
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
I'm sure you have enjoyed reading some of the memories that our visitors, friends & followers have posted into what has become
our 'treasure chest' of recollections. You may feel happy or a little nostalgic and maybe even a bit melancholy...
Some of the stories may have brought back your own memories of Walthamstow? So why not share them with us? It's quite easy!
I think it would be a good idea to ask some of your elderly relatives to share their own memories: interview them and you'll probably be surprised
by the anectodes they'll tell you! (You could record their own words on your 'phone: much easier than scribbling while they talk).
However, make sure you get the names of people and places right - if memory permits...
First of all, jot down on a piece of paper the main subjects that come to your mind: the school days, the shops, the cinemas, the cold
winters in the snow or the warm summers in Lloyds Park.. wartime... a friend whom you lost touch with... but also, funny stories! There
are so many hilarious 'tales' that go around in pubs! I'm sure you have a few to tell or re-tell... the East End is famous for its humor,
and sure we can do with some of that (CV lockdown or not!).
The list will soon grow!
Don't put in details for now, concentrate on the topics.
You might want to find old pictures of you and your family and friends: time to open that old album!
Now it's time to use your list: pick a topic and write down what comes to your mind. Don't worry about the 'form' or the grammar: you'll
polish up and organize them them later.
Once you have prepared and 'polished' your text in a form that suits you, you can type it - or ask someone to do it for you - directly into
the body of an email or a text editor. You can then attach the resulting file to the email.
Addess the email to, and send it off!
Your text will be read by myself (Daniel, the editor) and converted in a suitable format to be posted on the WM site. Be patient: it might take a few days but then it's online! Once published, you might get some feedback by our visitors, who have the choice to contact you either with a 'Public Reply' (copied to the WM site and subsequently posted) or with a 'Private Reply' (email to you but not copied to us). If you get a 'Public Reply', don't forget to use the 'reply to all' option on your email software: this will assure that the conversation will continue to be 'Public' (and may then be followed on the site).
I hope that these few lines of guidance have been useful to you, but if you have any doubts or need more information, just email me!
Thank you!!Email Daniel