
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
Listed here are the 40 emails we received in our sixteenth year of operation.
One word of warning: some emails still to be added...
Dear Daniel
I hope Spain is nicer than England, v cloudy here today in Brighton (I read about your move on the website)
I am researching an addresses called 2 Gladstone Street in Leytonstone. It's a street of Victorian houses, where my mum Sandra Goddard (née Wilson) visited when she was a kid in the 1940s. There was an outside loo with torn-up pieces of newspaper! She had had 4 uncles, who had probably flown the nest by the 40s but uncle Sid Wilson (10 years younger than her father Daniel) was in the Merchant Navy and only came home between trips..
Gladstone street is listed on many documents in the Victorian era, and also on some Leytonstone war records for WW1 but I cannot locate the address now.
I am visiting the area on 17th July (2016) to take a few snaps for her as she cant visit herself. Does anyone know of this street? Hhas it been renamed maybe? Of course, being 70ish, mum might have got the name wrong, but its on the back of some old photos so she is sure its Gladstone street. Visiting Leytonstone was fascinating, I went to put up an art show in Wanstead Quaker meeting house. and now I am fascinated to find out where some of my ancestors lived.
Best wishes
Joanna GODDARD Private Reply Public Reply
When I was in my final year at Markhouse Secondary school we went out on class excursions to several factories in the surrounding districts. I think the idea was to show us what it would be like to work at these places. I do recall an outing to Ever Ready and they gave us a good tour around and then provided afternoon tea as well. We also had a tour of Yardley's the perfume manufacturer and finally Ford Motors at Dagenham and that was a really good tour as the factory was enormous.
Strange but in my younger days I grew up thinking that Dagenham was in Scotland as one famous group there was "The Dagenham Girl Pipers".
Goodbye for now
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel
I live in Beacontree Avenue, Walthamstow. Whilst speaking to an elderly neighbour recently I was informed that on the 19th of April 1941 at 10.45pm Three "Fireguards" were killed by a German parachute mine. His father, William Howard, stopped shifts and on returning home heard a loud explosion. On returning to the scene he found his three colleagues, William Shadbolt aged 34 of 30 Beacontree Avenue, Sidney John Lee aged 50 of 31 Beacontree Avenue & Edward Manning aged 57 of 32 of Beacontree Avenue were sadly killed whilst protecting our neighbourhood.
I thought it would be a great idea and a fitting tribute to place a memorial at the place were this tragedy happened. I have traced the relatives of the Shadbolt & Lee families, but I am desperate to locate any relative of the Manning family who lived at 32 Beacontree Avenue.
Edward had a wife Henrietta and a friend Jessie A Banfield living at this address which they continued to do after this tragic event.
Please if any of your readers have any information contact me.
Neil PEARCE Private Reply Public Reply
On the morning of April 5th 1969 British Country music singer Little Ginny (Ginny Brown) was on stage at the Granada Walthamstow as part of a stage and screen Country Music event.
The film was Your Cheating Heart (Hank Williams). I cannot for the life of me recall for certain the band, but I think it was Phil Brady and the Ranchers.
Bernard GREEN Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel.
I was wondering what the age of this school is? In my father's papers he has a report about attending the Winns Avenue School in Walthamstow before his family migrated to Australia in 1910.
Would this be the one you are referring to? He would have been there from about 1906 to 1910. His name was Edward Charles Hyde (born in 1901). His three older brothers may have also been students there.
Any information would be appreciated.
Graeme HYDE Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: I think it was the Winns Avenue Primary and Junior School
A small error in the admirable walthamstowmemories website, concerning the picture of the Belle pub (no 13 in the pubs gallery section).
You suggest a date of 1909 but must have been later than this for the Empire Cinema on the right of the picture didn't open until 1913.
Hope this helps (still living in the Waltham Forest house he was born in 78 years ago...)
Graham FORSDYJE Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: I will amend the gallery accordingly... Many thanks!
Dear Daniel,
I am the in-house lawyer for Kimberly-Clark, owners of the Andrex brand in the UK.
I was hoping to speak to Bill Bayliss as I understand he has extensively researched the history of Andrex in Walthamstow.
Would it be possible to put me in contact with Bill?
Kind regards,
Stuart CASEY Private Reply Public Reply
I lived at 212 Carr road, backing on to the park, i went to WINNS AVE INFANTS, THEN TO WILLIAM MCGUFFIE, we spent the war years in and out of the Anderson shelter in my grandparents garden, at 242 Carr rd We had a great VE party in the street with bonfires, from the bits we got from the bombed houses. I moved to LEICESTER about 1950 and only got back to see grandparents, so I lost touch with many old friend such as ROBERTA GREGORY, DOREEN CUSH LORNA AY??? I have been widowed since 1985, but enjoy walking and climbing, mostly in N WALES, AND THOUGH NEARLY 79 I still tandem twice a week I would love the hear from anyone who remembers me I WILL ANSWER ALL
Pamela Iris COTTLE
(née WHITER)
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
Its great that you are up and running again, have really missed reading the updates on your site. I have been keeping up to date on the great FB site so now we are thoroughly spoilt with two places where we can keep our treasured memories alive.
Kind regards,
Janet BULL
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hi John,
I, as many of my brothers and sisters, went to Roger Ascham School and I went on to Sydney Chaplin from 1958 until 1962. I remember your surname, was it you who were at Sydney during this time or would it be one of your siblings?
Janet BULL
Private Reply
Public Reply
Harry Lamplough also designed the masks for Banghams and was a member of the Leyton Art Group and often went on painting trips to Spain in the 1960's. He was also a keen portrait photographer and took my passport photograph.
Brian SEACOMBE Private Reply Public Reply
I'm sure my grandad used to be a night watchman at Baird and Tatlock when I was at school and me and me and my mum used to live above the standard post office, there was also a man named George Palmer that worked as night watchman with my grandad, my nan used to make brushes at Rooney's on higham hill too, and they lived in Oakfield road, and we moved to Fairfield road. Such good memories.
Debbie FOSTER Private Reply Public Reply
My dad worked at the Ever Ready factory on forest road for a few years, that's how my mum met him because she was the manageress at the standard post office/sweet shop opposite the standard pub and we lived in the flat above, he would come into the shop to buy a Mars bar
Debbie FOSTER Private Reply Public Reply
My father Philip Williams was sent from South Wales to a college in Walthamstow during WW2 to teach soldiers wireless techniques. That is what he told us at least. Prior to the outbreak of war he had just started a job in the research labs at the BP refinery in Llandarcy having just graduated from Swansea University with a science degree. He was born in 1908 and brought up in Skewen near Neath. He would have been there from about 1939 to 1943. He later taught Physics in what is now Univ of Beds, or Luton Tech in those days.
Someone has suggested he might have been training people in radar which was top secret and I wonder if you knew anything about the role the FE colleges in Walthamstow played in the War.
Anne Mary SHEARER Private Reply Public Reply
I too, once received a caning from Mr Easton, and it was for a very good reason too. If you remember back then the classroom ceilings were made out of wood and they were very high above the ground. Well in those days we were not allowed to use ball pens as they were a new invention and so we were issued with wooden handled pens that had removable split nibs. The challenge was to throw a pen up at the ceiling and endeavour to make it stick in the wood. In hindsight this was ridiculous because of course they could drop and hit someone in the eye.
And so I was sent to get the cane and the book entry and I deserved it. I also had the cane once for doing a disappearing act from a football match at James's Park. Once again well-deserved when one considers the responsibility the teachers had to look after us.
When I left school I started going to evening classes and I met up with Mr Easton's son who was not at all like his father and we got on quite well for a while.
Goodbye for now
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
Have you tried Vestry House Museum Vestry Road?
David GARDINER Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Brian
The only other information that I have about the team is regarding Bobby Stevens who was the Vice Captain. He was part of a small group of us who joined the Markhouse Youth Club at the Marsh Street Youth Centre in the High Street where we all became keen table tennis players. It was years later that I found out that Bobby was a star player
Best regards
Roy ORCHARD Private Reply Public Reply
I have to say that is a much better report than mine when I left Coppermill school in 1955!
David GARDINER Private Reply Public Reply
Hello again Roy,
I've studied the photo a bit more & now recognise the goalkeeper as Jack Lewis. He was living in America but haven't heard from him in a while, I also knew the teachers as I was at Markhouse from 1951 I've had the cane off of Mr Easton, nothing to brag about I must have done something wrong.
All the best
Brian POPE Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
recently I stumbled across this website with memories of Henry Maynard school for boys.
My family moved to Walthamstow early in 1960 to a house very close to the school. For a few months I attended the mixed infants: I cannot be sure now if it was the headmistress or the class teacher that was a Miss Bird. I recall an 'interview' with the head mistress before starting and her main concern was that I could read well (which I could).
Obviously, I, along with the other boys, proceeded to the Boys' Junior School in Sept that year. As you the website states, the head was Mr Birmingham. I didn't know Mr Frost succeeded him - Mr Frost was my third year teacher. Other teachers I had were: Mr Gower (first year), Mrs McStocker (second year) and Mrs Weeks (fourth year). Other teachers I recall were Mr Ronan (?) and Mr Henderson. Some things stick in your mind. I remember Mr Gower, who was South African, being very deprecating in front of the whole class when, in the end of term exams, one boy scored only 4 out of 100 in the English paper. I recall the boy's name, who was a pleasant lad: clearly I would hope that today he would be recognised as dyslexic and not humiliated in front of everyone. I have a few other memories. I used to wonder if the 3 schools were interconnected. I recall Mr Birmingham's office tucked away behind the main hall and nearby that the spiral staircase to the teacher's common room - was there a connection there into the girl's and infant's school?
I also have two year photos. I assume they are years 3 and 4, looking at the boys in them. One puzzle I have in my own head is that I have a certificate for coming 5th in the final of the flat race (100m in todays terms!) in the Town Schools Sports Day. I have it in mind that only boys in the 4th year competed in the town sports day but my certificate is dated 1963. In the summer of '63 I would have been in the third year....
I passed the 11+ exam and went on to the McEntee Technical High School. Overnight (it seemed) that school changed for the worst when it became a comprehensive and its subsequent demise and demolition I find very sad.
I left the area in 1980 and on returning many years later I found the area around the school had become 'gentrified' into Walthamstow Village. I had intended to park in my old street and walk down to Lea Bridge Road to watch the Tour de France go past.... unfortunately the whole area is now a CPZ and I gave up trying to find somewhere to park and returned home in time to see it pass there on TV. Very disappointing. There were far fewer parked cars than when I lived there so I'm not sure I see the need for the CPZ today.
If you are interested, I can scan the photographs/sports certificate and pass them on to you.
Kind regards,
Ian GREENSMITH Private Reply Public Reply
I may be able to help you out with some of the Sidney Chaplin names and photos of Roger Ascham school, have tried to message on link that comes up but no luck let me know if you require help.
P.S.: I have six brother and one sister that attended Sidney Chaplin and Roger Ascham
John FARQUHAR Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Roy, I seem to recognise Brian Chapman 4th on the right second row, as far as I know he is living in Chingford I used to drink with him at the Kings Ford pub, he is a friend of our family but I have moved away, he must be about 82 now, it looks like him & he did play football for Markhouse Rd school.
Hoping this is alright,
Brian POPE Private Reply Public Reply
Hi, Found a 1929 school report from Coppermill Senior Boys School, my woman's dad...
1929 school report from Coppermill Senior Boys School
Clive REDHEAD Private Reply Public Reply
Can you help? I would like to increase my list of performers that have played in Walthamstow. This includes bands, single artists, poets and dj's.
So far my list includes over 5,000 different acts. I would like more information on the acts that have played, where and when they played with maybe any admission charge or free admission.
If anyone would like a free copy of the information that I hold please email me at and I will send it to you.
Dave HUGHES Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel, I have enjoyed reading the memories and have supplied a few myself in the past. It's unfortunate that I need Adobe Flash player to view on my iPad, to read any interesting letters it means that I have to use my computer in doors but would have liked to use the tablet in the garden during the lovely weather.
Moan over but keep up the good work.
Chris WARNER (an old Walthamstow ex resident) Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Chris, I believe you can download (free) applications from iTunes to read PDF files on your iPad. For example:
I am trying to locate the house my ancestors lived in: In the 1891 Census the address is Albany Villa, Erskine Road.
When my great grandfather was born in 1892 the address was 48 Erskine Road.
Are these the same building? Is the building still numbered the same and still there?
Krista BABIN Private Reply Public Reply
I am looking for an old Furniture Business called Beeane & E Furniture Walthamstow London E17. I looked on your website and cannot find a listing of this business. I have a piece of furniture with this name on it from 1940. Is it possible it was a business that was not listed or was forgotten. Or maybe just to small and not open long enough to be remembered.
Thank You for your time
Stephen Private Reply Public Reply
We live in Western Australia and over the years we have accumulated a small hoard of 5 pound notes that we use for grandkids presents etc.
However recently our son in the United Kingdom informed us that some of the notes we had in our possession were no longer legal tender and could only be changed in a bank, so after a recent visit they took them back to the United Kingdom with them for safe keeping.
Now he has written to inform me that the other still valid 5 pound notes that we had retained were also going to be obsolete from May 2017 as a new plastic note is being introduced.
Therefore, for any ex-pats out there who are not aware of this change you should be aware that you will be stuck with these notes unless you get rid of them before the changeover date. There is a website showing how the new notes are virtually indestructible and also difficult to copy.
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
I'm trying to find information about a woman I only knew as Auntie May, who lived in Walthamstow. I grew up there and at age 10 my family emigrated to California. She was in her 80's and I assume she's long since died, but she has remained in my thoughts all this time. My Mum used to send me to her flat on Wingfield Road (same road I grew up) every week, with an apple pie in hand, and I would sit and listen to her stories for about an hour each time. She had a husband who had died in WWI and her only child, a son, who died in WWII. She never remarried and talked always about her husband and son. I'd like to know if she had any other family, or where she is laid to rest, to pay tribute to her. She will always be in my memories. She might be in a newspaper clipping, as she was the Queen Mother in a 1977 Queen's Jubliee, and my brother and I were the King and Queen, in a carriage converted from an old pram, led by two Greyhounds as our horses.
If you have any leads, I'd really appreciate it!
Emma BURGESS DEAN Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
In haste for now, as a one-handed typist - sporting a broken arm. [Had an accident on Terry's 80th birthday 30th May - trust me to steel the limelight, eh!! ??]
As I'd had no response to any emails since your move to Spain, been concerned for your well-being - good to know you're still in the land of the living.
I do hope all well with you & yours, health-wise & otherwise.
Thank you for keeping me in the WMs loop - though I haven't checked it out for awhile, I continue to tell folk about it - living links to my ancestors far & wide & overseas. So, be assured I still treasure mt links to it.
Kind thoughts,
Pam RAY Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
Good to hear from you. And glad that the broadband connections are getting sorted. Yes I have missed the postbag updates. From the sound of things there is a fair bit of work involved in updating the postbag. If I can be of any help please let me know.
Eb Vawda Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Many thanks for your offer, Eb, but must do this myself!
Hi, I lived at 53 grove road, hoe street, till I was about 10. I was born in 1967 and I played in boundary road a lot at a place I think was a train garage but can't be sure what it was used for it was at the top of boundary road. Also I was wondering what happened to the wood yard that was at the central bus station when it was just a turn about for a small number of route masters. If you could help on them question it would be brilliant help
Dale SAYCE Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
As is so often the case, I am beginning with an apology for the fact that it has been so long since the Walthamstow Memories site was properly updated. As usual, I have been busy but, in the last eight months, even busier than usual: last September my wife and I rented a house in Spain, and moved from Florence (Italy) - our regular residence - to a town near Valencia. Initially the plan was to spend some time in Spain and some in Italy. As it worked out, our little granddaughter and her mother came over with us too. I drove the 1400 kms with (you can imagine!) all but the kitchen sink... (and... yes, our 12 ysr old Border Terrier was with us too..)! And, of course, my desktop and associated paraphernalia.
In mid October I received an email from John Knowles, the originator of the site, telling me that he was about to hand me over the full site I've been co-editing with him over the past 7 years. A great honour for me, but somewhat... badly timed, for setting up a house and also taking care of a very demanding granddaughter has not helped much. In addition, the process of moving the WM site from John's UK provider to my usual one in Italy - one I have used for many years with satisfaction - got jammed half way through, because the Italian provider had the wonderful idea of going out of business... just after I'd bought a large amount of web space to accomodate the WM site, the Waltham Forest site, and all my personal sites too. The WM site was however kept alive thanks to John's intervention and the very efficient services of his UK provider.
All this caused an ever growing accumulation of WM emails from you, and ever shrinking time to deal with them and with the normal upkeep of the site.
So, I once again aplogise if all seemed 'frozen'. However, a very positive 'side effect' to all this is the gigantic boost of Followers on our FaceBook page! There is a foundamental difference between Facebook and the WM site: the former is basically a message board, where it's quite hard to look for stored information, whereas the latter constitutes a constantly expanding repository of articles, photos, messages and historical facts that can be quite easily searched and used as reference. I would like to keep it this way. Please consider that the whole site (with the exception of the picture galleries) is all coded in HTML and CSS (the basic bricks of the web). Each email I receive has to be manually transcribed, formatted, and indexed for reference.
Similarly, each picture has to be converted/resized/formatted and stored appropriately. The choice of following this path was taken several years ago and, as a consequence, John could not update the site directly or else, I'm sure, he would have been more than happy to help during this transitional period.
I have found no satisfying software that can help in this time consuming task. "What about Forum software?", you may ask: nowhere near my target and often very dispersive. So... please "Don't shoot at the pianist"!!
Anyway, enough of the apologies! I've come to the conclusion that I shall update the Postbag 'backwards', i.e.: from the most recent ones and progressively filling the gap with all the arrears. In this manner, the site will immediately again feel 'alive' to all visitors.
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
I have a small watercolor by Charles James Crosbie. It was given to a friend of mine by the name of Marie Smith. He gave her this watercolor in 1957. She has just died and the estate is wondering if there is any value to this print. I could send you a picture if this would help. I can't find any other artwork by him.
Theresa BELEW Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Mr Bayliss:
I just read your article on Razafy, the Malagasy aristocrat buried in Walthamstow in the 19th century. Does her grave still exist? Is it still visible?
I live in London, and would very much be interested in visiting this grave if it still exists, as my family has been closely connected to the history you relate in your article.
Best regards
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I wonder if you can help me?
I've spent ages on the internet trying to pinpoint the location of W. B. Bawn & Co. Ltd, along Blackhorse Lane.
The reason for this is that I'm interested in seeing the Sundial Memorial. Do you know if it's still there?
How do I find it and does anyone have a picture of it?
Thank you for your time & kind regards,
Angela REID Private Reply Public Reply
Good morning.
I read your narrative about the William Morris School on-line and submit the following for your consideration, I can supply more information should you feel you might need it.
Much is written here about the years of the 1960's but little about the wartime period. I attended William Morris School from 1943 to 1946 in Forms 2b, 3b and 4b. My first year was spent at the 'evacuation school' which was, at that time, the William Harper School, Bedford. The Headmaster was Mr. Stallard and our Form Master Mr. Cyril Burton (known to his form as Beery). Other masters included Mr. Corderoy, Mr. W.R. Gachet (French), Mr. Twyman (P.E.), Mr. Cooke (First Year Maths), Mr. Nicholl (Woodwork and Metalwork), Mr. Birmingham (Geography), Mr. Mountford (Art). Mr. Vaissiere was the History Master and took great delight in telling us of his personal experiences during World War One in the Tank Corps; whatever the particular aspect of history he had chosen for a session we always asked a question which led him into his reminiscences of his war.
The school did not have an air raid shelter so during the quite frequent raids all the school would sit on the stairs between the floors and hope for the best. There were terrible times when some bad news would mean Mr. Stallard coming into the school room during a lesson, quietly whispering something to the master taking the lesson and then beckoning to one of the boys to follow him. This could mean that during one of the air raids that day the boy's house had been hit or perhaps Mr. Stallard had received a telephone call telling him that the boy's father or brother had become a casualty in one of the services. The worst news being that of a death. Mr. Stallard was a severe headmaster who rarely smiled but we were reliably informed that on these occasions he would comfort the grief-stricken boy in the kindest of ways and see him safely home or to a place of safety. Other times which I clearly recall were when Mr. Stallard, at morning prayers, would announce the news that one of the former pupils of the school had been killed in action. One more name to be added to the Roll of Honour in the Big Hall. The week in which D-Day occurred was particularly memorable.
Although the teachers were mostly retired persons recalled for the period of the war or those due for retirement who chose to stay on teaching, the standard of education was very high indeed. Several of the boys went on to a creative and major career. All the boys were required a couple of years after leaving the school to do their National Service and I believe several were involved in the Malaya Emergency, Suez, Kenya and the Korean War. I spent two years at a shipping office in the City before serving eighteen months in the Royal Navy in the Communications Branch. There was a Girls Department, but the division between the boys and girls would have put the Berlin Wall to shame: even to be seen speaking to one of the girls was likely to result in corporal punishment. This was the cane, wielded only by Mr. Stallard - with gusto. But the real punishment was the fact that the 'crime' was entered in 'The Punishment Book' which, we were led to believe, would be kept for eternity and available for anyone from whom we sought employment, thus being a threat to our working lives for ever - a concept that was never denied - or confirmed - by the teaching staff.
We boys were completely aware that being pupils of a Central School we stood halfway between a Secondary Modern School and the local Grammar School (the George Monoux) but our middle-way status only served to provide more incentive to do as well as the grammar school pupils. I felt very sad to learn that the old William Morris School had been pulled down - with it went memories that are still precious to me.
Frederick E.J. PEACH
Private Reply
Public Reply
Dear Friend & Visitors,
From our friend Dave Hughes:
Sunday 21st February 2016 - 3pm to 7pm
Walthamstow Cricket Club, Greenway Avenue, E17
Charity fundraiser for Sue‘s House
An afternoon of quality acoustic music from the following people:
Nick Pickett, John Arthur, Mikanora, John Wishart, Ted Heath and Something To Sing Choir,
Matt, Jim Kane, Rom Shanty Crew, Ivor Game and Carole Vincent.
Child friendly venue
On-site parking
2 mins from Wood Street BR Station
2 mins from buses 230 and w16
A collection will be taken and there is a raffle
Donations of cd‘s and dvd‘s would be most welcome on the day and would help in raising funds for the charity.
For more information tel: 07766 964 420
I'm still processing my WM arrears, but hope to catch up soon!!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
(More to come...!)
My father Cyril Burkwood worked at Banghams in the 50's and 60's. Just found a YouTube video about the factory and my dad can be seen carrying lots of Sombrero hats on his head. I have a portrait drawn in the late 60's by Harry Lamplough who I think was the hat designer at the factory, have you any more information about Harry or Banghams? I'd love to know more.
Sandra BOSSIS Private Reply Public Reply
I managed to get to this site after googling Priory Court and read all about the rise and fall of that estate. Although I never lived there, a number of my school friends did and I can remember frequently going round to his place in one of the tower blocks (this was in the late 1950's early 60's) and what I can remember they were very nice apartments and probably, unlike today, the lifts always seemed to work.
Other friends lived in the prefabs which had been built in Lloyds Park and again were were very modern with most of the "mod cons" built in.
I have only been back to Walthamstow a couple of times since I left to get married in 1968 and usually my first port of call is Manzies in the High street for a pie, mash and liquor and then to try and find any remaining recognisable landmarks from my youth - these seem to be getting fewer and fewer on each return.
Walthamstow High street used to be a bustling place typical of of any East London market - now appears the same any any other flea market the world over.
Many of the small shops, grocery, green grocers, newspaper shops etc. seem to have been incorporated into the housing market, leaving great swaths devoid of any convenience shops. To name an example Victoria Road when I lived in the area had 9 shops within 400m - now none.
The lockup garages at the back of Sturge Ave, where I spent many hours repairing my cars and bikes have now all gone. Walthamstow stadium an art deco monument sadly rotting away unused, The disappearance of the Crooked Billet, Waterworks Corner, ACEA, Achille Sear, Philips on the North Circular Road etc. and many other places too numerous to mention. I don't think that the area can ever be brought back to its former glory. Good Heavens, they even knocked down my old school (Chapel End Sec Mod and Junior & Infants school) and rebuilt it totally out of keeping with the area.
I suppose its just me getting old and refusing to accept change - perhaps one more visit and then try to keep my memories intact..
Robert HARPIN Private Reply Public Reply
This is my first contact with you. Found this photograph of the Markhouse Road team that won the 1st Division Schools Football Championship in the 1947-48 season. As far as my memory will allow the names are as follows:
Markhouse Rd School 1956
It was a privilege to be captain of this team and I wonder if anyone out there knows if there are any other members of this team still around.
Happy New Year & Regards
Roy ORCHARD Private Reply Public Reply