEGLEY Private Reply Public Reply
Came across the school photo with me in it 4th row No. 7 while playing on the internet.
Moved to Waltham Abbey in 1973. Worked for many years in the City of London then had a Pub in Waltham Abbey for 6 years.
In 2005 I married a Thai girl I met in England and am now retired, spending most of my time in Thailand, I have not been back to England for 3 years now.
I have lost touch with all my school chums, if you could put me in touch with anyone I would be most grateful.
Yours sincerely
Rod MOXON Private Reply Public Reply
I was a pupil at Chapel End Seniors from 59 to 63 and Headmaster, Mr Cyril Burton, signed all my reports.
Who do I have to contact for any form photos during that period?
I am willing to pay for copies, but decent scanned copies, emailed in full pixel is fine also.
Kind regards
Roy GRESS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Martin,
my late father William Douglas Weeden (known by the workname Joe Weeden) worked for E N Bray
for many years, and recounted his personal memories of Mr Bray to me many times. Before Dad died I was able to do some research into the
remarkable Mr Bray, which the late Bill Bayliss was kind enough to acknowledge in his post on the company. I will be interested to hear from
you about what happened to E N Bray Limited.
Colin WEEDEN Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Ray
My name is Bob Staples and I was at William Elliott Whittingham school from 1952 until December 1956. I was a member of White
house colour green, if you remember, the other houses being Wills (yellow) Elliott(blue) Hams(red). I remember Mr Green history
teacher and Mr Dobson woodwork and Mr Below my form teacher who caned me for doodling in my English book.
Mr Spicer the sports master chose me for the eight hundred yard race and I can still remember the stitch pain running up the hill
part of the running track at the back of the school in the annual sports day, even today. I am seventy eight years old and thanks to the sports
events we were encouraged to enter ie football, cricket, athletics and gymnastics during the years at WEW I am sure this has helped to keep me
in good health over the past sixty odd years, since leaving. I still play golf three times a week at least.
My great friend at the time was David Mc Millan, who lived at 10 Sinnot Road E17, who was also my best man at my wedding in 1963.
Unfortunately we have lost contact with each other over the years and it would be great if we could catch up with each other again before the
GRIM REEPER comes to call.
All the best
Bob STAPLES Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
My grandfather lived at 88 Church Hill, Walthamstow, with his common in law wife from about 1930-1961 is possible to verify any
information about them?
His name was Morris Pechenik and his partner was Ranky, she took his surname.
The name Morris could also be Moshe rather than Maurice.
Best wishes
Alan WILSON Private Reply Public Reply
Looks like The Walthamstow Cricket Club is getting a name? Barry Melton and Stephane Missri
will be playing there on 1st July, Bruce Barthol and Ron Trueman-Border will be there on 5th August and
Julie Felix will be playing there will support from local legend John Arthur on the 24th September. Tickets
available soon at Barking Spider. Seating is limited, so please request a seat when booking and one will be reserved for you.
Tickets may also be limited on the door.
Email me if you have any questions.
David HUGHES Private Reply Public Reply
Good evening Daniel
My name is Ensenora Chung, a student at London South Bank University doing Housing studies.
I am doing a research on regeneration of Walthamstow I am wondering if you have any pictures of the old post
office on the corner of Hoe Street and the High street you can share.
Thank you for you help
Ensenora CHUNG Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Dear Ensenora, I could only find the following link: Barry Rider's email, but I'm afraid it's not the same PO you're looking for. Perhaps one or more of our visitors may help?
Hi I'm looking for photos of Erlind Hoxha, who went to Warwick School for boys, Walthamstow, in 2000-2003.
I need to find proof of him at that school for Home Office any help would be much appreciated.
Shenel DERVISH Private Reply Public Reply
I've just dug out some class photos from my time at Mission Grove School. I've attached the one from my final year there.
The teacher is Miss Tuckwell.
Is there anyone out there who appears or knows someone on it? I can put names to some of my classmates but, after 60 years, not all.
I'm at the end of the top row on the left.
Class Photo 1960 Miss Tuckwell
Graham COMPTON Private Reply Public Reply
I used to work at Rediffusion TV rentals in Wathamstow, 106a High St., during the early 1960's.
I have quite a few memories of local establishments & traders of the period.
One of my best memories is that of Tony's Cafe in Linden Road, where I used to regularly go for lunch, that is until I discovered
the much more up-market Selborne Restaurant!
I'd be pleased to put some of these memories up on you site, if you are interested.
David STONE Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Many thanks, David. We are always happy to receive personal recollections from our visitors, so... go ahead!
I am looking for anyone that knew the Peck Family there was Joan, Doris, I think an Adrian,
William and Margaret. Their mother was a Rickards, name of Kathleen. One of the sisters
Winifred Ivy Rickards married George Tyler they went on to have 3 Children: David and Roger and
Brenda they were twins.
Does anyone remember any of these people whilst growing up? They are DNA connected to me, but can not find anything about them.
Thank you
Jan GLENISTER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi all,
Who was the man who liked getting up and singing the pubs in the 1960s in Walthamstow and Leyton - he sung so good he did "Ho in the fox and hound", he named himself Ricky Watson?
Theresa PAICE Private Reply Public Reply
Good morning Daniel.
I am writing to you for some advise and action concerning the following. My wife Ann died last September following a lengthy illness.
We had been married 63 years and had two children Andrew and Sally. Both attendees Thorpe Hall. This
was in the 1970s.
Ann was a teacher at the school during this period. She had the reception class. Mrs Rutter was the headmistress. Ann wrote
and illustrated several books about a character Jimmy Bean. She read them to her class on many occasions. i have recently found these books.
I have sent the first book. to a publisher who has agreed to print and publish. It will shortly be available via Amazon and other retail outlets. All profits
are going to the Queen Elizabeth Hospice and The British Lung Foundation.
I would like to send a copy to the school in the hope that perhaps some parent or other person or even Grandparent may remember Ann and her stories.
Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you.
Ron JOYES Private Reply Public Reply
Anybody still out there who was at William Elliot secondary school between 1953-1957. I am still in contact with my old friend Gordon Mulholland?
Ray DENNISON Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
I hope you have enjoyed St. Valentine's Day with your loved ones.
There are new pictures on "The Karilion" (Local Bands Section): many thanks to Norman Moore, ex-member of the band.
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Hello Len,
How very sweet of you to write me about Ulisse. Indeed Pat & I do miss him very, very much. Over 16 years always together (only when we made short
visits to UK, due to the mandatory quarantine, we left him well cared at home). He has travelled with us to Spain, France, Andorra (and even at Lourdes!)
and I had made a special ramp for him in the car, so that he could comfortably sit in between the two front seats.
We took Ulisse in 2004. He was owned by a beggar who always sat in front of a church, very close to my shop.
The social worker told us that they had found a home for him, but Ulisse could not follow.
When Pat brought Ulisse to my shop for the first time, he greeted me as if we had known each other for ever: I was his "boss" - as you may well
know, dogs decide who the 'boss' is (after them being the first one, of course!)
We had him checked by a vet and all was well; had him properly washed and cleaned and since then he even slept with us!
In fact, I always thought that Pat & I were allowed to sleep in his dog's bed. He was so jealous about me, that Pat risked a few times to be bitten,
should she get too close to me!
His health was quite good, even in his late years, except when we visited Florence last September. We had to take him to a vet hospital because of
what seemed a bad gastritis. They checked him thoroughly and two days later they told us he could safely travel back to Spain. On our way, we had to
stop at a vet in Cannes: he had vomited and looked really poorly. But after a few hours he picked up again and we were able to continue.
When we took him to the vet here where we live, they told us that he had a cancer very close to his heart and that nothing could be done. Apparently he
was expected to die within a few days. To the contrary, he was well & bright until the night before he died, several months later. He was only a little
deaf and his sight wasn't at the best, but he would briskly run about.
He would stay on a couch next to me when I was at my desktop and, at about 10 pm in the evenings, he would start calling me for "bed time"!
You are right: we still feel him around us and expect to see him trot along at all times of the day (and night!).
His love - in particular for me - was really unconditional, as well ours for him. We always considered him our "four legged son".
How nice was Freddy too! He was very lucky to be saved by you: surely had a wonderful life since.
You & Pam are admirable! Still actively cycling about and moving houses!! Congratulations! God bless you!
Daniel QUINN Email Daniel
From Daniel: Please forgive me this very personal digression from the site's theme, but Len's message was so touching... that I just had to share.
Hello Daniel,
I just had a look at the old Walthamstow site and saw your message about Ulisse and I know how heart breaking a pet's passing can be as we have had
that sad time several times.
It never gets any easier and our last dog was a rescue dog named Freddy (pictured below) whom we adopted when he was eight years old.
We had Freddy for about 6 years and I really was attached to him despite the fact that he cost us about $10,000 in vet bills alone. At the end he was
blind and deaf and also a twice a day injection diabetic. We finally helped him to pass at 14 years.
Only yesterday my daughter Fenella who lives 100 metres away now asked me if I still had Freddy's collar as she had some friends arrive for the weekend
and they had forgotten to bring a collar for their dog. Freddy passed on February 26th two years ago but I still have all his coats and collars etc.
We did have his ashes too but we decided to do as we had done with the others and scatter the ashes along his favourite runs and we enjoyed doing that.
Needless to say as I went through his belongings I shed a few tears as it all came back to me.
Len Hall's "Freddy"
Freddy was an Apricot coloured toy poodle although he was maybe a miniature as he was a bit taller but I absolutely loved him and he was the 4th poodle
we have owned, the others were white and black and I loved them all. Prior to poodles we had Labradors and setters both Irish and English.
I am hoping that now we have moved to Busselton in the south west and have now sold the house in Perth we may get another dog but there are still a few
problems ahead to sort out. Pam has had a moon boot on her foot for almost 9 weeks and we got the OK to remove it yesterday. We have a grandson's wedding
to go to Perth for on February 29th and my daughter is going to America in March to have some mesh removed from her body and we shall be looking after her
cats and dog for about a month.
Time is a healer Daniel and the pain does ease as time goes on but you will still see Ulisse everywhere around the house I am sure until the grief eases.
Meanwhile I am 83 this year and have joined the local cycling club and I am riding with them and my son in law too so I am quite fit other than some Arthritis
in my right hand and I am consulting a specialist about that on Monday. Also now that Pam's foot is healed we hope to get out on our tandem bike as there is an
excellent path system in Busselton. Pam is 82 next week.
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
Bill Bayliss was a fountain of knowledge and he compiled the article about E.N. Bray P/ltd at my request and he did a wonderful job by sorting out the history of the companies founder. Personally I left the company around 1966/7 and finally England in 1970, however, I am now 83 this year and my apprenticeship stood me in good stead for the rest of my working life in Australia. Most of those people mentioned in the article especially Denis Cooper (my best man) and John Niall have now passed away as have many others, but actually I would like to know what did happen to the company before it closed down in Waltham Cross, I did hear that the name still existed for a while. So Martin Knowles get you thinking cap on and let us have the story and names too please! I recall Harry Newman, Earnie Willis, Mr Sayer and many others, but my memory is fading...
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
Just thought I would send you a photo of my Father's Walthamstow Avenue's Badge. He had great pride in the Club,
and was a good friend of Jim Lewis. His name was Edward Harry Slade and was Assistant
Secretary to the Club during the war years of which he was very proud.
I was born in Walthamstow at 30 Rosslyn Road in 1946, but moved away when I was 3.
Edward Harry Slade's personal
Walthamstow Avenue FC's Badge
Paul SLADE Private Reply Public Reply
My mother, 2nd from top left, lived around Sinnot rd. Doreen Cornhill. Six sisters in total up to 1965ish. Not sure what school this would have been.
Unknown Walthamstow School
WJMulQueen1 (no further names) Private Reply Public Reply
My name is John Powell I was the drummer in "The Karilion" for about one year. I am in the photos shown here. I would like to get in touch with anyone from the band. I was out of the country from 1974 to 2010 and now live in Chingford. Just for the record, I was the drummer for Brian Ford and the Fairlanes and the lead guitarist was Roger Crooks.
John POWELL Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Terry,
Thanks for emailing me. Since my comments don't seem to have appeared on the walthamstowmemories site, I was beginning to think they
had ended up as junk.
Looking back, I'm surprised how little mixing there was between classes and years. I really only have memories of children in my class, in fact
I'm unclear how many classes there were. I don't remember children being selected for a class or moving between classes, but I think there must
have been more than one class for each year and I don't think it could have been alphabetical. I now live in the Derbyshire countryside (currently
complete with flooding and snow) and my daughter attended a small school where there were not enough children to have single age classes.
You were lucky to get lessons on cars, we didn't get anything like that. Having been in education and having a cynical mind my guess is that he had
a class to cover and hadn't prepared anything; although there wasn't the same attitude towards the syllabus in those days (I suppose there was a syllabus?).
I have vivid memories of the mulberry tree. Knowing now that the berries are edible, all that sticky mess was a terrible waste. I remember sliding towards
that tree on a strip of polished ice, falling over and biting the playground. My tooth was loose for the rest of the day and still sits behind its neighbours.
Looking on Google Earth, that tree is long gone.
A couple of other vivid memories: I remember the whole school being taken outside to see a balloon going over and there was a wood-yard that stretched between
the High Street and the playground wall that occasionally caught fire.
I lived in Woodville Road and if pushed, could get into school on time by leaving home when the bell sounded, around the corner into
Buxton Road (past the sweetshop and the shop with the rather shifty looking men, that later became legal as a betting shop) and then a mad dash
up Apsley Road and into the back entrance. Looking at Google Earth, the school has expanded over Apsley Road and my old house now backs onto the
grounds. That would have been useful.
I don't think Walthamstow was very multicultural in those days. To be honest, the only non-white face I remember at all was a sikh boy that moved to my secondary
school in around 1962. He had hardly moved in when he was expelled for brandishing his cultural knife. In London, there was also Prince Monalulu
("I gotta hoss!").
Do you remember the old power station behind Hoe Street Station? I have a vague memory of walking along Selbourne Road past large wooden structures
that must have been cooling towers. Half of the Rec park there seems now to have been lost to a bus station. There was a wonderfully dangerous device in the lost
half that was like a cone with a bench seat around the edge. It rotated and swung and would definitely have been condemned in the current climate. It was great.
I spent quite a lot of time pouring over government surplus junk in a shop along St Mary Road; can't remember the name of the shop. I still have some
of that junk.
Can I ask a favour? I spent some time thinking about those memories that I put in my posting, but didn't keep a copy. Could you send me a copy of the email
you received please? Assuming you haven't deleted it.
Thanks for the opportunity to pick over the past - feel free to continue the conversation!
Graham COMPTON Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I'm looking for general information regarding our Car Showroom. We have just finished a whole new showroom and have been talking about what was there before
us from years gone by. We have heard different stories and would like to do a story which will be on show in the showroom on how the showroom has progressed
but, most importantly, what was here from say 1870 to date. Was there a house here, a shop or just open land (we are 65/71 Hoe Street). We did
find some old chemist bottles when we were digging and we have kept these for show. If you have anything it would be lovely to know
Thank you
Debra CONWAY Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: I hope some of our visitors can provide Debbie with useful info.
Hi Daniel,
I note your new listing of local bands. I draw your attention to one of the early bands: "The Y′s Guys". They flourished between 1964-67.
Five members:
Paul Wellman - lead guitar
John Austin - base guitar
Ron - rhythm guitar
Ray Paris - drums
Alan - vocals
From memory: they won the "East London Beat Contest" - or something like that- in 1967. They were to make a demo disc as a result. But the band
disbanded, as schooldays were ending, and all were in that 17-19 age group, and needed to go and find a job in the real world. I think Ray on the drums
became a successful session musician in later years.
Terry ALLEN Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Many thanks, Terry! The WF Groups page has been adequately amended.
My grandmother Rosena Powis was one of those who was injured when the roof of Walthamstow dog stadium roof collapsed,
when Winston Churchill was going to give a speech. Can anybody shed any light on this incident?
Many thanks
Bob POWIS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Graham / Daniel
I have just seen your 2019 comments on Mission Grove School.
I must confess, I do not remember you, but you would have been one year ahead of me.
However your reflections have brought the memories flooding back.
Indeed , I recall Mr. Tollet, although headmaster, used to take the odd class for boys to show them how the internal combustion
engine works. - we would all stand around his " Ford Prefect" car, with the bonnet lifted, while he explained the various parts of the
engine (unless you were mechanically minded, at the age of 10-11, the excercise was lost on most of the boys).
I recall there was an old tree in the middle of the playground. It had a metal railing fence around it. I believe it was a mulberry tree.
Each summer, there were ample “berries” squashed in the playground. Inevitably they were sticky, and made an awful mess when they got
stuck to the sole of your shoes.
One poignant memory. In 1959 or 60 I recall Mr Potter introducing to the class a newly arrived pupil from Mauritius. That was the
first time I had met anyone from that part of the world. Probably a "first" for Mission Grove.
Like you, Graham, I have not been back to visit Walthamstow for around 50 years. Maybe one last trip down memory lane before it is to late is in store.
Terry ALLEN Private Reply Public Reply
Hi my name is Dave Hughes and I remember 50+ years ago when I worked for The Evening News delivering to two Mackie shops. The first one was in Courtney Place/Mews, but the second one was in Billet Road between Durban and Kimberley Road.
David HUGHES Private Reply Public Reply
I am in the midst of organising a reunion for members of our class, 1H-5H, 1962-1967. I am now in contact, or aware
of, 19 of the 31 members of this class; 10 of us are meeting up in May 2020, with another 4 hoping to be able to make it there too. I would very much
like to find a means of contacting the remaining 12 "girls". Would it be possible/suitable for me to list their names here, and firmly
cross my fingers?
Many thanks
Laraine HAKE
née ORAM
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
My partner′s uncle owned the fruit and veg stall David Digger Digby. With the passings and moving they have lost contact.
I know he would be mid 80s and had a partner called Rita and a sister called Peggy.
I was wondering if anyone knew or knows him if they wouldn't mind helping I would be gratefully pleased.
Many thanks, Tina x
Tina HUNTING Private Reply Public Reply
I am in the Veteran Cycle Club, and remember Braysher's.
Peter EDWARDS Private Reply Public Reply
I was at McEntee tech 1957 to 1962. I was a classmate of Ted's for the last 2 years. I think you had a siddely car. Drawing office master was 'Taffy'
Taylor. Taffy used to say ‘I promise to get you through the exam if you work” (best said with a welsh accent). He used to mark drawings too
high (I think he would have given 15 OUT OF 20 for a blank sheet of paper!)
MO BROOKS,DAVIS,EVIL SMELLING GELLING (refers to the chemical smells he concocted and unleashed into the corridor for during the breaks), Kingston,
d e Smith(french), the oat crunchie man (biology), hare metalwork, maggie palmer(english) were other Teachers.
Les Barrell (a pupil) died young. I met Peter Nice a few years ago. Incidentally, I am the less intelligent of the 2 Peter Edwards in our year.
Best wishes to all
Peter EDWARDS Private Reply Public Reply
A long shot - does any-one know of my ancestors the Raffe family who lived at 61 Turner Road in the 1911 census. They were still there in 1914. Frank Ernest was my great grandfather his wife was Anna Louise and she was Swiss apparently with broken English. Frank was born in Suffolk but came to Walthamstow via Birmingham and Glasgow! his occupation was in hosiery or outfitting (shop). He upped and left the family in 1914 for Canada- I'd like to know why?! And why did my grandfather Edward change his name from Edward Treschler (many spellings) Raffe to Edward Thomas Lee? What I'd really love is some photo's of the family to show my father as he didn't know anything about them.Anything would be amazing, thanks.
Diana LEE Private Reply Public Reply
Hi, I saw an article about E.N. Bray by
Bill Bayliss and wondered if he wanted any more info. The article mentioned very briefly the end of the company in 1987, but it
didn't shut then. It went on for quite a while and if he is interested in the rest of the story I can be contacted on this e-mail address.
Martin KNOWLES Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Very sadly, our dear friend and prolific contributor Bill Bayliss passed away in December 2017. However, any further information you may provide on E.N. Bray is welcome!
Hi, have you anything or photos on the Lorraine Club in the late 1960s to 1970s? It was at the Royal Forest Hotel
I attended Warwick Girls School 1959/1964 as Heather Bell. Miss Hubbard was Head Mistress. I enjoyed my time there and was a prefect in the fifth year. I am still in touch with some pupils.
Heather HATTON Private Reply Public Reply
Hi There, I am looking for any info on the MACKIE FAMILY, who owned two newsagents shops in Walthamstow between 1950s-1980s approx.
Violet M Mackie operated the newsagents in Courtenay Place, where the back of Sainsburys was eventaually built. I remember an umbrella shop
across Courtenay Place!
Mrs Mackie lived above the newsagent shop and had a labrador called "Lad"...
Ernest Mackie had a newsagensts on Blackhorse Road and lived in Carrisbrooke Road, just off the High St.
I am a direct descendent of this family and also related to the Coats Family , Leslie and Eileen
(Violet Mackie's daughter), who lived at 63 Chester Road.
Anyone with any info on my relatives?
I would be very grateful for any.
Nick GREEN Private Reply Public Reply
Can anyone inform me when the late Councillor JACK HENDON passed away, as my niece (who is doing Open Uni Degree) has asked me for the
information, as Jack was known in my family as Uncle Jack.
Yours Ken
Kenneth RICKWOOD Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
... and Welcome back again to a fresh new year!
My best wishes to you all!
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Do any past members of The Lone Parent Association still live in Waltham Forest? The group was sent up by Janet Saad and myself, Dave Hughes in the 1980s and it would be nice to see how members are now.
Dave HUGHES Private Reply Public Reply