
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
Listed here are the 35 emails we received in our nineteenth year of operation.
One word of warning: some emails still to be added...
Hi Daniel,
Firstly - A Happy New Year to you.
Secondly - Trawling through my memorabilia I have found a few more photographs which I would like to share with you and your website:
1 -The Karilion ca. 1970/71?
2 -The Karilion ca. 1970/71?
3 -The Karilion ca. 1970/71?
4 -The Karilion ca. 1970/71?
5 -The Karilion ca. 1970/71?
6 -The Karilion ca. 1970/71?
7 -The Karilion ca. 1970/71?
I believe they were taken at a gig we played at the Seaman's Mission - Canning Town - Circa 1970 - 1971 ?
I am also attaching an early photograph of The Karilion - Circa 1965 - 1966 - (Early Karilion).
The (Early) Karilion ca. 1965/66?
This was before we all started to wear the Silk Frilly Shirts of different colours. Venue Unknown.
This additional information and photographs may help jog some peoples memories.
Best regards,
Norman MOORE Private Reply Public Reply
My name is Norman Moore and I was the lead singer with the band. We were a semi-pro White Soul Band.
Our greatest achievement which has been a secret since it happened was on Saturday 13th May 1967 we supported The
Jimi Hendrix Experience on the same stage at Imperial College, South Kensington, London, SW7 2AZ.
The gig originally scheduled for a group called 1984, who's lead guitarist was a young Brian May.
We got the prime spot by default as we were the first band to arrive.
I am now 74 and suffering from Parkinson's Disease.
I am trying to put together a History of the band together from Start to Finish but my memory is not as good as it use to be.
Band Members I can recall are:
Brian McCarthy - Lead Guitarist - I am still in contact with him
Fred Field - Original Drummer
Roy Wallis - Rhythm Guitar - Switched to Baritone Sax - Sadly Deceased
Geoff Nash - Bass
Paul Gittings - Multi-Instrumentalist
Geoff Castle - Principle Keyboard Player with LYJO
Barry Raven - Keyboard - Formally - Vandals Blues
Geoff Hammond - Drums
Any input would be gratefully received.
Best regards,
Norman MOORE Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
... and Welcome back again!
I've updated October's Postbag, and will soon fill in the remaining months too.
I was away in September (a 1450kms drive from Spain to Italy and return) and on our way back our 16old dog, Ulisse, felt sick.
He is used to travel this way and, in fact, one of the main reasons we go by car is to bring him with us - no flights for him!
So we had to stop at a vet in Cannes for a few hours. He has since recovered quite well... but age is age...!
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Been trying to look up some old friends from the 60's who may have moved to Epping. Sylvia Edwards from Ruby Road, who was my first steady girlfriend and James (Lou) Skinner who was the keyboard player in my old band Eternal Fruit. I live near Eastbourne now, but still rocking in a local covers band.
Ken BENNETT Private Reply Public Reply
I played table tennis for the Forest Area TT Club during the 1960s at Canterbury Road, Leyton. I remember Bobby Stevens and his fellow Essex team mate Brian Brummell coming to our club open evening on several occasions to play exhibition matches.
Anthony WILSON Private Reply Public Reply
This is the St. John Ambulance float in the Walthamstow Carnival 1955. We were turning out of Hatherley Road into Hoe Street. The French Horn lying under the table belonged to an American army musician who has a dose of cramp and continued with us.
St. John Ambulance float in the
Walthamstow Carnival 1955
Marilyn STROUD Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I'm trying to do some research on my family in the UK (I live in the USA) and I'm hoping you might be able to help me.
I have 2 relatives who I believe attended the Sir George Monoux School in Walthamstow in the 1930's but I'm not sure of the best
way to confirm this. Their names are Harold Bailey and James Meek.
Do you know where there might be records of pupils names from that time period?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Stuart BAILEY Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel and Terry,
I have just stumbled across your messages about Mission Grove School, and memories came flooding back. I was born in 1949,
so I guess I will have started there in 1954. I vividly remember my first day.
We were in the corner classroom with Miss Philpot. Some were in tears but I had started with my then best friend Gillian,
who also lived in Woodville Road and that gave us security. I can remember wandering around wondering what we were supposed
to do with these large wooden bricks.
Woodville Road was within sound of the school bell and I could leave home just as it started ringing, sprint up Apsley Road and
in through the playground gate to arrive just in time. During the holidays, milk continued to be delivered to the school and we used to
roller-skate over and drink large quantities. Free food was not to be missed. I can remember being taught by Miss Wakefield.
I remember her trying to get us to sing and, particularly, I remember her tottering around the room on her walking stick, in pursuit of some
of the rowdier members of the class.
I think I can remember Miss Cliss, not by name, but as the teacher who later died. I think we were put in her room briefly when
a teacher was absent. My memory is that she was frightening and didn't take prisoners; although shortly afterwards I met her on a family day
out to St Osyth's priory in Essex and she was as nice as pie. I guess teaching could be as stressful then as it is now.
We had one teacher who hasn't been mentioned: Miss Hopper, who got married one holiday and came back as Mrs Southgate.
I think it was she who had us all playing recorders. I only survived by not actually blowing. It was under her that school work first started
to make sense to me.
Somewhere during this time, there was country dancing. I remember an event (competition?) at Walthamstow Town Hall, waiting in cold,
draughty corridors for the performance, with a practicing bag-piper for company.
Then we had Miss Tuckwell, whose influence was immeasurable. The first teacher who seemed to think I had something to offer.
I think it was while in her class that there was a minibus trip to Whipsnade Zoo. It started well but then one of children ran down a steep slope,
took a nose dive and had to be taken to hospital. We spent the rest of the day waiting outside A&E.
Another teacher yet to be mentioned is the Headmaster of the Junior School, who I think, was called Mr Tollet, short and stocky,
he used to knit his own thick woolly jumpers. When I passed the 11-Plus, my mother was completely out of her depth and we went to see him.
It was on his advice that I went to Leyton Grammar School, where his son was a couple of years above.
I've not been back to Walthamstow for over half a century, although I can now walk through the streets on Google Streetview. I see that Mission
Grove School has expanded to obliterate Apsley Road and my old house (31, Woodville Road) now backs onto the school grounds. That would have
made the last minute sprint a bit quicker. Mission Grove itself is no longer the quiet, tree-lined, cul-de-sac, but a thoroughfare.
Best wishes to any other ex pupils out there, from "the ginger one with jug-handle ears, but not any more"...
Graham COMPTON Private Reply Public Reply
I have just been down memory lane through your pictures on a Walthamstow site. My family, with me moved into 130 St Johns Road
with I was just a little baby. My father's brother Thomas owned the shop on the corner of St Johns and Victoria Road. I loved growing up there
and always vowed that if ever I was to win big, I'd buy the house I grew up on!
I remember Mr King, the grocer. He and is wife were lovely, yet very stern. The little shop was packed to the rafters with everything,
from shoe laces to bread.
I visit often, as my partner now lives in the where the old stable were.
Many changes have taken place, however there are still signs of the row of shops, where Mr King had his shop. Although they have been converted to
living accommodation, the shop front frame work is still in place.
The removal yard is still there, but doesn't seem occupied?
I want to thank you for putting those pictures on for all to see. Fantastic!!!
Kind regards
Private Reply
Public Reply
(Other emails to be added soon...)
(Other emails to be added soon...)
Dear Friends, Followers & occasional Visitors,
The Postbag will shortly be updated, but in the meantime there are good news for the "Walthamstow Finest" project: our
friend Dave Hughes has put a remarkable effort in creating both this CD and the event, and I hope you will attend and, possibly,
also buy copies of the CD for yourself and your friends. You will own a rare collection of music from local artists, and at the same time you
will support a good cause!
See the Highlights Section below.
As always, any comments and suggestions from you are most welcome but don't forget to share your memories and pictures!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
(Other emails to be added soon...)
(Other emails to be added soon...)
The CD, 'Waltham Forest's Finest' is now a reality and a CD launch will be on Sunday 16th June.
Waltham Forest musicians included on the cd will be: The Beaucrees, Bare Bones, Indigo,
The Starts, Siskin Brace, Russ Chandler, Dunav and John Arthur.
At the moment there is still space for another two artists. If you are interested in knowing more please give me a ring 07766964 or email me.
I have know completed the set of four charity CDs, if interested get in touch.
David HUGHES Private Reply Public Reply
Hi, I just found this website and have many questions but I start with anybody remembering Boundary Road Estate in the 1970's.
We lived in James Dixon Towers and I went to school in the old Thomas Gamuel were the older part of the school played in the back
end of queens road park before it was all knocked down and rebuilt and made Kemlscott school. I've been to Vestry road and the guy in charge of
photos also could not find any reference to the estate. I have this address on my birth cert and my brother was actually born in our 18th tower flat.
I think it was 1977 - an aircraft flown between Walter Saville and James Dixon towers, thinking about it now it is amazing how the blocks never fell
down but they shook!!! I looked though family photos and can't find any. In the tower blocks on the podium their used to be children's and dance clubs.
Another year there was a march by the bmp (even back then) A, all of the area of Bakers Arms and Hoe St was boarded up and they walked down Boundary
road into Markhouse Road. We were at school, teachers told us locals to run home and an helicopter was above.
There was another incident that terrified many of us when a young man fell from the 12th fall on Walter Saville on to the podium,
Can anyone remember the good and the bad.....
Sharon BOULTWOOD Private Reply Public Reply
This reply is a bit late to be putting out to you, but I felt the need to contact you. I went to Warwick Girls in 1982
and left to go on to Walthamstow girls schools but everywhere I search for the Warwick Girls school seems to have disappeared.
If you recently visited or not, It is now called St Marys primary school where they use the whole building (at least no more houses built on it).
It's hard to trace records. Back then (I'm not sure about you) but there was no canteen in Warwick girls School, so we had to use the
Warwick boys canteen, but they had their dinner first and then we had to walk in via the back alley in the other road (Chestnut Ave?) but
we were not allowed to talk to the boys and were kept away.
Sorry to contact you if you didn't want it but thought you might like to though.
Kind regards
Sharon BOULTWOOD Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel. I am hoping that you may be able to help,I wasn't sure where to start.
Friday August 12th 1949 my family made the front page news of The Guardian as Largest family locally. We were celebrating
my brother Jack's 21st birthday and it was the first time we had ever all been together as a family.
I came to Australia with my husband and children in 1965 and some of my family members and parents followed later. There are four of us
survived in Australia and still have five siblings in England (not to mention numerous off spring).
I am really writing because I only have a very faded photo copy of that page, and would like to try and get a clearer copy for a book
I'm putting together for my grand/great grandchildren, Can you help ?
(née ALGAR)
Private Reply
Public Reply
My name is Mick George and I recently saw a message from Dave White who was the original lead guitarist with The Beat Syndicate - I would love to make contact with Dave as we haven't seen each other or talked since 1962 when he left the band - Can you Help???
Mick GEORGE Private Reply Public Reply
Mr.Buntingford was the headmaster at Andrews Road when I attended. 1952 to 1955 . I lived in Worcester Road and my parents then moved out to Hayes Middlesex by Heathrow as I recall a Miss Peterkin was the headmistress of the infants school I was 10 years old in 55 when we moved.
Tony NEWTON Private Reply Public Reply
Hello, thank you for this lovely website.
My parents Terence Sweeting and Jacquelyn née Hutchin grew up in the Walthamstow Highams
Park, Buckhurst Hill area. Dad went to school at Handsworth Avenue and Selwyn Ave, and Leyton County High, Mum's Dad ran the
Fernbank Garage in Buckhurst Hill. Her senior school was George Gascoigne School. I have a few pictures and recollections
from them if you would like them.
Rosalyn LA FEVRE Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Many thanks Roz: I always welcome pictures that visitors & followers are willing to share!
Hi Derek
I have just read your email to Walthamstow memories. Your name rings a bell I went to Chapel End and left in 1959 I'm sure
we were in the same class. My name is Jean Matthew (Compton as was). I don't have any class photos much to my regret. I lived in Spruce
Hill Road, Walthamstow, my best friends were Teresa Turner and Ruth Sawyer. I think Mr Burton
was the head when I left and Miss Hewitt rings a bell too. So so long ago its difficult to remember. Sounds like you have
a good life in SA. Hope you are well
Kind Regards
Jean MATTHEW Private Reply Public Reply
Can anyone help? I am producing a CD later in the year called, 'Waltham Forest's Finest' and would love to include Sam Apple Pie.
Does anyone know how I can contact Sam Sampson or anyone else from the band to ask permission to include a track of theirs?
I can be contacted at or by phone 07766 964 420.
Thank you.
David HUGHES Private Reply Public Reply
Don't know if this is still relevant, but the 1939 register shows a Walter J Humphrey (Café Proprietor) born 11/11/1872
married to Ellen born 3/9/1881 living at 14 Cleveland Park Crescent, Wanstead and Woodford.
However can't see evidence of the marriage on Ancestry.
Hope this may help
Sue BALDWIN Private Reply Public Reply
Hi there, just saw your post re William Elliot school at the top of higham hill Rd. I used to know the place as The Elliot youth club and we used to play football on the sloping pitch at the rear.i went to St. Andrews junior school but my uncle Chris Harrington who is 10 years older than me and went to William Elliot as a junior would have been 10 in 1956 as he was born in 1946. Just wondering if he was one of your class mates?
David GLISTER Private Reply Public Reply
My father in law was in Walthamstow Home Guard. Do you know what their arm patch number was?
Micky ADAMS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Ray,
I was there about 1952 for a year before I transferred to SW Essex Tec in Forest Road and remember
Mr Acres and Mr Harris. I can visualise the faces of the wood work teacher and the metal work teacher
but not their names unfortunately. I also joined the Job (City) 1955 to 1988 then became a Knowledge of London Examiner then a
black cab driver before I finally retired. Walthamstow, or whatever it's called now has changed as I expect... Folly Lane.
John ORMES Private Reply Public Reply
Daniel, I was one of the original pupils of McEntee, which was originally South West Essex Tec. I left in 1958. It was a very forward thinking school at that time.
David ROWE Private Reply Public Reply
Hiya. I'm the head teacher of Low Hall and Church Hill Nursery Schools in Walthamstow. I tried to email Daniel but it
says the email address is no longer working. Low Hall is 90 this year and I would like to contact ex pupils to create some
memories of the place. Is this something your site could assist me with? I also have some historical photos from the opening and 1935.
You would be welcome to use them.
Warm regards
Helen CURRIE Private Reply Public Reply
The Mr Bunting I knew was a teacher at William McGuffey school
Ronnie Private Reply Public Reply
What block did you live in Alan? I lived in P block, next to the double block.
My name is Brian Slawson and I went to Roger Ascham and completed my schooling at William E Whittingham under Headmaster Bill Acres.
Brian SLAWSON Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
Rhythm Kitchen at walthamstow
My name is Jorg and I am the co-owner of a new Caribbean restaurant in Walthamstow called Rhythm Kitchen.
We are based at 257 Hoe Street
My partner Delroy (a local lad) and I are looking to engage with local groups and I came across your webpage of
Walthamstow Memories. Your site resonated with us on several levels. As you can see from the picture attached we are exhibiting
images and memories from the British Caribbean community in our restaurant. The whole concept is to show pride in the life and culture
of the Windrush generation and its children like Delroy. Never let those memories fade...
On the other side, I am the founding trustee of a charity called My Life Films and we help people living with dementia
by capturing their memories on film before they disappear. -
you might want to have a look at the website and what we do. The films are for free and we do roughly 100 every year. This could be
of interest for some members of your website.
If you are interested, and if you like Caribbean food, we would like to invite you down to the restaurant for lunch one day to connect.
Maybe there are things we could do together. And if nothing comes from it we can at least have a nice chat over some excellent food.
Jorg ROTH Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I'm looking for people with memories of Low Hall Nursery School, Walthamstow. The nursery was opened in 1929 by the
pioneering Margaret McMillan (See Wikipedia: [HERE)]
If anyone has memories, photos, or information about the nursery, I'd love to be in touch with them. We're looking at celebrating the 90th
anniversary this year!
Thanks very much
Katherine GREEN
Private Reply
Public Reply
From Daniel: May I point out that Katherine is the photographer who worked on a project (Exhibition and book) about the Warner Estate in Waltham Forest in 2014...
There was no such lady as Jane Elsie Buckland. Born 1916 at the Gosport Rd address.
There was a Jane Buckland born 1880.
Who was Christine Buckland nan.
Christine BUCKLAND Private Reply Public Reply
The Buckland family:
Harry Buckland, Annie Buckland, Dad and mum. Dead.
Christine Buckland, Daughter. Now 67yrs
Christine BUCKLAND Private Reply Public Reply
Hello David Medhurst,
My dad, Gerald Field, went to Winns Avenue School and also Blackhorse Lane School in the era you are speaking of.
Dad was also evacuated from Blackhorse Road Station in 1939.
He passed away August 2018, after suffering from dementia for three years.
He had shared some stories with me about some school friends and that Mr Bunting was a teacher.
Did you know him? He lived in Blenheim Road, Walthamstow.
Teresa MARTIN Private Reply Public Reply
I think the name was actually Bedwell. Mark age 67 ish now. and Kim lived in St Johns Rd E17 and went the Chapel End School.
Janet BENSON Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
I hope you will manage to respond to my last e-mail but I don't know if your team would know that Joan Lestor lived in the town in the 1930s.
Later in life she became an MP and, for a few months before her death, was a Baroness.
Bill RICHARDSON Private Reply Public Reply
Good Morning and Happy New Year:-)
A few days ago, I came across an appeal for info about Charles Rollo Lester from Joyce Andersen of British Columbia.
[]. I got an error with the address.
Might the best solution for this response to be displayed:
I have information about Charles Lestor and am happy to share it. Please e-mail me.
Bill RICHARDSON Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Thanks, Bill! The original post dates back to 2009 (or earlier?), Joyce might have changed her email address in the meantime..!