
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
Listed here are the 73 emails we received in our ninth year of operation.
One word of warning: the email addresses here are rather old and may have changed since...
31-Dec-2009: Seeking.. Hi Daniel, I hope you might be able to help me trace the name and perhaps some other info of the dance band which my father, Ernest, played in as a young man. I have attached a photo taken by the Waltur Studios, Walthamstow. My father is sitting on the extreme right holding his trumpet. I would be happy for this photo to go on your website if it might help. I would be so grateful for any help you might be able to give me to solve this.
My father's name was Ernest Weinstein. At the time the photo was taken he lived at 45, Osbaldeston Road, N16. He worked for M&S until WW2 during which he served in the Royal Artillery. After he was demobbed, he met my mother and together they started a retail jewelery business. Many thanks,
Leanne Newman Private Reply Public Reply
26-Dec-2009: Boat House Hello Daniel, that's an interesting photo, although its the first time I have seen it or heard of it. But on further investigation, I have found that this boathouse was replaced by the Walthamstow Pavillion in 1937, whose name was later changed to Walthamstow Theatre. So I guess the boat house was on the island at the entrance to Lloyds Park. Hope this helps.
Eb Vawda
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02-Dec-2009: I'm very interested in Gordon Road area of Walthamstow maps, photos or just information:
my parents lived there up to 1974 when the area was demolished for new house its where alexandra housing estate is now just off Boundary rd. Hope to hear from you soon, thank you.
Rick Burgess
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28-Nov-2009: Walthamstow Map. Hello! The map shows the
Whips Cross Hospital as West Ham Infirmary. The Infirmary was
built between 1900-1903 and the name was changed to Whips Cross
Hospital in 1918. So my educated guess is that the map can be
dated to a period between 1903-1917. Hope this helps.
Eb Vawda
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27-Nov-2009: Walthamstow Map. I was checking out the WM
site this evening as I tend to do every week or so, just in case
there is a question I can help answer, actually I've had a
fair success rate in that department just recently. Anyway this
brings me nicely on to your request regarding the map.
Obviously most W'stow maps are easily roughly dated by the
railways, so that puts this one into the 20th century for
starters, I do have many old maps myself, but this one appears a
little vague and hard to date exactly, probably hence the reason
you ask in the first place. Upon first inspection I thought that
I had it dated pretty accurately, I usually tend to date them by
the growth of the Warner Estate. Carr Road (which is on the map)
was built in 1902 but the rest of the roads that followed on the
Llyods Park development aren't there, namely Fleeming 1907,
Elphinstone 1912 etc, so at first I thought I had solved it, and
with a little bit more study I would narrow it down to within a
year or two at least.
However having given it a closer look I now find that it omits
most of the roads built in Victorian times, namely all the
Village, but it seems to replace any developed areas with shaded
pink, which in turns seems to suggest that all the park estate
would have all been built. To be honest given how basic it is in
detail, you wouldn't get lost if you used it today, nothing
much has changed apart from the re-routing of the North
So to conclude my thoughts and coming up with an educated guess,
rather ironically my decision is made by Beacontree Ave, I recall
that photo you sent me and our discussion at the time. If you
look at the end part of the road where it meets Forest Road, you
will notice that there is the aforementioned pink shaded area,
the very first are Edwardian houses (about a row of ten built
around 1908), after that they become 1930's build. Going
further down the road to the small road on the left (part of
Belle Vue Road, it now runs fully into Hale End) there also
appears to be development. This was originally the site of Belle
Vue House, a rather grand mansion complete with lake, I'm
sure you've read about it during your research at some time.
Anyway it wasn't knocked down until 1937. So I'm guessing
that coupled with the fact that even this basic map wouldn't
miss out a building of such grandeur and that the shaded area
appears to have already made its way a good half way down, I
would suggest that the map is actually post war, given that no
maps would have been printed between 1936/45. Based also on the
part construction of the Risings Estate that is my conclusion,
and I'm pretty well sure I am correct, I think the map would
probably have been one of the first ones to be produced after the
war, although possibly based upon a map which would have been
surveyed during the late 1930's
I'd be interested to hear if you get anymore suggestions,
whether to prove or disprove, it makes interesting debate.
Michael Wood
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25-Nov-2009: Hello there! I've just joined this
site to look at the town where my dad lived with his mum and dad
in the 1920s-1940s. He lived in Brookscroft Road and went
to Chapel End School. Is there anyone out there who could
provide me with some info about that area? When he was married
and had my sister, he used to go to Walthamstow Speedway [UP THE
WOLVES!!!!] with my mum and sister. There is even a family legend
that my sister was their mascot - jammy!! Here's hoping, kind
Colleen Isgate
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23-Nov-2009: Hello from Barrie Stevens! Here are a few pictures:
St Saviour's School Mark House Road, Walthamstow Class IV about 1935-1936.
My mother Kathleen Fryer is fourth from the right on second row up from bottom of picture.
George Gascoigne School about 1939
My mother Kathleen Fryer is second from the left third row up from bottom of group...
Barrie Stevens Private Reply Public Reply
20-Nov-2009: Hello Daniel. As we discussed yesterday I
still had a bit more of my story to share and so I have now
written it and attached it with this email. I have called it part
3 because part 2 is contained within the earlier memory. Please
check it out and if acceptable include it in the memories part of
the website. [read it here ].Yours truly,
Len Hall
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Daniel's note: Many thanks, Len, both from me & from John.
19-Nov-2009: Hello John and Daniel, I would be obliged
if you could get into my 'Memories' item that is posted
on the site and change the email address that is shown there. My
address now is
I did get quite a few questions about Austinsuite and Grottoes
etc. but as the address currently shown is now dead I get
nothing. I am 72 now and still going strong except for a recent
prostate Cancer operation, that is behind me now and I am Cancer
free. The next hurdle is to get my cataracts done and then I can
get back to riding our tandem and bikes.
Thanks for that and incidentally I am now a member of the Yahoo
group too. Regards,
Len Hall
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Daniel's note: email address updated in
Len's personal memories
15-Nov-2009: Dear Daniel, For my family I have been
researching the World War II Destroyer HMS MARTIN and her crew.
HMS MARTIN with a crew of 222 was torpedoed and sunk 10th
November 1942 with a loss of 159, one of whom was my 18-year-old
uncle Ordinary Seaman Thomas Cusack from Birmingham. After
several years of research with some success my family have
developed a website dedicated to the men who served in HMS
MARTIN. I am therefor contacting Family History Societies/Groups
where these men hailed from in the hope that the Society/Group
will publish our Website address in their Magazine/Journal so
hopefully relatives of the men who served in HMS MARTIN will have
the opportunity to contact us and forward information if they so
Our website is: HMS
MARTIN G44 (My full postal address is available if
The men from your area are:
Leading Supply Assistant REUBEN RICHARD DAGLISH MPK Aged
Son of Ernest and Eliza Ellen Daglish; husband of Vera Florence
Engine Room Artificer 4th Class DENNIS HERBERT HAYNES MPK
Aged 22
Son of James Samuel and Matilda Haynes of WALTHAMSTOW.
Son of Ashton James and Phoebe Jane Whitfield of
Hoping you can help with my request. Regards
Tom Meaden
Poole, Dorset
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24-Oct-2009: Dear John...I was not born in Walthamstow
but in Eastbourne in 1943. My Mom was a Canadian Warbride and her
and I came to Canada in 1946. I have done so much Family History
Research not only for my own family but also for friends. For the
last year I have been tracing my friend Gloria Goldsmith's
family..we both live in British Columbia , Canada. Gloria was
born and raised in Walthamstow and her dad I think lived there
for 57yrs until his death. Please excuse me if I am rambling but
I am so excited and appreciative of what you and Daniel have
done. In all my research for families I have never found such a
wonderful,informative resource. Makes me wish I was born in
Walthamstow! Gloria does not do computer so can't wait till
her husband comes home..brings up your site and lets Gloria
enjoy. I have phoned her so many times today reading from your
site that both our ears are sore ! I am emailing you to say Thank
You So Much for all you and Daniel have done for so many xxoo. Is
there some way ( I will help all I can ) that you can teach and
get other s interested in creating a site like yours? Just a
little side question.....Are you aware of the Canadian Home
Children Story? My Family is from Howden and Leeds, Yorkshire
originally from Ireland ( now that's a roadblock ),,Wells and
Bath, Somerset. London area and Sussex. All I have left to say is
from you. Regards,
Jackie Brech
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23-Oct-2009: Dear Mr Knowles, I visited the Walthamstow
Memories site today as my Grandmother Barbara Henegan grow
up in a convent on Shernhale Street from 1938-1943. My
Grandmother found the brother in 1972 but they believe they have
several brothers and sisters who were also put into care and I am
looking for any information I can get on Shernhale Convent so I
can find out if any documentation can give more information.
Kindest Regards,
Christina Lipper
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15-Oct-2009: What an interesting site which I found purely by accident, whilst researching the groups I had seen at the assembly rooms in the sixties.
I was born on 25 October 1947 at Thorp Coomb hospital. the family lived at 74 Mount Pleasant road. Dad was a chauffeur at HTB in Blackhorse road. We moved to tottenham iwhen i was about four but still had a lot of family in wathamstow. I played in 'beat groups' as they were then called and every saturday night would be at the assembly rooms to see the bands. The Herd, Wainwrights gentlemen, and Episode Six were among the best. When I got married in 68 my wife and I would often visit the market and have pie and mash with green liquor, Mmm scrummy! I was a policeman for the next 25 years but served in south London. We've lived in France for the last 9 years, but my memories of the old days have never faded. First football match watched was at the avenue, first gig played was at the Black Horse etc etc and many many girlfriends (but thats another story!!)
Mike Honey
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14-Oct-2009: Thank you John for this wonderful site. I'm Muryl Geary, in Vancouver BC Canada, the niece of Marion & Joan THOMPSON who were born in Walthamstow. My aunt Marion died in Canada in 2003 but Joan now lives in Surrey. We have been having some wonderful telephone conversations about her life in Walthamstow. At 87years of age, these are delightful memories for her. She has also been enjoying all the stories on the Memories pages.
Joan's father, Harold THOMPSON, born 1894 at 279 Chingford Road, Walthamstow, was a Tram Driver for London Transport. His father, John Charles THOMPSON was a Tramway Inspector in Walthamstow. Harold's parents John & Annie Thompson also had a daughter Nellie, a book folder, and sons Arthur John and Herbert William, all born in Walthamstow.
Harold THOMPSON married Florence (Florrie) WALDIE, a wonderful seamstress who lived at 86 Brettenham Road around 1922, with her parents Edward & Mary Waldie and her sisters Rosie & Jessie who were also great seamstresses. Their mother died in 1912 & their father Edward, a blacksmith, died in 1918, neither living to see their daughters married. Sisters Rose & Jessie continued to live at 86 Brettenham Road which had a 2nd storey in it. Jessie eventually married Stanley Cyril HALL, always called Cyril. He too was a Tram Inspector in Walthamstow. Working for London Transport seems to have run in the families.
Harold & Florrie moved to 30 Greenleaf Road after marriage, which was a ground floor flat, which is why Joan loved going to visit her aunts in the two storyey house in Brettenham Road. Joan also remembers going to Lloyd Park with her siblings Marion & Michael, pushing a pram with little Michael in it. The fountain was so lovely. The family homes on Chingford Road, Brettenham Road and Greenleaf Road were all close to Lloyd Park. She was sorry to hear the fountain is no longer running.
Nobody had a refrigerator in those days. She remembers a horse drawn cart coming with huge blocks of ice in it and her mother used to put a chunk in their cooler or ice chest to keep food from spoiling. Also the wonderful smell from the bakery. Sometimes she was sent down the alley where the horses & wagons were waiting to be loaded up with fresh bread for delivery early in the morning as the baker might have leftover bread, free, from the day before. Sometimes there was none but she still had to get past the big horses which scared her. Other times there might be a current loaf which was a real treat.
She also remembers a furniture store on one of the corners, and the fish shop, Methsen's. Also the building with the glass windows that when you looked in you could see kiddies with their green caps and gowns on, all seated around the room waiting to be called in to be chloroformed, one by one, to have their tonsils taken out! And, of course, William McGuffie School. She still has her Testimonial from there. Also helping their mother with chores and hating those wet carbolic-smelling cleaning cloths.
She remembers her Dad as a tall, quiet man, dressed in his dark blue uniform and peaked cap, going off to work on the Trams. Around 1929 or 1930 the changeover was coming in to eliminate the trams. She doesn't remember what work her Dad went into with London Transport afterwards. When Harold was gone, her mother married Arthur George THOMPSON, a porter with SMITHFIELD MARKET in Walthamstow.
When Joan was 17 in 1939 World War II started. There was a canal up to Guildford where goods could be shipped, so the 2nd day after the war started Smithfield Market transferred Arthur George THOMPSON to their Guildford Branch. Sadly, she had to leave her friends and familiar places behind.
She remembers the family hurriedly packing up their lives into shopping bags, including Kelly their cat, food and blankets. and bussing up to Guildford. They were given temporary shelter in Guildford at Commander Wyatt's home until they found somewhere to live. They rented a house "The Weasels" and then found "Weymore" on the Liddington Estate where they remained for the duration of the War.
Joan's sister Marion married a Canadian soldier, my uncle Maxwell Smyth of Calgary, Alberta in Guildford and in 1946 left England for Canada. Joan herself married and moved away from Guildford as did her brother Michael. However, Walthamstow always remained home, their birthplace, with all those childhood memories. Whenever Marion returned from Canada for a visit she always detoured through Walthamstow, amazed at the changes over the years.
If anyone remembers the Tram Driver Harold THOMPSON's family of Walthamstow it would be a great pleasure to reconnect and share memories with my aunt Joan. Anyone can contact me, Muryl Geary, at We'll keep checking back to read more wonderful memories of Walthamstow this site has to offer. We certainly have to thank John Knowles and Daniel Quinn for such a wonderful gift to us. Thank You!
Muryl Geary
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9-Oct-2009: When I watch English TV programmes, why is
it that our beloved W-stow seems to be the butt of jokes and
derision ?? It's always "being exiles to W-stow" if
a civil servant. Me? Went to Winns Ave School thence to Leyton
County High for Boys. Lived @ 64 Brettneham Rd and loved
Lloyd's Park and Epping Forest. NS in RN then MN then 1962
arrived here in NZ. Been back a few times tho' cant "go
home" as Mum & Dad long dead, but have stood outside 64
with my brother who lives in Chelmsford. I'm 71, was bombed
out twice by Jerry. From Plaistow we moved to W-stow when I was
abt 2 or 3. I well remember the bomb that levelled the rd on the
park side down towards the Vicry pub fm the alley to the Park
Tony Freshwater
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8-Oct-2009: I was born in Chingford in 1928 but lived
all my life in Walthamstow 91 Bedford Road to be exact. I
attended Winns avenue school from 1932 until I started work in
1942. I found your site by chance while looking for information
on a school in Aveling park Road, which was not there in my time
in Walthamstow. I moved from E17 when I married in 1953, and
emigrated to Australia in 1962. I have been most impressed with
your site and have enjoyed reading sone of the letters etc.
Please keep up the good work: it is so good to keep in touch with
your roots. I hope to continue visiting the site and may send
some some further info at a later date, re school days and people
I knew then. Kind regards until next time!
Frank Kennett
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29-Sep-2009: Dear Daniel, love the website, but would
query the photo (postbag 9 - 21/4/08) as being the Maynard Rd.
Almshouses with St. Mary's Church in the background. I lived
at 10a Maynard Road from 1945 to 1950, opposite the almshouses,
and there was no street in the position from where that photo was
taken. I enclose my memories of Maynard Road (read it here ) from
those days and would like to hear from anyone from that area. My
mother's name Alice (née Bowes), my father was
Frank Coates, sister Sheila, brother Brian.
Best wishes,
Valerie Brown
(née Coates)
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Daniel's reply: You are absolutely right! The picture (my grandmother's house in '47) is of the Squire Almshouses in Church End/Church Lane: the "Squires".
22-Sep-2009: Hi! I just came upon your site during my
search for information about my ancestors. My great grandfather,
William John McMillan, and his family apparently lived in
Walthamstow up until about 1920. His son, Henry (my grandfather),
was an apprentice toolmaker at the AEC plant there. I think they
may have lived at 40 Grosvenor Park Road because I came across
that address scribbled on a WWI military record that may relate
to his brother, Alfred, who worked for a music store before they
all moved to Australia. I do know that my grandmother, Winifred
Hope, met Henry while he was living in Walthamstow and
followed him to Australia to marry in 1924. Her father, John
James Hope, was a printer and the family lived at 26 Higham Hill
Road. I am told the family attended a Baptist church in Higham
Hill Road. Any information about either family would be most
appreciated. Best wishes,
Jeff Bird
from Australia
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13-Sep-2009: Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me find out the name of my infant school from what is a very sketchy (and probably not very helpful) memory. From 1974-1979 (from when I was 6 till I was 11) I lived at 1 Green Pond Road, an address which I know will be extremely familiar to any Walthamstow Avenue FC supporters, and attended Edward Redhead School on Higham Hill Road. I have great memories from that time which I won't bore you with now. What I'm trying to discover is where I was before that. My mum can't remember the name of the infant school, but what I do remember is that it was a very old fashioned building made of (I think!) dark red brick. I do recall there being a massive rectangular hall inside and all the classrooms seemed to lead from that, and I seem to remember there was some kind of high school or college to the right of it (a white building comes to mind). I know that's not a lot to go on, but it's really driving me mad so if anyone can make a suggestion then at least that'll give me something to work with! Thanks very much
Private Reply
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19-Aug-2009: Hi! Just wondered if anyone who looks at
this wonderful website might be able to help me.
I was born in Thorpe Coombe Hospital in 1964 and lived in Higham
Hill road until 1985. I remember the old St.Andrews Church
on the corner of Higham Hill Road and St Andrews Road.
I was wondering if anyone else remembers the Church after it was
pulled down the Church services were held for a very long time in
the Church Hall, there was also a cabin that was used for the
Sunday schools. Please does anyone remember the old Church the
vicar at the time was Cecil Parker. Would really appreciate any
pictures of the Church. I have tried to on several occasions to
email the current vicar to see if any records exist but he never
replies!!! Thanks,
Andy Judd
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18-Aug-2009: Hi, I was wondering if you would be able
to help me. Recently my Grandad has said he wished he could
remember more about living in Walthamstow when he was younger.
One very vague memory he has was from 1941 and having to evacuate
his home on St Mary's Road, Walthamstow because of bombs
being dropped in WW2. I have been trying to find more
information about this event, he was only about seven at the time
it happened I think. There is such a wealth of knowledge about
the walthamstow area on your website I thought you might be able
to provide some more details of this event for me, I have been
unable to find any archive newspaper stories about it. Thank you
in advance of any information you can give me, Kind
Amanda Kilbey
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13-Aug-2009: Hi Daniel, I am hoping you or someone can
help me, I am trying to find out something about my Great
Grandfather Charles Baker who was a Butcher (Employer) in
Walthamstow in 1891 and his Wife Harriet. I know from the
1891 Census (Copy available on request) that they lived in Forest
Rd Walthamstow but cant make out the name of the house.
If anyone could come up with any information or suggestions of
who could help I would be very grateful. Regards
John Carter
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11-Aug-2009: "Walthamstow First World War
Hello! My widowed grandmother and her 5 young children (one of
whom was my mother) spent the First World War living at no. 6
Countess Road, Walthamstow (now North Countess Road), this
house being 3 down from the junction of that road with Billet
Road. The family name was Avery. Every night, apparently,
there was a soldier posted on guard duty at the junction of these
two roads. With all my family now long dead (I am 77 myself!), I
have no-one left to ask; but there seems to be no record of what
this soldier was guarding, of whether there was a similar soldier
on guard duty on every street corner in Walthamstow, or even in
London. Can any of your correspondents with a family history of
living in Walthamstow back in World War One days, come up with an
I have consulted street maps of the area at this time, but there
is no indication of there being any military barracks or other
buildings in the area; yet this soldier must have been billeted
somewhere in the area, and would hardly be likely to be the only
soldier in Walthamstow at the time!
My grandmother took pity on him, and every morning when he came
off duty she would invite him into her house for a mug of cocoa.
He came from Hastings, and after the war was over he wrote to my
grandmother thanking her for her kindness, and in return said
he'd like to offer a week's holiday in his home for one
of her children. It was my mother, then a girl of 17, who was
chosen for this holiday, and during her week in Hastings she met
and immediately fell in love with my father, and some 3 years
later they were married in Peking, China, where I was born in
1932. So without this soldier I would not be here, hence my
interest in finding out more about him.
I should be happy to have my email address included in any
version of the above which you may decide to circulate. Yours
James A Gilman
from Durham
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4-Aug-2009: Dear John, I would be most grateful if you would add this email to your site. Many years ago my Grandmother lived in Frederic Street, Walthamstow (off St James Street, nr the station). On the wall of the end house was a plaque commerating the names of the men from this street who lost their lives during the war. When the houses were pulled down to build a new estate the plaque disappeared. I was told he had been taken to a local church, but searches have proved fruitless. I think it should have gone to Walthamstow Museum, and would love to know where it is now so it can be put where everyone can see it. Does anyone have any information.
Lesley Stock
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31-Jul-2009: Hi Daniel. Just to let you know of a
change of E-mail address. Also to tell you that four of us came
up for a day, a short time back, able to see the places we lived
in, and the sites of places pulled down. The Dominion looked sad
with all the boards round it, also the Pub nearby with most of
its windows shattered, parking was terrible and the driving left
much to be desired. Had a look at Lloyds Park and was sad to see
that the fishpond had disappeared. Stayed at the Hotel where the
Kingfisher used to be, how times have changed, it was better when
the war was on. Cheers Daniel.
Eddie Wybrow
(NEW email)
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27-Jul-2009: I am researching my family history, the
Dexters, who were a large family and generations lived and
worked in Walthamstow. Most were born in Exmouth Road and I
recall living in Manor Road and in St Johns Road. I was evacuated
from the school near to St.Johns Rd (don't know the name of
the school) to St.Just in Cornwall - must have been 1939/40...Are
there any local records of the children who were evacuated from
Walthamstow to the various parts of the UK including St.Just
Cornwall.? Regards
Graham Dexter
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26-Jul-2009 Hello, I am writing on behalf of
my mother born 1923. Name Gwendoline Fisher (now 88)and her
brother Edward (Ted) Killed Normandy 12/6/1944) born 1925. They
both went to St Mary’s Infant School, Walthamstow, then
Gwen went to Junior school through senior called Oxford House,
the head mistress was called Mrs Gertrude Press. Gwen left at the
age of 17. Her brother Ted went to St Savior’s School, Mark
House Road then onto Grocers School, Hackney Downs. Audrey Hicks
was her best friend, she thinks Audrey lived of Hailnult Road,
Leytonstone and her Dad made printing stamps. Gwen’s Dad
co-owned Printer/Lithographic works in 171 City Road, called
Francis Fisher & Sons (opposite Moorfields Eye Hospital). 171
City Road was bombed during last war, all Mum can remember is her
Dad coming home saying they had lost every thing. The family went
through a lot, loosing the Printers, then Gwen’s brother in
1944, her Mum Daisy Fisher in 1945 and her Dad Charles in 1953.
Gwen and Ted lived with their parents in Granville Road,
Does any of this raise any memories with any one? Mum would love
to talk to any one who remembers her. She is very frail now but
long term memory bit better than short term. Please get in touch
with me. Thank you
Linda Billingham
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26-Jul-2009: Hi, I found your email addresses on the
Walthamstow Memories website and was wondering if you would be
able to help me. Recently my Grandad has said he wished he could
remember more about living in Walthamstow when he was younger.
One very vague memory he has was from 1941 and having to evacuate
his home on St Mary's Road, Walthamstow because of bombs
being dropped in WW2. I have been trying to find more information
about this event, he was only about seven at the time it happened
I think. There is such a wealth of knowledge about the
walthamstow area on your website I thought you might be able to
provide some more details of this event for me, I have been
unable to find any archive newspaper stories about it. Thank you
in advance of any information you can give me. Kind Regards,
Amanda Kilbey
Private Reply
Public Reply
19-Jul-2009 - BAKER/SMITH family: Hello, I can provide
all the required information but unfortunately, the email address
for Joanne Triplow as given doesn't work. Would you
please publish an item to the effect that if the information is
required the searcher should reprovide a working email? Thanking
you in anticipation,
William Bayliss
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03-Jul-2009: Hi , having trawled many internet sites I
am hoping you may be able to give me some positive help . I was
born in St Albans in 1965 , my birth mother from Walthamstow High
Street , but I only have a first name for my father , Robert ,
apparently a bus conductor aged 19 ish from I assume the same
area , he apparently committed suicide before my birth hence my
adoption , I was wondering if you could point me in the right
direction to find achieve newspapers that may tell of his death
or would have death notices in , or maybe someone looking at this
site may remember this. Any help would be appreciated so I can
complete my family jigsaw. Regards,
Rachel Haldane
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29-Jun-2009: Hi John, I just stumbled across
your website and thought I'd contribute. Not sure of the
right place to submit this so apologies if I've got it wrong!
I was born in Walthamstow in 1965 and lived in Brooke Road
opposite Warwick Boys until 1978 when my family emigrated to
Ireland. I've never been back since but do know that they
chopped that great willow
tree down in the school - when, why? It was great climbing up
that and on the coal bunker! Also, have good memories of playing
in the play ground on Wood St beside the shops, up from the
station, playing around the flats there and in the tunnels. Would
be interested in hearing from anyone who lived on the road at
that time. Hope jog and share a few memories.
What was the name of that toy shop further down Wood St.
Tony O'Keeffe
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28-Jun-2009: Hi Daniel and John, I would love some more
information if possible to help fill in the life of my
grandfather George Charles MONDAY. I found him on the 1911 census
working and living at the COMMON GATE HOTEL, Markhouse Road,
Walthamstow. He was 31 years of age at the time and later that
year he married and immigrated to Australia. The licensed
Victuallers were Alfred TOYE snr and jnr. The information from
the census was so interesting as I have my granparent's
autograph book signed by the TOYE family and many other people
from Walthamstow - Steve BARKER, Clara SHORT, Thomas WEBSTER, Mrs
(old ship-mate)?, F.C. SANDERS. Any information would be much
Sydney, Australia
Private Reply
Public Reply
28-Jun-2009: Hi, im trying to locate Richard
Kane. I have been given my birth father details after 34
years he doesn't even know. His last known address was 368
Hoe St, Walthamstow, Greater London E17 and his father was called
Thomas or Tom. He worked for granda tv rentals in 1975/1976.
Richard was last seen 20 years ago. Any information pls thanks
Paul Dowding
Private Reply
Public Reply
23-Jun-2009: I have lived in Walthamstow many years and
attended the Joseph Barret Secondary school in Barret Road
and Brooke Rd E.17. during 1948-1952. Perhaps someone might
remember me as a schoolgirl there (girls downstairs and boys on
floor above)? Many thanks,
Pat Jones
neé Quinn
Private Reply
Public Reply
15-Jun-2009: Hello, I was looking through your
site and noticed a picture of a man I recognised and thought I
would ask you about him. I believe his stall was a fruit and veg
stall which he ran with his brother. It was situated outside
Times Furnishing on the High Street by Carisbrooke Road. I used
to be walking home from school and he would shout across to me
"Tell your Mum I have got damsons and gooseberries just
in" and I would run home to tell my Mum. My Mum and Dad were
Scots and made all their own jam and regularly took nearly all
his stock when the various fruits came in season. We left
Carisbrooke Road in 1971, not long after my Father died of
Cancer. We returned to Scotland where my Mother and sister still
Last year I made my first visit back to Walthamstow and was qute
shocked to see the High Street and "my house" again. It
looks so run down now.
Anyway, wondered if you knew anything about the stall holder. It
was so good to see his picture again, brought so many memories
Helena Pigott
Private Reply
Public Reply
8-Jun-2009: Dear Daniel, just to say that I am now in
contact with Julia and hope to meet-up with Ernie Gray in
the near future. Sincere thanks for your help & kind
Eric Allinson
Private Reply
Public Reply
Note from Daniel: Many thanks, Eric, for promptly offering your assistance: we look forward to see some of Ernie's memories here!
7-Jun-2009: Can you help me please? I have a photo of my wife's grandfather and I believe it is a photo of Walthamstow Avenue F C. It was taken in London in 1913-14. Have attached photo can anyone confirm this is W A F C.
Thank you very much
Clive Hawtin
Private Reply
Public Reply
28-May-2009:Dear Daniel and John, I hope you can help
me. My Mum is 100 this year and I am trying to make a film of her
life for her big day. She lived in Walthamstow as a child and
attended William Morris School and Ruckold Road
school. She was born in 1909 and so this would be between
1914 and 1923. She remembers that William Morris had girls on one
level and boys the other, but that for something like a
ha'penny a week she attended ballroom dancing lessons there
after school. She thinks that both William Morris and Ruckold
took pupils from 5 till 14 at the time she attended them. I
cannot find any information about Ruckold Road school and the
only photo I can find of either is that of William Morris on your
website. Do you have any informatiom about either school for this
period? Or can you point me in the direction of any
I do hope you can help. Thanks,
Shay Habel
Private Reply
Public Reply
22-May-2009:My very good friend Ernie Gray
(91yrs old) was born and brought up in the
Walthamstow/Woodford?/Forest gate area in the early years of the
20th century and lived in the area till the 50’s I believe.
His father was a Billingsgate porter and Ernie grew up in the
most extreme poverty and deprivation but pulled through to become
the most interesting man, accomplished self taught musician,
painter etc etc . He has befriended my mum who has Alzheimers and
is wonderful with her, they dance &sing to big band music. He
is a smashing chap, absolutely compos mentis, very intelligent
with a great memory. He suffers from tinnitus but loves to talk
about his early years.
His physical health is, sadly, failing fast and I am aware that
unless his memories can be recorded somehow that the vast
treasure house of information he holds in his head will be lost
forever. I wonder if anyone would be interested in coming
with a taperecorder and interviewing him while he is still up to
He has written a short memoire of his family life in his very
early days but writing tires him now and he has so much more to
tell. I’m sure he would get a great deal from knowing that
his memories are important.
Maybe you would be kind enough to put me in touch with anyone who
may be able to help?
(I was also born in Walthamstow but much later 1952)
Many thanks
Private Reply
Public Reply
16-May-2009:Hi Guys, I've started a new site
recording the history of Walthamstow Avenue FC at
I'd be grateful if you could tell your readers, and ask them
to feel free contact me with any contributions they may have.
Pictures, info, memories etc. Thanks,
Walt Hamstow-Avenue
Private Reply
Public Reply
22-Apr-2009: Hello from Downunder. Not sure if you are
the right person to email. Just found your site. Am searching for
information on my ancestors, the MAY family, specifically
Charles and his family, who lived in Selborne
Terrace and West Ave Road in the 1880's and
1890's. Charles was a member of the Brethren and a
silversmith/clock/copper worker, who also had links to
Birmingham. I have some census returns, but would like to know a
lot more.
On the offchance there is anyone in cyberspace with some
information or interest, would love to hear from them.
Ruth Keane
Private Reply
Public Reply
19-Apr-2009: Hello, Daniel, I am attaching the promised
photo of my uncle William Rhoden Morley, of 160 Forest
Road, Walthamstow, son of William Theophilus Morley and Jessie
Morley, who died in the battle of the Somme on July 8th 1916,
aged 18. Also attached, for interest, is a photo of his memorial
plaque. These bronze plaques were presented to the families of
all who fell in the 1914-18 war. (I once saw one on display among
a collection of horse brasses surrounding the fireplace of a pub
in Surrey! However, I said nothing because I felt nobody would
care, or understand, why I was so appalled! I also have a picture
of my grandfather's boot and shoe repair shop at 160 Forest
Road, but can't lay my hands on it for the moment. Vestry
House has a copy, though.
Keep up the good work - the Walthamstow Memories will be an
important social document and local history resource one day. If
I can help in any way, please let me know. Kind regards,
Pam Stockwell
Private Reply
Public Reply
Note from Daniel: Yes, we would like the other picture! Pictures visible in the 'Family history' section - MORLEY family
9-Apr-2009: Hi Daniel, Thought this might be of
interest: in my story on the Personal Stories page, I mentioned
old friends and workmates. This was spotted by Terry Playle who
immediately sent an E-mail asking me to give him a call. He has
since been to see us both, and we had a lovely time together, we
were chatting away and talking about old times, anyone listening
would never have realised, we hadn't seen each other for 50
plus years. Hopefully we will meet again soon. And if you look at
the Memories page could you take the H out of Wybrow please.
Eddie Wybrow
Private Reply
Public Reply
From Daniel: Extra 'H' removed.
29-Mar-2009: Hello Daniel, just come across your
website while looking at Walthamstow links. It's
My Grandfather Frederick William GREGORY lived in Clarence
Road, Higham Hill, Walthamstow, with his wife Emily and several
children, according to the 1911 census. He worked for the GPO as
a porter/ sorter. He was 38 at that time. He died in 1931 from
broncho-pneumonia at the age of 59, and had been living at
Oatland Rise, which I think is off of St Andrew's
Are there any of his relatives still in Walthamstow? Any more
information we can get would be a great help. He was a very
elusive man. Regards,
Josie Gregory
Private Reply
Public Reply
28-Mar-2009: Hi Daniel, Have just read John
Newell's latest offering, very enjoyable. The cinema he was
trying to remember was the Plaza. But for me the surprise
was seeing my wife's brother Ken Asprey, sadly he died
in 1995, we had some lovely times with Ken, and we keep them,
going when his daughter Tina comes to see us.
I hope John reads this sometime, and perhaps he might E-mail me.
Cheers, from
Eddie Wybrow
Private Reply
Public Reply
26-Mar-2009: Hi, I was wondering if you have received
any inquiries from people concerning the Royal Antediluvian Order
of Buffaloes? My grandfather, Thomas Roberts, was a member before
he immigrated to Canada in 1923. Attached is the reply from the
ROAB below.
My father used to live at 24 Countess Road (where my father was
born). I checked the UK maps, and Upper Gornal is two
hours away from Walthamstow! I never thought that perhaps the
Waltham Forest office would have any info on the ROAB. Thank
Dear Mrs Rector, Records on members of the Order are restricted to the person’s full name and Lodge of admission only and contain no personal information at all and on checking our records I have found no trace of his membership, until the middle 1930’s, all records were kept at a local Lodge level until centralised at this Office and if he was not an active member at that time, no details of his membership would have been forwarded to this Office.
For your information the Britannia Lodge No 5663 which met in Upper Gornal closed on the 29th.March, 1984.Yours sincerely W.A.C. Hartmann - Grand Primo
Janice Rector Private Reply Public Reply
24-Mar-2009: Hello, would like feed backs on
Walthamstow and would be interested if anyone has any photos of
my old school William Morris.Thank you and best wishes,
Norma Grundy
(née Bishop)
Private Reply
Public Reply
From Daniel: W.Morris school picture here
24-Mar-2009: Thank you for providing such a wonderful
site for ex- E17s to share their memories. I was born in E17 in
1937 and lived there through the war years and school days. My
best friend and next door neighbour was a boy of my own age: Barry
Reader. We lived on Beulah Rd and went to Maynard Rd school
together. We parted company when my family moved away in the
1950s. Barry attended Barrett Rd secondary modern school from
1949 to 1953/4. Soon after I emigrated to the USA and totally
lost touch. I'd love to hear from anyone who remembers me or
(no name)
Private Reply
Public Reply
24-Mar-2009: Hi John, I have been writing my family
history and wondered if anyone could help me please. I lived in
Walthamstow at the Crooked Billet around the 1950's in our
tobacconist/newsagent shop (Churchward's) on the corner of
Empress Parade, next to Waterlow's Sports Ground and
opposite the Crooked Billet pub.
I have been unable to locate a photograph of the shop and
wondered if any readers could help.
I very much enjoy your website and it has brought back lots of
memories. Regards,
Tony Lacey
Private Reply
Public Reply
24-Mar-2009: Hello Daniel, Following your email today re
Walthamstow Memories I clicked randomly on 2006 collection of
emails and saw one re the death of Brian Harvey the
Walthamstow Avenue winger. I replied and thought you might want
to see my letter.
By the way what about a section on Walthamstow Avenue football
club a part of Walthamstow remembered by many.
P.S. I remember a Quinn. Higham Hill William Elliott?
My letter as follows:
Hello Alex Wilkinson, I have just found your email from 2006
on Walthamstow remembers. I was a loyal Avenue supporter and
remember Brian Harvey nipping along the wing with that shuffle
and Bunny Groves on the opposite wing all 5 foot of him. The
pleasure they gave. I remember a cup final, cannot remember the
year with Brian playing and Jim Lewis forging ahead up front. I
remember him playing on amateur forms for Chelsea. Fond memories.
Alan Minnall and someone I have recently been in touch with Roy
Betts at school with him and I believe Sid Danes also at school
with, he played for a season or so. Rented a Ford Popular and
drove to the Peterborough game and remember well the games with
Manchester United.
Sorry to hear the sad, now much belated news.
I moved from Walthamstow at about 22 and finally finished up in
Plymouth overlooking Dartmoor. I was very surprised to see that
Green Pond Road was demolished for housing. I have been on the
Internet looking for Walthamstow Avenue team, nothing there when
did it go and does the name survive?
Thanks for putting
the notice on the page it was very welcome indeed.
Best wishes to all
Fred Turner Private Reply Public Reply
22-Mar-2009: Hi John, I have been looking at the
fascinating 'Walthamstow Memories' site. The Vestry House
museum could help many people with their enquiries. Would it be
possible to create a lind to the Vestry House museum -
specifically the local studies library and Vestry House Archives?
Mara Roberts
Marketing & Audience Development Officer
William Morris Gallery and Vestry House Museum
Note from Daniel: links created here
19-Mar-2009: Found this site whilst trying to find the
original name of a pub in Markhouse Road. Both sets of my
grandparents are from Walthamstow, the family names were The
Frett's and the Phillips's. Nanny Ivy Frett lived in
Acacia Road for 60 years+ she was bombed out during the war and
finally moved away in 2006 at the age of 92. The Phillips family
were from Apsley Road. My parents Pauline Frett and Vic Phillips
were brought up in Walthamstow and married in St.Saviours church
some 40 odd years ago. The Frett family still have their fruit
and veg stalls in Walthamstow Market as they have for many years.
To my knowledge my nan Ivy Frett is the oldest surviving member
of the Frett family. Anyone wishing to get in touch please do.
Donna White
Private Reply
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12-Mar-2009: Hi Brian, I have found the following, hope
it's what your're looking for:
Thomas Haggar, Male, Christening Date: 29 Apr 1810, Christening
Place: Walthamstow, Essex, England
Father's Name: Stephen Haggar - Mother's Name:
Source Citation: Place: Walthamstow, Essex, England; Collection:
St Mary; -; Date Range: 1684 - 1830; Film Number: 1564135.
Daniel J Quinn
Private Reply
Public Reply
12-Mar-2009: Does anyone have any information about a
Chatters or Hagger family living in Walthamstow in about 1810? I
am particularly interested in finding a baptism record for Thomas
(Hagger or Chatters) who was born about 1810 and who was
transported to Australia in 1829. Thanks.
Brian Chatters
Private Reply
Public Reply
10-Mar-2009: I would really like to be able to request
help through "Walthamstow Memories" with lookups at the
cemeteries recommended by Norman Bird:
"The staff in the office at Chingford Mount cemetery should
be able to tell you where your people are buried if they are in
Chingford Mount or Queens Road cemetery, Walthamstow.
Cemetery Superintendant Registrar
Chingford Mount Cemetery
121 Old Church Road - Chingford - London E4 6ST
Tel. 020 8524 5030 Fax. 020 8523 7944 ."
We were in London twice, but only for a day or two each time, and
then in South Kensington. Never got near Walthamstow. Living in
the Chicago suburbs with no specific knowledge in time and space
of the Walthamstow area, my efforts at research there have come
to very little. Many thanks,
Ed Broecker
Private Reply
Public Reply
01-Mar-2009: Does anyone have any information about St
Augustins Convent somewhere in the Walthamstow area round about
the 1st World War. My Mother in Law, born to an unmarried Amy
Spencer was put in the care of the nuns there in about 1914 or
15. We have very little more to go on so anything would be
appreciated. Regards,
Bob Waight
Private Reply
Public Reply
26-Feb-2009: Dear John, I am one of those infrequent
visitors to your website and indulge myself when I do log on. Can
only say that you have brought back so many memories and a lot of
pleasure over the years. I have downloaded some of the pictures
and information at times (just priceless). This has been included
with the famiily history tree and memoirs I have been researching
and writing for my sons. Was delighted to receive the newsletter
- another pleasure. Thanks so much John, for all your work, and
must say it means so much to keep alive those memories of my
growing up in Walthamstow. Regards,
Barbara Warren
(Victoria, Australia)
Private Reply
Public Reply
25-Feb-2009: Hello John, Firstly may I thank you for sending me Walthamstow Memories. Looking through the Gallery brought back memories from long ago. Let me explain. I was born at Thorpe Coombe in January 1948. I am not sure of your age but my parents lived with yours in Howard Road at 145A which I guess was upstairs maybe. My Mother told the tale of her tripping while pushing me in my pram down the hill in Howard Road and scraping the skin from her knees understandably not letting go of the pram.
I am told we moved out in 1949 / 50 to a house at 4 Hale End Road just up Forest Road. Your Dad taught me at Woodside School and I can be found second from the left on the back row. I remember him being of such a large stature and with a booming voice which kept me in trim, also due to the contact he had with my family. My parents Millicent (Milly) and Fred kept in contact with your Dad for some years.
We then moved to Ash Vale on the Surrey Hants Border in 1960. Prior to attending Woodside I spent my infant days at Thorpe Hall School and then following Woodside, I attended Chapel End, which I understand has now been demolished, until we moved.
As for the Town Hall I has my model yacht stolen from the circular pond outside and was in big trouble for that as I had been given it that day as a present.
Oh memories. I am sure that I sent the photos of Woodside 1958 to you some years ago, if not you, then to a name who was associated with Wathamstow. It's very strange coincidence as I intended to visit the area last Thursday with my wife to take some photographs of number 145 Howard Road and 4 Hale End after attending a hospital in Tooting but we were delayed there and time was not on our side, but we intend to complete the trip some time later this year.
Thanks once again and hope you find this of some interest. Regards
Chris Warner Private Reply Public Reply
From John: Chris, This is fascinating! I lived at 145 Howard Rd from about 1945/6 until I went to college in October 1963. We lived upstairs and the people who I remember lived downstairs were a Mr. and Mrs. Bradley but my memory of them was from about 1956 onwards and I was not aware of who lived beneath us until then. Upstairs next door in 147 (?) lived an old lady Mrs. Miller who frightened the life out of me and beneath them Mr and Mrs. Moore. He was the grandfather of Roger Moore the actor (I think his wife was either a second marriage or they were not actually married). Roger I remember visited the flat once with his wife (Dorothy Squires ?) in a pink Cadillac! I am told by my sister that I look very much like my Dad in build and I definitely have his booming voice! Great to hear from you - I will add your email to the website plus anything more you care to remember. All best wishes, John
24-Feb-2009: Dear John, my Grandfather, George James
Wood, lived on Greville Road from about 1926 till his death in
1949, with his wife Annie Louisa Knight, who was a widow; her
maiden name may have been Brown. George is buried in Walthamstow
Cemetery but Annie isn't; I'd love to know what became of
Annie.". Thank you.
Carolyn Lofquist
Private Reply
Public Reply
24-Feb-2009: Hello John,
I came across your site last night and think it is great.
I was born in Thorpe Coombe in April 1942 and lived in Kitchener
Road until I got married in 1965. My wife and I then lived in a
Warners Flat in Third Avenue until we bought our first house in
Witham, Essex with the assistance of a 100% GLC mortgage. We now
live outside Norwich.
I went to Chapel End Infants and Junior school from 1947 until 1953. Mr Hinds was the Headmaster and the teachers I remember were Miss Philmore, Miss Drew and Mr Ling. Mr Ling was a wonderful teacher. As well as making the normal lessons interesting with lots of anecdotal information, he also used to sell us used postage stamps from around the world at break time. I bought a second hand stamp album from him. I remember the pages were labelled with such names as Madagascar, Winward Islands and Deutches Reich. It was obviously a pre-war album! What pleasure I had mounting the stamps on the little gummed hinges in the appropritae pages. The stamps from Madagascar were lthe best; large multi-colourd triangle shaped affairs which seemed to me to be priceless but in reality were worth very little.
I was fortunate in passing the 11-plus and went to William Morris Technical School from 1953 to 1960 where I got seven O-levels and two A-levels. The teachers were a mixture of the bizarre, the ordinary and the brilliant. Does anyone remember them? Herbert Williamson was the Head - a Quaker if i remember correctly. He had a large wart on his nose. Miss Kennedy was the sexy blonde who taught History. Mr Bridle taught French. He used to thump away on a piano teaching us to sing "Sur le pont, d'Avingon". He was very temperamental and when he lost it he would hurl pieces of chalk and even the blackboard cleaner at us. Mr Wilmot was similarly inclined. His favourite trick was to slam the heavy blackboard ruler down on your desk, inches from your fingers. if you incurred his wrath. Eat your heart out you politically correct types.
Then there were the double act of Mssrs Winters and Watkinson who occupied adjacent oiutbuildings. They taught Technical Drawing and Woodwork respectively. Both were ex-RAF and very strict disciplinarians.Both would give you "the stick" at the first opportunity. Winters drove a motorcycle and would roar down Greanleaf Road each morning to the chorus of "Only the best is good enough for Winters whether giving or receiving" from us plebs.
Mr Margetts was the austere Geography teacher who seemed to have had a humour by-pass. Another disciplinarian. Herbert Williamson "contracted out " his disciplinary role to Margetts who seemed to relish the role. Each Wednesday lunchtime those who needed to be punished had to report to the gym in their gym kit where Margetts would be wating with "stick and book". The punishment was always delivered on the backside. between two and six strokes according to the nature of the "offence" committed. Margetts would always check to see that there was no exercise book or other shield secreted in the gym shorts before meteing out the punishment. It was like a public hanging. Outside the doors to the gym would be a crowd of onlookers there to witness the punishments. Anyone who had the temerity to cry or scream with pain paid the price of being labelled a cissy - probably more of a punishment in those days than the stick itself.
But there were also excellent teachers in the mix. Mr Speedyman the Maths teacher taught me to love mathematics and to get and A-level in Pure Maths. Mr H the Physics teacher who taught me to love Physics and to get an A-level in that too. Both had worked other than as classroom teachers so they brought a lot of wordly information to the classroom which made it much more interesting.
But it is uncanny how small the world is. Throughout my life since I moved away from Walthamstow I repeatedly come across people who were born and bred there. I now live in East Anglia so it is not suprising to meet them here as it is a natural place for East Londoners to migrate too. Our neighbours are ex-Walthamstow; he hails from Shernall Street, she from Lynmouth Road. My maternal grandmother also lived in Lynmouth Road. But last year on a ferry between Plymouth and Santander in Spain we got talking to two quite separate people both of whom came from Walthamstow. One was a successful property developer who had lived in South Grove and had bought his first house aged 17 after leaving school with no qualifications. The other was a Chinese lady who had lived in Gosport Road at a time when she and her mother were the only non-white British in the street. Ironically, my wife was brought up in Gosport road and could rmember them well.
I agree with all the people who have sent you emails. Walthamstow in the 1940's, 1950's and early 1960's was a wonderful place to be a child or teenager. As well as the parks and the Forest, and the High Street on Saturday afternoons with its sasparilla stall and Strutts and Clares kipper stall - what about rock and roll records at Sonny Deardens dance hall in Forest Road on a Monday evening? Or dancing at the Town Hall or the South West tech on alternate Saturday evenings? If I missed the night bus then I used to walk home from Gosport Road to Kitchener Road in the early hours of the morning without any fear of being attacked. Could you do that now I wonder?
So, in conclusion, I would like to quote a line from one of Country singer Merle Haggard songs which I believe sums up coming from Walthamstow: "The roots of my raising were good".
Bye now you'all!
Roy Beiley Private Reply Public Reply
23-Feb-2009: Norman, Daniel and other list members,
Thank you.
We live in suburban Chicago and have no good way of checking for
these burials. Is it possible for someone there to contact the
cemetery for us. Of course we are willing to do the same here in
the Chicago, Illinois area for those in England. We are glad to
share our information on my wife's EDWARDS family of Wales,
Walthamstow, Brighton and New Jersey/Florida/Texas here in the
States. The father of Arthur (C.A.) EDWARDS was Thomas
Roberts(on) EDWARDS; siblings Herbert Stanley(Spencer) EDWARDS,
Maud EDWARDS GAMMON, Howell Tudor EDWARDS, and Lawrence Vincent
Herbert and Howell lived in New Jersey and Florida; Lawrence in
Texas; and Maud in the Brighton, England area.
I will be grateful for your help.
Ed Broecker
Private Reply
Public Reply
23-Feb-2009: I am having no luck in getting info from
ex school students from Chapel End
Secondary modern who lived in the area and were in classes
4AU 1951 4Sp & 4Su 1952 maybe some will see this and reply?
Gerry Creasey
Private Reply
Public Reply
23-Feb-2009: Love the first newsletter, thank you for
sending it to me. It's a great idea, and thanks to all who
are giving it their precious time and effort, Best wishes,
Hilary Redman
Private Reply
Public Reply
23-Feb-2009: Hello! I am very interested in
corresponding through your newsletter. Among others, I am trying
to find death and burial information for Arthur or C.A. Edwards
and his wife Maud Mary, nee Lovell, who lived at 12 Pearl Road
from about 1930 through 1959 or so. I have a timeline for them
that is quite confusing. Regards
Ed Broecker
Private Reply
Public Reply
23-Feb-2009: Thanks for putting Antonio on WM, I was pleased
with that and I have already received an email from Sylvia Baigent in Canada about
it. She has an article on the Personal Stories page.
Norman Bird
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22-Feb-2009: Hello! Here's my Grandfather Antonio Ferrari with his ice-cream barrow. I don't know when this photo was taken, but it must have been before war-time rationing was introduced because he had to stop when he could no longer obtain the ingredients. I believe his round was in the streets off Blackhorse Lane in Walthamstow. During the winter, he sold baked potatos outside the Chequers pub in the High Street. He was born in 1870 in Roggio, Italy, and came to London as a young man, He married Annie Beeches in 1902 and they lived in Side Road, which is adjacent to St James street station, Walthamstow, where they had a very small shop with two rooms above, and there they produced thirteen (13!) children. I think they only sold ice-cream in the shop. He died in 1944.
1920s - Antonio Ferrari and his ice-cream barrow
Norman Bird
Private Reply
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22-Feb-2009: Hi, I am Howard Watling, a friend of John
Knowles, as I founded the Spartans Rock Group.
I am interested in your picture of The Blue Dukes, because
I bought my first Electric Guitar (a Hofner club 50) from Johnny
Erkert (Urquhurt?) who was the Lead Guitarist with the Blue
Dukes. Their Bass Guitarist (Ken ?) lived in the first road on
the right going down Walthamstow High Street, from where , for a
time a guitar teacher, who went by the name of Al Bernard, (real
name Allen Bernard Coyne) taught many aspiring Guitarists on
Saturdays, myself & Johnny included. He was a Jazz Musician,
so I used to have to learn Jazz, re-time it as
Rock'n'Roll, then go back next week & play it to him
as Jazz.
Johnny was an excellent, guitarist & the night I arranged to
collect my Club 50, the Blue Dukes were playing supporting
Johnny Kidd & the Pirates at the George Moneaux
School. The arrangement was that, as I had already paid for it, I
collect it during the interval, after they had finished their
set. During the interval, John came over & introduced Johnny
Kidd's Guitarist, to ask whether he could borrow my Guitar,
as the Pirate's kit had not turned up, & so they borrowed
the Blue Dukes gear, including my guitar for the night.
Other local bands were The Starliners, from Highams
(From Memory Mick Dewey; Bass, John Grindley; Rhythm, Roger
Crooks; Lead, & Barry Raven; Keyboards I can't remember
the Drummer or singer, but they used all Fender Guitars &
Dale Martin (or Stevens?) & Group 5, with Tony Atkins
who lived near Simmons Lane Bridge , Friday Hill (played a Hofner
President). Their singer was called Colin, & played an
Electric solid Ukulele.
The Gunners, who used to play at Wellington Ave Youth
Centre, with a Lead Guitarist called Kenny Rio, & a Bass
Guitarist who used to also play Malaguena on an Electric Guitar.
I once saw Jimmy Page there standing in for their regular
guitarist, & he was kind enough to show me a few tips in the
interval. This was before he became famous, but he was still
Brilliant, & very encouraging.
They used to play venues like the Bell Walthamstow, Heathcote
School etc.
If any more come to mind, I will let you know. I would be glad to
hear from any of the above, or anyone who remembers seeing the
Spartans, but doubt they will remember me. Yours
Howard Watling
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14-Feb-2009: Hi John, what a great web site, some memories there!
I like yourself was born in Walthamstow, Thorpe Coombe Hospital, Forest Road, to be exact, in 1951. I attended Thorpe Hall School, Wood Street School, and finally finished my education at Chapel End Secondary Modern. I also am a musician, a drummer to be precise, I am still at it, there's a pic of you and Ian Purdy, well I nearly fell of my chair when I saw that, he has been the only person to give me any tuition. At the time he lived in Victoria Road and I believe had just married, I think he worked for the Halifax at the Bakers Arms. Did he belong to the band The Skyways? I remember they used to play the Granada on Sunday afternoons between the programmes. Also there's mentions of the Alexander Pattern, I too used to go to the Bell and sneak a few halves of mild, 9d if my memory serves. I really liked this band, they were one of my earliest influences. Once again I looked at one of your pics and saw Jim Mitchell the singer, what a great bloke he is, later on in the early seventies he became a roadie for the band I was in at the time.
I have very good memories of Walthamstow, some day I will have to write them down, I now also live in Norfolk and like it very much, however I don't think I will ever forget the times I had in Walthamstow, Cheers John, be lucky,
Keith Shepherd
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Dear John, It is a bit of a long shot but I am trying to trace
details of my Grandfather George Harold Smith. (known as Harold)
He died in 1917 due to Typhoid leaving my mother an orphan at 18
months and me with no details of his family. What I do know is
that his father had three greengrocers shops and one was in
Walthamstow, one in Leyton and one in Leytonstone. I don't
know if the family business went on under the same name but I
would be keen to hear from anyone who might be related or know
anything of this family. Harold married my grandmother May Osborn
and worked in the same trade in Covent Garden till his untimely
death. My Uncle remembers his Grandfather as a dapper gent in a
waistcoat in 1926.
Dan Kennedy
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Hello, I looked at your website with interest; I am a local
researcher living in St Andrews Scotland. I have a second world
War Medal in its mailer box, its the standard British War Medal
and it has a condolence scroll in the box in the name of Pte
Rosina Florence HUTTON. I have found her on the CWG site
as died on 19/01/1945 and being buried at Chingford Mount
Cemetary. Rosina was a member of the ATS and I was hoping to be
able to shed light on how this lady (aged 23 ) died. The medal
box was posted to her Mother ,a Mrs Hurrell who lived in Copper
Mill Lane Walthamstow E17. Rosina was married to a man from
Kinross in Scotland. Do you know of any German V1 or V2 attacks
in January 1945? The history is vague in this area. I was also
looking to see what war memorial she is remembered on. Any help
would be well received. Regards.
Max Espie
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Hello John! My name is Christopher Page and I was brought up
in Walthamstow (in Devonshire Rd., off Boundary Road). It seems
to me that your site gives me a chance to do something I have
always wanted to do, which is to thank the Walthamstow people
(most of them the parents of those who will read this) who paid
for my education. After attending George Monoux Gramar School (as
it then was) I went to Oxford where, every Term, a grant cheque
was waiting for me from the local education authority. I am now
the Vice-Master of a College in Cambridge, and I will always
remember that it was the taxpayers and rate-payers of Walthamstow
who helped me get here. Good luck to you all, now and
Christopher Page
Hello John, wonder if you can advise me. I saw your website.
What a great idea! I’ve just turned 65 this week, & to
celebrate thought I’d try & track down my first serious
girlfriend. Trouble is, she has a common name - Jenny
Thomas - & probably changed it when she got married (to
someone else, sadly). But I still remember how exciting it was in
my early 20s for us to catch the last train to Higham’s
Park from Liverpool St station, to get her home, probably around
11 pm, then snogging a bit in the carriage, before persuading her
Mum that I’d have to stay the night in the, ahem, spare
room! It was all so innocent then, wasn’t it? Here’s
what I know. She’d be around 60 now, lived when I knew her
along the Hale End Road in Higham’s Park, had a brother
Bernard who was a plasterer, & another brother who was a
policeman. Can’t recall if it was Metropolitan or City. His
name was David I think. Both were a little older than her. Her
Dad was Victor who was a tailor’s cutter, & dear old
Mum was Violet; & I recall Vi often ran the tea shop in the
Forest. They would both be in their 90s now, if still alive. I
thought of checking the electoral rolls for Vic, & getting
Jenny’s exact date of birth from that, but as I’m in
Canada for the last 40 years, not so easy. Any ideas of how to go
about tracking Jenny down? Hope you don’t mind my asking
your advice, Thanks & Happy New Year,
Barry Elias
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Hello John, Like many respondents, I found your website by
chance, and I very much admire what you have done! I've not
read much yet - it's late at night and to be honest, I was
about to shut the pc down - but I will come back to look and read
a lot more. I'll also tell my sister about it, as I am sure
she would be interested. I was born in Thorpe Coombe Hospital in
1956, and my sister was born at home in Rectory Road 18 months
later. Our parents were both Walthamstow people; dad died last
year but mum is still there, and I visit a couple of times a
year. Changed a lot hasn't it!! But its the things that
survive that fascinate me. If I can, I will write my own
Walthamstow memories on here one day. Many of my childhood
recollections are clearer than things that happened a lot later.
I will enjoy reading other folk's offerings - I'm sure
they'll set off a lot more that's hidden away in my own
memory banks! Regards,
Tom Playle
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Dear Mr. Knowles,
I am looking for decendants of Victor Albert Wilde, who served
during WWI in the British Navy. He was born in 1894 and
eventually lived on Keith Road, Walthamstow. In Aug. 1918, his
tanker, S.S. Mirlo, was attacked and sunk by a German U-boat off
the North Carolina coast (USA). WIlde and 40 other shipmates were
rescued by men of the United States Life-Saving Service at
Chicamacomico, NC (now Rodanthe, NC, USA). He was married. He had
a son, Peter. After his rescue he returned home as
"distressed British seamen" in time to see his daughter
born, who was named "Mirlo" in honor of his ship. She
eventually had a daughter who she also named
If anyone can help me locate ANY descendants of Mr. Wilde, please
contact me as soon as possible.
I am the Site Operations Manager for the:
Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station Historic Site & Museum,
P.O. Box 5, Rodanthe, NC, 27968-0005, USA. 252-987-1552.
email Chicamacomico Historical
Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station Historic Site &
23645 NC Hwy. 12
P.O. Box 5 Rodanthe,
NC 27968-0005
Ph: 252-987-1552
Honoring Our Heroes...Preserving Our Past.
(no name)
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