
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
William Elliott Whittingham was born in Walthamstow in 1843 and married Margaret Richie from Scotland. He was a preserved provision maker and was in partnership with his brother in law as provision merchants.
He was closely involved with the renaissance of Monoux school when it was rebuilt and relocated in Walthamstow High Street and donated a laboratory and lecture room to the school in 1892. He died four years later in 1896.
(Text kindly provided by Bill Bayliss)
William Elliott Whittingham - Boys Council School, Higham Hill Road, opened in 1911. It was reorganized for senior boys in 1929 and closed in 1959.
Hi Bernard
I also was born in 1935 out in the far east where my father was sent to work for a British Tobacco Co., but when the Japanese arrived in WW2 my mother and my sister and me were evacuated to New York, where my mother had some family.
By luck we stayed there and missed the war in London, when I returned to London I went to W.E.Whittingham in 1948 to Mr Greens class my name is James Warner but they gave me the nickname "Yank" and I remember most of the boys in your photo. I lived in Billet Rd. near the Crooked Billet.
It was quite traumatic for me to be plunged into another world as it was then but all the teachers looked after me and and boys were ok towards me, not sure I remember your name can you remember me?
I have a good photo somewhere but can't find at the moment. Hope to hear from you!
James WARNER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Ray
My name is Bob Staples and I was at William Elliott Whittingham school from 1952 until December 1956. I was a member of Whit house colour green, if you remember, the other houses being Wills (yellow) Elliott(blue) Hams(red). I remember Mr Green history teacher and Mr Dobson woodwork and Mr Below my form teacher who caned me for doodling in my English book. Mr Spicer the sports master chose me for the eight hundred yard race and I can still remember the stitch pain running up the hill part of the running track at the back of the school in the annual sports day, even today. I am seventy eight years old and thanks to the sports events we were encouraged to enter ie football, cricket, athletics and gymnastics during the years at WEW I am sure this has helped to keep me in good health over the past sixty odd years, since leaving. I still play golf three times a week at least.
My great friend at the time was David Mc Millan, who lived at 10 Sinnot Road E17, who was also my best man at my wedding in 1963. Unfortunately we have lost contact with each other over the years and it would be great if we could catch up with each other again before the GRIM REEPER comes to call.
All the best
Bob STAPLES Private Reply Public Reply
Anybody still out there who was at William Elliot secondary school between 1953-1957. I am still in contact with my old friend Gordon Mulholland?
Ray DENNISON Private Reply Public Reply
I was there from 1947 to 1949. Mr Dobson, I remember well, as I do R. Nelson, art teacher, and Mr (mad) Thomson, metal work. Mr Green, 1a, Mr Baker 2a and Mr Watts, who kept a short cane in a bucket of water. I remember one day, during desk inspection, some boys had a handlers chart, under scores were made level by Mr Watts!
Mr Smith was Headmaster. I wonder how many boys are still around from Class 3a? See pic of Jan 17 of class 2a with Mr Green.
Bernard HOWARD Private Reply Public Reply
Mr Dobson was the wood work teacher. I was there 1944 to 48. On the front desk/worktop Mr Dobson had a ship which he was building. One thing I remember was you could not make anything until a drawing was done with relevent sizes and materials. My mother had a toasting fork with brass ferules etc and a mahogany tea tray which I made in his class and others which I cannot remember what happened to them
Robert ELLIS Private Reply Public Reply
I was at William Elliott from 1955 to December 1958 W.G. Acres (Bill but not to his face) was headmaster, Mr New took art, Mr C.J. Lines, Mr W.E. Green and "Bertie" Baker a real character who was at the school during the 2nd World War took geography were other masters.
Keith COOPER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel, thanks for getting back. The photo is "Mr Green 2a":
I was in Mr Bakers class and Mr Watts when I left in 1950.
Love your web site - what a lot of work!
Oh, by the way, have any knowledge of the Valley Ramblers Skiffle group I played tea chest.
Colin HARES Private Reply Public Reply
Hi I was at William Elliott Whittingham and in the photograph second row down on extreme left: Colin Hares.
I am 79 years old now living in Suffolk. Happy if anyone wants to reply...
Colin HARES Private Reply Public Reply
Hi there.
I was at William Elliot school between 1952 and 1957 and I am sorry to say that I have no memory of a school photo being taken during that time. One of my memories of the football field was that it was on a hill, it was fine going down hill but hard going up the hill. I don't ever remember getting any encouragement from the teachers. I think we were regarded as factory fodder. Despite this poor start after having numerous jobs I ended up as a police officer for over 27 years
Ray DENNISSON Private Reply Public Reply
Found your sight by accident last year, and have signed up. What a wonderful time I am having reading all the old letters, and finding an old friend as well!
I was born in Thorpe Coombe (as most of my family were) in 1935. I can recall all the places and streets folk mention. Lloyd park, catching newts in the pond, the High St. Palace, 6pence to sit in 'the gods' watching a show. The friendly stall holders, and Manzies pie and mash. Saturday morning pictures at the Granada, 8 cartoons a comedy & western at the Empire Bell corner.
I get down to Walthamstow 2 to 3 times a year, and my daughter takes me on a nostalgia tour, always ending in Manzes.. I could go on but another time perhaps.
This photo is of 1947/48, William Elliott Whittingham boys. Who is still around today? Teacher was Mr.Green
Front row (L to R): Benson, Ron Stotter, Alex Herring, Me!, Dave Anderson (can't remember last two).
Next row up 1st: Morris Wood, 2,3,4,5 & 6 can't remember, 7 Willie Lee , 8?, 9 Reed, 10?.
Next row up and back row my memory fails me. Hope it helps!
God bless you all
Bernard HOWARD
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
William Elliot School: from top left Mr Watts great Teacher, also there's an Oldfield, Sinfield, on the second row there's H. Smith, end of same row on right is F. Smith, T. Bernthal, front row right is B. Hull, J.Smith, then myself and front left is F. Collinson. I'm afraid I cant remember any more.
Cheers for now.
Ed WYBROW Private Reply Public Reply
Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Acres, Mr. W.G. | Head | 1955-58 | (Bill) |
Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Acres, Mr. W.G. | 1955-58 | (Bill) | |
Baker, Mr. | Geography | 1940's-50's | (Bertie) |
Green, Mr. W.E. | 1947-58 | ||
Lines, Mr. C.J. | 1947-48 | ||
New, Mr. | Art | 1955-58 | |
Watts, Mr. | 1940's-50's |
Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Name | Years | Notes |
Anderson, Dave | 1947/48 | |
Benson, ? | 1947/48 | |
Bernthal, T. | ?-1945 | |
Collinson, F. | ?-1945 | |
Dennison, Ray | 1952-57 | |
Hares, Colin | 1940's-1950 | |
Herring, Alex | 1947/48 | |
Howard, Bernard | 1947/48 | |
Hull, B. | ?-1945 | |
Lee, William | 1947/48 | |
Oldfield, | ?-1945 | |
Reed, ? | 1947/48 | |
Smith, F. | ?-1945 | |
Smith, H. | ?-1945 | |
Smith, J. | ?-1945 | |
Stotter, Ron | 1947/48 | |
Wood, Morris | 1947/48 | |
Wybrow, Ed | ?-1945 |
Date | Notes |