
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
Listed here are the 31 emails we received in our eighteenth year of operation.
One word of warning: some emails still to be added...
(To be updated)
Hi Daniel,
I have written twice over the last few years', however nothing printed. Third time lucky!!
I attended Winns Avenue School as a 5 year old in 1936.
The head mistress was a Miss Sarson. The other teachers' were Miss Brown, Miss Dooley, Miss Kimpton & Miss Crab..
I was evacuated in 1939 & returned to Winns Avenue in March 1942.
Some of the teachers' in the Junior & Senior schools' were a Mr. Bunting, Mr Speakman, Mr Grainger & there were two Mr Greens'.
Mr Speakman was quite renowned for his knowledge of nature, wildlife etc.
In 1945 all pupils' were turfed out of Winns Avenue and dispersed to various schools' throughout Walthamstow.
This action created a great deal of anger, and many parents' refused to allow there children to attend the schools' they were allocated to. This of course was strike action and attracted the attention of the local & national press.
Alas! we could not win, and over a period of many months' children dribbled back to the schools' they were assigned to.
I wonder if there is anyone still around from that era. I would love to know.
David MEDHURST Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
Our friend Dave Hughes keeps very active in his fundraising for charity and is now planning to issue a new CD (limited edition): read about it in the Highlights Section.
A new page in the "Local Bands" section: "Herbie & The Deltas!"
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Hi Daniel,
I was born in 1945 at Thorpe Coomb, which I believe is now a mental hospital?
Lived in Wood St and then Priory Court (which I and the whole family did not like) and later in the James Street/Lynmouth Road area, which also we didn't like. I am only affectionate towards Wood Street and the Greenway Avenue area, going up to the Rising Sun and Whips Cross. I went to Wood Street Infants School and then to what is now Warwick. There was one teacher there I remember (his name was Mr Hart?). He was teaching also woodwork and he helped me make my very first guitar. All the notions he gave me have survived in me: a very nice man.
Whatever I do I try to do to the best of my ability. Some (not all) teachers there were not up to scratch. I have a very negative opinion of one specific teacher there. I also remember that a woman teacher in wood street infants school had a go at me (I dont remember what it was all about) so I rebelled and refused to do anything more such as studying in class and refused to write anything on my exams paper.
In the early '60s I was a member of "Herbie and The Deltas" (all e17-ers). Herbie lived in the billet area, but ... I am not so sure we were called the deltas!
Johhny CHARLTON Private Reply Public Reply
I saw the article talking about the musical scene in Walthamstow in the early sixties.
The group "The Blue Dukes" were a very good group and I remember a lot of the names of the groups and places, but I have been away (out of town ) for more than fifty years so I am a bit lost. The music scene in Walthamstow in those years was bouncing and good quality. You can have a "butchers" at my web site and you wil find a nice photo in the main menu under "Memories" and a few words. Although I am using a UK e-mail I am writing from Rome, Italy. If anyone remembers or recognizes anyone in the photo on my site, just drop me a line (e-mail). I do often drop into Walthamstow memories. Please look through also "the gallery". Its a good job I put in some of the texts in English, but there is still a lot of updating to be done. I will never forget Walthamstow.
Johnny CHARLTON Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: May I add that Johnny was a member of "The Rokes", a group who had a wonderful success in Italy during the '60s!>
Hi Daniel,
When did trains start running from Liverpool Street to Chingford?
Arthur PARKER Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: I'm afraid I have no direct answer to your question, but you may find useful the following page on the Walthamstow History site:
It suggests that the line was completed in 1878
(To be updated)
(To be updated)
(To be updated)
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
Weeks, months (and years!) seem to fly and I can hardly manage to keep in pace!
I often receive emails concerning the Queens Road Cemetery, currently not at its best conditions: you will be pleased to know that a "Friends of the Queens Road Cemetery" is being formed! Please see the "Highlights" section for the announcement: I hope that those of you who live in Walthamstow may be able to attend. I am planning to create a special section on the Cemetery on this site.
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Hello Daniel,
I have just been searching the web and found your Chapel End School web site.
I'm sorry I cannot remember you but I was at Chapel End leaving Summer 1959 (4SU). I am currently in UK (June 2018) staying with our son in Harlow for a few weeks but l live in South Africa since 1982. Mr Burton was my Head Master and Mr Gould was my class teacher.
I will be very interested in comparing notes on the school and chatting over our school life so I'm stop now and await your reply.
Kind regards
Derek HOWES Private Reply Public Reply
We are having another Family Reunion on 8th July in London of the King Family who lived in Walthamstow in the early 1900's. We are still looking for some members of the family, specifically the sons and daughters of Alfred E King and Nell King. These include Sheila Brownlow and Philip I King and there may be others from the same family. Also we are looking for John C Floyd, (or relatives) the sons of Charles and Hannah Floyd, as well as the sons of Dorine Jones who lived in Hall Lane, Chingford during the 1940's.
If anyone has any knowledge of where these people could be reached, it would be much appreciated.
Thank you
Jose RANSOME Private Reply Public Reply
Would you have a photo of Mr Choat / Mr Choate please?
Anita MORSE Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Any of our visitors can help?
Hi Daniel,
My name is Dave Hughes and Steven Bulled and myself are trying to trace an old schoolmate called Malcolm Halsey. During the 1960's he lived with his parents and younger sister in Valognes Avenue just off Billet Road and attended Sidney Chaplin Secondary Modern School in Folly Lane. He had an older brother who lived in Anglesey in Wales. The last time i saw him was in the late 70's when he lived in, i believe Forest Road South in Leyton. If anyone can help please email me.
Thank you.
David HUGHES Private Reply Public Reply
(Other emails to be added soon...)
Hi Daniel, how is sunny Spain?
You may not be aware that Waltham Forest won the London Borough of Culture Award 2019. This included loans of money to spend or waste as the case may be.
We are currently at the museum working with the council yes? on plans to redevelop the museum in 2020.
No announcement yet but watch this space.
We are however planning to celebrate 50 years of the Victoria Line at the museum in September.
The date will be the 1st and 2nd of September 50 years to the day that it happened.
You may recall that it opened from Walthamstow Central to Highbury and Islington without a celebration?
The interesting thing that also happened then was the introduction of the one-man buses and the automatd ticket machines.on the line.
We now have at the E17 Walthamstow Pumphouse Museum three Victoria Line Underground cars.
A completely refurbished car 3186 and two sections 3016 and 3049.
The latter we are now currently working on to restore them to their 1967 original condition hanging straps and all.
We could do with some help and funds to do this so if you can put the word out on your web pages it would be great.
Can you also request if any of your members can send me some pictures of the above, please.
I look forward to your reply
Kind Regards
Lindsay COLLIER Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
My name is Neil Pearce, I am a retired London Fireman and an out of trades member of the FBU. I am also the Chairman of the East London Branch of the Western Front Association (WW1 interest group).
I am writing to invite you ALL to the unveiling of a Memorial to 3 FIREGUARDS who were tragically killed in Beacontree Avenue during World War 2. Here is a little bit of history on the tragic event.
During WW2 the Government passed an act stating that due to the "Blitz" all areas of London should form Fire protection parties. These were known as Fire Street parties, Fire Watches & Fire Guards.
On the 19th of April 1941 William Howard of 9 Carnanton Road E17, along with his colleagues, handed over their shift to Sidney John Lee age 50 of 31 Beacontree Avenue, Edward Manning age 57 of 32 Beacontree Avenue & William Arthur Shadbolt age 34 of 30 Beacontree Avenue.
At 10.45pm a German parachute mine exploded killing all three men and Injuring 22 others.
Two years ago I was approached by a neighbour, (Mr William Howard, junior, aged 93) to see if some sort of memorial could be placed to remember their sacrifice. His father was part of the team of "FireGuards" patrolling our area during the Second World War.
For the last 2 years I have been trying to make this wish possible and recently, with the kind assistance of Chris Robbins,leader of Waltham Forest council at the time, I have finally been granted permission to erect a memorial.
On the 19th of April 2018, 77 years to the day, we plan to unveil the memorial. William Shadbolt's Daughter, who was born 5 months after this terrible tragedy, has agreed to perform the unveiling of the memorial.
The ceremony will take place on the site where these 3 men lost their lives, which is at the junction of Beacontree Avenue and Belle Vue Road, Walthamstow London E17 4BT.
There will be a Living History display of WW2 civil defence along with a Fire Engine from the period and WW2 Bomb disposal vehicle, ambulance and display.
Local schoolchildren will also be attending.
The event will commence on Thursday 19th April at 11:30am with the time of the unveiling of the Memorial at approximately 1pm.
I sincerely hope that you will be able to attend, as we would like to make this a memorable community event.
Yours Sincerely
Neil PEARCE Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: I really hope that many of our visitors/followers shall attend!
(Other emails to be added soon...)
Some years ago now I wrote to you [see here] and received a response that I considered was very much less than enthusiastic.
As far as the current website is concerned, my observations are as follows:-
The pictures, etc., shown on the appropriate website seem to ignore the years before the 1960's as virtually non-existent.
There were students at the William Morris School long before that time and I attended from July 1942 until July 1946.
The first year of that time I spent at Bedford where the school had been evacuated due to the wartime conditions at that time.
I returned when Mr. G. Stallard, Headmaster, headed a team of fourteen teachers most of which had returned to teaching while younger staff were involved with World War Two.
I joined Form 4B with twenty-two other boys and a Form Master named Mr. Cyril Burton.
Mr. Burton suffered the somewhat dubious honour of being shot by a member of a junior form; he was not seriously wounded and recovered quickly; the boy was much disturbed however.
I have photographs of the teaching team and the members of Form 2B copies of which I originally sent to you but were never heard of again.
I have clear memories of the following:-
In 1945/6 I left full time education and worked in the City of London until I was conscripted into the Royal Navy for eighteen months National Service.
It has always impressed me that the team of teachers at the William Morris were able to provide a high level of education to so many boys under such dire circumstances and I will always be grateful for their grand efforts.
Frederick E.J. PEACH Private Reply Public Reply
I was at Warwick left at 15 in 1959 when did you leave. Regards
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Are you Linda's brother and used to live in Eden Rd?
I am in touch with Linda.
Regards from Pat and John Clark née Deighton
Pat Clarke Private Reply Public Reply
John Lewis calling anybody want to get in contact please do
John LEWIS Private Reply Public Reply
Paul - I have also come across a Paul Gillett and wondered if he was a relative,
Kind Regards,
Walthamstow School for Girls, E17
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Hi Daniel,
I have just started to delve into Walthamstow Memories and what a fantastic site it is.
Looking at the Local Bands section I would like to add some info about the Beat Syndicate as I was founder member in early 1962. After an initial demo recording and fishing club do in April with a stand in drummer (Ray Salmon from Leytonstone), we found a permanent drummer through my mother working with a Mrs Smith who mentioned her son Tony.
So the first proper line up was:
Mick Pretious - Lead Vocal from Leytonstone
Dave White - Lead Guitar from Walthamstow
Mick George - Rhythm Guitar from Leyton
John Powis - Bass Guitar from Woodford
Tony Smith - Drums
I left in October 1962. I am told that Mick Sturgess of the Leroys helped out for a few gigs before Jim Newton was drafted in as a permanent member on Rhythm - and Mick George took over as Lead Guitar.
Best regards
Dave WHITE Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Have you seen John's email [here]?
Daniel - would it be possible for you to put up a request for information on your website (it is quite a lot, so get back to me if there is a problem).
I am the Librarian at Walthamstow School for Girls and I am currently researching World War I.
I have traced some families through our old school magazines and would like to know if anyone has any further information about the families.
Some of our ex-pupils at the time were boys and we have some information about their military service. The people I have discovered are:
Thomas Croft (father of Andree and Thomas -killed in the war), Charles Hodson, William Houghton (m. Muriel Rendle), Arthur Lindsey (m. Winnie Wildash), Roy Lucas (m. Margie Whittingham), Ernest Marchant (m. Elsie Cotching), Burton Pritchard (sisters, Christine and Ella), and Barry Simeon.
Chappell Family - Herbert John (Jack) Chappell (m. Beatrice Delforce). & John Chappell (m. Cora Bayne)
Reeve Family- G. Montier Reeve, Clara or Clare (Mrs D. Cunningham), Kathleen, F (Mrs J.R. Day), Louise H (Mrs Geoffrey H. Day), Mary (Mrs Walter Reynolds)
Shurmur Family - Frank Shurmur (m. Winnie Cross), Stanley Shurmur (there is a memorial to another Shurmur in St Marys Church), Dora (Mrs C. Cross (Stanley Lloyd))
Whittingham Family - Beatrice, Carrie (Mrs F Lucas), Evelyn, Hilda, Margie (Roy Herbert C Lucas), Muriel.
Other families also affected by the war were; Kate Day (Mrs L Reeve (later Mrs R. Lewis)), Louisa Giesen, H.B. Harding, Miss Kingsford (Teacher)
Foxon Family - Eric, Daisy, Emily, Minnie, Jessie (Mrs J. Arnold-Jones) , Ethel (a.k.a Girlie (Mrs J.C.Gie)), W.H. (marr. Kathleen Perry),
Griggs Family - C.H. (Charles, marr. Bessie Howlett), Frank, Kathleen (Mrs Donald Farrar, (N.G. Picken)), Margaret, Hilda (F.J. Parker),
Hayes Family - Kathleen (Mrs Hugo Munzinger), Dorothy Ward (Mrs Hayes), Marjorie.
Wise Family - Alice (Mrs Ogden), Enid, Marjorie
Thank you,
Walthamstow School for Girls, E17
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Hi Daniel / David
I started school at Mission Grove in 1955 and went through both infants and Juniors. In 1961 went in the William Morris in Gainsford Road.
The headmistress at Mission Grove Infants was the wonderful Miss Philpot. As David mentioned Ms. Wakefield and Mr Potter Ms Witherwick were still there during my time. I recall Ms. Cliss actually passed away whilst in her classroom around that time.
Add to the teachers Ms. Pat Gurr and Ms Tuckwell, - both had a strong influence on my early life.
Terence ALLEN Private Reply Public Reply
David - I am the Librarian at Walthamstow School for Girls and did you know that your family printed our school magazines? Here is a scan of the back of the magazine dated Spring 1946,
which is the first time the magazine was printed by your company and continued until 1971.
Do you know whether any of your family attended Walthamstow School for Girls?
Please feel free to contact me with any further information,
Kind Regards,
Walthamstow School for Girls, E17
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I have been researching my family history, and noticed a Persornal memory posted on this site relating to 35/37 Hazelwood Road, written by Marjorie Pryor (nee) Collins that relates to my grandmother. My grandmother was the lady in the story that went back into the house during a lull in the air raid, sadly the house was bombed and she lost her life. My mother was 5 and just started school, she was collect by someone from school, she doesn't know who.My aunt and uncle were 4 and 2 and were in the shelter in the garden. My grandad was in the ARP on patrol at the time. A poignant story. I have tried to contact the author by email but as yet no response, obviously I appreciate that she may have passed away as the post was 2010.
Elizabeth HILLIER Private Reply Public Reply
I was born at Thorpe Coombe Hospital in 1954, and lived as far as I know in Leytonstone. at 101 Capworth Street, it was very near the Bakers Arms Pub. There was a woodyard next to it. I know the house has now been demolished but am trying to find a photograph of the house without any success so far. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Gail MERCER Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
I wish you all a 2018 full of the things you love most.
On my side, I have a new computer: an important ingredient to keep the WM site going! Now what I need is a little bit of time, to catch up with all the updates that arre long due. With little Vicky (my granddaughter) going to school, I just might to manage some spare time I can use to this purpose.
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
I used to holiday in Walthamstow with my mother's half sister, or Aunt as we called her, May Gardiner. Her husband was Tommy Gardiner who worked in the post office. May was a cook in a local school. She passed away in 1998 and was buried in Frinton on Sea where her daughter Valerie lived. I would love to know if anyone has any memories of her. My mother rarely spoke of her due to some long family argument but I used to travel up from North Wales a few times a year to see her. I believed she did a lot of voluntary work locally. I can supply a picture if it jogs anyone's memory. My brother now lives in Hatherly road and I still visit occasionally to keep my memories alive.
Holyhead, North Wales
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Does anyone remember a company called Bulk Storage in the eighties?
John LUTY Private Reply Public Reply
I was born in Walthamstow in St Johns Road, I would like to know what previously stood on the site of the old glass dump, it was just past the co-op which was on the left hand side. I can remember Wood Street very well as I went to Joseph Barret School (warwick). I'd be pleased if someone could let me know. My phone number is 01508 ***** (Privacy: email Daniel for phone no.).
Tom SAWYER Private Reply Public Reply
The drummer with Dante's Inferno was Eddie Bailey (21.2.46 to 25.5 12) and the guitarist on his left is Colin Deavin.
Barbara LINGHAM Private Reply Public Reply
Can anybody tell me what used to be before it became the old glass dump in Wood Street, it was on the left hand side just past the co-op I can remember it as a lad as I went to the Joseph Barret school.
Tom SAWYER Private Reply Public Reply
I remember Mr Bull he taught maths and also tennis at Lloyd Park. Mrs Venn taught biology and she also lived next door to my Grandma in Kenilworth Avenue.
I can remember going to McGuffie and having to have my first term in Forest Road Infants school as two of rooms were unsafe owing to bThe drummer with Dante's Inferno was Eddie Bailey (21.2.46 to 25.5 12) and the guitarist on his left is Sean Deavin.omb damage.
I know I had a Mr Richards for a term and ended my school life with Miss Thripp.
My name is Brenda Bonsor (née Fleming) I am 81 and live in Bournemouth Dorset. I attended McGuffie in 1947 to Christmas 1951.
Hope you get more feedback!
Brenda BONSOR Private Reply Public Reply
Hello there,
I am unable to get my email to function through your link. I would like to send greetings to a fellow schoolmate at Chapel End. He is Gerald (Gerry) Creasey who has uploaded some photos of the school classes of about my era. Can you help please. I was born in a Nursing Home at 19 Carisbrook Road, Walthamstow on 2/8/1935. I would like also to add myself to the list of former pupils as I was there from 1946 to 1949. I still remember most of the teachers, but some are not on your list of teachers for that period. No mention of the nasty former Head, Mr Hind, a grand master of the Stick as too were Mssrs Pettifer and Dixon. My hands are still suffering to this day. I do hope that Gerry is still around.
Best wishes,
Dennis SAUNDERS Private Reply Public Reply