
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
Listed here are the 174 emails we received in our tenth year of operation.
30 Dec 2010 - Public Reply to Mick GROARKE:
Hello Mick, Thank you for your email regarding Mr. Meopham's shop in Haldan Road, Highams Park. In the second of my posts to Walthamstow Memories on the 28th. November, I identified Mr. Meopham's shop as being the one on the left due to discovering from old phone books that his shop's address was 76, Haldan Road. I was able to find that number on the door of the house on the left, with 78 being on the door of the property in the centre. Jeff Glasser, to who's post I was responding, sent me a recent photo of his family's shop and it is the one on the far right with the white screed added to the upper floor. This would differ from your assumption so I trust we have not got our left and right in a muddle. The silver car is parked in Haldan Road but the red van on the right is in Cavendish Road. Though the property in the centre appears to be in Cavendish Road, its number 78, suggests that it is regarded as being in Haldan Road. Is this the property you are suggesting is Mr. Meopham's old shop? Jeff's family shop was number 87, Cavendish Road, completely different numbering though attached to the other two. All rather confusing. Regards,
Rodney SILK Private Reply Public Reply
30 Dec 2010 - Public Reply to Tony KEMP:
From the Baptist Historical Society website, I can tell you that Ernest Wilfred Ketley was born in 1887 and died in 1955. His obituary can be found on page 346 of the Baptist Union Handbook for 1957. A public library should be able to obtain a copy for you.
A second line of enquiry might be to contact the Didcot headquarters of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, whose website is and their phone number is 01235 517700. The best of luck in your research,
Private Reply
Public Reply
29 Dec 2010 - Public Reply to Rodney SILK:
Rodney, in response to you photograph of Meopham's shop in Haldan road Highams Park, the shop on the left as you face it was Mr Lee's. Mr Meopham's shop was the one on the right. Im not sure whether these shops were in Haldan Road or Cavendish Road as they were right on the junction?
Private Reply
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28 Dec 2010:
Dear sir, do you have any information regarding the Rev. Ernest Ketley who was the minister of the Higham Hill Baptist Church, 1947? and was married there to Sarah Clara Bertha Heath, 1952. He was during the II world war a Chaplain, was one of the oldest and last to be evacuated from Dunkirk. He was the son of my Gt Aunt Martha Ketley, nee Kemp. Thank you for any help re Ernest Ketley, he has a very interesting history. I look forward to hearing from you in due course. Yours sincerely.
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25 Dec 2010:
Hi, can any one help? My parents are both from Walthamstow Rex Engledew and Olive Dixie they met while working in Sainsburys. I am trying to find out any details regarding my Grandma Alice Florance Pitt who died in 1942 as we have no details or pictures etc. My mum was only 2 and half when she died, so has no memeries of her. I am also the granddaughter of Ada Elizabeth Taylor, whose father was a blacksmith in the area. Any information would be a great help. Thanks
Private Reply
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23 Dec 2010:
Hello Daniel,
I see you have received some photographs of Walthamstow buried under the latest snow fall. I thought you would like to see these two, with subsequent alternatives without the snow, taken from the upper floor windows of our family home in Marlborough Road, the next to last road in Walthamstow before the Chingford border. I took these photographs in about 1952-3. The first photograph shows a trolley-bus making its way along Chingford Road towards Chingford Mount. The second is of the same scene except that the Ford V8 car you see is my father coming home from work. The third is of Marlborough Road looking towards Highams Park and the fourth is the same scene minus the snow. The chimney stack in the far background belongs to the Xylonite plastics factory in Larkshall Road. Please note the cars parked in the road - or should I say lack of them!
All good wishes for Christmas & the New Year,
"Marlborough Rd., Walthamstow - 1952/53"
(Click on images to enlarge)
Rodney SILK Private Reply Public Reply
20 Dec 2010:
Here are some other pictures of... WalthamSnow! Best wishes!
"The Village" (Click on images to enlarge)
Michael WOOD Private Reply Public Reply
20 Dec 2010:
With reference to my previous ramblings (24th November), I have found some old birth, marriage and death certificates. My mum and dad Julius, (Jim) a butcher at the time, and Maud Glasser (nee Sealey) were first married in 1937, their addresses were - 41 Kitchener Rd for my dad, and 278 Sturge Avenue for my mum.
They later divorced but remarried in 1953, the address then given was 21 Hartington rd, where my nan and grandad lived (Henry George and Maud Sealey) Grandad is listed as a bus driver.
The photo of my mum and her younger sister outside the grocers in Cavendish Rd must have been taken around 1920-21. (my mum was born in 1911 and she looks about 10 years old in the photo').
Jeff GLASSER Private Reply Public Reply
18 Dec 2010:
Hi Daniel. Here are some pictures that I and my partner, Joan Fahy, took in Walthamstow. We are happy for you to use them however you see fit. The snowman was from Walnut Court, Vallentin Road. Regards
Walnut Court, Walthamstow
Walnut Court, Vallentin Rd. Walthamstow
Marlowe Rd. Walthamstow
Marlowe Rd. Playground, Walthamstow
Marlowe Rd. Playground 2, Walthamstow
Wood Street 1, Walthamstow
Wood Street-2, Walthamstow
Wood Street-3, Walthamstow
Dave HUGHES Private Reply Public Reply
5 Dec 2010:
Hi Daniel - I'm afraid I'm still learning, so if this does not receive you in correct format, please let me know. The first picture is of my grandfather, Jim Lancaster, around 1943. Shortly after this, he and my grandmother went to live near Brentwood in Essex and my father, Fred, took over the shop. We lived there unitl around 1952 or 1953, when we moved to Warner Road, between the High Street and Forest road. The other pic. is a 1949 school picture of the 10 and 11 year olds at Gamuel Road School. Miss Dollbear is the lady teacher and the man is Mr. Barltrop, who was my bete noir. By a strange twist of fate, I am standing next to him. If anyone is interested, the names I recall, starting at back row left, are - not known - Margaret Foster, who lived in the sweet shop on the corner of Boundary Road and Boston? - Alan Wylie - Freddie Black, who lived in Tennyson Road and whose dad was in the tyre business (among other ventures) - Beverley Murfitt, (family coal business in Boston Road?) - Pamela Allen? - Brenda Coyle? - Derek Smith - David Angus - myself.
The second row from left - John Saville - Greta Cotterall - unknown - Harold Ward - Jimmy Dove - 4 unknowns - Eddie Bolton - Tony Hook, who I was reunited with for five years when we both lived in Ontario from 1963.
Second row from front - Can't recall the person mostly out of the picture or the next two girls, but I think the rather severe looking young lady is Maureen Marriott? then Margaret Thorpe, who lived in the pub in Queen's road, near Markhouse road - Doreen Jones - Dawn Butler - Joan Willoby - a second Brenda Coyle ???- not known - Terence Smith - not known. .
Front row - Michael Monks? - not known - Alan Dangerfield - Johnny Smith, who went on to be a teacher at Markhouse Road - Raymond Harmon - another Raymond ? - Terry Downs - Malcolm Cook - Peter Bray - David Jarvis.
I may well be wrong on some of the names so I would welcome the possibility of being corrected.
Tony L
Tony LANCASTER Private Reply Public Reply
3 Dec 2010:
Does anyone recall the boxing tournament that I put on in the back yard of Charlie Knights cafe` corner Byron rd. & Hoe St. the fighters were Ken Catlin v David Foster. Ken lived in Forest Rd. David in Ruby Rd. Incidentally, Dave was the victor!
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30 Nov 2010:
My husband and I have lived in Walthamstow since 1980. Yesterday we came across your website and we found someone asking if the house her mother lived in (24 Winns Avenue) was still standing... I have just replied to her as we lived in it for six years! It was our first home!
This has reminded me of how many times my husband and I have thought of trying to put together the full list of people who lived in our house since it was built (probably around 1900 or soon afterwards). Could we ask through your website for help in making the list? We bought 6 Falmer Road in December 1986, from a family called Blackledge, who had lived there a few years and then moved to Wales. We know our house was -- either originally or at some time in its history --, two flats (6A and 6B), as we found a gas meter card when we renovated the house.
Kind regards
Consuelo GREEN
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28 Nov 2010 - Public Reply :
Hello Jeff, Further to my email on Meophams confectioners/newsagent shop on the corner of Cavendish Road, I have zoomed in on my raw file of the image I attached and was able to read the numbers over the doors. The house on the left is number 76, and to the right over the yellow door, is number 78. The other door within the shop frontage has no number on it. No doubt these have been made into flats. I therefore assume that Meophams old shop is on the left and, according to the old phone book, is number 76, Haldan Road, How number 78 works out I do not know as it certainly looks to be in Cavendish Road. The Cavendish Road sign is attached to the lamp post on the far right.
Rodney SILK
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28 Nov 2010: :
Hello John, I have recently been introduced to the site by a friend and am finding it so interesting. I am stumbling around trying to work out the communications and am sending you this as a first stab.
I was raised in Walthamstow and attended Maynard Rd., Forest Rd. and Sir George Monoux Schools until 1956. On marrying in 1963 I left Walthamstow, setting up home in Upminster.
I am sending a picture of the Monoux school from a postcard which I bought as a boy in the 50s. The photos attached can go in your was memories section. They are taken at the Maynard/Addison Rd. fire station where my father served in the AFS during the war. In the photo of B-Watch dad, Mark, is seated front row extreme left of picture. In the one taken around the pump he stands third from the right.
Ron WISHICK Private Reply Public Reply
28 Nov 2010 - Public Reply :
Hello Jeff, I refer to your family photographs posted on the Walthamstow Memories website and in particular your mention of the grocers/off licence shop at 87, Cavendish Road, Highams Park. My family lived in Marlborough Road from the early 1930s to mid 1950s and I attended Selwyn Avenue School from 1941 to 1947. I therefore knew the area around the school very well. Another resident of Marlborough Road was a Mr. Meopham who, along with his brother, had a confectioners/newsagents shop near the school and my family had their newspapers delivered by them. Their shop was on the corner of Cavendish Road and Haldan Road but looking up an old telephone book I find that the shop was actually in Haldan Road, No. 76. I was in that area a couple of years ago and took a photograph of what I assumed to be Meophams old shop. The photo is attached. The building that has retained its shop look, though now a private residence, looks to be in Cavendish Road as the dividing stop line marked on the road shows. When taking this photograph I thought it would be Meophams as I can remember it used to face up Haldan Road towards Selwyn Avenue. So perhaps Meophams shop is the one to the left which looks just to be in Haldan Road. The facade of the parade is much the same as in your photograph so I wonder if your family shop was part of this parade.
Rodney SILK Private Reply Public Reply
27 Nov 2010- Family History:
Researching my family history, there is a gravestone at St, Kentigern's churchyard, Lanark, stating that James Inglis, son of Cornelius Inglis, late surgeon Lanark, died at Walthamstow 5.11.1814 aged 41, and the wife of John Inglis, Director of the East India Company, died at Walthamstow in 1818. Have you any records of a house or estate owned by the Inglises at that time in Walthamstow? I'd very much appreciate any information you can provide. Best wishes,
Sheila WATT
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25 Nov 2010: :
Hello Daniel, I attach the photos' that I have plus any info' - perhaps you could post them for me where you think appropriate, I'm not too clever with putting things on websites.
The photos' are of my Grandmother and Grandfather George (known sometimes as Bert) and Maud (nee Worthington) Sealey while at Hartington Rd. The ones of my older brother Terry in a tin hat and on a bicycle were taken there during W.W.II,, although he looks older he was only about 4-5! The one of him and Grandad on next doors motorbike must be from the early '50's, when those were taken of me at about 3-4 yrs. (I'm now 62.) Dad was in Malaya with the R.A.F.
I believe Grandad served in the 1st W.W. in the Royal Horse Artillary, see pics'. After which I believe he was a bus driver local to Walthamstow. I'm not sure of the date of the picture of my mum, also Maud, and younger sister Jesse taken outside of the Grocers/off licence they owned at 87 Cavendish Rd. E.4.
I see on Google street view that it is still recognisable, though now a very nice looking private residence.
The only memories that I have are of the wonderful trips to the High st. and market with my nan, and being scared witless seeing Snow White and the Seven dwarfs at the local cinema, my first trip to a cinema, of which I can still picture the marvelous art deco interior, also the sound my nans foot steps would make on the gravel type surface of the streets, and being scared of the sound of the coal moving in the cupboard where it was kept in the living room!
I think there was a small pet shop near a railway bridge that we would pass under on the way home that had a monkey in there, I would throw a tantrum every time we passed because mum would'nt buy it for me!
My mum married Jim Glasser from Hoxton, and her sister Jesse married Harry Corrie from, I think, West Ham.
Grandad died in the early 1950's, in a Hospital local to Walthamstow. Grandma died in the early 1970's.
I'm happy for anyone to contact me re my family from those days. Thanks for your help.
(Click on pictures to enlarge)
Jeff GLASSER Private Reply Public Reply
24 Nov 2010 - W'stow History :
Hello Daniel,
With the forthcoming Royal Wedding: much in the news, I wonder how many people know of Kate Middleton's Walthamstow family connection. Kate's paternal great grandmother Constance Robison, was born in Walthamstow in 1888. She died in 1977. Constance was the daughter of Gavin Fullerton Robison and Sarah Ann Gee.
Gavin Fullerton Robison was born in Stepney in 1844. He became a banker's clerk and in 1871, aged 26 years, he was living in lodgings in Islington. He married Sarah Ann Gee in 1875 in Holbeach, Lincolnshire. In 1881 Gavin and Sarah were living in Granville Road, Walthamstow, with Gavin's widowed mother and the first three of their six children. All three children were born in Walthamstow. Granville Road is situated off of Hoe Street, near the Baker's Arms. Kate Middleton's great grandmother Constance, was born in 1888. In 1891 the Robisons were living at 8, Addison Road, Walthamstow, which is off of Shernhall Street. Then the family consisted of five children, Constance being the youngest, Gavin's widowed mother aged 86, and a servant. Of the Robisons' six children one died in infancy. Gavin's mother died in 1895. By 1901 the family had moved to 160, Hainault Road, Leyton, and consisted of Gavin and Sarah, four children, including Constance aged 12, and a servant. In 1911 the Robisons still occupied 160, Hainault Road, a house with eight rooms. Gavin was now retired and there were two children, including Constance, and a servant. Constance married Frederick George Glassborow, a bank manager, in Marylebone in 1920. Frederick's job took him to Marseilles where their daughter, Valerie Glassborow was born in 1924. Valerie married Peter Francis Middleton in Leeds in 1946 and their son, Michael Frances Middleton, was born in Leeds in 1949. Michael married Carole Elizabeth Goldsmith in 1980 and Kate was born to them in 1982.
I trust this will be of interest for Walthamstow memories. Regards,
Rodney SILK
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20 Nov 2010- Public Reply: To Len Hall in particular and all in general.
I also went to Gamuel road School until 1949 after which I went to Leyton County High School. My bother Fred, who was a very big lad, was in your year, and apart from names in my own year, I remember many older boys, such as Johnny Simmons, Ronnie Stevens, Ronnie Townsend, Roy Whittle, Lennie Bassett. Previous to Gamuel, where I went at the age of seven, I went to Queens Road Infants School, which was on the same site as the Gascoigne. My parents kept Lancasters Greengrocers shop in Lennox Road and my friend's dad was Walt, who had Eacott's sweet shop, a small block away.
This whole area was demolished some years ago and flats were put up so there is no prospect of a trip down memory lane,
I must admit, though, even by war time standards, it was in a pretty sorry state after the bombing, with sacking and plywood up at the windows and a clump of prefabs where the big one fell. My first home at number 4 Gordon Road, was virtually demolished and we had to move to Selborne Road, near the High Street, for quite a few months before we could return. I remember combing through the rubble the next morning trying to find the odd piece of clothing. I also remember a wonderful neighbour, Mrs. Simmons (Johnny's mum) fitting me out with odd bits of Johnny's clothing.) Then, when we moved to the shop in Lennox Road, we took the blast from another hit.
Referring to slate boards and chalk, this is partly true. This is what we had at Queens Road Infants before moving to Gamuel Road, and I remember having to clean each slate board at the end of each day and then, at the start of the following day, laboriously writing the new date at the top, at the dictation of the teacher.
My memories of Gamuel road are mostly good, but there were two notable, horrible exceptions. I loved Miss Herring, the headmistress who had been brought in for the duration, and Miss Dollbear, who always taught the 'top class'. Both were very strict and although Miss Dollbear came across as very severe, she was a wonderful teacher. I remember craftily pocketing a piece of chalk from her desk when i thought she wasn't looking, and she waited until the other kids were leaving, and called me back. 'Do you really need that chalk?' she asked, and studying my shoes and on the point of tears, I said that I didn't. 'Well!' she said, if you need it, you may have it, but if you don't, please replace it.'
Miss Herring never had to chastise, she just made you feel ashamed, and she was in complete contrast to one of the most evil women I have ever met, Miss Pendrell, who took a great dislike to me and bullied me verbally and psychologically
whenever I was under her jurisdiction. It even went to the point, in my second last year, where she denied that I had come top of the class in exams, and tried to replace me with her favourite blue eyed boy (yes, I do remember his name!).
Miss Herring, who was not unaware of the ongoing situation, came to hear of this, entered the classroom, and in front of the class, proceeded to add up all the exam marks from all the subjects. Then, turning to Miss P, she announced 'You have made a mistake, Tony is top of the class!' I have never understood why an adult would actually enjoy consistently tormenting a nine year old child like that.
Another one who gave me a hard time was a tall guy named Barltrop. You may remember that he was a talented artist, and supervised the creation of a mural on one of the school hall walls. The chemistry between us was horrible and he used every opportunity to belittle me in front of others. Once again, ever vigilant, Miss Herring came to my aid and told him to back off, and as a result, whenever he was around, I really had to watch my back. He was a rabid Socialist and became quite a well-known author and illustrator. I'm glad he did, because he certainly wasn't meant to be a teacher.
Mr. Head replaced Miss Herring as the men came back from the war, and I remember falling in love with Miss Theakston and Miss Williams both at the same time, when they joined the school. Miss Williams was quite small but fitted a woollen sweater superbly, and I was desperately unhappy when she chose not to wait for me but married someone else instead. Other names come to mind, like Mr. Oliver, who insisted on playing records of the old tenor, John McCormack, and demanding that we grew to like him. He also favoured the girls, and cuddled them in a way that would raise eyebrows in these less innocent times. Having said that, his intentions were good and he was a good teacher. In my second last year, the son of the school cleaning lady, Mrs. Munns, left the school and went up to the seniors, and I took over his job as Chairman of the school. The job consisted of preceding her in each classroom and placing the chairs on the desks so that she could sweep the floor without hindrance, and then replacing the chairs once she had finished. the job paid two and sixpence a week, cash in hand, no deductions.
If anyone who remembers me would like to communicate, my email is I presently live in Poole, Dorset, and I am semi-retired except for some small-time speculation in gold on the internet.
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10 Nov 2010- W'stow at War:
Hi Daniel, John I have some photos of my father Sgt O.G Freeman MM with my mother and a group of people - I belive it was the first showing of the film "For theirs the Glory" shown at the Granada Walthamstow in 1947 its the story of the battle of Arnhem. I belive the Granada manager at that time was also in the Airbourne forces during the war. I can download and send them to you, but where do I send them to? [see pictures here]. Many thanks.
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10 Nov 2010- Lost & Found:
Hello, my name is Sharon Ball and I'm looking for any information on my grandfather Edward Ernest Ball.
Sharon BALL
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09 Nov 2010- Lost & Found:
Excellent site which brings back so many memories by just reading of places and street names etc. Wonder if there are still some around who were members or recall youth clubs 1939 and the early war years onwards. Our memories are of Athan 31, SWOGA (South Walthamstow Old Girls Assn),Brookscroft, St Oswalds which later became St James, Marsh Street??
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31 Oct 2010- Lost & Found:
I'm presently researching the history of HMS Martin which was torpedoed and sunk in the Meditteranean on 10th Nov 1942 by the German U-boat U431.I noted form your website under the Walthamstow Historical Society publications the title HMS Martin - young men who gave their life in WW2I am interested in the name of the seaman on your WW2 war memorial who served on this ship and whether any of his family still live in the Walthamstow area and can be contacted. I'd very much appreciate any help that you can give me.
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30 Oct 2010- Lost & Found:
Hi guys, anyone out there knows the where abouts of Ken Lewis. Lived in Forest rd just down from the `Bell` pub. Went William McGuffie sec. shool left school worked as a toolmaker I believe, married and lived for a while in Howard Rd. Great site!
Private Reply
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28 Oct 2010 - Memories:
Hello John, I recently wrote an article [read it here] for my own blog website at
As the subject matter also appears to be relevant to your website, I wondered if you might wish to fit it into an appropriate slot. I have added a few alternative definitions e.g. lifts (elevators) as my blog site probably attracts an international reader who may not always understand some of the words we use in the UK. Regards
Michael GILBEY
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13 Oct 2010 - Memories:
Hi there, just came across your website. Regarding the photo of the NFS at Coppermill Lane 1942, I believe my father and his brother are shown as they both served at that station. My uncle Dick Hares is 3rd from the right bottom row and my dad Joe Hares is far right bottom row..they both served through to the end of the war...I remember my dad telling me that their sister Dolly Hares was killed during a raid while she was visiting them whilst they were on duty.. she was just 21...
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13 Oct 2010 - Family History:
Hi - My Father and his family, William Henry & Sarah Grove lived at 43 Clarence Road Walthamstow in the 1930's. My father, also William Henry, had a sister, Mab. I do not know her married name, but think she had two sons, one called Keith. My Grandmother came for a two week holiday in Rhyland, stayed until her death in 1962. If anyone knows anything about Mab or her two sons I would be very grateful if you would let me know. Thank you
Margaret LEWIS nee GROVE
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06 Oct 2010 - Family History
Hi, I am looking for anyone who remembers my mother's family - the Wilsons - they used to live at 24 Winns Ave. My mother was Winifred my grandfather William and my grandmother Laura (nee Nell). They moved down to Maidstone Kent when my mother was in her teens I think - I was born in Maidstone. My mother has since passed away in 1987 - she was possibly at the primary school in Winns Ave. Does the house still exist?
Viv COOKE Private Reply Public Reply
03 Oct 2010 - (Public reply):
Colleen, Was so glad to hear someone else praise the ARP but, unfortunately, the photo you shew was not the uniforms of the ARP but of firefighters whose uniform was entirely different. The ARP never had silver buttons - the Verulam Avenue ARP post wore either black overalls or black jackets to the waist and trews.
Jean BROWN Private Reply Public Reply
02 Oct 2010 - ARP/NFS in W'stow:
Who were these courageous war time fire fighters, Daniel? I don't know, I don't have their names. One thing is certain, with over 300 bombing raids on Walthamstow during World War II, they all risked their lives many times to contain the reusulting fires and to release people buried under debris.
That young woman could almost be my mother, she had very similar looks and hair style, though my mother was even prettier and had better legs (!!)
Dick Hares is 3rd from the right bottom row and Joe Hares is far right bottom row..
This following is my public reply to Jean (26 Sep 2010):
Thank you, Jean, for mentioning Britain's courageous ARP. How very brave they were, just ordinary people who'd lived uneventful lives before the war, yet they all became heroes during wartime, every one of them.
The tragic, 60,000 civilian deaths that occurred in Britain during World War II, most of which occurred during German air raids or rocket attacks, would certainly have been substantially increased had it not been for the courageous and extraordinary heroism of millions of ordinary people who volunteered to serve their countrymen and women in extraordinary ways in the ARP and NFS.
Here in my study I have an ARP survivor of the blitz: an original ARP medicine cabinet which I use to hold my writing utensils. It's a white painted, wooden cabinet, some 18" wide by about 12" tall and, say, 8" in depth, with the distinctive, scarlet 'ARP' logo picked out in raised, fretworked lettering on the front. The entire front of the cabinet is a hinged lid which lifts upward on brass hinges and inside are two shelves. What would the colcentrales of this cabinet have been during the war, I wonder and would it have been an ARP station medicine cabinet, or would it have travelled around in the ARP's ambulances?
It's poignant memento for me which never fails to bring a lump to my throat when I open it, because, from the age of just 19, as an innocent young girl with no experience of life, my brave mother, Kathie Bryan, drove one of those ARP ambulances. At times, day after day, week in, week out, mum and all of the other ARP heroes had to cope with unthinkable horrors and tragedies.
My mother lived with her parents, William (Bill) and Mary Bryan and her three brothers, Ronnie, Charlie and little Leslie in Millfield Avenue, Walthamstow. So she was based in the nearest ARP station, at Roger Ascham School on the Billet Road.
On the 60th anniversary of VE Day, after my beloved mother had long gone to join the angels, my dear uncle Les and I returned to Walthamstow to celebrate our family's survival and to reminisce about our family and the war. I was a baby boomer, born years after the war, so have no memories of wartime, only of the stories my family told of their lives during the war.
I parked my car outside Roger Ascham School and turned to look at my uncle Les in the passenger seat: he sat with tears in his eyes, staring into the hazy middle distance of 60 years previously.
"I can see it as if it was yesterday", Les said, sighing heavily, "your mother driving out of the gates in front of that yard, never knowing what nightmare she might have to deal with. What her generation had to do to survive, it's beyond comprehension these days. I remember one morning she came home exhausted but couldn't sleep and she kept being sick. A double decker bus had taken a direct hit in the rush hour, outside the Standard pub, Kathie had been trying to help save those who could be saved and transporting the injured, then she had to go back for the bodies, what was left of them. One of her friends had been was weeks before they found his head."
Les and I went on to Millfield Avenue where we found a VE Day street party: 60 years after the war children were playing the same old games that their parents had played on that same street. That took me back to the street parties I'd attended there as a child, years after the war.
Les told me that he used to visit the ARP station when mum was on duty, he was just a young boy then. The ARP and other emergency services were given early warning of impending air raids and Les recalled my mother taking him aside on a few occasions during these visits and telling him to run home as fast as he could to tell my grandmother to get to the shelter - quickly!: "You mustn't stop for anything, Les, promise me!", she'd say.
"I'd get home and shout, 'get to the shelter, there's an air raid coming!' Dad would always say, 'I'm not leaving, I'm stopping 'ere, I'm sleeping in me own bed: Hitler's not getting me down that bl**dy shelter', and off he'd go, up the wooden hills clutching his nightly bottle of wallop to drink himself into blissful oblivion. Meanwhile, mum and I - we'd long given up trying to save dad from the bombs - we would be running up Carlton Road to the air raid shelter half way up.You know a rocket could have landed next door once dad had had his wallop and it wouldn't have woken him."
Every morning when we came out of the shelter mum would say: "Les, quick, run down the hill and come back and tell me if our house is still there and if dad's still alive!"
Private Reply
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01 Oct 2010 - Lost & Found:
Hi, My name is Annette Hagger (maiden name SMITH) I lived at No. 9 Ringwood Road, Walthamstow, from 1959 - 1971 ish.
I am looking for a school friend by the name of Glynis Rodgers, who lived with her MUM and brother Brian in a flat over a shop which was in Markhouse Road, but the entrance to the flat was down the alleyway down Ringwood Road.
Please please, anyone who knows the where abouts of Glynis or if they know if she has married and know her last name I'd much appreciate you getting in touch. As I'd love to get back in contact with her again.
Annette HAGGER
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26 Sep 2010 :
Hello Daniel, Being a regular reader of WM, I notice no mention has been made of the ARP during the war years, the following is knowledge which was partly obtained from a coach passenger during one of my trips from Norwich to London and bits from family stories:
There was an ARP post in St. Saviour's School playground, Verulam Avenue. As far as we worked out, this post was made up of an Electrician, A Waterboard employee, a Doctor, and Jim Ryder, who had the chemist shop opposite the Common Gate, Markhouse Road, and maybe others. The electrician had to restore all electricty, the Doctor attended the injured and the chemist supplied first aid equipment etc. etc.
Just one story stands out in my memory and that was when a bomb dropped in Lennox Road. The Verulam Avenue ARP post attended, first picking up pieces of human remains before getting down to their qualified jobs. After all main services were practically in working order, which took to the next day, the ARP then cleared the roadway so that traffic and pedestrians could go about their daily lives.
So these people were not just ARP Wardens who walked the streets shouting "Turn that light out", but brave men who had to cope with situations well outside their normal lives.
The coach passenger's relative (I believe) was Jim Ryder and my Dad was the electrician.
Jean BROWN (nee Truman)
Private Reply
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From Daniel: Dear Jean, nice to hear from you - many thanks for your message.
You are right: now that you make me think of it, I cannot recall the ARP being mentioned as it would deserve. Nor the Home Guard (your "Turn that light out!" inevitably made me think of "Dad's Army", a series that I enjoy almost every evening on DVD!).
I have a copy of "The War over Walthamstow" (reprint available at the Vestry House Museum), which gives a rather wide view of what the civil defence did and how it was organised. It is copyrighted material, but perhaps I may obtain permission to post some excerpts. However, I would much prefer to get 'first hand' stories - like in your case - from our visitors.
Front cover of The War over Walthamstow (© Vestry House Museum)
25 Sep 2010 :
Hello Daniel, The paper made a mistake when they put my address in that article, I actually lived in Daventry Ave, off Hoe Street. I have tried to contact Tony Hart, who was the other boy, a couple of times but have had no luck. Regards,
Private Reply
Public Reply
25 Sep 2010 :
Hi Daniel - Do you go to the Glastonbury Festival? I have never been, but I often go to the Sidmouth Folk Festival in Devon and am Steward at that event. I first learnt Folk Dancing at Blackhorse Road School in Walthamstow and was an original member of the White Heather Dancers - dancing at the Royal Albert Hall, in Saarbrucken and Luxemburg (on Eurovision) in Lloyd Park and the Dog Racing track at Walthamstow and lots of halls in Walthamstow and Leyton etc.
Happy days.....
Private Reply
Public Reply
25 Sep 2010 :
Daniel, I would so like to know roughly what time you are planning a get together in 2011, it would be so good to come from Western Australia to be there.
Names in my family from the area are: Buchan, Frank Charles; Buchan, Hilda Lillian Iris; Gumbrell, Arthur James Frederick; Gumbrell, John George; Kirby, Harriet; Riches, John; Riches, Phoebe; Samiels, Lillian; Stewart, Ellen May; Stewart, James;
Stewart, Jane Annie.
There are some other, however have still got some following up to do with these. Regards,
Private Reply
Public Reply
25 Sep 2010 :
Thank you very much for your "Walthamstow Memories" newsletter. Wish I could have been there for your tour of Vestry House, but since I live in Australia, that's a bit impossible, but it certainly sounded very good. Are you going to add a section of photo's to the newsletter of "then and now", so that us foreigners can see what it was like there. My grandfather was born in 6 Rose Cottages, Collard Rd. (which no longer exists) and I've been trying to find something about it but to no avail. He lived there in 1881 and by 1891 the family had moved. I will look forward to your next newsletter. Good Luck.
Private Reply
Public Reply
24 Sep 2010 :
I left Walthamstow in 1955 and am looking for old mates, hopefully you can help me reconnect. The names are: Bernie Green, Ray Penny, Derek Greening, Frank Muffett and Ken Brittian.
Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.
John/Tom THOMPSON Private Reply Public Reply
24 Sep 2010 :
Hello Daniel, I'm sure that this is a typing error but what you have called the 'Bremen' car is actually the 'Bremer' car. You might also be interested to know that the 'Nags Head Pub' was the place where the Wragg horse drawn coaches departed from on there regular trips to London.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Thanks, Bill: my fingers tend to run faster than my mind! Error corrected.
24 Sep 2010 - Family History:
Thank you for posting my last e mail on your site. I have found out some more info that may jog someones memory, I hope. My grandfather Charles William Bettiss was born in Walthamstow in 1911. He went on to have two sons, Derrick and Roy, who both attended school in Walthamstow. He did indeed have a shop, but not sure what type as yet, but still belive it was a butchers. He was heavilly involved with the church, holding weekly meetings at his house. He served in the second world war, and I belive he was still living in Walthamstow untill the mid 1970's. According to phone books from the times mentioned, he either lived at number 17 or 19 Mansfiel road. Thanks again,
Private Reply
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24 Sep 2010 :
Good evening Daniel, I and a friend from Joseph Barrett School received the 'Royal Humane Society Certificate' in 1948 for rescuing an elderly lady in the Wipps Cross Hollow pond, I have attached an old paper cutting that my mother saved. Also I have attached a photo of me outside the swimming baths in the High Street, taken I think in 1951 or 52. In 1953 I enlisted in the RAF for five years. Thanks for keeping old Walthamstow alive.
Dennis SEAGER Private Reply Public Reply
24 Sep 2010:
Dear Daniel, thank you for the Walthamstow Memories newsletter. Your kind comments were much appreciated both by me and by my colleagues.
Best wishes,
Waltham Forest Archives
Vestry House Museum
Private Reply
Public Reply
24 Sep 2010 :
Hi - I didn't realize that there was a NAG'S HEAD in Walthamstow. I used to work at the Post Office Savings Department in Holloway and after taking the 623 trolley 'bus to Manor House took a further 'bus to THE NAG'S HEAD. One day, while in a dream - I asked the conductor for a ticket to THE BLACK NAG -this was the name of a three couple Folk Dance and we both fell about laughing at my faux pas. Regards,
Private Reply
Public Reply
24 Sep 2010 :
Hello Daniel,
If it is possible could you please add one or both of the attached Photos to
your mail section.
I and my mate Arthur Brown who lived in Callis Road, Walthamstow were
inseparable when we were kids but at the age of 15 we went our separate
ways. However 50 years went by and I yearned to meet him again so in 2006 I put an
advert in the Guardian, and lo and behold someone saw my ad and passed on my
email address to him, he had retired like myself and was living in Cornwall.
Arthur contacted me and told me he had retired to live in a village in
Cornwall, but for almost all of our lapsed time he had learned 'the
knowledge' and had been a London Cabbie with his own Taxi Cab.
So I went to the United Kingdom in 2007 and found him living in a 16th
century farmhouse in Launceston. We had a great reunion and resolved to
continue our friendship by email and telephone when I returned to Australia.
Sadly Arthur died from a stroke a year later and so I am left with my
memories only. He left a wife named Mavis (also a Walthamstowie) and two
sons. When I knew him as a boy I was of the opinion that he would not go too far
in life, but I was so wrong and I was very impressed with his general
knowledge, and he was a very well read man.
Also he did not have an East London accent and when I asked why this was so
he told me that he had moved in some good circles.
Arthur's brother David is also a taxi owner and his sister Jean used to be a
stall holder in the High Street near Willow Walk.
If anybody remembers Arthur Brown and would like to know more, contact me by
email at:
Yours Truly,
Private Reply
Public Reply
20 Sep 2010 - Family History:
Hi, wondering if you can help me: I am trying to trace info on the Bettiss family. I believe my grand parents lived on Mansfield rd and possibly owned a butchers shop there. Names were Charles William Bettiss and Dorothy Bettiss formerly Kurz. Regards,
Private Reply
Public Reply
18 Sep 2010 - General:
I am looking for John (Josh) Brown, he is/was a drummer and he played on Chirpy Chirpy Tweet Tweet and I think also with Sam Apple Pie. My maiden name was Harman and I lived in The Drive. Have very fond memories of Assembly Hall where I used to go dancing Wednesday and Saturday nights. Notice not much mentioned about Leyton Baths on a Saturday night in the winter I think where we also used to go dancing and the bands that played there. Love the site, I live in Scotland now. Kindest regards,
Lynn BOLT (Harman)
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18 Sep 2010 - General:
Hello Daniel, I enjoyed the reunion photographs and I do hope that you get more attendees at the next one. Unfortunately time is against us and the older we get the less there are of us. Therefore I am making one last ditch attempt to try and contact any of my old school friends at Markhousr Road Secondary Modern before we all fade away. In particular anyone who was taught by Miss Townsend and left school in 1952. Names are Bavin, Biswell, Lewis, Russell, Coleman, Miller to mention just a few. Contact me on my email address.
Private Reply
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16 Sep 2010 - General:
Hi Daniel & John! Firstly, let me say how much I enjoy all the Walthamtsow Memories, taking me back to my happy and exciting life as a child during the war, and as a pupil at William Morris Technical School from 1946-1951. A very dear WMTS school friend is having difficulty getting onto your site, and she would like to be included on your monthly news-letter. Could you please include her on your list. Her e-mail address is.... Many thanks, and thanks for the nostalgia. Kind regards,
Ray BARRETT (now in Great Leighs, near Chelmsford)
Private Reply
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8 Sep 2010 - General:
I came across your website when looking for details of my old school, Beaconsfield sec mod. I have checked out a few bits and pieces and will have to find more time to absorb all the shared memories. How can I participate with my story, do i need to join or what is the proceedure. Regards,
Private Reply
Public Reply
8 Sep 2010 - General:
Dear Sir, My uncle was looking at your website yesterday and he discovered my father in one of your pictures. He is in the Ali Barber picture from forest road school. I was hoping that you could email me a copy of this to give to my father as he has no photos from his school days. Sincerely,
Private Reply
Public Reply
7 Sep 2010 - General:
I am trying to found out more about the bombing of Hazelwood Road, Walthamstow on 13th October 1940 when my grandmother, Louisa Florence Terry of 54 Hazelwood Road was injured. She died in Whipps Cross Hospital on 16th October, aged 55 years.
Private Reply
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6 Sep 2010:
Just thought you might be interested in this 125-year-old photo from our family album, showing my Great-Uncle Edwin, the father of Sir George Edwards, former aircraft designer and Chairman of the British Aircraft Corporation, whose connections with Walthamstow and especially Highams Park you are sure to know about.
This picture, taken in about 1885, shows Edwin Edwards (here aged about 13) together with his younger brother Charles (aged about 11), who later ran the newsagent's shop in Hale End Road, opposite the end of Beech Hall Road. Edwin owned the toy shop on the corner of Hale End and Beech Hall Roads. This photo would have been taken in Bethnal Green. Both brothers moved out to Highams Park in 1900. It was in Highams Park that Sir George was born in 1908. Edwin died in 1938 and Charles in 1929.
I recently sent a detailed article on Sir George's ancestry to Vestry House Museum, after tracing his Edwards forebears back to Bermondsey in about the 1780s.
Do, please, continue sending me the Walthamstow Memories newsletter. I always enjoy reading it. Kind regards,
Edwin & Charles Edwards - ca. 1885
Grant EDWARDS Private Reply Public Reply
5 Sep 2010 :
Dear Daniel, Thank you so much for sending me this september newsletter. I spotted my mother, Olive Pariser in the school photograph in the personal stories section that Barry Stevens photgraphs. She is the girl second from the left in the front row in the photo captioned "My mother Kathleen Fryer (second from the left third row) at George Gascoignes Central School, Queens Road, Walthamstow - 1939". I sent it to my cousin Diane French nee Pariser and my brother Timothy Martin. it is such a thrill. Thank you thank you thank you. Look forward to meeting you one day.
If anybody knows my mother, her sister was Ethel and brothers Ernie and George, I'd be very keen to be in contact. Kind regards
Sarah MCDOUGALL, daughter of Olive PARISER
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5 Sep 2010 - (Ms. Paddock):
Hi Daniel, I have just been for a stroll around The Vestry house thanks to the virtual tour. I was a bit worried about down loading the JAVA software but it has all worked out ok. One day I may get to look around the place in person, sorry I cannot join you at the reunion.
Re the Ms Paddock photos, I recognize her as the top centre lady in the first photo and in the other one she is much older on the LHS of the photo. The other teachers shown are Mr Parrott, who was my metalwork teacher, and Mr Fairfoull who was the woodwork teacher. The other lady there is Ms Wilcox. If she is still alive, Ms Paddock would be around 85 now.
Private Reply
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4 Sep 2010 - Gathering:
Hello Daniel, unfortunately I shall be away on 11/9 so I won't be able to have attend the meeting on that afternoon. What a shame! Never mind, I'll be sure to get to next year's meeting. I hope you have a great time during your holiday in England and that the weather improves for you. Best wishes,
Private Reply
Public Reply
4 Sep 2010 - General:
Hi. Enclosed photo of my grandfather Robert Newberry's off-licence in Milton Road around 1900. He is the lad near the step; my great-grandfather is holding the cart on the right and my great-great-grandfather is on the step. My grandfather retired around 1970 and still delivered drinks in the handcart on the left, up to his retirement. The off-licence has now been converted to a house.
Robert Newberry's Off Licence ca. 1900
(Click on image to enlarge)
Ken DUKE Private Reply Public Reply
4 Sep 2010 - (Public reply):
Hi, Dennis, this is just a long shoot! But I see you are a old Walthamstow lad. My Family all came from Walthamstow: My great grandparents were Builders and had Properties off Hoe street, and st Barnabos Rd. Have you heard of the Bakers Family, as I am trying to build a family tree. Many thanks,
Private Reply
Public Reply
30 Aug 2010 - General:
Hi, I'm looking for photographs or drawings of either Orford House (now a social club) in Orford Road or Shern Hall Place, which I believe was an old manor house.I have relatives who worked at both in the late 1800s. Many thanks,
Private Reply
Public Reply
30 Aug 2010 - Lost & Found:
Hello Brian, do you remember where exactly in Millfield Avenue your brother lived and what year? My family lived there until the later 1960s and I can recall it from my childhood. I don't remember Lawrence, but more information might just jog my memory.
Private Reply
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29 Aug 2010 - Lost & Found:
Hi Daniel, What a great site magic! Is it possible to try and find my brother through your site? I am looking for Lawrence Staines his father was George Staines and they lived in St Johns road, Walthamstow, in the 60s and also in Millfield Ave. Our mother was Joan Freeman - we lost contact when our mother died in 1969. Many thanks,
Private Reply
Public Reply
25 Aug 2010 - Gathering:
Hello Daniel, I am an old Walthamstow lad, I say old as I was born in Thorpe Coombe in 1935 and lived there until the mid sixties after schooling at Joseph Barrett, Royal Air force for five years and driving coaches in the UK and Europe before having my own travel business and moving to Oulton Broad in Suffolk.
I am, at seventy five, retired now, but I am on the committee of a large Charity and organise, with my wife, all their UK and European holidays, on which we both travel with the group.
I naturally have many memories of E17 and have tried to contact one or two people, but without success at the moment. I lived at 16 Daventry Ave, Off Hoe Street.
I still have an old family friend who I am planning to see sometime soon in Walthamstow, I could come down on September the 11th and meet up with you and perhaps one or two more from the old days. Is their a nice restaurant or large nice coffee house where we could meet, I drive so much now that I never take a chance and drink while I am out. Kind regards
Private Reply
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25 Aug 2010 - Gathering :
Dear Daniel, I hope to be able to meet up with you on the 11th of September. There will be two of us attending. I am almost 66 yrs old I was born in Walthamstow and have lived here all my life.
Private Reply
Public Reply
22 Aug 2010 - Personal Memories: :
Hi, my mum has seen your site and has been inspired to write down some memories, which I have typed up for her.
My email is if you need to get back to me, otherwise I hope to see her work on you site soon, I could not originally find your email so I've sent you an enquiry through your site to ask for an eamil address. Keep up the good work its fascinating!
[Note from Daniel: "Life during the blitz and after" by Marjorie Pryor is listed in the "Personal Stories" section.
You can read it [HERE]
Private Reply
Public Reply
21 Aug 2010 - Memories: :
I have just read your email about Brian Gray and wondered if he remembers my brother Brian Whenman, we lived at 4 Brettenham Road and Brian used to hang around with all the boys from Fleeming Road and Carr Road and Winns Avenue, Roy Arnold was a very good friend and also John Fuelling. Does anyone remember how a crowd of the boys used to visit Joan Kill from Harlow? Brian would love to get in touch with any of the boys who remember him. Our grandmother Julia Whenman lived in an upstairds flat in Fleeming Road opposite the school, downstairs lived my aunt Queenie Firmstone and her boys Roddy Martin and Gary. Just love your site it brings back so many memories of our childhood keep up the good work.
(formerly Whenman)
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17 Aug 2010 - Schooldays:
I have made a private reply on this issue, but it might help your general readership if I explain the Triparte secondary school system that applied in England between 1944 and 1970.
From Wikipedia:
The Tripartite System was the arrangement of state funded secondary education between 1944 and the 1970s in England and Wales, and from 1947 to 2009 in Northern Ireland. It was an administrative implementation of the Education Act 1944 and the Education Act (Northern Ireland) 1947.
State funded secondary education was arranged into a structure containing three types of school, namely: grammar school, secondary technical school and secondary modern school. Pupils were allocated to their respective types of school according to their performance in the Eleven Plus examination. It was the prevalent system under the Conservative governments of the 1951 to 1964 period, but was actively discouraged by the Labour government after 1965. It was formally abolished in England and Wales in 1976,[giving way to the Comprehensive System. However, elements of similar systems persist in several English counties.The system's merits and demerits, in particular the need and selection for grammar schools, proved to be a colcentraleious issue at the time and still remain so.
The purpose of the system was to 'grade', at the age of 11 years, children for their future careers. Secondary Grammar school students were those who were going to become 'professional' people and manage companies. Secondary Technical students were those who were going to lean trades and become engineers and craftspeople etc. Secondary Modern students were destined to become factory fodder and labourers.
As you may imagine, Walthamstow had only a few Grammar schools- (George Monoux for Boys and Walthamstow County High School Girls. A number of Secondary Central schools that included South West Essex Technical College, McEntee, Grosvenor House, Chestnuts, for a time Winns Avenue and William Morris. Many of the Secondary Modern schools were formed from the preceding Elementary schools and included - William McGuffie, George Gascoigne, St Georges RC, Sidney Burnell, Chapel End, Markhouse, Coppermill, Blackhorse Road, Joseph Barrett, William Fitt and Sidney Chaplin.
This whole system changed in the late 1970's with the introduction of the Comprehensive schools system but that's another story.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
16 Aug 2010 - Memories:
Hi again John/Daniel, Was just reading a letter from a Jean nee Truman postbag 2008: would love her to know that my grandparents May & Bill Masters used to run the table tennis club at Boundary Rd (my grandad was a conductor on the Trolly buses working out of London Transport Walthamstow Depot) And to top it off, I met my husband Brian (who played at both venues) at the Wadham Lodge club in 1964. Hope you can pass this on. I'm hooked on this site.
Janet GRAY
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Public Reply
16 Aug 2010 - Memories:
Hi, have just stumbled on your web site whilst looking up Sidney Burnell Secondary Mod, which I attended from 1957 to 60. However, just read something on Post Bag 2007 that relates more to my husband, Brian Gray. He was a close friend of Roy Arnold and lived at 190 Carr Road from about 1945 to 1964. We have lived in Australia since late 65. Have lots of memories of Walthamstow and Chingford, as I have visited many, many times over the years as my Mum lived in Higham Station Avenue and my brother still lives in Woodford Green. Also could pass on an address for Roy Arnold. Cheers.
Janet GRAY
Private Reply
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13 Aug 2010 - General:
I lived in Walthamstow 1961 -1964 and have very fond memories of it. We lived at 23 Woodville Road at the bottom of the High Street. I worked in SeaFare in the evenings 1963-64 and wondered if anyone out there remembers we had a lot of good times. Don't know if it is still there - think it was in Hoe street near the cinema and a fabulous Chinese Restaurant.
Helen HARRISON Private Reply Public Reply
13 Aug 2010 - General:
Hello Daniel. A historian in Walthamstow suggested you might be able to help me find some information on
Walthamstow Secondary Modern School, as I can't find a record of the school and also my birth mother as she went to that school.
I was adopted in 1968 and have been trying to trace my birth mother and father for the last 20 years, (quite complicated history as both
were in a mental institution now pulled down, called Shenley in Hertfordshire), and my mother was illegitimate and no family
life, with no luck at all, until a few days ago when I finally tracked down a record for her death in Ealing in 1978.
She was placed in a convent when she was small and then went to Walthamstow Secondary Modern School. I have searched for this
school, as I would like to see if I can find records of her as I would like to trace some details about her and her mother Isabel Ann Cunningham,
but I don't seem to be able to find anything concrete about the school.
I would love to find anyone who remembered her from school or if they have any idea about the convent/children's home she might have
lived in. I have no pictures of her and hardly any info at all.
Would you be able to shed light on anything about the school. My mother had a baby at 16 and also 24 and then me and we were all put
up for adoption so some one might remember her as I am sure it was quite a scandal back in 1957 to be single and pregnant.
The historian said that there were two main secondary schools in Walthamstow :
1) George Gascoigne in Queens Road and 2) Markhouse in Markhouse Road.
There were a few other minor secondary schools too, but we are not sure which one was Walthamstow Secondary Modern School.
My mother's name is Marguerite Bridget Cunningham, born 28 July 1941, address on my birth certificate says: 92 Torrington Park, Finchley,
N12 (it was single mother and baby place).
My grandmother is Isabel Ann Cunningham a barmaid and she had Marguerite at 30 King Henrys Walk Islington and
Isabel was living at 2 Dovehouse Street Chelsea when she registered the baby.
Any help you could provide or ideas on what to do next would be really great because of illegitimacy its been hard to find any records.
Hopefully yours.
Sara DOMAN (born: Jane Hilary Cunningham) Private Reply Public Reply
8 Aug 2010 - General:
Hello Claire, I made this a Public reply, as I have seen a number of other posts from people
who had relatives at George Monoux school. The web reference gives you the Old Monovians Association
(George Monoux old boys) and contains a huge amount of information about Walthamstow and includes their excellent newsletter. Respects.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
7 Aug 2010 - Family History:
Any info on Harold Arthur Charles Evans: My Father has recently passed away but I am
fascinated by his childhood and growing up in Walthamstow and any info would be fab.
My Dad was born on 21st Jan 1920, his Mother was called Margaret, born 1891 ? where (maiden name was Rogers) and his Father's
name was Harold, he was a Surveyor and died when my Dad was about 20, he had 2 older sisters Hilda and Olive, the family lived at
4, Empress Parade. He went to George Monoux School from 1931-1936, left to become an insurance clerk then joined the
RAF. Any info appreciated. This site is absolutely amazing and addictive ! Thank you.
(née EVANS)
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7 Aug 2010 - General:
Hi my name is Dave Hughes and I wonder if anyone could give me some information on the following:
At the age of around 7 or 8 (1959-60) I attended Henry Maynard Boys School. I remember once a week, on a Wednesday, going to
a large building on Hale End Road for 'breathing lessons'?? This building is now a special school but it was 13 years
or so before they moved their. Can anyone help?
Private Reply
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6 Aug 2010 - Topography:
Hi Daniel
I don't know if you are able to shed any light on a query I have, but thought it was worth a try.
I see on your website you have a list of road names with brief history of them. I am struggling to find any information on "Markhouse Place".
I have seen there is a Markhouse Road and Avenue, but no reference anywhere to a Place. Although I did find one lone page where they
had mentioned residence at Markhouse Place, Walthamstow, so can assume it did really exist, but I don't know why it's no longer there.
My Grandmother was resident there in 1933.
Any ideas? Many Thanks and Kind Regards
Suzy Hyman
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5 Aug 2010 - General: Markhouse Road Secondary Modern School 1952 to 1955
Alan Wills was a Prefect 1953/1954 and Head Boy 1954/1955.
School Friends included Barbara Crew (Head Girl), Ann Berry, Ronny Wish, Molly ? and many more who's names I do not remember.
Mother Ada Florence - Father James William Wills - House at 32 Albany Road - Friends: Doug Kemp, Jeff ?, Denny Silver, Dave Mead.
Cousins: Kenny Swanton, Josie Swanton, Ernie Sellsby, Barry Collins, Tony Collins, Brian Collins. Girl Friends: Glenda Rowe, Rita ?,
Ann Blackwell, Lynette Gresham (fiancée).
Worked for Stanwood Radio 1955 to 1963, completed apprenticeship in TV repair. Friends included Geof Onslow, David? Peter Johnson.
Engineers: Len Ash, Ron Parrot, Joe Gallo, Charlie Davis. Manager Arthur Spinks.
The White Swan, at Wood Street and Havant Road, was my local pub from 1956 to1963, Pub friends included Melvin & Michael Gresham,
Ronny Wish. and others who's names I have forgotten.
Isington Motorcycle Club friends. Jack Levy was a good motorcycle friend he lived in Woodford.
Immigrated to California 1963. Now 69 years of age living in L.A. California. 3 children, 3 step children by 2nd wife
12 grandchildren. When back to university when I retired and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BA degree.
Now Semi retired. Part time Industrial Inspector. Owner of 12 rental houses. Travel world wide 1/3 of the year.
Have written a coming of age story, based in Walthamstor, called "Cockneys Ain't So Tough."
However my editor wants to change the title to "Confessions of a Wanker" before it goes to print
This will be followed by 2 sequels "Across the Pond." and "Life After Divorce." both of which are written,
and are currently being edited.
More information on request.
I would like to hear from anyone who remembers me.. Regards
Alan Wills
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5 Aug 2010 - General:
Hi I just came across website and being a student at Warwick boys between 1981-1984 with
Mr Ford being form tutor, these were the most memorable days of my school life. Thanks to Mr Ford and Mr Thomas helping
us through our teenage years with joy. Do you have any contact details of students or class photos from those years? Regards.
Private Reply
Public Reply
4 Aug 2010 - General:
I am sure all you readers will have read the article about Len Hall
(a regular contributor to this site and an ex Walthamstownian), which he posted, on this site.
And I am sure all you Walthamstowites will join me in wishing Len a Very Happy Birthday.
Private Reply
Public Reply
2 Aug 2010 - Lost & Found:
Trying to find Michael (Micky) Mathews. He used to live in Stainforth Rd
in the late 50s/early 60s. If any one knows where he is would be grateful if they could e-mail me..
Micky BONE
Private Reply
Public Reply
1 Aug 2010 - Topography:
My family lived in a prefab at Cambridge road, Walthamstow, until we moved in the early 60's,
within a few years the whole area was redeveloped and Cambridge road disappeared in the process.
If you look for Saxon close E17 in google maps, this will show roughly where Cambridge road used to exist.
It ran parallel to Beaconsfield road and extended nearly as far as Lennox road.
There used to be two pubs at it's junction with Boundary road, they were The Duke of Cambridge and The Gardeners Arms,
both were also casualties of the time.
A new Duke of Cambridge pub was built at the junction of Saxon Close and Boundary road and this can be seen on google streetview.
I hope this is of interest and is of some help to you. Regards.
Dave MIDDLEWEEK Private Reply Public Reply
27 Jul 2010 - Topography:
Hello Andy, Please see the official history of St. Andrews, Higham Hill. As you will see it was
one of the daughter churches of St Mary, Walthamstow:
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
23 Jul 2010 - General:
Just had a look at the postcard section... Brilliant like the rest of the site. 2 postcards
in particular are what I have been looking for for years... St Andrews Church Higham Hill. I was beginning to think that
I had dreamt about this church. I lived opposite the old church and remembered it being pulled down.
Do you know of any other info about this church? Thanks.
Private Reply
Public Reply
21 Jul 2010 - Topography:
I wonder if you could make something clearer to me.
Whilst researching ancestry, I find in the 1881 census two references to members of my family living in Cambridge Rd Walthamstow.
Looking into A/Z of London, I can only find that rd under E11. That rd appears to be very close to a number of borough boundaries.
Would that be the correct one? There don't appear to be any others. Regards.
Private Reply
Public Reply
21 Jul 2010 - Lost & Found:
Anyone who was at William Mc Guffie in the mid to late 50s, I wonder if they knew The Knights, Carol & Charlie, Brian Veasey & Ken Catlin, and does anyone know where they may have ended up.
I've found Mike Denton, (lives in OZ), Joyce White, (lives in West Sussex) & Lesley Nickerson (Aldershot), Alan Ellis (Suffolk).
Great site guys !! regards
Private Reply
Public Reply
20 Jul 2010 - Lost & Found:
Hi, I put a piece on your board about a Marjorie Bradshaw, who was looking for someone who might be able to tell her about a sister
Connie that she thought her Mother Ethel had had when Marjorie was about 6 to 8 years old, I had spelt her name wrong
and also given her date of birth as 1928, but she was actually born in 1917, could you please put this corrected version on, sorry to have got it wrong before.Thank you,
Private Reply
Public Reply
17 Jul 2010 - Warwick Secondary Boys School. Swimming photos from 1956/57:
1st Photo - Left to Right: ? , Brian McGuiness, myself Stuart Craig, Phil Harper, Clive Scott, Bernard Hollingberry?
2nd Photo - I cannot remember all the names but I am in the front row 2nd right
Can anybody remember me? or any of the other swimmers
Warwick Secondary Boys School. Swimming photos from 1956/57
Left to Right: ? , Brian McGuiness, myself Stuart Craig, Phil Harper, Clive Scott, Bernard Hollingberry?
Warwick Secondary Boys School. Swimming photos from 1956/57
I am in the front row 2nd right
Stuart CRAIG Private Reply Public Reply
15 Jul 2010 -
For all you Whipps Cross Lido fans - Please see the attachment
Whipps Cross Lido
This is where the muddy Whipps Cross Lido used to be!
Location: Snaresbrook Road, Walthamstow
Description: The Hollow Ponds Bathing Pool was dug out here in 1905 and fed by natural springs at this Southern edge of Epping Forest.
Despite works to progressively line the bathing pond with concrete in the 1920s, the pool remained renowned for its mud!
In 1932 6,000 was spent, in a joint effort by Leyton & Walthamstow borough councils, to further improve conditions for swimming. Four large dressing rooms were provided and a great deal of mud was reportedly removed from the bottom of the pool during the work to level and cleanse the pool. The pool was still described as irregularly oval at this stage, but with a straight 100 yard section for racing.
This very large pool, 300ft by 130ft, was also connected to a unique 63ft diameter and 10ft deep circular diving basin.
The pool was closed for 2 summers in 1970 and 1971, but was reopened after a 29,000 refurbishment. It was reported that the pool suffered from extensive vandalism during 1970-71 and 24-hour security was introduced when the pool was re-opened to combat this problem.
The pool was closed for good in September 1982 and was demolished in 1983.
Difficult to spot now, since it was filled in.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
14 Jul 2010 -
Hello David, I have just been looking at this same photograph on Facebook and would I be right in saying that
this photo was taken in Gamuel Road and that the end of the road is Longfellow road with the Recreation ground beyond?
I was at this school until around 1948, I think, and I was intrigued to see one comment on facebook stating that in 1949 they were
using Slates and chalk, I really do doubt that but when were you there and what do you think.
Also, I have seen a photo somewhere where a class at that school had tiered desks i.e. higher at the back of the class, does anyone
recall that because I don't.
I always knew the school as Gamuel road but I see now that Thomas Gamuel is used to describe it.
Len HALL, Australia
Private Reply
Public Reply
13 Jul 2010 -
Hi Daniel, here are a couple of photos, would they go in the postbag or gallery or both? There is a photo of Gamuel school just before it
went and a couple of early class pics. Cheers
Thomas Gamuel Primary School, Walthamstow - in 1980
Thomas Gamuel Primary School - class 1951
Thomas Gamuel Primary School - class 1952
Dave TOOTILL Private Reply Public Reply
12-Jul-2010 - Lost & Found: :
Hi, i am a friend of a Margorie Blyth who was born in Walthamstow in 1928 as Margorie Bradshaw, (or Mason) she has been told that she had a Sister named Connie or Constance that was born when she was a few years old, but who she never got to meet, she has been told this by a friend, but he doesn't know anything else about what happened to this baby, and Margorie is now curious as to what happened as she could still be alive, and would be her only Sister, she would be delighted to find anything out about her before it is too late. Regards,
Private Reply
Public Reply
11 Jul 2010 - Family History: GOULD
Desperate to find what happened to my Grandmother Elsie Gertrude Gould, born 21/1/1907 in Hackney, but lived in Walthamstow at 25 Warner Road with her mother Amanda and her new husband Frederick Fitch (they married in 1920). Elsie's father, Charles Thomas Gould, died in 1919.
I know Elsie was still in Walthamstow in 1927 (my father David Gould was born in 1926), but unable to find out what happened to Elsie after 1927. My father was brought up by Amanda and Frederick Fitch, so what happened to Elsie is the question. Checked the death records up to the present day no sign of her. Assumed she married. Apparently the electoral records for Walthamstow between 1922-1931 were destroyed in the 2nd World War. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Christine GOULD-PAGE
(from chat lounge)
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11 Jul 2010 -
Hi Daniel, Thanks for your reply. I have found about a 100 ranging from about 80 to 86, i cannot find any of the earlier ones but i only really got into
photography as a hobby at the end of the 70s. Some of the colour ones are a bit rough as they were in the early albums and were affected by the pages ( we all found out too late ) but i will scan some and send them on to you. Here are a few to start, if they are OK then many to follow later. cheers Dave
Private Reply
Public Reply
From Daniel: Dear Dave, I have opened a new page for your pictures in the "Personal Memories" section [here]
11 Jul 2010 -
Hello Daniel, as Pam and I will be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary on August the 27th 2010, I have dug up this little bit of memorabilia from my archives.
(Click on the above picture to enlarge)
I have enlarged it as much as possible but it may not be enough to read it. Maybe you could add the item to my list of memories.
There are a few things wrong with the report that was in the Enfield newspaper a few years ago. A lot of trains have gone under the bridge at Cheshunt since the
first time I pushed my wife Pam over it.
The paper got the number of children wrong because we do have four and now we have nine grandchildren too. Also we are both 72 at present.
(Also the email address shown in the report is incorrect as now it is
All of these things must be keeping you busy at the moment and I know you are having a break soon.
Goodbye for now
Len & Pam HALL
Private Reply
Public Reply
From Daniel: Dear Len, my warmest congratulations for your 50th! I'm glad Pam survived from you 'pushing her over the bridge' 50 years ago!! (Sorry, I couldn't help the joke!). Make sure you send us a few pictures of that special day. Kindest regards.
10 Jul 2010 - Memories section:
Hi Again, Another photograph of myself on the left, then Roy Hannibal, then Lou, taken near Whipps Cross roundabout with the Lido not far behind us. And Lambs Cafe in front of us just over the roundabout in Lea Bridge road which led to the Bakers Arms...
Michael Buckmaster - Whipps Cross - 1960
Michael BUCKMASTER Private Reply Public Reply
9 Jul 2010 - Schooldays:
Hi Daniel, another old class photo: hope this one counts as its Selwyn Avenue School in Highams park.
I know several pupils lived in Walthamstow at that time. I think this must have been about 1957 - Im second row from bottom 7th one in.
Selwyn Avenue School in Highams park - 1957
Lynne NEWTON Private Reply Public Reply
9 Jul 2010 - Public reply:
Hello Michael and others because I am now testing Daniel's newest feature which is the public reply, I feel like a guinea pig doing this.
Anyway you would be a similar age to myself, as I am 73 next month, and I lived in the alleyway at the bottom of Queens road (101 Markhouse road, see memories) until 1960, when we were married. I can't say I remember you at the time, but perhaps we were ships in the night as the saying goes.
I must say if I saw you now in your 'Budgie smugglers' I would remember you, be warned never wear anything like that on a beach in Perth or you would cause a riot.
From what I hear about the weather there at present the Lido would have been a good place to go and cool down. Over here it is winter and so wet this morning I gave my usual 6am bike ride a miss as I hate wet cold weather which is why I live in Perth and not the United Kingdom.
Len HALL, Australia
Private Reply
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9 Jul 2010 -
Hi Daniel, I dont know if you would remember me writing to you, but I think I was the first one on your postbag in 2001. I have looked at your site again quite a few times and must say it is certainly getting big and very interesting.
I have attached an old photo of myself, more for fun than anything else. It was taken on my front doorstep when I think I was 2 years old. I lived at 51, Pembroke Road, where I was born and
now live in Lowestoft. I am now 65 years old. Keep up the good work. Cheers.
Dave Tootill - Pembrook Rd- 1947(?)
Dave TOOTILL Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: I think you very well deserve our "1st Walthamstow Memories Fidelity Award" (alas! Only a 'virtual one'..!), for being such an affectionate visitor, Dave!
Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Kindest regards.
9 Jul 2010 - Memories section:
Hi, I have a photograph of me taken in the Lido in 1959/60 when I was about 21. Fantastic place to meet up at weekends. So SAD it has gone! I would love to meet up with some of my old mates.By the way I lived in Queens Road Walthamstow..
Michael Buckmaster - Lido, Walthamstow 1959/60
Michael BUCKMASTER Private Reply Public Reply
5 Jul 2010 - General:
Daniel, Thank you. I went into Google and found the website. I would like to make three suggestions:
Again, there is no criticism intended, and I am grateful for your work on this endeavor.
Ed BROECKER Private Reply Public Reply
Daniel's reply: Hi, Ed. Many thanks for your good suggestions. I always welcome good advice on how the site can be improved.
The first: a link - perhaps not so explicit - is in the lower part of the newsletter - the 'Why not visit now' bit. I shall follow your tip and make it more evident.
The second I had in fact thought of, but was waiting for feedback on my proposal to create a 'thumbnail-picture gallery' of our visitors, which would also contain the names + email address list. An 'address book' page would be useful if you needed to contact someone you know, but not much more, if the person's messages are not linked to it - and that's slightly difficult to manage. Of course, there is a 'search' box at the top of the home page, which can be used to look-up names...
The third suggestion I shall put into practice now onwards - it certainly helps spotting a surname. Kindest regards.
4 Jul 2010 - Len Hall's D-Day:
I see Daniel has already directed you to Wikipedia's explanation:
D-Day is a term often used in military parlance to denote the day on which a combat attack or operation is to be initiated. "D-Day" often represents a variable, designating the day upon which some significant event will occur or has occurred; see Military designation of days and hours for similar terms. The initial D in D-Day has had various meanings in the past, while more recently it has obtained the connotation of "Day" itself, thereby creating the phrase "Day-Day", or "Day of Days".[1] On the same principle, the equivalent terms in French, Basque, Romanian and Slovenian are Jour J, E eguna, Ziua-Z, and Dan D.
Dunkirk was in 1940, and no cause for street parties, as it was an ignominious defeat, not a glorious victory - though there are those who confuse it with a triumphant homecoming. I think your Dad was confusing D-Day (June 6th 1944 - the beginning of the Normandy landings) with VE Day (Victory in Europe) in May 1945. VJ Day meant Victory in Japan, but I'm 99% sure there was never a VD Day! I hope that helps.
Pam Stockwell
Private Reply
Public Reply
4 Jul 2010 -
Daniel, another picture for your site. I've obviously no problem with people taking copies of any pictures I send you, but would ask them to credit me with the originals.
I think the (cadet?) recorded on the last page of this card may actually have been Alfred Shead (pronounced 'Shed'?) who is on the section of the electoral register you now have. This card, that register section and other bits and pieces were given to me stored together in a plastic wallet among a small bundle of photos by a friend who knew I collected Essex pictures and documents. My friend, who salvaged this stuff - I didn't ask him where from - is not around to ask any longer, but he did say it all came from the same couple who were both dead..
The Sheads were either shoe repairers or had a shoe shop in Walthamstow, I need to check which, My guess is that Alfred Shead was either a canvasser, election agent, candidate for the council or even a councillor, hence the canvassing notations on the register section.
If Shead was a councillor and we knew what period he was in office, it would give us a clearer idea of the date of that register section. As it was canvassed, the section would relate to one of the election years during which Shead was in office, that would probably narrow it down to between, say, one to four or five years. Shead appears to have been alive in 1973, it may be around that time when he died.
Air Training Corps Welfare Fund Card
Air Training Corps Welfare Fund Card, interior
Colleen Morrison Private Reply Public Reply
4 Jul 2010 -
Hi Cuz, delighted to see you're making use of the info I recently sent to you about this fantastic site! It's a great way of bringing us closer together. No doubt you'll have read my articles under Family History about our STEWART ancestors & their period in Walthamstow.
Although nothing CONCRETE, as yet, think I might have uncovered some info relating to our Gt.Grandpa James STEWARTs first marriage!? Did you ever have any luck in this direction?
Hope all well with you & yours in Australia. Love,
Pam Ray
Private Reply
Public Reply
4 Jul 2010 - From Daniel: Up to now, we have posted your emails along with the sender's email address. This method makes it easy for visitors to write directly to the author of the email, therefore starting a 'private' conversation - which is great! However, some of our visitors wonder why their replies do not appear in our postbag - obviously under the impression that all correspondence goes through our site. This not being the case, John & I decided to introduce a new system,
giving a choice: Private ReplyPublic Reply
The "Private Reply" choice introduces nothing new, the "Public Reply" just copies your reply to us, so we may then post it. Your comments are most welcome.
Whilst on the subject, let me "take one tiny stone out of my shoe": sparingly, we receive polite complaints about posters not replying to emails sent to them. Now this can occur for many a reason (If the post is fairly old, the email address might not be in use any more or, more generally, not all have the opportunity of reading their emails daily, etc.)
Many years ago, I briefly worked for an internationally known garden architect, whose 'rule' was:
May I place emails just after telegrams?
Now to something else: I have added a new page to the "Schooldays" section: the George Monoux School. Not much in there for the moment, but awaiting your contributions...
Also, I've added a few more pics to the "Postcard Gallery".
Daniel Email Daniel
4 Jul 2010 -
My dad's (Eddie BANKS) job meant doing lots of quirky pictures, one job I remember he did was to produce programs for the Walthamstow Dog Track and Speedway, I believe he took the job over when someone else gave it up. I'm unsure of the date but it would have been late 1930s to late 1940s or even early 1950s. I've seen some of these programs on ebay, though I haven't been quick enough to snap one up yet. I think I can recognise my dad's style in some of these programs. If anyone has one of these programs to post, I would be very interested to see it.
My dad also worked as a newspaper artist/cartoonist and had some cartoon and caricature series in the Walthamstow Guardian. One cartoon series was called 'SPEEDWAY SMILES', another was called 'USELESS EUSTACE': they were both about lazy speedway riders who had beautiful wives, if I recall them correctly. For another series, my dad drew characters of football stars (Walthamstow Avenue and Spurs) and local politicians: He was given a free press pass to White Hart Lane for painting or drawing some of the old Spurs stars. Sadly, my mum burnt my dad's portfolio after he died as she found it too painful to have around. I've had a look at the Archives at Walthamstow Museum without finding copies of these, though I went with such a lot of things that I wanted to look up and ended up half brain dead from over excitement and from staring at those microfilm/fiche machines. I need to make further visits and stay calm next time!
Colleen Morrison
Private Reply
Public Reply
4 Jul 2010 -
Thanks for the email and your interest in my photo: The cafe was next to the Walthamstow Bus Depot in Chingford Road in between the Bell Corner and the Monoux Boys School, and was sometimes known as Depot Corner, and my friends and I used to hang out there when we had nothing better to do and the owner, Fred, called us his angels for some unknown reason! Regards,
Tony Lacey
Private Reply
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4 Jul 2010 -
Hello Daniel, I agree with everything you have suggested in the recent newsletter, so please go ahead and implement the improvements as you suggested.
I am also now looking at a Facebook site, where I have narrowed it down to a group known as Walthamstow Times i.e. I have culled out all of the childish stuff that occurs on Facebook. I know that some of those members are also looking in at Walthamstow Memories too.
One amusing incident occurred yesterday, when a member sent in some street party photos i.e. VE and VJ day, she also sent one of D-day and when I asked if that meant Dunkirk Day she asked her dad and he replied that it was on VDday. Knowing what VD normally means I found this rather funny. So does anyone have an idea what D-day means?
Len Hall, Australia
Private Reply
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From Daniel: Hello Len, many thanks for kind words. A good definition of D-Day is given in Wikipedia. Kindest regards.
4 Jul 2010 -
Hi Daniel, Just received your email many thanks I am so pleased that at least I can here some news from Walthamstow and surrounding areas living so far away it brings me closer to home which I appreciate.
There is a few People that I have tried to find but it has been such a long while ago they could be dead now. Have you got births Marriages' and death Colum that I can go through for each Year until the present day?
I also wonder if you had thought of having a get together club say down at the park where interested People can meet and maybe find who they are looking for. Maybe have a sausage sizzle. Get the people to let you know if they could come if they are then you will know how many people that you have to cater for. You could charge them so much for the sausage sizzle then send them tickets for the sizzle.
We do this a lot to bring people then you can set up games like three legged race egg and spoon race would the people go for that sort of thing over there now.
But it's a wonderful way that the people can get together. Maybe have raffles and the money goes to Thorp Comb hospital or some children association. Also a fancy dress for the kids
I would love to be at home now and really have a good look around we have been in South Australia since 1974 before that we moved to where my husbands family lived Ramsgate Kent but as I was born and reared in Walthamstow I loved it and still do.
OH the Guardian do they have some where I could look though the birth and deaths??
I had better away now, but I would love to come back and see Walthamstow before I die. The frontage of the TOWN HALL is still as beautiful as I remember it. It is a wonderful building so clean looking and so well looked after. Cheers
Lil Keen
Private Reply
Public Reply
From Daniel: Hello Lil, many thanks for your message and suggestions: A general 'stow 'gathering' is a great idea!
I shall try to develop it, taking into account that many of our visitors are - like yourself - now living a long way away and he journey for
the 'do' would be long (The cost, of course, is another issue to ponder!).
The Club idea is also a good one, but would be limited to nearby residents. A 'soft' solution could be to suggest a fixed meeting place and
date (ie: every Friday at 7pm), after we have organized the first 'gathering'.
As for BDM certificates, our site does not intend to compete with the many genealogical sites, a few of which you may find
in our 'Links' page. I use and FindMyPast intensivly for my own family search.
If, however, you'd like me to look up a few names I will be glad to do that for you, to give you a 'starting point'.
Kindest regards
4 Jul 2010
My dad, Eddie BANKS, was a pupil of the George Monoux School during the 1920s to 30s. I wonder if anyone has any memories or photos of the school?
Also, my dad, who lived on Billet Road, did art classes in the evening during the late 1930s. I wonder if anyone might have an inkling about where he might have studied? thanks for any help anyone can give.
Colleen Morrison
Private Reply
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4 Jul 2010 -
Thanks for the great picture of Fred's Angels' Cafe, can I ask where in Walthamstow it was? Thanks.
Colleen Morrison
Private Reply
Public Reply
4 Jul 2010 -
Daniel love your site thank you. As soon as I get myself organised I will look out some photos.
May I make a suggestion. On the family history page where you have the A-Z and General, once you click into a letter, ie L can I suggest that you have a back button to go back to the A-Z page. Thank you again for a great site. Regards,
Jacquie Liddiard
Private Reply
Public Reply
From Daniel: Good suggestion: will introduce a [return to A-Z index] in each Family History page. On second thoughts, returning to the A-Z index from any page is easily obtained by clicking on the 'Family History' item of the main menu. What I will rather introduce is a [back to top] button on long pages of the site.
4 Jul 2010 -
Hi Daniel, Great job you are doing appreciate your time and effort. As regards your request for feedback:
1. Site " conversation". Your suggestion Private or Public replies I agree with. There could be names or events that other viwers would
2. Photos. Good idea.
I leave for holiday tomorrow so composing this e-mail in a hurry will put some thought to suggestions when I return. Keep up the good work. Best regards,
John Evans
Private Reply
Public Reply
28 Jun 2010 -
Hi Daniel, I am still very much enjoying this amazing site and I am sending you two photos from my past which I hope may be of interest to others.
Walthamstow - Fred's Angels Café
Walthamstow Barbell Club
In the "Fred's Angels" photo I am second from left and Fred was the owner of the cafe at that time. Unfortunately names of the other lads have been forgotten.
In the "Walthamstow Barbell Club" photo, the names I can remember are: Back Row - second from left is Derek Cooper and far right is John Hall, Middle Row -
First left is me (Tony Lacey), third left is Steve Clayson, Bottom Row - Second left is Roy Duvall and fourth from left is Len Serle, who was the owner/trainer of the club. Hope your success continues to go from strength to strength. Best wishes,
Tony Lacey
Private Reply
Public Reply
28 Jun 2010 - Family History:
I have just found your site - fantastic, I now live in New Zealand and have been trying to research my family. I lived at 66 Ramsay Rd from 1958 to 1964 & attended Cann Hall Road School I have just found out that my Great grandmother Louisa Pollock & family lived at 4 Florence Villas Ramsay Rd - 1891 Census. I am looking for any info on the Pollock Family and also any leads on Arthur Cecil Edwin Morphett who was my mothers father (she was born in 1913) he married Florence Blanche Pollock but she remarried in about 1920, I think that he died but have had no luck at all tracing him or details of their marriage. Regards,
Leonie Beattie
Private Reply
Public Reply
21 Jun 2010 - Family History:
Hi Daniel, I have now found the Affidavit of my 4xGt Grandfather Christmas Fryer of Hempnall in Norfolk (25th December 1794) relating to Letters of Administration in respect of his wife Lucy Fryer Nee Scarnell who died in 1833. Her father (Father in law to Christmas Fryer) Lawson Scarnell Yeoman farmer of Hempnall my five times Gt Grandfather died in 1808 aged 41 and in his will stated that the farm was not to be sold until his wife Sarah Scarnell died. Then his four children would receive an equal share of £150 each! The estate was worth £600 11pence halfpenny! Sarah Scarnell died forty years later in 1848 and so Christmas Fryer had to apply to the court in 1859 so as to inherit his wife's share but in his deposition he swears her estate was worth no more than £100! Today that £600 would be about £25,000 but in those days bought a lot more with 240 pennies to the Pound and most people earning well under £1 a week more like £20 a year! I have also found the "Small Ads" from the local Norwich paper where Christmas Fryer offers to cart goods/people back to Hempanll from "The Lamb" Norwich every Saturday at 3pm. In addition to farming in Hempnall (For a long time on the Scarnell land) Christmas Fryer was also a beer retailer and may have attended Norwich for this and farm market purposes. Strange that all this ended up in 2, Jessie Cottages Low Hall Lane Walthamstow from 1907 to 1972! No sign of the money either! Regards,
Barrie Stevens
Private Reply
Public Reply
21 Jun 2010 - Family History:
Hello Daniel, thank you for responding to my email and for the tip with regards to the Vestry House Museum. I have just sent them an email enquiry so hopefully they will be able to advise.
My Great Grandmother was Minnie Elsie Smith and she was born in Plaistow, West Ham in 1987, I know her mother died in 1989 and I beleive her father died not soon after. I'm having real trouble locating her after those dates- I can't find her on the 1911 census as all, and I beleive I found her on the 1901 Census, still in Plaistow adopted to a William and Ada Huton. Ada Huton shows up on the 1911 census as a widow working as a cook in pub. Kind Regards
Tamsin Busby
Private Reply
Public Reply
21 Jun 2010 - From Daniel: Following her previous email, Ali Froud has sent in the first lot of memories of John K Wisker. I've created a new entry in the Personal Stories section: here . Welcome John! And keep it up, Ali!
20 Jun 2010 - Family History:
Hello, Just found your site and I have found it very interesting. I'm researching my great grandmother, who was orpaned around 1901. I beleive she grew up in Walthamstow Childrens Home, and I have found an old picture of a lady called Daisy Dickinson with 14 young girls outside a building. An inscription on the back states that this lady was my great grandmothers foster mother and this was taken outside Walthamstow Childrens Home. Are you able to let me know if such a home existed, or are you able to put this message on your site so that others can contact me? Thank You,
Tamsin Busby
Private Reply
Public Reply
From Daniel: I wonder if it would be the "Home for Orphan Children, Eastfield House" - you may find reference at Vestry House Museum (see our Web links).
19 Jun 2010 - General:
Hello Daniel, Just recently noted the WM website. I now live on Mersea Island, just 65 miles from east London, but 650 miles in culture.
With the demise of Walthamstow Avenue (2000) FC, in 2006, I have now severed all my links with the area where I had my formative years. Although born in Thorpe Coombe in 1947(as were we all weren't we?), but I was brought up all round the South Coast due to the fact that my dad was a pro-footballer who played for Southend, Bournemouth, Brighton and Crystal Palace.
When he retired he bought a Grocery & Dairy business in Forest Road (Bennett's Dairy), so I came back to the town at the age of ten. I am a proud old Scruffy McGuffian.
Played in a local R&B band the Eternal Fruit in the 1960's and also played football for Walthamstow Avenue's youth and reserve teams.
Worked for LB of Waltham Forest Sports Development Department then the local YMCA in Forest Road. For some odd reason I became Asst. Manager of Chingford Town in 1998 and started playing football again at the age of 50.
Left the town (Melford Road) in 1987 and moved to Mersea Island to manage a sports centre. Came back in 1992 to manage the YMCA sports centre (but continued to live on Mersea) but left to work on Mersea again in 2001. Re-formed Walthamstow Avenue FC in year 2000 (playing at Waltham Abbey), but the club became defunct again in 2006, when I decided I could not continue to fund the club anymore and could not find a sponsor. Now live with three dogs, two cats and a lady who is much too young for an old codger like me.
Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me from my school days and teenage years or whatever. Regards,
Ken Bennett
Private Reply
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17 Jun 2010 - Family History: Re: Emma Sear
I am pretty sure that I have solved the puzzle concerning the above. Would Jane Ross who made an enquiry concerning this please contact me at : or provide a working email address so that I can contact her as the email address she has provided doesn't appear to be valid. Respects
Bill Byliss
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16 Jun 2010 -
Have just read info from John Denton. Remember me John? Lived around the corner in Mersey Road.
Winns Avenue and William McGuffie for us 11plus failers! I finished up teaching for 34 years. Now living in Cheltenham. Would be nice to hear from you
Keith Todd
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16 Jun 2010 -
Hi. I read with interest about Walthamstow. Many of the names mentioned are known to me. How can I find out more ?
Keith Todd(Winns avenue school 1945.
William McGuffie 1946/1950)
Private Reply
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16 Jun 2010 -
Hi. I recently started working as a home help for a wonderful elderly gentleman. When I finish the hoovering etc.. we sit and have a cuppa and he tells me all about his early life in Walthamstow. His stories are wonderful and his recall prodigous! He is 88 and not too well so I am unable to get him in front of a pc, but would love to join your site on his behalf in order to add his tales and also to be able to download, if at all possible, some pictures to show him. Hope you can help. The gentleman's surname is Wisker and I would love to find out if there is anyone connected to, or with a memory of, that family name who uses the site. Thanks
Ali Froud
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16 Jun 2010 -
Hi, I taught in Walthamstow for many years at Warwick Boys School - 1965 to '88.
Here are some of the many photographs I have from my time there and hope that they may be of use. If you'd like a CD of them please let me know.
Lance Ford
HoD Art/Craft
Private Reply
Public Reply
From Daniel: You may find Lance's pictures in the *NEW* page: "Warwick Boys School".
11 Jun 2010 -
Hi, I want to thank you so much for sending me the news of Walthamstow. Last time you sent it I deleted it by mistake and was really upset
I was born at 8 St Andrews road, Walthamstow. We moved when my parents got a council house in Durban road. When I was about 4 my mum moved to 26 the Hale Highams Park; we lived there for years - I loved it - then the war came and I was evacuated. After the war things got back to normal and we had the Parties every year after, that was wonderful.
Before I was born my grandfather Henry Abrahams had a picture frame shop in Woodstreet, a little away from the station. I never saw him or nanna both had died before I was born - in fact I never saw any of my grandparents which made me very sad.
Any way many thanks again for sending me the The Walthamstow News. Regards,
Lil Keen
née Wilson
Private Reply
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10 Jun 2010 -
Dear Mr Knowles, I have just come across your great site, and wish to contribute a photo from my football days at Warwick Boys School in 1956 which may be of interest to any lads from that particular time. I remember all their names so if anybody needs them I will be happy to supply them.
I also had the pleasure of being coached by your dad and Cyril Abley when I was lucky enough to be representing the Walthamstow Boys from 1955 - 1960. I was fortunate to go on to represent London Schools in 1960, and lucky enough tp pursue my dream of being a professional footballer at Crystal Palace, West Ham United and Portsmouth. Not bad for a lad from Walthamstow, and a lot of credit goes to your dad, and Cyril Abley for the encouragement and hard work in helping me become the player I was hoping to become on leaving school.
I have another photo,but unable to put my hands on it at present which has your dad in a photo with the Walthamstow Boys 1960. As soon as I find it I will send it to you.
I also noticed a life story written by John Newell on the Memories Site, and certainly remember John at Maynard Road Primary School, and I am sure he will remember some of the lads in the Warwick Boys photo.
The names of the lads:
L to R at back: Leslie Parsons, Donald Haley, Trevor Harvey, Victor Stoker, Stephen Horsey, David Hurst, David Forey
L to R front : Bernard Connelly, Michael Murrell, Alan Stephenson, John Clark, Terry Dix
Like everybody from the area I have nothing but happy memories growing up in Walthamstow E17! Thanking you for your attention, and keep up the good work on the site. Kind regards,
Alan Stephenson
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10 Jun 2010 - Dear Daniel, Not sure if I should amend details BETWEEN THE QUOTES or not, so decided to type it as an UPDATED entry for FAMILY HISTORY section (& leave you to delete the original, if appropriate, or leave it as a detailed reminder?). Also, wondering if I could have BOTH replacement articles placed under the 'relevant letter ie: M' for MILLER/MULLER/SCOTT/STEWART, as well as under letter S' for the STEWART/MILLER/MULLER/SCOTT entry, too? (Might be useful to include the new heading as per [X], if possible, too, please?)
Goodness! It's become a bit of a tall order now, so do hope I haven't overdone it? Kindest regards,
PS Florence-based sounds positively divine!!!
Pam Ray
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From Daniel: You may find Pam's updated article Here .
8 Jun 2010 -
Dear Daniel and John, thank you for my first copy of the Newletter. I look forward to future news. The Post Card collection is a wonderful addition to the site.Regards,
Jeanette Colgan
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8 Jun 2010 -
Hello Daniel and John, Congratulations on a fine website and on its popularity - you have obviously stirred lots of peoples' interest and memories.
I spent 17 happy years in Farnan Avenue before leaving my parents to work in Lancashire - I never returned to live in E17, but have visited since. I went to Chapel End schools and finished at Clark's College, Walthamstow. I had a paper round at Ernie Lowe's shop opposite the bus garage in Chingford Road - I was the mug who cycled around what seemed the whole of E17 delivering the bus drivers' and conductors' newspapers every morning.
Lloyd's Park was my second home. One day we stopped off at the off-licence to get some lemonade and I parked my cycle against the window. The next day, as I walked past the off-licence, I saw a cycle that looked remarkably like mine and realised I had left it there all night! What chances of that happening nowadays?! Thanks for your efforts.
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7 Jun 2010 - Marsh Street (Len's email)
As far as I can remember the Centre was in Marsh Street, hence the name. The street was demolished in late 70's and the new Sainsbury's complex and car park built on that site and the street was lost, hence it is no longer showing in the new A-Z. If someone has an old A-Z- pre 1980 then the street will probably show up in that. Hope this helps.
Private Reply
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7 Jun 2010 -
Just a few comments. I like the new look, the postcards are great but where's the back button for navigation from one part to the other? Does one have to resort to Home everytime? Regards,
Genie (from 'chat lounge')
From Daniel: Dear Genie, the 'Postacard gallery' opens in a new browser page: when you want to return to the site, just close the window and you'll be back. Kindest regards.
6 Jun 2010 -
Hi daniel i thought the photos were great they brought back many memories. I have a lot of memorbilia which my father collected over the years, one of these days i will email some things to you as you may like to add them to the site. my dad was born in 1914 and my Mum is still alive and was born in Walthamstow in 1918. I have tried to email before, but do not have outlook express and can't find out how to use it, perhaps you could help. Regards,
Dot Gregg (nee Atkins)
From Daniel: Dear Dot, I moved your message from the 'chat' area to here, so it doesn't get lost. I do not have your email address, therefore I cannot reply to you direct. If you copy in your email software, you should be able to reach me. Looking forward to hearing from you! Kindest regards.
6 Jun 2010 -
Thanks Daniel. I am surprised no one has contacted you about THE BLUE DUKES. after all it was only 40 years ago - the days of HARD DAYS NITE, Poison Ivey ey ey ey ey ! .
Victor McCullough Private Reply Public Reply
6 Jun 2010 - Hi Daniel, thank you so much for the lovely Newsletter and the wonderful photographs. I love looking at all these although not sure of some places. Brings back so many lovely memories. The photo of the The Bell - it still looks as I remember it from not all that many years ago.
I was there during the war and after and there has to be so many changes now. Left Walthamstow in 1963, to live in Hoddesdon, Herts, for 37 years. Moved from there in 2003 to where we live now in Lincolnshire. Never forget those lovely days in Walthamstow. Everyone had the same, there was no upmanship, we kids all played together in the street, no cars lol. Loved my school days at Winns Ave and then onto William Morris. Through Friends Reunited have picked up with several old friends from there, remarkable, when we met up a few years ago, everyone looked and sounded the same! Went for a walk round Walthamstow and Lloyds Park, enjoyed every moment.
Thanks again for renewing memories. Take care & Best wishes.
Private Reply
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6 Jun 2010 -
Hello Daniel, Thanks for the newsletter and congratulations on such a great start to the year, 28,878 hits shows that people are interested in nostalgia and all things pertaining to Walthamstow both past and present. Please keep up the good work.
Personally I am only able to read English text, but I happen to know that you are able to speak several languages, so maybe if this was made known to the web site hitters there may be a few more people out there interested in communicating. I happen to know that the Lea Valley had many Italian workers in the area, both during and after the last war. Many stayed and became part of the community and I am sure there are many such people in the Walthamstow area.
Now a question has been raised regarding the Marsh Youth Centre that was very active in the 1950's. I have written recently about my own connections with the Marsh bicycle club.
But where did the name MARSH come from? Is there anyone who can through some light on this matter as I would be interested to know? My club did not have a head quarters as far as I know.
There is no Marsh Street or road in Walthamstow. So let us have some answers please. Regards,
Len Hall, Australia
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5 Jun 2010 -
Hi. Please spell Walthamstow correctly on the crest page! His is an enquiry NOT an inquiry! Did go to a good school you know! Regards
John Newell
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From Daniel: Thanks, John, for pointing out those two mis-spelt items - I've changed the top left banner and also amended 'Enquiry' on the Contact form.
4 Jun 2010 -
Hi Daniel. Did you put me on the list, as I do not have a walthamstow news yet! We went up to Walthamstow recently & were able to find the death of my gt grandfather on the railway at Walthamstow. It was all recorded in the Leytonstone paper & was the first one we searched. Result and all due to very helpful staff at Vestry House. Regards,
Betty Armour
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From Daniel: Betty & all, I must apologise for being so late in the issue of our Newsletter: I promise I shall start working on it immediately!
As for your search, I'm so happy you did find the articles - Vestry House is really very helpful!
4 Jun 2010 -
Hello Daniel, I am herewith attaching the little bit of memorabilia that I have been working on, as previously stated in a recent email to you. I have been awaiting some information from the United Kingdom which has caused me to make some slight amendments. Much to my chagrin as it seems that the old adage applies now and again i.e. 'the older I get, the better I was'.
Anyway if you wish you can add it to my list of memories on the Walthamstow Memories website. Regards,
Len Hall
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From Daniel: I really enjoyed reading the latest 'fragment' from Len! It's in 'Personal Stories' section Here
4 Jun 2010 -
Hello Daniel, I have now found the not so long journey by which I came to be born in Thorpe Coombe maternity hospital, Walthamstow, on September 25th 1949. The following is the direct route missing out all the other children, step-children, stepmothers, cousins etc. Regards,
Barrie Stevens
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From Daniel: What a fascinating family path, Barrie! It's in 'Personal Stories' section Here
02 Jun 2010 - From Daniel: I just had a most pleasant chat with Len Hall, the first to try our new Live Chat! It actually works!! Thanks Len.
I shall try to implement a 'public' chat tomorrow, so that more than one user will be able to share the chat...
01 Jun 2010 - From Daniel: Announcing a new experiment at Walthamstow Memories: a Live Chat! Click on the button below...
[Sorry! Chat lounge discontinued]
28 May 2010 -
Here are some more photos.the top one is my class and i am in the front row 3rd from the was taken at st marys school near st marys church.?the net photo to the left is me dancing i am on the right the stage was in the street at parkstone road.the one below is on the stage again i am second from the right in the front row.
Maureen Sawkins
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25 May 2010 - From Daniel: You may see all Maureen's pictures [Here]
26 May 2010 -
Dear Daniel, please find enclosed some pictures of myself growing up in the 'stow. I will send some more as i get used to this computer. Regards,
Maureen Sawkins
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25 May 2010 -
Hi John, don't know if it's of any interest to your site, but my young school days in W'stow (William mc Guffie) were very happy days. I lived in Orford House, Orford Road. I was delivery boy for the off licence/grocers in Orford Rd. Bristowe ran the shop, Desboughs was the newsagent for many years, also Scott's the bakery was also in the road.
I recall many happy days playing in Loyds Park, even performing in school plays there, Hamlet, Toad of Toad Hall also a talent comp.
I also lived in the Working Mans Club along from the Bell Corner, and for a while also lived in the Club on the corner of Hoe Street & Tower Hamlets Rd.
I wonder if anyone can recall the boxing bout I 'put on' in the rear yard of Charlie Knights cafe', the 'fighters' being Ken Calin from Forest Rd. & Dave Foster from Ruby Rd. The event made the sports page of the Guardian! Regards,
Brian Williams
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24 May 2010 -
Hello Daniel, Just to keep the ball rolling I have been at it again and I have attached a file that I have made up about my early years from about 1940 to 1960 where I lived in Walthamstow. Please have a look through it and feel free to do any censorship that you feel is required. Regards.
Len Hall
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24 May 2010 - From Daniel: Once more, thank you Len for this new fragment of your life in Walthamstow (read it here). I would also like - together with all our site's visitors - to wish you & Pat a HAPPY 50TH ANNIVERSARY!
18 May 2010 -
I have just read your very interesting story of the early years in Walthanstow and it has brought back loads of thoughts and feelings from those times I lived in Wellington Road. Family ran a shellfish stall outside of Burtons the tailors. Went to Mcguffie till 61 safaris to eagle pond and other parts of the forest, down to Highams park bomb sites and places only a young boys immagination could construct everything second hand, but all of it a new and wonderfull world. I am sure many of those who have followed us through life would have treasured as we did. I remember the concentrated orange from some where up the top of the high street and the cod liver oil grat stuff. Best regards
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15 May 2010 -
Hi I would like to know how to join this site, my name was Karen Greenhorn and I lived in Priors croft Walthamstow and I am researching my family tree,I have read some of the entries and its very interesting would love to hear from you Karrie
Karen Jaki
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11 May 2010 -
Hello! I have spent many an hour with my nose pressed against this window i.e. Frank Lipscombs bicycle shop in Markhouse Road, near Saint Saviours church. The photo which was taken in the 1980's was just sent to me by Tony Johnson, who used to live in the sweet shop under the for sale sign years ago.
Len Hall Private Reply Public Reply
11 May 2010 -
Hi Daniel, it's me again. Thank you for posting the pic of my husbands Class: he has had a few replies from
old friends now! Now its my class photo from march 1952 in Thorpe Hall School.
I was Lynda Young then & I am in the 3rd row from the front far left: the angelic looking one (ha ha!) - other names I remember in the class are:
Michael Attwell, Jane Harley, Howard Kenton. Jimmy Stubbs, Rosemary Lewis and Jill Wing...
Thank you again for a brilliant site.
Lynda Newton Private Reply Public Reply
08 May 2010 -
Hi Daniel and John, after a bit of an absence due to pressures of work and coping with a change in direction of my life, I have once more the time to discover and explore your excellent site. Thank you for the memories the site invokes and refreshes of my early life in wonderful Walthamstow. Best regards,
Bernard Green , Walpole Rd. 1947-1960
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08 May 2010 -
Can any one recall the buildings in Walthamstow High St. almost opposite the swimming pool near Hoe Street junction as they were in the late 1950's and early 1960's? The building I am interested in had the Conservative Party offices on one floor. Under them was, if I recall correctly, an insurance company's local office or maybe head office.. The ground floor I believe was a furniture shop or maybe the insurance offices were on the ground floor. A picture would be much appreciated! Regards,
Bernard Green , Walpole Rd. 1947-1960
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07 May 2010 -
Hello all of you Walthamstow residents both past and present. This is just a shot in the dark in the hope that there may be an historian out there who may help me with the following question: Around the years 1952 to 1963 I worked for a Walthamstow originated company known as E.N. Bray Ltd. Who had a factory at Whipps Cross originally. They later moved to Waltham Cross for a few years and then elsewhere.
My question is: who was Mr. E.N. Bray? I believe he was a brilliant inventor who designed and constructed electrical switches and motor starters in the first part of the century, both for marine applications and land based industry and I think he was deceased when I joined the firm.
If there are any living ancestors out there still I would like to know more about the mans history and origins. Of course I have already surfed the web on this subject with luck so far.
Len Hall
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04 May 2010 -
Hi Guys, I often look up your web-page to see if there is any one I knew back when I lived in Walthamstow. So if any one knew me back when, I would be pleased to hear from you. The name is Les Drew, I lived in Markhose Rd., a few doors from Markhouse School, which I attended between 1950-54. So if any knew me, let's here from you. Regards.
Les Drew
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03 May 2010 - Ochiltree family:
Hi, researching on Tom Ochiltree, who worked for several years at Manzies Pie Shop High Street around the 1950s in Walthamstow and his father John Ochiltree who worked as a market barrow boy in his youth and later married Lou Slatter, whose father had a Banana Stall at Walthamstow Market High Street. Can any one help with information in particular on John Ochiltree and his background parents etc around 1900 +.
Janice Ochiltree
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03 May 2010 -
Hi Daniel, can you please add this photo to the gallery? My husband Reg is top left in the photo; its Christmas 1956 at Woodside School, Wood St., Walthamstow. At the moment Reg remembers the boy sitting below him (Stephen Read), other school mates: David Weston, Steven Pattmore, Peter Fuller, Geoffrey Smith, Lesley Smith, Carol Rodd, Pamela Stevenson and a boy who got sunstroke at the Isle of Wight camp and thought he was a teapot!!! Reg can't remember his name, but still laughs about it...
Lynda Newton Private Reply Public Reply
27 Apr 2010 -
Hi, When I was in the army (1954-1958) my good friend Johnny Newton lived in Waltamstow, I know his father worked as a butcher and I am sure it was Sainsbury's, anyway Johnny would be around 70-72 years young, I believe his family emigrated to Canada in the late 50's but returned to Walthamstow after a year, I would appreciate any information to help me search.
Jim Macfarlane, Canada
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11 Apr 2010 - Postbag Heather TOYE:
I lived next door to a Martha Toye and an elderly gentleman whom we called Mr. Toye (either her father or brother) in Verualam Avenue, by St, Saviour's Church. from about 1938-1964.
Jean Brown (née Truman)
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11 Apr 2010 - General:
Does anyone remember a young boy's club held in the evenings at Markhouse Road School (I cannot remember the date but would have been in 1940's - 1950's) which was opened and supported by the late Frankie Vaughan? It was run by Jimmy Bright and Alf Truman. Many thanks,
Jean Brown (née Truman)
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9 Apr 2010 - TOYE family:
Hi, I was very interested to read the information on the Monday family (Jun 09). Unfortunately, I can't shed any light on the Mondays however Alfred Toye Snr, (licenced victualler in 1901 of the [now] Common Gate Hotel, 131 Markhouse Rd, Walthamstow) was my great, great grandfather & Alfred Toye Jnr, was my great grandfather. Alfred Jnr in his second marriage had two (more) children - Marjorie & George Charles Toye, (my grandfather). George was born in Walthamstow & flew at the wartime RAF aerodrome at Croydon airport. He died in London in 1996. Last year my father, Mike Toye visited the hotel and went to find the house on 245 Markhouse Road where Alfred Jnr was born - unfortunately this no longer exists. I have attached a link to a picture of the hotel. In a lot of the old certificates Toye is spelt Toye', confirming the family story of a French link.
Link to Common Gate Hotel (Walthamstow)
Heather Toye, Aberdeen
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9 Apr 2010 - From Daniel: Our friend Barrie Stevens has sent in a few more pictures. See them [HERE].
5 Apr 2010 :
Hello Daniel, I am sitting here without the internet connected, due to an ISP fault and I have just sent the following message to my 'drafts' with the intention of sending it if I ever get connected again. However whilst sitting here in the doldrums I thought that I would write a bit more regarding my personal memories and thus use my spare time and maybe add a bit more to 'memories'. I just checked my earlier submission and there is an overlap but I am sending it anyway. It is entirely up to you whether you put it in your website or not. It may be too boring for some to read.
This is the message that I have just sent.
I hope you have all been wondering where is Len as there has been a total lack of communication for more than a week now. Well those of you that live in Perth are no doubt well aware that last week we experienced a terrible storm that caused a blackout in more than 150,000 homes. And there were floods and mud slides and all sorts of havoc in various places. Lucky for us we never experienced anything worse than a loss of power and in my case that upset my reticulation and the house security system and worst of all, the internet. I am writing this in the vain hope that when the technician arrives in two days time we can sort out my problem and then remove this email from 'drafts' and send it on to you all. The service from Bigpond is deplorable really as it will be well over a week since I had any connection with the outside world via the internet, but they say that is the earliest time they can get anyone here to look at the problem. I have double checked all the cables and I personally think the modem is stuffed and I hope that is all it is and it will be easy to fix. If it is a cable connection then maybe it will take longer to fix, we shall see on April the 1st which as we are all aware is 'all fools' day. So I shall now save this as a draft and send it in a couple of days.
Len Hall Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: It's always a pleasure to read Len's reminiscences - his latest addition is here.
3 Apr 2010 :
Hi daniel, as all of your members I came across your site by accident. I am trying to find out information about my great grandparents who owned a butchers in Markhouse Road called Baxter and Smith Butchers. Their names were Kathleen and Albert,this would have been late 1800 early 1900 I do know my grandad worked there when he was 13 and that was in 1920 does anybody know anything about them please. Many Thanks
Sue Beattie
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26 Mar 2010 :
My husbands father lived in Walthamstow his name was Reginald John Newton he remarried around the early 70s and had several more children. His parents were Frederick and Hannah (Slade) and they had a very large family in the West Ham area. I'm trying to research a tree for my husband, but cant seem to find anyone connected to the family. Would appreciate any help at all.
Lynda Newton
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26 Mar 2010 :
The Riot Squad in particular Dell Roll were good friends, as was Dell's Father Reg. Bowie according to CD discograpthy was in the band, I saw them on a regular basis and can't recall Bowie although I saw him around in other guises, the Lower Third and The Buzz neither very good. Top band, nice blokes and would dearly like to track down Dell or Bob to say hello.
Stewart Smith
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24 Mar 2010 :
Hello John & Daniel, I'm researching our family history in the area and found your fantastic site while searching the web. I'm trying to find out if anyone has any knowledge of the "old" Frederick Street WW1 Plaque which was moved to St James the Greater when the rebuilding took place in Frederick Street in the late '50's. What happened to the memorial when St James was demolished? If readers have any thoughts or info, I'd love to hear from you. Keep up the good work guys, Regards,
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15 Mar 2010 :
Hello John & Daniel, I grew up with the above Coat of Arms and I see it every time I open the website, but I would be very interested to know just what the various items actually mean. So maybe a Walthamstow historian could explain on the site so that others like me can be informed. Yours truly,
Len Hall
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11 Mar 2010 :
Hi John, I've been updating my family tree over the past few months and have started to scan in some family photographs, a few of which are from the Walthamstow area.
Here are a few to start with... (see them Here )
Steve Goodall
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11-Mar-2010 - Families:
Hi, my Great Grandparents George and Edith Mickleburgh ran a shop in Walthamstow some time between 1914 and 1935. Can anyone help me find out where it was? Thanks,
Private Reply
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From Daniel: Chris your email is incomplete: please contact me Here
02-Mar-2010 - Families:
Good Morning, I am researching my ancestors, Frederick William Denny born 1860 in Shoreditch. He and his wife Mary Few lived in 1911 at Turner Rd Walthamstow. They had a large family. Fred was a French Polisher and he died 24 November 1911. He was still at the above address when he died. May I ask if a notice could be placed in your notice column. Thank you for such an interesting site. Yours faithfully,
Robyn Mason Sydney Australia Private Reply Public Reply
02-Mar-2010 - Lost & Found:
Hi All, My name is Donna Mcintyre and I am trying to find Joe Randatzzo or Randazzo. His family owned a fish and chip shop in Walthamstow Market in the 70's. I think the address was 6 Golden Parade Wood Street. The fish and chip shop was very close to walthamstow central in the market. I am sure the family sold the fish and chip shop to a chinese family?? The family that owned this fish and chip shop are Italian from Sicily. Joe Randazzo was a very good friend of mine. On Sundays I went to a club in Shaftesbury Avenue and this is how I met Joe. I think the family moved to Chingford. If anyone can help me with this request I would be very grateful.
Many thanks.
Donna Private Reply Public Reply
26-Feb-2010 - Lost & Found:
Hi Daniel/John - Would appreciate any help you can give me in my quest to find an old school pal. Looking for Bob Rennie (Renney) bass guitarist. Bob played with local band Sam Apple Pie back in the late 60's and then with Brakes. I'm pretty sure he's still living locally (Waltham Forest) and possibly still playing with John (Josh) Brown (Drummer). He was last seen a few years back playing at a pub in Silvertown, unfortunately since demolished and there have been mentions of him playing at the Dukes Head or possibly The Plough in Wood Street. Bob was a class mate of mine at George Gascoigne (Queens Road, Walthamstow) back in the early 60's . We last met in 76 when we had a pint together at a pub in Stoke Newington. Can anyone help please?
23-Feb-2010 - General:
Hi John. Great site. I was born in Thorpe Coombe 1942, lived in Woodlands Road until 1961. Schools Wood Street, Joseph Barrett and Monoux. Went to the Air Cadets in Orford Road and worked Tv cabinet factory top of Wood St Vauxhall dealers opp. Hoe St station (mews off High St., carbon paper factory off High St.
Would love to hear from anyone who knew me.. Regards
John Evans Private Reply Public Reply
22-Feb-2010 - George and Emily Smith:
I am looking for information on the family of George and Emily Smith, who lived at Cambridge Road, Walthamstow, from around 1915 to 1940. They had several children and came originally from the East End. George worked as a french polisher.
Paul Samuels Private Reply Public Reply
17-Feb-2010 - From Laura with thanks:
Dear John, thank you so much for the two photographs of your dad, which I shall
treasure - did you receive the class photo from Coppermill Lane from me? I can name everyone in that class if you are interested for your website. Let
me know.
I read your "Something of Myself" notes from the Walthamstow Memories website but it stopped suddenly at page 10 and so my husband and I are left
in limbo!!!!! Can we have the next instalment please as it is not on the website.
I can fully comprehend how distressed you must have felt to learn that Dorothy Cornu had died and you could have contacted her after all. Well I feel very fortunate to have been able to contact you and have a photo of my favourite teacher. With grateful thanks
Laura Forrester Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Laura has sent in 'more memories', you can read them here
17-Feb-2010 - General:
I look at your site regularly, having been born in Walthamstow as was my father. My parents met while working in Wood Street and I lived there until I was married.I have passed on details of the site to other people from Walthamstow. Keep up the good work!
Mary Hewitt Private Reply Public Reply
15-Feb-2010 - Ancestry:
Hello, I'm looking for some information about Walthamstow in 1900 ish.
I'm trying to research my husband's family tree. His Grandfather was born in Walthamstow Forest in march 1907. I don't really know how big Walthamstow was then. I've tried looking at the 1901 census. I know that in 1928, his Grandfather was living at 31 Beacontree Avenue. I don't seem to be able to find this address in 1901 census. Is it possible that 31 Beacontree Avenue wasn't built at this time?
The biggest problem that I am having is that we know that his Grandfather was called Albert Walter Sanders and was Born on 11.03.1907 in Waltham forest. His father was called Henry Frederick Sanders. Only he has no birth entry anywhere! We know that he lived in the above street in 1928 when he was aged 21 as we have his marriage certificate but we have nothing else to go on apart from that.
If there is any information that you could tell me about how large Walthamstow would have been around 1907 and even where the nearest birth, marriage and death records office for Walthamstow would be, that would be a great help.
It's so difficult without a birth certificate, so I'm researching any Sanders family living in Walthamstow in he early 1900's. If there is anywhere that you could think of that may be useful I would really appreciate your help. Thank you & Regards
Louisa Hebditch Private Reply Public Reply
08-Feb-2010 - Ancestry:
I have a convict descendant who was transported to Australia
on his shipping record it states he was native of Waltham
could this be in this area or just a shortened name for Waltham forest
he committed his crime at flying horse yard , Bishop gate and i understand this isnt all that far from waltham forest area..
His name was Thomas Rutter and sentenced on 11 september 1822, and had an occupation as shoemaker
any help will be appreciated
Glenn Miller Private Reply Public Reply
02-Feb-2010 - William Morris:
Dear John,
I hope you don't mind me writing to you, but came across your contact details when looking at the 'Walthamstow Memories' website. I too used to go to William Morris Technical School between 1956-1961 and found reading the 'Personal Stories' written by both yourself and John Newell brought the happy memories flooding back. I decided it would be nice to know who is still around after all this time and thought you and John might be able to help?
I used to hang around with Alan Rohrs, who has lived in Cornwall for probably 40 years now, John Richardson, John Pearson, Paul Woodley and Paul White in the lowly 'S' stream. I still keep in contact with Alan and was a neighbour of his in Cornwall for 10 years or more. Alan keeps in contact with John Richardson who recently had a heart attack. The rest of the gang I have heard nothing of. I went to Jennifer Phelp's 40th birthday party and she is featured in the 5T 'girls' photograph. I would particularly like to contact her as she was my girlfriend at the time!
I used to live near the Crooked Billet circa 1950-1972, then moved to Tiptree in Essex. I then had an apartment at Walton-on-Naze whilst Works Manager at a catheter manufacturing site in Clacton, moving to Holland for a three year stint in 1986. As European Divisional QA Manager my job took me all over the globe, so living in Holland made no sense. That's when I purchased a cottage next door to Alan in Cornwall and commuted from there. After living out of a suitcase for 9 years I was offered the job of Operations Director in Thailand, looking after the condom manufacturing facility for SSL (previously London Rubber along the North Circular Road) and have lived here since 1994. I am retired now but have a consultancy role with a rival condom manufacturer not far from where I live in Banglamung, just outside Pattaya.
It would be nice to hear from you with a brief update on your own circumstances, together with any contact details, when you might have the time.
Thanking you in anticipation and best regards.
Martin Burchell Private Reply Public Reply
Greetings from Queensland, Daniel. I haven't written for some time but have corresponded with Len Hall in Perth, Aus., who urged me to send you some more of my memoirs. You may have had many stories about the High Street, but I'm sending you this one anyway. Enjoy your website very much and can be contacted at this email address if anyone recognises us. Many thanks again,
Valerie and Terry Brown
Bundaberg Qld. Australia
Private Reply
Public Reply
Thanks Val! "High Street memories" can be read Here
Hello Daniel,I was just looking at the recent photos added to your site by Barry Stevens and on the one shown last it has the following heading: My Great Uncle Harry (George Harry Southgate) He was brother to my Maternal Grandmother Alice Rose Fryer Nee Southgate and lived at 1, Jessie Cottages Low Hall Lane from the early twentieth century until his death in the early 1960s. In this picture with his wife Lily, taken I suppose in the 1940s-50s. (In the garden of 1 Jessie Cottages Low Hall Lane, hard to say...) Their son was drafted into the RAF in the early 1940s and became Air Vice Marshall Harry Southgate CB and I think is still alive. He went to St Saviour's School Markhouse Road, Walthamstow as did my mother. Uncle Harry was a bookies' runner.
Now recently I have been doing a bit of research into my ancestors and I have obtained a copy of my father's birth certificate. Now I have scanned it and I do hope it is legible and it states that my father was born in 1909 at number 1 Jessie Cottages and I would be obliged if you would forward this email to Barry in the vain hope that he can throw some light on it. My quest so far stops at my paternal grandfather.
Len Hall Private Reply Public Reply
Note from Daniel: below a picture of 1 Jessie Cottages (the house with an arched gate), in Low Hall Ln.