
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
Listed here are the 25 emails we received in our third year of operation.
Sorry, but no dates associated to emails! However, emails are listed in reverse chronological order (most recent at top)
One word of warning: the email addresses here are rather old and may have changed since...
Hi everybody,
My name is Mario and I live in Germany. I used to visit Mr.
Philip Richardson and his family approx 10-15 years ago.
Unfortunately, there´s no information on online-tephone
books about his domicile or telephone number.
The address was soemthing like 51 Millfield Ave, the lady´s
first name next door was Judy and his brother Roy used to live in
Chingford with his wife and son Barry. Philip´s son is
named Scott. That´s all I remember. Philip was going to
marry a chinese lady called Caz, when we met last time,
but I don´t know the full name, sorry. Although I tried
several possibilities, there ´s no chance to get in contact
with him and his family/relatives.
If anybody can help, pls reply to my eMail-address as he is a
very warmhearted person, that I want to meet again. Thank you so
much for your efforts.
Mario Goettert Private Reply Public Reply
Dear John
Great site! I hope someone can help me locate Hawkesley Road in
Walthamstow. My grandfather, Frederick George Sheepwash (later
Neville) was born there in 1898 but I haven't found the
street on any maps.
If anyone knows anything about the Neville / Sheepwash / Saunders
families from Walthamstow please get in touch!
How amazing to find this site on Walthamstow. I attended Joseph Barrett Secondary School in the late 50's. It had a different name when I first went there, but can't recall what it was. Reading through the e-mails all the names came flooding back...Hoe Street; Whipps Cross and Havant Road, I used to live in The Top Shop, I think it was No 5, and was a small grocery store on the corner. I went to St Saviours Church for Guides, but had very unhappy memories of the place due to my home situation. Anyone remember me???? Eileen Varney; Jean Crutchett; can't remember any more students names. Mrs Hewett was a teacher, and Mrs Christmas was the school secretary. I was Lois Brooks, since then I have changed my name to Libby Nunn, put the past behind me and forgotten it. Living in New Zealand and Librarian in a small rural town in the Far North...Kaitaia.
Libby Private Reply Public Reply
My name is Jeanne Dunnage I use to live in Blackhorse Lane went to Stoneydown Junior School then to Willowfield High School. Left school worked at Hammond and Champness in the office. I'm 48 years old if anyone is out there who knows me please contact me
Jeanne Dunnage Private Reply Public Reply
I am 77 & living in beautiful Perth Australia. Does anyone remember the school? Coppermill Lane I left at Xmas 1938.
Les Griffin Private Reply Public Reply
I was just surfing when I found your excellent
I was hoping that someone may be able to assist me in finding
some old friends or family. My name is John Edward Charles Alden.
I was born in 1984 and lived at 50 Acacia Road, Walthamstow E17
until 1992 (moved to Sydney Australia). I attended St Patricks,
my father (John Colin Charles Alden) owned and ran a poker
machine shop
in Hackney for as long as I can remember. My father also ran a
market stall at walthamstow markets and we both were regulars at
Tottenham's home games. My mother (Sharrone Patricia Alden)
also worked in my dad's store. My
grandparents were named Edward Alden and Joan Gledhill.
I would like to thank all for taking the time to read this and I
hope I hear from someone regarding my hopeful search.
John E. Alden
from Sydney Australia
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Dear John:
My name is Jack Grubbs, I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
I was searching for information for my wife, she had a "pen pal" who she corresponded with around
They were in high school at that time, around 17years old. Her pen pal lived in Walthamstow and I was searching to see if we could locate her after all these years.
Her name and address was:
Nita Wilson
135 Forest Street
Walthamstow E17 London England
My Wife's name and address was:
Carolyn Sue Wilson
2854 East admiral Ct.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I really enyoyed your web site about Walthamstow and all the messages posted by former residents.
Jack Grubbs Private Reply Public Reply
Small world, I like your web-site. Live in Bungay for 30 odd years born in Walthamstow 1936. When a small boy had whooping cough, my grandmother one Sunday said the best thing would be a walk up to Spion Kop (1942) to get fresh air, it was top of Higham Hill and looked out over Tottenham etc. Have never seen mention of name. Any of your contacts Know of it?
Derrick Bettiss
(Palmerston Road area)
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Hi John,
I forgot to ask on the last e-mail,does anybody
remember "St.Marks under the arches at bakers Arms.
The LeeRoys played there in the early sixtes,they went off to
Germany,and when they came back they bought the Beatles who they
meet there to the Leyton Baths. I have a few years ago met up
with one of the Leeroys,they long ago split up.
The guy who promoted them was called Don White,who brought many
well know groups of the time to the Leyton Baths.
I loved live music, still do!
Many thanks
Gillian Phillips Private Reply Public Reply
Hi John,
I was born and breed in Walthamstow. My parents lived in Maynard Road for over 60 years, my grandparents ran the old bookshop
in Church Lane, Arthur and Maybel King.
I went to Maynard Road school from 1949 until 1956 or thereabouts. Life for the King family was very hard,my father having
bought his house,him being a bricklayer things got very hard in the winter,no work no money,and being a family of 6 in the end,things were tight.
My eldest sister Joan has been in touch with you I think, she being the eldest had things very much easier.
I was born in 1944 like most in Thorpe Coombe, number 4 in the family, but quite a few years between me and my brother, my
parents being in their 40s by then, I remember playing for hours in the street (street raking) my mother called it, we skipped
played 3 stones rounders, knock down ginger,got chased then balls hit windows, made jiggers,cut my leg really badly when my brother
lost control going down Maynard Road almost ran into Shernhall St. so he pulled up sharp. When I was older Wood St. (if my
mother had ever found out I was there she would have killed me) I got caught on camera at the walk and it was in the local, thank
God she never saw the photo. Hollow Ponds by our (gang) tree!
Lido, Had the pleasure of Frankie Vaughan being there once, thought he was God's gift, didn't do much for us girls, a
little too old for us, he had been to some factory in Lea Bridge Road. Lots more memories, the Bell, Leyton Baths (Beatles)
Granada, Forest Gate skating ring, Fair in Lea Bridge Road, most places I shouldn't have been.
Many thanks for the site
Hope this finds you well happy and rich!
Gillian Phillips
(née King)
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Hello John,
I have emailed you before, but I have thought of a few more memories.
My grandparents lived in Havant rd off Wood st - The Swan is on he corner. They were Lily (nee Nash) and Alf (deafy) Pullum.
My grandfather won the Wood st walk in 1955 &56. Does any one out there remember them? They had two sons Alfie and Terry (my father) also a daughter Joyce who died young. I was their only granddaughter Linda, they had 2 grandsons Lee & Wayne.
Unfortunately my parents are both dead ,and I now live in Northampton I left Walthamstow in 1977, but have many memories: Saturday morning pictures at the ABC at Leyton and swimming at Leyton baths (long gone I believe). Also the Lido in the forest at Whipps Cross. My mum Kay Pullum worked in Edward's food shop and Superfare in Wood st.
In my teens I worked in the photo factory in Forest Rd I also work in Cilla's Hairdressers in Orford rd as a Saturday Girl for many years.
If any one out there remembers my family I'd love them to contact me.
Linda Hughes
(née Pullum)
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I am Lil Keen (nee Wilson)
I was born in St Anddrews Road youngest of 7 children When I was
a baby we moved to Durban Road I think Just off Blackhill Lane
and from there we moved to 26 The Hale Highams Par. I have just
found your web site and have been through some of it Boy what
memories that it has brought back to me it was I think the
happiest times of my life except for the war years
We did not have computers or TV in the first days but I think
that maybe we was happier for that we made our own games and not
like kids are today, 'I'm bored,' we was always out
playing in the folly going on hikes swimming so much to do
My Grandfather had a picture framing shop down Wood Street
although saddly I never saw him or my Grandmother they died
before I was born. Is there any way that I could trace him and my
grandmother. I am not sure of her name Elizabeth I think But my
Grandfather was surname Abrahams Henry. I think they had three
children Harry, Albert and my Mother Florence Elizabeth, she died
in March 29th 1956 buried at Chingford mount cemetary April
I would love to try and find some records so could you please
tell me where I can search.
It would have to be on the net now as I am Living in Adelaide,
South Australia.
When I saw the photo of Walthamstow Town Hall came up even that
gave me a thrill and the stories that I read so thank you so much
it made my day
Lil Keen Private Reply Public Reply
Hello John,
Firstly, what a wonderful website. I was told about it by Paul Bonner, someone whose name I recognised on friends reunited. Having contacted him, it was so lovely to hear from him and to know that not only had his family (Bonners fish & chip shop) been a source of many memories from my childhood, but that Paul had memories of my family too - of watching my Grandfather "wood grain" doors using only chalk, a feather & a comb!! These things are so important, aren't they? It never occured to me before that anyone other than our family would know of Grandad's talent or remember his work.
Anyway, enough slushy stuff!
I'm now 37, and was born & brought up in Walthamstow (Chewton Rd and Pretoria Ave),
going to school at Blackhorse Rd Infants, Stoneydown, Willowfield & McEntee.
My mum is one of 4 children born to "Walthamstow"
parents, and my Grandad Alfred Tuvey (who sadly passed away in
1997) was born in 1911 in Walthamstow & grew up in the
Brunner Road area. He was a painter & decorator & managed
to purchase a house in Ilford, then went away to war and my Nan
hated being away from "everything Walthamstow", so by
the time he came home, she'd moved back to good old E17! My
mum was brought up in Ickworth Park Road with aunts in Hervey
Park Road. My grandparents moved into a Warner property in
Pretoria Avenue about 39 years ago, and stayed there until 1997.
It still seems odd not to able to just walk into that house
(which is now being converted into 4 flats!) as it was the one
place that remained constant throughout my life - we moved house,
my aunts & uncles did, etc, but 68 Pretoria Avenue was
"home", I suppose. My very earliest memory is of
standing in the "front room" (opened only on high days
& holidays) when I was only 21 months old wanting my mum (who
was in Thorpe Coombe giving birth to my little sister - Christmas
1966) and wondering what kind of place she was in that
wouldn't allow little children in (my Nan had said this to me
- I suppose so that I didn't visit her & miss her even
more!). My mum's younger sister (at the time 18) put on the
record player & tried to cheer me up.
My Nan's family are called Price - she had brothers called Bob, Jim, and Alf - all of whom were known for boxing (I think Uncle Jim boxed under the name of Jimmy Wooder).Uncle Alf had a fruit stall outside the old Woolworths in the High Street. My Nan's sisters Alice & Florence used to live in Hervey Park Road - 41 & 43. Grandad's family (the Tuveys) were poor but happy - his siblings included George (who worked with Grandad & lived in Coppermill Lane), Daisy (who preferred to be called Jean!), Florence (who spent her last years in the almshouses by the Baker's Arms), Len (who died before I was born), and Violet who married an American in the war & went to live near Lake Michegan - I remember the excitement when her son Douglas came to visit when I was small (he was in the US Navy).
I have so many memories of my own - along with lots and lots of memories my grandparents shared with me about their lives (I've always been very interested in local & family history). I also have heaps of photos - ranging from old sepia "formal" shots of my great grandmother to ones of me as a kid in the 70's. I'd be more than happy to share memories and/or photos with you, if you'd be interested.
I look forward to hearing from you - and thank you once again for putting in the time & effort to produce such a wonderful website.
Kindest Regards
Amanda Lucas Private Reply Public Reply
Hi John,
I also found your website by mistake, but wow what fond memories
it bought flooding back. I lived in Chingford from 1959 to 1973,
attending Larkswood Infant & Junior schools, Wellington Ave
and Sidney Burnell High Schools. My Dad and his brothers had
butcher shops in Walthamstow called "Brentwood Economy
Butchers", one was next door but two to the Chequers pub and
Rossi's ice cream parlour, down the market. I remember the
sasporella man, and Percy Daltons Peanut man, he used to sell
them hot opposite my Dad's shop. Menzies pie and mash shop,
with the live eels outside. Two of the other shops were in St
James Street, my granddad lived above one of them for a while,
and I can remember him giving me sixpence to go to the mens
outfitters next door for a new stud collar for his shirts. Lloyds
park was a favourite of my children's in the late 1970's
early 1980's ,when I used to visit my Mum and Dad especially
in the school holidays when there used to be free shows put on
for them.
We all absolutely adored going to Larkswood outdoor swimming
pool. I spent every summer there when I was a kid, and since I
moved to the Midlands in 1974, where they don't have outdoor
pools, I was really sad when it closed
it's doors for the last time. What is it now? Don't get
to go back for visits, as my Dad died and Mum now lives near me
in the Midlands
This site make me feel very nostalgic, keep up the good
Carol Haytree
(nee Hopkins)
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Hello John,
My name is Richard Dunn and I have lived in Walthamstow all 56 years of my life. I have had a wander round
your Walthamstow site, and thoroughly enjoyed it.
I particularly enjoyed Robert Neville’s article on the High Street. It has also inspired me to write my own
‘memoirs’. I use the term lightly! I was wondering if you would like to use them on the site. I must admit that so far,
they are more about me than Walthamstow itself, but I suppose they would be until I was of an age where I could go gallivanting
on my own! Also I have been out recently and taken some local pictures and wondered if you would like to use this picture if
the Lighthouse Church on your site. It has just been renovated and looks superb. No copywrite to worry about.
Well that’s about it for now. I just I'd let you know that I exist.
Bye for now,
Richard Dunn Private Reply Public Reply
I have just stumbled on your Website while browsing. There are
two Walthamstow (and Chingford) Oldies here:-
1. I am Terry Pasola. I lived at 22 Spruce Hills Road until 1959
and attended the S W Essex Tech until 1952.
2. My wife is Margaret (Branch) and she lived at 51 Ainslie Wood
Gardens, Chingford. She also went to the Tech.
More maybe when I have studied the Website some more.
Terry Pasola
Hi I am currently doing a project on unanswered calls for help to the police. This can be either via 999 or calls to local Police Stations. Also police 'disinterest' in the reporting of any Crimes by Members of the Public. If you see any articles in Papers or Magazines, could you please send them to me. For those who don't know my address it is 22 Walnut Court, Vallentin Road, Walthamstow, London, E17 3JL. Please let me know the name of the Publication and the date the item appeared, if its not obvious. Many thanks for your help. Regards
Dave Hughes Private Reply Public Reply
I was born Patrica Janet Peake 24/02/1927 at Stratford
Bow in Queen Mary's Hospital. My parents names were Frederick
& Jane (nee Callaghan). My Aunt Dolly Avery (Dad's eldest
sister) lived in Birchell Road Leyton right up to her death in
her early ninties. I first lived in Leyton. I moved to
Walthamstow when I was about three and started at Market Street
School. I then moved to Leytonestone when I was aged 9. I
returned to 64 (?) South Grove Walthamstow in 1939. During the
war, I was evacuated to Bedford. I am now living happily in
Australia since april 1965.
Regards to everyone,
I discovered your site this morning just by chance and
will probably spend the rest of the day looking at it!
We have recently started to do research on our family, our
Grandparents were Alfred and Mary Ann (Polly) King of Macdonald
Ave (Rd) in Walthamstow in the early 1900's. Their children
were: Alfred, Arthur, Alice, Rose, Florence, Edward (our father)
Caleb (Coo) and Steve. We are planning a King Family Reunion in
2003 in Walthamstow and would like to contact the children of
Alfred King (Alf, Philip, Connie, Pat, Sheila) and Florence who
married Charles Floyd - we believe there was a daughter and two
sons, one of whom was Reginald. We are also looking Paul and
Roger Jones, sons of Doreen Jones who was the daughter of
Any help as to how we might start researching in Walthamstow
would be appreciated.
Jose Ransome Private Reply Public Reply
What a interesting and informative Web site.I am hoping you
may be able to help me find my ancestors. My Great uncle Herbert
HAMILTON was born in Colchester Essex, married
Clara GOODWIN (year not yet known). They had one son Herbert
James Francis born in Walthamstow, London in 1908. Herbert James
HAMILTON married Ada
(maiden name not known). Herbert and Ada had one child June
HAMILTON. I am endeavouring to find June - I am hoping someone
may have gone to school with June or knows of her. If anyone can
assist me in anyway your help would be greatly appreciated.
Western Australia
Private Reply
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Great web site.
My great grandmother Pheobe Watson married my great grandfather
Sidney Watson in St Saviours Church Walthamstow Feb 16 1919. They
moved to NZ in 1920 I would appreciate any info anyone has to
offer. Regards
Collette Private Reply Public Reply
I have just discovered your site on Walthamstow which my son pointed out to me. I lived in Walthamstow, first in Tenby Road and later in Hawthorne Road though I was actually born in the City of London. I began school at St. Patrick's, NOT that we were Catholic but the war was on and it was closer to home. Due to the War, my sister was born in Bolton. I attended Coppermill Lane for several years and was transferred to Mission Grove when it reopened. At 11 went back to Coppermill Lane senior school. I met my husband Ken Yeo who lived in Rensburg Road in 1952 and we married in 1955. Emigrated to Canada in 1966 with our three children. Ken died three years ago. I would love to hear from any old friends or school mates.
Adrienne Yeo
née Woodward
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Great site, I have enjoyed looking around.
I was born in 1961 at Thorpe Combe and my family had lived in
Walthamstow for eons (or so it seems).
We and my grandparents (fathers side) live at 15 and 17 Havant
Road off Wood street opposite the Post Office, with us living in
the flat above my nan's sister and my great uncle
I have heard a few stories about
My paternal grandparents worked at the Rossis ice cream
factorybefore the war I believe, even though my grandfather, and
father, were both plasterers. My father (John or Johnny), his
cousin Terry Pullum and best friend David Glassock (my godfather,
also of Havant Road) were all great motorcycle fanatics and
My father was born in a house in Upper Walthamstow Road, and on
one occasion whilst visiting my grandparents long after we moved
to Laindon in Essex (1964) I made friends with a pleasant girl in
the park off Wood Street. A few days later I was invited to her
home and it turned out to be the same house that my father was
born in.
I hope that someone out there may know my family and can offer
any more insights. Regards,
Dave Tuting Private Reply Public Reply
I was born in Corbett Road in 1951 and lived there with my parents Lily & Arthur and brother Terry until I married and moved to Suffolk. My mum was also born in the same house. I attended Wood Street School (1950's) and can remember visiting the working dairy on the corner of Forest Road/FulbourneRoad with my class and being given one of those 1/3rd pint bottles and being impressed with the bottling equipment. I also remember school sports days when my forte was 'rounders ball throwing' and enjoying the annual inter-house rounders matches, usually on a hot dry afternoon - did the whole school sit on chairs in a huge circle around the rounders pitch? Christmas parties in the school hall, sitting at long tables eating biscuits, sandwiches, crisps and cakes donated by our mums. The school fund used to provide us with individual bottles of orange fizzy drink - was it Fanta? which impressed me very much as small bottles were not available in shops and big bottles of Tizer or Lemonade were an occasional summer Sunday treat. The toilets were in a block in the corner of the playground behind the Corbett Road houses - they were very cold and dusty and the end cubicle was full of cobwebs and spiders and was called 'the witches' toilet' by us girls - nobody ever used it to my knowledge. I remember being taken to Chingford's Field Study centre near Queen Elizabeths Hunting Lodge about once a month by bus for a day in wellingtons walking through Epping Forest - big excitement to be taken by the warden through seemingly uncharted territory! One summer I spent days with some girlfriends trying to dam the brook which ran behind the Town Hall grounds alongside the allotments - it seemed very remote and challenging to us.I have some form photos from my time (50's) and from my mum's time (not allowed to put into writing!) which I will submit if I can discover how. My great aunt lived upstairs in my mums time and she also went to Wood Street. She has told me a couple of stories of those times and I shall write them for you when I have confirmed some details with her. Keep up the good work.
Brenda Ayres Private Reply Public Reply
I have just found your site and I am reliving fond memories of Walthamstow. My name was Linda Pullum. I was born in Wanstead Hospital in October 1955. I lived in Ravenswiood Road, off Adison Road. I went to Henry Maynard, Warwick & Walthamstow High Schools. I married David Hughes of Hibbert Road, Leyton at St. Mary's Church in 1976. We moved to Northampton in 1977. I am now sadly a window. I have returned a few times but now my parents are both dead. hope to visit next year to show my partner my old haunts. Does anyone know of any good places to stay?
I used to go to the Court School of Dancing next to the Granada in Hoe Street in the 70's Does anyone remember me?I would love to hear from anyone from Walthamstow.
Linda Hughes Private Reply Public Reply