
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
Listed here are the 549 emails we received in our fifteenth year of operation.
My paternal grandmother Lizzie Elizabeth Hewitson was born in Walthamstow, in 1901 to George Hewitson and Jane Sarah Hill. She had brothers Frank, Percy, Arthur, William (Bill) and sisters Amelia, May, Violet. Looking for any descendants of the Hewitson family who lived at 57 Apsley Road, Walthamstow, E17.
Yours sincerely,
Georgia DRAPER
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(More emails to be added...)
Hi Barry,
Mickey Oates: mum & dad had the fish & chip shop down Higham Hill opposite Winns Ave. His brother Joey had 315 Higham Hill Rd. I lived at 335 opposite the Tavern & used the shop on a regular basis & Mickey used to work there sometimes & Billy Quaif was in my class at school but Not seen him since he lived in Gloucester RD. all those years ago. Mickey is on FaceBook.
Chris GOLDING Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Dave, I remember Malcom Halsey, but unfortunately got no idea where he might be.
Daniel: I can remember that the member of the 60's band Jokers Wilde, from priory court, was George May & I am pretty sure one of his brothers, I think Johnny May was also in the band; I can also remember seeing a band called The Confederates at the Granada in a competition for London bands. One of the Bramley family I believe Terry from Lawrence Avenue, Walthamstow, was lead singer. I was mates with his brother Nut as was his nickname at the time.
Chris GOLDING Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Valerie,
I have just read about the carnival in Walthamstow where the accident happened and a boy was killed. I was the Walthamstow Carnival Queen in 1955, the one that had appendicitis and was let out of the hospital for the procession and then had to return back there. I remember that the next year 1956 this tragic accident happened.
In 1958, I married and left England and came to live in Ravensburg a lovely little town near the Lake of Constance with my German husband. We had four children and I was happily married nearly 56 years, until last year in June my dearest husband died. I am now 81 and found the Walthamstow Memories recently and today I read your mail. This is 60 years on but I still remember my time in Walthamstow in 111, Sturge Avenue. Perhaps you remember me. Bye
(formerly Smith)
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Dear Daniel,
My name is Maureen Shanks and I have just had my first book published, which is essentially an auto-biography about my childhood years growing up in Walthamstow during and after WWII. The book is entitled 'To Dear Daniel with love..' and I was inspired to record my memoirs by my grandson Daniel (hence the title), who would love nothing better than to snuggle up to me on the settee and listen to stories of my childhood. I then decided to record these stories little realising how big a project it would become. There was so much that has gone into my 74 years of life that instead of one book it has spread over 3 books, the first of which I have had published and very much hope to have the other two published next year.
I obviously would wish to promote my book and was hoping that you would be kind enough to do this on your page. I will be appearing at the Christmas Launch at The Mall Walthamstow on the 28 November, where I will be carrying out a booking signing and also at the Highams Park Christmas Fayre in Tesco's Foyer on the 20 December. Any publicity you could offer would be greatly appreciated. I have printed off some flyers and if you would like me to send one of these to you it goes give a short synopsis of what the book is about.
I look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Yours sincerely,
Maureen SHANKS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Sue! I was at Warwick at that time ..I was in Mrs. Sims class ..I remember Miss Hubbard, who I disliked and her secretary was Mrs Christmas. I remember the benches outside the offices... white... if you wasn't well and yellow if you needed to see the old bag... and blue if you were naughty... every body was scared of Miss Hubbard, except one girl in my class... Carol Barns.. I'm sorry I don't recall your name... mine was Sandra Burchett
Sandra ROBERTS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
This is Scott. I found dumped two files from people who worked at that company, would you be as kind as to ask John Knowles, if he knows if they are still alive.
Names are: EDITH MAY BREWITT (she would be in her 90s) and PETER CHARLES BRETT (in His 70s). It's not important stuff, just old work records...
Just by chance my relatives come from Walthomstow and Leyton area, but I have never lived in London (luckely)!!
Many Thanks,
Scott GEREMIA Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Vivienne,
Pleased you enjoyed the photograph and thank you for reminding me of Kate's name. I've been disgusted with myself for not remembering some of those names and that was one in particular!
Christine I think lives not far from me in Frinton as I'm sure I've caught sight of her a couple of time in Connaught Ave. I expect by now you've let her know she features on the web.
I let Daniel have a number of my photographs for the site as I just felt that they would be better in the public domain rather than sitting in a drawer at home and you've proved I was right.
Fond memories.
Best regards
Roger DIXON Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Roger & Daniel,
I've just been looking at Google and found this very interesting post.
As a starter, my sister Christine Wescott is in the group photo shown and Kathleen Rainbow is next to her. Great to see Mr Foster & Mr Dixon.
I was there 1956 - 1958 and Mr Foster & Mr Les Smith were a couple of my teachers.
What a wonderful school that was - certainly gave me an excellent education. My family and I have been living in Camberley, Surrey for 36 years now.
I have been in local politics for 30 years of that and often think back
to my Gascoigne years and the confidence and start it gave me in life!
Vivienne CHAPMAN Private Reply Public Reply
I served with Jon LEE of Walthamstow in RAF in Germany 1958. Are you interested in more info on Jon?
Brian STANLEY Private Reply Public Reply
I have been researching my family tree for sometime now and my father Philip Kerridge grew up in Walthamstow. He had 2 brothers Charles & George and 2 sisters Phyllis & Rose. They were all born in the 1920's. Charles moved to Southend Phyllis and George remained in the area. Rose married and emigrated to Australia. Their father was Philip Kerridge and he was married to Margaret White.
I would dearly love to hear from anyone who has any memories or photographs them. Phylis married Fred Smith, Charles married Maisie Englefield, George was married three times to Nellie Finlayson Doris Fincham & Gladys Turburville. Rose married Robert Dawson.
Boundary Road, Essex Road, Hervey Park Road, and I think St Andrews or Andrew Road are some of the places I think they lived.
If anyone has any memories or information I would be very grateful.
Thank you so much
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Hello Mike,
Daniel Quinn of the Walthamstow Memories site has copied me in to your Email concerning Cabinet Industries Ltd.
The company was situated close to the Phillips factory on the North Circular Road. Presently, the Deacon Industrial Estate occupies the site at Cabinet Way. (See Google map snip below) At the time of its operation the area was part of Walthamstow but is now part of Chingford.
I have posted the following plea for information on a number of Walthamstow area Facebook sites:
Bill Bayliss - Today at 15:00
This is an enquiry on behalf of Mike Maranian, who is involved with setting up a Pye of Cambridge museum in Cmbridge, for any information that you can give about Cabinet Industries Ltd . This was a subsidiary company of Phillips Records on the North Circular Road. I believe that is was located in what is now the Deacon Estate, Cabinet Way (Think B & Q) quite close to Phillips itself. Any help you can provide will be gratefully received.
I would also suggest that you contact the Archivist at the Vestry House Museum in Rectory Road, Waltham Forest to see if they can assist at :
I also note that a Rob Davidson is/was collating information for a book on Philips and the Made In Walthamstow site at: has also published an appeal for information.
The sites on which I have posted the appeal for information are: (Chingford & Highams Park) (Walthamstow Memorie
Cabinet Industries Ltd Location Map,-0.0328824,16z?hl=en
See Google snip here. The Deacon Industrial Estate which, I believe was the former Cabinet Industries Ltd site is bounded by the North Circular Road, the (un-named road on the snip) Cabinet Way that runs through the estate, Hazel Way and Burnside Avenue.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Lynda,
You are right: we were the first to transfer from McGuffie to Morris as I was in the same year as you. We used to hang about together for a while. Did you not go into 'hair treatments' or am I confused? My name was Lesley Holt and Mr Norton at McGuffie was married to my cousin. I had a good friend at McGuffie called Susan Cohenbut she didn't transfer with us for the final years. Also good friends with Susan Westcott and Susan Barr, who sadly died a few years back.
I always felt that Morris didn't really welcome us with open arms but perhaps that was just my perception. I didn't particularly enjoy my time there and had a nasty piece of work in the second year for a teacher by the name of 'Stockdale'. Boys certainly got their own back on him, the number of accidents that happened to his car...
Lesley BRANCH Private Reply Public Reply
Hi my name is Tony Waters and I remember the Buisson family well: I delivered newspapers to their house and also collected the money for the papers, as I recall back in the 50's. I can remember two brothers I believe one was named Chris, I cannot remember the eldest one's name. They also had a cousin named David Buisson who lived about eight houses up from me in Victoria road, I have lived in Brisbane since 1963 and have visited Walthamstow several times over the years and the changes have been phenomenal.
Hope this has been of help mate. Regards
Anthony WATERS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel
I am one a many people putting together information of the Pye of Cambridge Company for the purpose of a dedicated Pye museum in Cambridge.
Pye was wholly owned by Philips in the latter years, a company I worked for, for over 33 years. During my career I worked in the Philips UK Headquarters in London and was posted to Cabinet Industries in Walthamstow for about 3 or 4 months in the 1979-80 era.
We know that the Pye Company had some major activities and also a vast number of what were known as "Pye B Companies". One of those "B Companies" was Cabinet Industries in Walstamstow, employing about 50 people for the production of wooden TV cabinets.
We would like to include this organisation in the Pye Museum so would like to search for anyone who can add or recall any information about this company (even if it's just the location of where it was). I am also aware that Cabinet Industries had a further factory in Alfreton (in Derbyshire) where they manufactured plastic (moulded) cabinets.
Can you please advise me of the best way to see if we can locate anyone who may have worked or new someone who worked in this Walthamstow operation.
I thank you for any help you can give me.
Kind regards
Mike MARANIAN Private Reply Public Reply
Hi my name is Alisha, I'm a pupil who attends the Winns Primary School is that the same school as the one I attend and if so it is completely different now!
If you wish I can send you picture of our school now at the current moment
Alisha SIDDIQUI Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel, I was a pupil 1952 to 1956 and my Headmaster was Cyril Burton so you may wish to update your site. Mr Dixon was by then Head of another school (Coppermill ?) and he was club leader of Athan boys club.
G. GARDNER Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: info updated.
Good morning Daniel, I was just going through some old photos and found this one of when I was in a school play at Roger Ascham Junior School. Guess it must have been around 1952 when I was living at Priory Court. I am in the front row wearing a black sack.
The play was called "The Emperors New Clothes" I only had one line which was, "Look! The Emperor wear no clothes!" I think the "Emperor" (second from left at the back) was a Michael who lived in Millfield Ave at the time. Does anyone recognise themselves? Love to hear from you and see how life has treated you. Also I wonder, does anyone recall or know of Vera Dore, who lived in Carlton Road around that time who had a brother named Alan? We were great friends but lost touch when my family moved to Canvey Island where I still live today.
Best wishes to every one
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I was born in Higham Hill road Walthamstow and now live off Brooks Croft road. I am now 98 years old, my father was killed in battle of the Somme there was a list of names in St. Andrews church when the church was demolished: his name was George Briggs and wondered if was put in the new building.
Elsie BRIGGS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel, I am trying to contact Kevin Turner: he mentions me in his post along with several others from our school George Gascoigne.
Would appreciate his e-mail address - must have been about 1965 last time I saw him!
Peter HENDRESON Private Reply Public Reply
My grandma lived in Billet road, near the Crooked Billet. Ellen Prior with soldier husband George, daughter Doris and Betty. Later Doris and Gran moved to flat near market.
They lived upstairs in the house, two spinsters Ethel and Lilie lived downstairs. Ethel was amazing on piano.
Mum Betty n Dad lived here for a while later and Dad worked at Wrightons, dad name Harry Darrell.
To the back of them were allotments which during WW2 accommodated anti-aircraft battery so loud they named guns cracker-jack, parts of aircraft and other were regularly found.
I spent many many great times their during school holidays and some weekends.
If any one remembers anything at all about the above I would love to hear about this.
Many thanks
Paul DARRELL Private Reply Public Reply
I read message from Robbie asking if anyone remembered St. Mary's C of E Infant School: I certainly do. I went there from the age of 5 years. I remember clearly walking up the path passed the cottages from St. Mary's Road, in mild trepidation as I remember, where I lived with my Mum and Dad and brother, opposite the well remembered sweet shop.
I then went on to Junior School in Orford Road.
War broke out at that time and I was evacuated from there to Rutland. what a change from lovely Walthamstow, but I was quite happy and well looked after.
My childhood was a very happy one and as in another of your messages also attended Folkestone Road Hall Sunday School with my brother.
We moved to Middlesex in 1940 as my Dad's job moved there. My memories of E17 will always stay in my heart till my dying day.
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Hello, what a great site.
Jack Nice: I bought a Raleigh moped from him and later part exchanged it for an NSU Quickly. I think his shop was in Orford Road.
Does anybody know anything about the Scout group 19th Walthamstow I was a member from 1948 to 1957, from memory.
John NOBLE Private Reply Public Reply
"Daniel Purkis & Sons", I think .... And it was owned by my grandad and great grandad.
Lisa RAWE Private Reply Public Reply
Many thanks for getting in touch Martin. Yes, Dr Watson was a very good doctor, one of the old school!
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
I remember Dr Watson very well as she was our doctor almost our whole time in Walthamstow. Latterly she was quite deaf, but always very good on house visits and quite kindly in her own way.
Good wishes
Martin WALDEN Private Reply Public Reply
I to went to Sidney Chaplin, and I lived in Sutton road all good days
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Hi Ted, I didn't start at McEntee until '66 but think the Engineering/Technical Drawing teacher was probably Mr. Taylor, as when I joined he seemed very old and as if he had been there for ever!
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Hey... I am looking for my great grandad who had a shoe shop opposite Woolworths in Walthamstow High street. I was born in 1968, he had a grandson called Mark and grandaughter called Kim, possible surname of Bredwell or Breadwell, many thanks
Tracy WALKER Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Derek, many thanks for the info re Dr Clarke. I had a feeling his surgery was in that part of Hoe St so thanks for confirming this and for your interesting memories of this remarkable doctor.
With all good wishes,
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
I would like to thank you for posting your father's diary entry. For some time now I have been trying to confirm the day on which the bomb fell. I cannot imagine a more impeccable source than the diary. Censorship was tight at that time so details could not be published until after the war, by which time mistakes could have been made. My memories of the day are not detailed but I can remember that from shortly after that time people were referring to it as having been on a busy Saturday morning. I now wonder if this was encouraged or even started as propaganda against the enemy. I was nine that year and lived in Milton Road, we lost our windows plus some ceilings and acquired a crack in the front wall of the house. Once a week in the war years us kids walked down Aubrey Road to your father's chapel (which we called the tin chapel on account of its corrugated roof) to the "penny pictures' to see Felix the Cat.
People talk nowadays about trauma and needing counselling, they have no idea what trauma is. The victims, their loved ones and rescue workers such as your father endured terrible sights, sounds and smells in the carnage and then had to carry on their normal lives without any help.
Thank you again for your posting, this exchange has shown yet again the value of a site like Walthamstow Memories that helps us to recall, fill in gaps and, most important of all, to preserve details from the past that are too small or personal to make the history books and would otherwise be lost. Long may it continue.
Derek EVERETT Private Reply Public Reply
Dr. Clarke had his surgery in the basement of 109 Hoe Street on the corner of Cairo Road. His full name was Dr. James Clarke L.R.C.P. Lond.,M.R.C.S. Eng.
In the 1940s he often walked up Milton road to visit patients . My memory of him is of a short, slim man in dark, old fashioned formal wear with a butterfly collar and grey spats. Strangely, I have no memory of his face or head but a man of his era and status would never be outdoors without a hat, possibly a Homburg.
My sister remembers an incident involving him in the very early 40s. Our mum answered a knock at the door. It was Dr Clarke who walked straight past her into the back room saying that he had come to treat Joan (my sister) for measles; mum had to try to explain that there was nothing wrong with Joan and that he was not even our doctor. It turned out in the end that he had been called to Joan Bristow, two doors up the road.
109 Hoe St. as it is now
Derek EVERETT Private Reply Public Reply
I was a pupil at Warwick from 1960 to 1964 and remember the football team which never lost a match in the borough during them years. I think the players were John Austin, myself, Ronnie Capsey Smith, Elveyn Read, Killick Drake, Charlie Brimm ozzy but I cannot think of his name of our teacher except he took metalwork. We also had a good basketball squad coach by and the Mr Clark and Mr Maxwell was headmaster and the teachers I remember were Mrs Prince, Mr James and Mr Chaplin. There were others but age has the better of me.
Bill RANCE Private Reply Public Reply
Hi I lived in 68 Brook Dale road, with my mum dad Stanley and Edith Brooks. I have a brother Stanley and a sister Yvonne, I know that the house belonged to my dads family before them so would have still been Brooks. I was born in 1944 and also got married at St Luke's church, the people that lived at 66 that I remember were Mrs Elle's or Heels, they had a son called Ron and a daughter.
The other side was Ivy and Len Evans with a son called Peter. Not sure if we crossed paths in any way but as you was in the house next door, my name is Della Brooks and I went to William Mc Guffie school and remember Mr. Tomlinson, Mr Smith and a few others great times to remember!
Della WINGROVE Private Reply Public Reply
Great to see the pics.
I was in the same class as Alan Stephenson, David Newstone, Alistair McGregor, Michael Panrucker, Peter Levene, David Hurst and Michael Betts and so on.
You will find some more class pictures including a visit to London Zoo in my memories in this site.
The other teachers which can be added are in the pics:
Mr Clarke (obviously Nobby) who taught us Chess at his home in Shernhall St and Mr Asprey a tall chap. Mr Birmingham was head whilst we were there.
P.S. I was at: St Mary's infants 1948 - 1951 then Maynard Rd Juniors 1951 -1955 then William Morris Tech 1955-1962
John NEWELL Private Reply Public Reply
Thanks David for contacting me. I recognise your name, I think we were in the same school together, Greenleaf and or McGuffie?
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
My Dad used to be in the carnival most years, driving a float from James Latham a timber company from Clapton..i sometimes used to ride in the lorry, felt so proud waving to all the by-standers..Yes I remember that incident, as far as I can remember he was a Cub and slipped off the boy scouts float..
David FITZGIBBON Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Marilyn,
Thanks for writing, I didn't start at St. John's until about 1958 or 59 so I was a bit after your time. However as you say they were good days and I benefited by being under the awesome direction of Miss Resker. I remember she had a fantastic sense of humour as did the others of course. I was very sad to see they had demolished the old St. John station in Willow Walk.
Best wishes
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Dave, I left the school in 1966, but the kids I remember in 3a, teacher Mrs Gasson are. Judy Brown, Valerie Ball. Janet Hills, Susan Stevens, Susan East, Susan Miller, Christine Carne, Robert Hickey, Michael Davidson, Richard Walker, John Lapping, Michael Newton, Yvonne Dupree, Annette Nottman, these are the kids that I can remember, hope this helps, my name is Charlene Smith, lived in Oz for 30 odd years now living in the best little island out Tasmania...
Charlene ALLEN
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Dear Daniel, I was at Sidney Chaplin from 1963-66, My name was then Charlene Smith. I had to leave in 66 because my parents went to live in Australia. My best buddies were Janet Hills, Judy Brown, Valerie Ball, we used to hang around together in Mrs Gassons class of 3a, and I remember John Lapping very well...please could you add my name to the list as they were some of the happiest years of my life. Thank you
Charlene ALLEN
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Remember Dr Clarke he was my grandfather's doctor and his surgery was in Hoe Street on the left hand side coming from the Bell Corner it was just after Milton Road and towards the shops opposite the Granada cinema. He used to wear a frock type coat and winged collar shirts. My Grandfather died in 1955 aged 89 and I think Dr Clarke was about the same age.
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Hi Gilda, the last email I sent you for some reason got blocked why I do not know. If you still want to get in touch email me
David GARDINER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Val,
I too was a St. John Ambulance Cadet from 1954/56 at Willow Walk. I remember Mrs. Kettley very well and her daughter Enid who was engaged to be married at the time. Miss Resker I remember very well. It was she who suggested that myself and Margaret Russell, also a cadet, represent the St. John Ambulance Brigade float at the Walthamstow Carnival of 1955. Seems an eternity away now but good days. Have a picture somewhere of Margaret and myself on the float taken by the then Walthamstow Guardian newspaper. Will try and dig it out and perhaps you might remember us.
Best Wishes,
Marilyn STROUD
née KING
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Hello Valerie I went to Mission Grove school from 1946 to 1951, but I do not recall your aunt as a teacher but then I can remember the names of all the teachers in the juniors but not the infants... Was your aunt an infants teacher?
I have just recalled Gilda Man maiden name Silver was in my class at Mission Grove.
David GARDINER Private Reply Public Reply
Thanks David, I wonder if anyone else remembers that dreadful accident. Yes, it probably was earlier than I thought, I would be curious to know if anyone knows which year for certain. Regards
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
Good luck it's fun and games here when my Company works on the servers!!
Linda CROSBY Private Reply Public Reply
Yes, I remember that vividly as I was in Northcote road when it happened. From what I heard the young lad tried to get on the float by standing on the wheel while it was moving and he fell under the float killing him. You don't forget a thing like that as for the year I think it was earlier than that
David GARDINER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I started school at Mission Grove School in 1946 although I was nearly six was in the infants and the juniors I remember the teachers in the juniors as miss Wakefield miss Cliss miss Witherwick miss Gratten miss Digweed and Mr Potter and the headmaster was Mr Hoffman I left in 1951 and went Coppermill School. Happy days!
David GARDINER Private Reply Public Reply
I haven't got any photo's of Longfellow road but as I am researching my late father who lived at 96 Longfellow Road 1920/1930 maybe you can let me know if you have any luck.
Thank you. Regards
Eileen BEARMAN Private Reply Public Reply
Hi, I'm trying to get some info. I stayed in Walthamstow in 1983 and don't know what area, I was only about 10 at the time. Where I stayed we were not far from the train station, outside the block of flats was a tennis court and I can remember being told that I was not to go near the other block as we were not welcome over there. There was a lady and her husband that used to take me in to play with their children and feed me because my cousin would lock me outside for hours. Their names were Peggy and John they had two daughters Susan and Linda I can't remember if the surname was Sullivan or O'Sullivan.
Do you think I can get any info with just the above or should I give up trying because I have no family left to ask.
Julie HITCHINGS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi, I'm trying to get some info. I stayed in Walthamstow in 1983 and don't know what area, I was only about 10 at the time. Where I stayed we were not far from the train station, outside the block of flats was a tennis court and I can remember being told that I was not to go near the other block as we were not welcome over there. There was a lady and her husband that used to take me in to play with their children and feed me because my cousin would lock me outside for hours. Their names were Peggy and John they had two daughters Susan and Linda I can't remember if the surname was Sullivan or O'Sullivan.
Do you think I can get any info with just the above or should I give up trying because I have no family left to ask.
Julie HITCHINGS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear All,
I don't know if much has been written about the Walthamstow Carnival, I remember it well from my childhood days in the early fifties and sixties. One particular year's event was seriously marred by a young lad being killed by a carnival float, not sure if he was a Cub or a Boy Scout. The float was turning from Palmerston Rd into the road where St. Michael's Church stands. Quite what happened I am not sure but the story goes that he was crushed under the wheels of one of the carnival float lorries. The procession was held up for at least 2 hours and obviously put a dampener on the whole event. Many folk including my parents & me left the scene and went back home to Eldon Road where we lived at the time. It must have been around 1958/9, I cannot be really sure of the exact year.
A terrible, terrible accident however. Does anyone have any memories of it?
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Gilda,
My aunt Miss Beatrice POPE was a teacher at Mission Grove Infants school in the late forties and early 'fifties. You might just remember her. Sadly she died at the age of 61 in 1979, having just retired to Dunoon in Scotland.
All good wishes,
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Clive,
Remember you vaguely... I'am 3rd from right front row beside me is Robin Veasey with Gerald Rayner behind him far right 2nd row there are a few others I remember but not to sure of their names. Remembered your Christian name but could not recall your surname.
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Hi everyone,
does anyone remember a very old Doctor in Walthamstow, (I think he was aged about late 80's in 1960!) named Dr. Clark(e) (or Dr Brown)? I think he had his surgery in Hoe St or Cairo road or thereabouts. He used to wear a frock coat and looked very old-fashioned even then.
I also wonder if anyone remembers Dr Helen Watson, she was much younger then Clark/Brown and was one of those rare female doctors in those days. She was a wonderful and much respected doctor, much loved by all her patients. She was also connected to the local St. John Ambulance Brigade in Willow Walk.
Thanks in anticipation of some brain racking!!
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Ann,
I am not related to the Kings family, but I knew some of them well. They were connected to Folkestone Rd Hall. I attended Folkestone Road Hall in about 1964 to 1970 approx. South Grove Gospel Hall was attended by the Stevens family, both chapels were Plymouth Brethren, or Open Brethren as they preferred to be known.
The Kings had a florists at the top of W'stow High St which then moved to the new arcade that opened around the corner in Hoe Street, that shop was much larger and it was a thriving business. Arthur King was a son, I remember Hilda King who married Alan Hitchin QC in about 1968 or thereabouts.
There was a Dick King who ran a Mission Hall off Wood Street.
Grace (really named Gertrude) King married a Captain May and they lived in The Drive W'stow. They had three daughters who were more or less my contemporaries.
The Stevens had a florists in the High St near to the High St Methodist Church, I think at one time they also had a small shop on Hoe Street bridge. Arthur King and his wife Mary(?) had a lot of children, can't remember how many !
I will continue to rack my brains to see how much more I can remember. They (the Kings) do have a large memorial in Chingford Mount Cemetery.
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Joy,
That is really interesting, I remember Mrs Bertha Kettley (his second wife I believe as he had been widdowed), Mrs Kettley was one of our officers in the local St. John Ambulance Brigade Cadets. I remember how devoted she was to Revd Kettley, this was a good four or five years after his death. Mrs Kettley was lovely and had a daughter by her first marriage named Enid, her married name was Patient, she succeeded Beryl Resker as our St. John Superintendent. However, all the cadets loved Mrs Kettley, she had a terrible limp, not too sure why, she had a built up shoe and getting around must have been difficult for her. She did a lot of voluntary nursing work at the Chingford Hospital.
Goodness what a lot of memories get stirred up from a single post on WM !!!
With all good wishes,
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Bill,
I was a former pupil at McEntee Technical School from 1959 to 1962. Your photograph of the school's main entrance has certainly jogged my memories. Thank you for that. There were two additional classes of pupils joined the school in September 1959, comprising of 3rd. year pupils who had passed the then "13 plus examination", as I had done.
From the 4th year on, (nowadays called Year 10), I entered the Engineering "bias" as it was called at McEntee. I recall the Engineering/Technical Drawing teacher, (whose name now sadly escapes me, hopefully just temporarily), used to say;- "On entering the school, you turn right to go to school but left to go to work!". The school's engineering section, drawing office and workshop etc., were to the left of your picture, just out of the shot.
There was a little departmental "bias" of his own in that comment, as the whole school was about preparation for entering a wider world in the workplace, in the 4th and 5th. years.
Par, Cornwall
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Teachers: Mr Cantes geography I think that's how his name was spelt.
Mr Robinson art. Also there was a woman teacher who taught art as well - she was french can't remember her name. Some of the names I forget I will have to dig out my report book.
Pupils: Tony Lovell, Gordon Smith, his sister Elaine Smith, Margaret Valentine. John Bibby, Douglas Jarman, Brian Wood and John Nutts.
Peter MITCHELL Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Many thanks, Peter! Will add names presently...
I don't suppose you remember a boy called David Negus who lived in Stainforth Road up Church Hill? We played rounders and cricket over the Rec a.k.a. Selborne Rd Park for several years. He would be a bit older than I am and I am 77 years and hanging on for dear life?? I would love to know what career he chose and how his life has been since those days. My name was Hilary Jones and Georgie Golden was another member of our group along with Marlene Kettle who I am still in touch with. Love this site, here's hoping someone who reads this knows where he went. Bye
Hilary JONES Private Reply Public Reply
I went to this school 1959 to 1962 there are few of us missing from your list of pupils.
From the teacher's list there are a few missing.
Peter MITCHELL Private Reply Public Reply
Heck, Clive, if your photo on the WM website was taken in 1959 and you are 71 now, you must have been 15 when the photo was taken. You all look very young for your age in the photo - what were they feeding you on?!!!
Only joking - I love looking at these old photos.
Kind regards,
Margaret MILLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Donald
Is it possible you remember the name of the OWNER of the Fruit & Vegetable Store during WW2? Plus, was this the only greengrocers within Wood Street during this period?
With appreciation
Irene PUGH Private Reply Public Reply
My father, William Reeves, was the minister of the Baptist Church in Church Hill, Walthamstow, during the war. He kept a daily diary and his entry for Wednesday 16th August is as follows: "A day of flying bomb attacks. One fell at 10.00 a.m. in the street opposite Hitchmans. Terrible destruction. I cycled down, saw debris, fires, wounded and dead. Helped dig for a man buried in Hitchmans. A wrecked trolley bus nearby, the driver and conductor killed. A dead lad of about 18 lay nearby. Also helped dig for a lad buried in the fish shop. He was later brought out dead. Final figures were 17 killed and 70 injured. Our chapel had most of the windows blown in. A squad of members spent the afternoon clearing the place cup."
Rosemary FREEMAN
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Hi Daniel, a few facts on the Mission Grove School
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: I have added the last picture, that might also be of interest...
Does anyone remember this?
Josie COOPER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I've been going through my old McGuffie School report book. Hilarious and depressing reading at the same time!! A few more staff names that I have found may be of interest to you. I was at McGuffie between 1958 and 1962.
Dennis Jefferies, English/Drama
Miss Somerskill PE/Games. I was terrified of her but then I was hopeless at PE & Games!
Miss A. McDowell Can't remember her subject.
Mr Brown. Science. Poor chap couldn't keep us in order! I think we gave him hell really!
Miss Chapman, can't remember her subject.
Mr Rollinson. Art.
I also have a copy of the McGuffie Speech Day & Prize Giving programme for 1962/1963. It is dated 24th January 1963. Happy to post it up if anyone is interested. Again, like the above, it may trigger some memories.
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Ron,
I remember your Dad when he was at McGuffie Secondary Modern School. I was taught by him, biology I think and general sciences. This would have been twixt 1958 and 1962 when I left in the summer of that year aged 15. Your Dad was one of the few teachers that I wasn't frightened of ! He was very good and kept our interest in the subject as well as being a very nice chap and highly respected.
I wonder if anyone else remembers him from McGuffie.
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
Good Afternoon Mr. Quinn,
I received your email address from the Walthamstow Memories website and I am in hopes you can assist me.
On 4 March 1943, Enid Helen Heester and her brother George Edward lived in Walthamstow at 66 Penrlyn Avenue, children of George James & Doris Rose (Brooks) Heester. That day was a bombing and Enid, being in the back of the house with the family dog, died. George, his mother and father survived.
George Heester Jr. & Doris Brooks wedding circa 1923
Enid, as I understand, was a dancer and danced and acted in many theatrical presentations in the area. She in her senior year in high school and would have graduated from such in a few months had the bombing not occurred.
I am also trying to find where Enid was buried after the bombing. The bombing happened just one day following the Disaster at Bethnal Green.
George Edward is now living on Long Island, New York, USA. He is 87. I have been been doing genealogy for 38 years now and am trying to locate photos and events of Enid Heester for her brother. George's youngest daughter Katherine is a dear friend of mine and I am doing this at her request as her father is quite ill.
In March 1949 Doris Brooks Heester died in West Ham, Essex. Her husband, George J. Jr. died in Waltham Forest in 1969 (I believe). I do not know where they are buried or photos other than the attached. It is their wedding photo about 1923 but I do not know anything more than that.
I found Enid in the WWII Civilian Deaths, 1939-1945, but I have not been able to find anything else. Is there any possibility you would know where I may find school photos of Enid and George E. during this time? Also, where Enid would have been laid to rest?
I believe George E. and his parents left Walthamstow shortly after the bombings. He arrived here in the US in 1954 and has not, to both my knowledge and much to his displeasure and grief, returned to since. It has been more than 60 years since George Edward has seen his home.
The second photo I am enclosing is one of George Edward Heester, (son of George J Jr. & Doris (Brooks) Heester, and brother to Enid Heester) and his family....his wife Dona and their children. The daughter to George's left in the blue shirt is my friend Katherine Heester.
I do hope you are able to assist me?
Thank you for your time, I anxiously hope to hear from you soon.
Charles FRITH Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
My parents (Mr. H. Neal & Mrs. P. Mary Robinson) are Bostonians. They were married 60 years ago this year. Their first married home was the flat above the Chemist shop at 75A, High Street, Walthamstow, from 1955 to circa 1958. I was aware they lived in Walthamstow High Street but was, until chance discovery only yesterday of a postcard addressed to them whilst they were living in Walthamstow, ignorant as to the precise address. Internet research has revealed the address is now a beauty salon/coffee shop. My late father (he died in 1979) was the Chemist at the shop. My parents often recalled the warmth and friendship extended to them by the market community during the comparatively short period they were there. I wonder if any of your subscribers remember anything about the Chemist shop at that address or have any photographs of the shop during that period.
Private Reply
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I attempted to add this to the WM Facebook page but it disappeared:
I am 78 years old now and I used to live at 101 Markhouse Road, now in the adjacent road which was Ringwood Road there was a small shop in a house about 100 meters from Markhouse Road. This shop was run by a little old lady named Mrs. Golding and she didn't live at the shop and at the end of her workday she would take her little basket on wheels and walk up Ringwood Road to her home somewhere I suppose. This would have been around the era 1942 to 1960. I can still recall the aromas in the shop as it sold small bundles of firewood and Paraffin as well as all manner of groceries. Does anyone else recall the shop?
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
I was very pleased and a bit surprised you would publish my original enquiry in your "postbag" section. Thank you. I am currently working on a more full or expanded version, for you approval and publishing. I see there is quite a bit of information about McEntee School there already. The pupil information you have, is unfortunately just "post" my time there.
I certainly hope I may make a few contacts from it. I never actually ever lived in Walthamstow, but after leaving school in the summer of '62, I spent a lot of time there. Including Chingford and Loughton as well, with friends, as a teenager.
Par, Cornwall, (since 1969!)
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Hello Daniel.
I have a posting in the family search portion on the website under "Brown" . However, my email is no longer Are you able to change the email to the above-
Thank you
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From Daniel: Email address amended...
Daniel Hi, my name is Clive Lee,
I was at the McGuffie school from 1955-59....
I'm the one on the left with the specs, yes and I still look the same at 71.
Is there anyone out there that knows of me?
Clive LEE Private Reply Public Reply
I was a pupil at the McEntee Technical School from September 1959 to the Summer of 1962, when I left for the wider world of work. I recall Lady McEntee was a special guest at speech days then.
I actually lived in Woodford Bridge at the time, and travelled, (like so many pupils there) on normal public transport buses, sometimes bicycles, and briefly at the end on a motorcycle. In those days trolley-buses ran by the school, and were later replaced by the famous, (then new), "Routemaster" buses. Colonel Drewry was the head at that time and one of my class-mates was Peter Nice, whose father Jack, ran a motorcycle business in Walthamstow.
I could expand if any of this of any interest? I would love to contact any old pupils from that time.
Par, Cornwall, (since 1969!)
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Good Day,
Would anyone know what became of the Hale End Motor Cycle Club?
Where could I possibly find records of membership and general info on this club?
Kind regards,
Derek HOWES Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
I came across a 1975 letter from Clive Robinson at 30 Priory Avenue Walthamstow as I was going through my late wife Susan's files. He was a student when he came to Australia in about 1969 and met Susan MacDonald on the Gold Coast. They corresponded for quite some years after he went back to London.
If you can obtain his contact details I would appreciate it, if you would pass them on as I would like to let him know what happened to Susan.
Kind regards,
Graeme LOVELL Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
I was recently asked if I knew about a bicycle shop in Forest Road named "Braysher Cycles" and I came up with this link which I found very interesting as I frequented the shop on many occasions between 1957 and 60:
Readers may find it interesting.
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Val,
These images would be a long time before your membership of St John's Ambulance Brigade at Willow Walk but, I hope, are of interest.
Certificate from St John's Brigade, 1918.
St John's Ambulance Brigade early 1900s? - Added by Daniel
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: I have added the last picture, that might also be of interest...
Your memory is correct. There were three children who were: Michael born in 1943, John in 1947 and Rosemary in 1953. I am unable to locate John or Michael, but Rosemary married Donald Munns in 1973 and I believe that they are presently living in Andover, Hampshire with their daughter Donna. It would be surprising if they didn't know John's location.
Unfortunately, I can't give you their exact address, which is actually on several pay per view websites:
The site at : provides the following information:
Donald J Munns
Age Guide: 60-64
Andover, Hampshire, SP10 Full Address
Rosemary E Munns Donna M Munns
2002-06, 2012-13
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
"Walthamstow Memories" had a similar enquiry a few years ago and I was able to establish that it was a large house at 106, Upper Walthamstow Road named "Mounts Bay". Sometime after WWII, it was used as a "Nursing Home for Unmarried Mothers" by a local private dedicated charity who worked in close collaboration with the local authority to support mothers and their babies and, if necessary, to place them for adoption.
I knew it as a Foster Carer in the 1970's when It became a Waltham Forest Children's Home that was run on the "Housemother" system.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel.
I was born on 18 February 1957 in Mount Bay Nursing Home and was adopted within about 2 weeks. I have never really attempted to find my birth mother, until now.
I can find no reference to Mount Bay Nursing Home on the site that surprises me if it was indeed a home that facilitated adoptions.
I look forward to your advices.
Kind regards
Keith BETTENEY Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel.
I'am also trying to trace an old Sidney Chaplin friend. His name is JOHN FILBY, and he lived in Carlton Road, he had a brother Michael and a sister Rosemary.
Can you please post on the post bag
Gary ROBINSON Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Derek,
The blue plaque placed at the top of the High Street to commemorate the tragic V1 Flying Bomb incident is correct in stating the date as the 16th. August 1944. The book "War over Walthamstow" by Ross Wyld states that the V1 fell in August at just before 10a.m., but does not give the exact date. The Civilian War Dead Roll for Walthamstow quotes the 16th. August 1944 for all those killed in this incident. It is interesting that a plaque has been placed for this war time incident, as there were many others in the borough which resulted in the deaths of about 320 people. Will other plaques follow?
Rodney SILK Private Reply Public Reply
Hello John,
I have been reading the interesting memories of Walthamstow on the Walthamstow Memories website and wondered if your website could help me with my family research. I am looking for a family who owned a Greengrocers on Wood Street who were there during 1944, 1945 and onwards. From a Kelly's directory, I know there was a Greengrocers run by Harry Purkis in 1956 and two others:
4 Wood Street, Walthamstow - Greengrocers - Charles Laws
50 Wood Street, Walthamstow - Greengrocers - Sidney Brewer or Sidney Brower
142 Wood Street, Walthamstow - Greengrocers - Harry Purkis or Harry Purkiss
The earliest (after 1944) Postal/Kelly's/Pigot/etc records I can find is 1956. I cannot find any directory between 1944 and 1956 probably due to the war.
I am looking for a family, where the Greengrocer was a large burly man and there was a story that sometime during 1945 (possibly 1944) his wife attacked him with a knife and it was reported to the police but he later dropped the charges.
Have you come across any information which relates to my family search? I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Terry WARWICK Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Mary,
Re the Cardo's. This might be a false trail, but I remember the Cardo Hut, a St. John Ambulance Brigade hut at the top of Forest Rd/Waterworks Corner. The hut (First Aid Post) was named, I believe, in memory of a Cardo who I guess was maybe a prominent figure in the local St John Ambulance Brigade. The hut went when they did a huge amount of road works at the Waterworks Corner years ago now.
Hope this little bit of info may be of interest to you and not a false lead.
Kind regards
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear John,
I has just occurred to me that I should mention in WM the fact that my cousin, who some of your readers might have known, died last August 2014. Eric George SAVILLE of 74 Lancaster Road Walthamstow. He was coming up for 80 and died very suddenly and unexpectedly. I am now a CofE minister, so I buried him in Chingford Mount Cemetery on the 10th Sept 2014. I then brought his little cat home to be with me in Sussex where I now live. She is thriving, I'm glad to say.
Eric had been a lorry driver for many years having worked for Burns in (I think) Somers Rd W'stow. He lived on alone in no. 74 after his parents died.
I used to live in W'stow in 18 Eldon Rd just of the High St. Later on in about 1960 I think, I moved with my parents to Rowden Park Gardens in South Chingford. This meant that I had to get the 'bus to complete my last two years at Wm McGuffie Sec Sch. I left there in 1962 and went to work in W'stow Town Hall which I have to say, I absolutely hated!! I would be interested if anyone remembers Eric or indeed me!! I was a St. John Cadet for a long time and well remember the St.John station in Willow Walk. Alas I believe it was pulled down a long time ago. When I was in W'stow last August I was horrified to see how much it had changed and not for the better in my opinion.
Enough of my ramblings! All the best to everyone.
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
If you can get hold of a copy of Ross Wilds' 'War over Walthamstow' it should give the info re this incident.
Val GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
There was a dance studio in East Avenue which is just off of Orford Road, run by a Mr Smith and his son and daughter in law, any connection?
Alan TUCKWELL Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Derek,
This V1 certainly fell at 09:53 on 16th August, which was a Wednesday. I have seen a number of articles which say it fell on a Saturday, and I have never been able to find out for certain why this mistake is so widespread. I have a theory that more people than usual were shopping on this day due to the recent arrival of a food delivery to shops in the area, and that this has resulted in a number of people falsely remembering it as a Saturday. But if anyone has a better theory I would love to hear it.
This V1 was most probably a straggler from a salvo launched in northern France at 09:23 that morning, although it may possibly have been launched shortly afterwards.
Best Regards,
V-Weapon Researcher
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Hi Daniel,
Hope all is well. I'm trying to find Malcolm Halsey, a old schoolmate from Sidney Chaplin, Stephen Bulled and me are trying to trace him, he lived in Valognes Avenue, Walthamstow. Can you please include something on the Postbag page when you have a spare(?) moment?
Dave HUGHES Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Pat,
My Great Aunt was a dance champion, she also ran a dance studio with her husband in the Orford Rd area. Their names were Ann (Amy) and Jack Huddle. Only have vague memories. But they lived in North Countess Road.
Debra CLARK Private Reply Public Reply
A new blue plaque has been erected where the V1 exploded at the top of the High Street. It states that the bomb fell on Aug 16th. 1944. I am pretty sure that it fell on a Saturday morning, but if you look on a perpetual calendar you will see that 16th. Aug 1944 was a Wednesday. Am I wrong or is the plaque wrong?
Derek EVERETT Private Reply Public Reply
Blimey Len I was there from 1961/65 and Miss Townsend was still there then.
Roy CANHAM Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Bill,
Thanks for your reply. Look after yourself, and sincerely hope you'll be feeling much better soon.
I'm sure all your fans on the WM website are saying exactly the same as me, but I really do look forward to reading your contributions, which are always interesting and so informative - you truly are 'keeping the memories alive'. WM is a great website, and it's obvious how much time and effort goes into keeping it that way.
Best wishes,
Margaret MILLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Margaret,
Thank you for your good wishes, I'm not fit yet, but hopefully getting there.
Best regards,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Kel,
The sisters were Patricia (Born 1950) and Linda (Born 1949) Linda had a twin brother named Richard, who died not long after birth.
Linda married John Ochiltree. According to (Pay per view site), Linda was living in E17 between 2002/15. There was/is also a Tom Ochilotree at the same address. You can get the address by accessing the pay per view site.
Good luck,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Brian,
If you go to the "Schooldays" section of the "Walthamstow Memories" site you will find a brief biography of Sidney Chaplin together with a picture of him and the school.
I would very much like to see any pictures that you may have of him,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
As a regular visitor to the site, I just wanted to hope Bill Bayliss is feeling much better now. I'm looking forward to many more interesting posts from you in the future, Bill. Get well soon.
Margaret MILLS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I've made it: all emails received are now posted! Thank you all for all your messages and for the patience in seeing them appear in the Postbag.
Our big "WELCOME BACK" to Bill Bayliss, who has been in hospital twice, but is now safely home.
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Daniel J Quinn
Co-Editor, Walthamstow Memories
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I'm back out of hospital again (The second time in a month!) and starting to get back into the swing of things. Hopefully I will be able to resume my flow of Walthamstow related articles and I would like to thank sincerely all those who have wished me well.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Thank you, Bill, for the exceptional effort in providing this site with your articles! We are all happy that you're back in your "pilot's seat"! Take care!
Thank you so much for posting this picture.
Our Mum and her family all came from Blenheim Road. They were probably all in this picture. They lived there for many years. Mum's name was Josette Luton, she had just one sister at the time - Dorothy known as Dolly. She had another sister later on called Ann.
Our Grandparents were Ted and Sophie Luton and they lived with Sophie's mother and brother - Bert (and his wife Lu) they were Stocks.
On the opposite side of the road were Joan and Jim Short and their family.
I am so happy to have found this!
Many thanks
Therese GRANT Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Mr Everett,
I have been carrying out research in the Edmonton N.18 area where my Grandfather Tommy Hill 1868 (?) - 1932 used to live. I have attached a photo (one of the few I have of my Grandfather), on a day out.
I have been intrigued by the similarity to your photo. For a while I thought it may even be the same Charabanc, but I have now seen slight differences. But they certainly are very similar! Same company perhaps?
In the original copy of my photo, I have been able to establish that the photo was taken outside the 'Crown & Anchor' Pub in Fore Street, Edmonton N.18
Like your photo, all the men seem to be wearing rosettes. Could they all be going to the same place? That would be quite remarkable!
I don't know a lot more about this photo but I would be interested to hear your thoughts on the similarity of the two photos.
P.S - Where is the 'Flower Pot Inn'?
Bob NEWBERRY Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
I have recently discovered a new establishment in Walthamstow that I think would be of interest to anyone who likes the 'proper' old fashioned type of tearoom, with white tablecloths, fine china, '30s decor and furnishing, and period music playing softly in the background.
Hillman's Tearoom is in the Georgian Village, 100 Wood Street, and is a very pleasant little backwater, ideal for afternoon tea, etc.
I have no connection, other than as a satisfied customer.
Jim PALING Private Reply Public Reply
Hope you are now recovered Bill.
David GARDINER Private Reply Public Reply
Regarding the photographs of Markhouse Road school that were recently published I would be delighted to hear from anyone depicted therein, or to answer questions about anything about the school during that era.
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
Please give Bill Bayliss our best wishes for a speedy recovery, I almost missed this notice about Bill being in hospital, but the bad news is on other Walthamstow group sites too, so please tell Bill that there are many friends out here all over the world who are missing his frequent posts.
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
Please tell Bill that we are thinking of him, Hope he gets better soon.
Louise ADIE
(Walthamstow Times)
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Hi, I am looking for pictures of the original High House in Chingford Road before the flats were built, if you have any I would be very grateful.
Thank you,
Private Reply
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Dear Daniel,
Thanks for your interest, and a prompt reply. The attached pic is not top quality. I'll look for the original 1940s print and send a copy. Watching football at present and we are expecting old friends from East Barnet for dinner so bit tied up till later.
Brian STANLEY Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
My mother, Doris May WARD 1910-1983 was a cousin of Sidney Nelson CHAPLIN, Mayor of Walthamstow 1946-1947 on your list. However, I have all the family history notes spelling his name as I do here, whereas your list spells it "CHAPLAIN".
I have a photograph of Sidney with my grandfather on the occasion of the reopening of the Dog Track after the war. Would you like a copy? I also found a nice photo of him when he was younger uploaded to another researcher's family tree on
Brian STANLEY Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Thank you Brian, I have corrected the spelling on all relevant pages of the site.
Hello - I've just been looking at this site and the lost street names. Very interesting and very useful, since I was looking for Clarkson Street in Walthamstow shown on a census return.
I see that you have post code E18 as Wanstead. It is in fact Woodford, and Wanstead and Leytonstone are E11.
Incidentally, although I live in Wanstead, my post code on the Aldersbrook Estate is E12.
Brenda KEER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
Sorry to bother you not sure if you will be able to help as I've noticed you haven't been on your web site for a while now, well I've found a picture in my late father in laws house of a family shop his parents or grand parents owned in East London. He was born in Walthamstow so we are only assuming that's where the business was we have no information on it apart from what it was called and what they sold which was its either E Godfrey and sons or L Godfrey and sons it's not a very clear black and white photo and it was a fresh fish shop, so if you have any info on this shop at all it would be extremely helpful, hope this email finds you well. Many thanks
Kind regards
Allison GODFREY Private Reply Public Reply
I went to Gamuel Road Infants and Juniors school from about 1953 onwards. The teachers I remember were Mrs Burrows, Miss Samuels, who married and became Mrs Liste and Miss Simpson who I think was the Headmistress. In the Juniors there was Miss Booth, Mr James, Mr Russell, Mr Palmer, Mr Charles (headmaster)... and a few more I cannot remember.
One memory I have is celebrating the coronation. The school put on a party, and we all went in fancy dress. I went as Mrs Mop, and my elder brother went as a tramp, my younger brother... just 3 years old, went as a jockey. At that time we lived in a shop in Boundary Road.
There's one thing that has bugged me for years and years: I used to persecute the daylights out of two little girls whose surname was Mc Cready. I think one was Pat and I can't remember the other. They lived near an alleyway opposite a corner shop. The thing is over the years I have suffered various amounts of ridicule and persecution myself and I know how it feels: I would love to meet them and personally apologise, but that may not be possible, so... well, if they read this... I'm sorry for making your lives a misery!
Best wishes
Kel TYERS Private Reply Public Reply
I and my brother attended Warwick in the 50s. I was there between 1958 to 1962 and my brother was 1956 to 1960. The headmaster at the time was Mr Maxwell and I remember teachers such as Mr Hunter, Mr James, Mr Shepherd and the teacher in one of the photos is Mr Lovelock, the music teacher. I played in the football and the cricket team for my year and seemed to be over Salisbury Hall sports field a lot of the time. Dave Chaplin was my woodwork teacher and what he taught me has carried me a lot through life as I became a Floor Spring Mechanic repairing all sorts of doors. My name is Edwin Trott and my brother is Keith.
Eddie TROTT Private Reply Public Reply
The name of that factory was "Fairy Glenn" - my mother did work for them as well.
Kathleen Private Reply Public Reply
I went to Greenleaf Infants I think about 1957. I was born 1952 and my name was Marcia Rose.
I then went to Greenleaf Juniors from there to Winns Ave, William Fitt.
I can't find anything with those years hope you can help.
Marcia BLEE
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I was the founder member of a boys football club in the late sixties and early seventies.
I would love to here from anybody that played for CELTIC RANGERS BOYS FOOTBALL CLUB.
We played in the Walthamstow Sunday League.
Gary ROBINSON Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I was going through some old photos and came across this one which is a copy of a Guardian article some years ago. My Dad (Bill Johnson) is seated front row far left in the white sash (he was a drummer). He had joined the Navy when called up but was thrown out some months later when they realised he only had one good eye - the other one had been badly damaged in a catapult accident when he was about 13.
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I was interested to see in your table A a name "A Green" of Markhouse Road, and I ask if you have any further information on him as I am searching my family tree on which there is an Albert Green of this area. His father was a Thomas Charles William Green.
Look forward to your reply.
Eileen BEARMAN Private Reply Public Reply
I was born at Thorpe Coombe in July 1956. I would like to trace any records of my birth from that time. My mother was unmarried and after she married in 1960, I was adopted by my step father. Can you tell me if any records survive from that time and if so, how to access them.
Thank you
Linda SIMMONDS Private Reply Public Reply
I was there from 1947 to 1949. Mr Dobson, I remember well, as I do R. Nelson, art teacher, and Mr (mad) Thomson, metal work. Mr Green, 1a, Mr Baker 2a and Mr Watts, who kept a short cane in a bucket of water. I remember one day, during desk inspection, some boys had a handlers chart, under scores were made level by Mr Watts!
Mr Smith was Headmaster. I wonder how many boys are still around from Class 3a? See pic of Jan 17 of class 2a with Mr Green.
Bernard HOWARD Private Reply Public Reply
Just thought I would try this one from my phone. This is a photo from William McGuffie before we went to William Morris think we might have been the first to go over after the changes.
I am in the second row from the back third on the left, I can remember a Tony Bishop and Patrick White. I remember a very talented art teacher and Mrs Butterworth, the head, who I think had quite a big family. The rest I will send over by post.
Kind regardsLynda CROSBY Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I have just been surfing the WM website and I see that there are a few gaps in photos for my old school Markhouse Road, so here are the ones I have on file plus a leaving letter for me from my form mistress Miss Townsend, I still have the letter in my reference files.
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
My dad (Bill) has asked me to say sorry to anyone who has tried to message him. He is currently unwell and can't use his PC. (He is in hospital). Once he is better he will get to his messages. He wanted me to get something posted on sites he regularly contributes to and gets private messages from.
I wondered if you could post something. I couldnt figure out the best place to do it.
Many thanks
Susan WHITE Private Reply Public Reply
I remember them playing at the Common Gate
John ELDON Private Reply Public Reply
Hi John,
As I have a lot of family history in Walthamstow I'm delighted you are building this great resource.
My grandfather, Frederick Henry Gillett along with his brother Walter (who later became a Labour Mayor in the borough) started the family printing and stationery business, Gillett Bros Ltd. in Hoe Street in 1897 then later moved to the top of Jewel Road (the building is still there built by my grandfather and now a friends meeting house).
My father Douglas and his brother and sister took over the business I believe at the end of the war. Sadly for financial reasons they sold the factory and moved the business in 1971 to Romford as well as changing the name.
My dad was born in Cairo Road in 1915, but sadly died in 1973 aged 58.
I'd like it if you could add our business to the directory.
Kind regards
David GILLETT Private Reply Public Reply
My Mum and her 4 sisters were born in 56 Badlis Road to William John Price and Mabel Price (formally Dainty) and my Mum Millicent (who married George Crosby) ran the wallpaper shop opposite Bonners fruit and veg stall in Walthamstow market. I lived at 17 Colebrook Road with my parents and went to William McGuffie and I think might have been one of the first to go over to William Morris.
Enjoy your break on the coast, if you wish send over your address as I have copies on the Coronation programme.
Lynda CROSBY Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel, trying to find out anything about the cafe that was next door to the old Blackhorse Road station, we used to go there late 50s they had a group upstairs, don't mean the one on the other corner by Forest road. Nobody seems to remember it..thank you
Brenda HODGES Private Reply Public Reply
Can you help me to obtain any information of my late father and his wife and children who I never knew and I was given to adoption in 1926.
He was Thomas Charles William Green, either a piano maker Journeyman/carman, of 96 Longfellow Road in 1921/1932.
Born 25/10/1882...Died 1950 Hackney London
This is for a family tree I am compiling.
Eileen BEARMAN Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel, I have a lovely old photograph of young children, all dressed the same, in bobble hats. They are in a large pram displaying that they come from Hutchison House Babies Home.
As I believe, through research this was in your area from the 1920's, I understand it was taken over by the council in the 1940's. The picture looks really sad to our eyes now, although I suppose at the time such scenes were commonplace. I thought you may be interested in the photograph? [See it here]
Kind regards,
Veronica WATERS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
thanks for posting my message, hopefully I might get a result from someone out there. May I just say how much I enjoy Walthamstow Memories.
Reg GREEN Private Reply Public Reply
Hi I am looking for some members of a band called TINTED ASPEX that were around in late 60s early 70s:
Terry Rance
Charlie Brennen
Eddie Hoare
Robert Mitchell or Rooke
I am the daughter of the 5th band member Martin Hopwood. Please, if anyone can help?
Melanie HOPWOOD Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Eve,
the Chez club I remember from approx 1968/70, was held in the now defunct Chesnuts pub in Lea Bridge Rd W'stow E17. My friends and I went there most weeks to see bands such as: Mandrake Paddle Steamer/ Vandergraft Generator / Sam Apple Pie / Audience / Family / Savoy Brown / Slowbone etc !!!! All part of the club circuit in and around W'stow E17. Other clubs being : the Greyhound, Lea Bridge Rd/ Bottleneck Blues club, Stratford / Horse & Cart , Stratford / Red Lion, Leytonstone etc. Hope this helps!
Kevin TURNER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
this picture is of my Mum who was born in Badlis Road on the 15th Jan 1920 to William and Mabel Price. She was one of 13 and they moved to 151 Whipps Cross Road and when my Grandmother died he married his house keeper and ran a boarding house.
... and this is a copy of the programme for the Coronation. My Mum would have been expecting me at the time, I would have loved to have been there she must have had an amazing time!
Lynda PRICE Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Barry,
I am the Billy Fitzgerald in the picture! Can't believe that photo still exists after all this time! I remember Nicholson road well, if you fell over while you were running around you were picking stones out of your elbows for days! Do you remember the high wall with the spikes on it at the end of the road? I fell while I was walking on it and impaled my arm on a rusty spike! Still got a small scar! I lived at 6, Nicholson Road until I was eleven, by which time I had a baby brother Chris. We moved to St Mary Road opposite Walthamstow Central. Hope you're well, thank you for the memory.
Bill FITZGERALD Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Barry.
It just dawned on me that I'd never seen a picture of the road I was born in. So I googled it and saw your photos. You might guess by the name that I'm Billy Fitzgerald's younger brother. I was born in number 6 in February 1969 and we moved out a few months later to St Mary's Road, where we lived for the next 20 years. I recognised my brother straight away without even reading the text. Haha.
Great photos mate. I finally know where I was born. Thank you.
Chris FITZGERALD Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Friends & Visitors,
I'm away from home, so the WM site is currently being updated using my (slow) laptop pc. Editing the current Postbag (who's size is already grown to the whole last year's Postbag!) has become quite a time-crunching/beard-growing effort. So I've split the 2015 Postbag in two parts. From a visitor's point of view this should not cause problems, but it indeed helps me! However, do report if you find that this system does not work properly. Just for curiosity: 466 emails in 2014, 404 emails up to June 2015...
Our thanks to the many - and increasing - contributors. One of the latest, Steve Jonhson, has sent in a rather large addition to the McEntee School's Pupils List - worth looking up if you can spot someone you know, or can yourself provide further info.
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Daniel J Quinn
Co-Editor, Walthamstow Memories
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I was going through some old papers recently and came across a fairly comprehensive list of McEntee pupils who all started there in 1966 ( which makes us all 60 now!). Can I ask you to add them to the pupil list as it may jog a few more people's memories.
Jennifer Best, Hilary Bond, Veronica Breed, Maureen Brett, Lynn Clark, Kathryn Cook, Diane Crocket, Jacqueline Davies, Kathleen Davis, Gillian Dawson, Janice Edwards, Jacqueline Feltham, Christine Frisby, Anne Froud, Christine Ferguson, Christine Fulbrook, Christine Hammersten, Mary Henderson, Wendy Hiller, Mary Hurst, Margaret Jackson, Sally Jones, Susan Kay, Joyce Kimber, Susan Grice, Pamela Leonard, Susan Long, Patricia Milne, Georgina Mowbray, Gillian Nelson, Christine Nicholls, Dina Osborne, Jeanette Perrott, Christine Reeves, Jacqueline Smith, Yvonne Smith, Angela Stevens, Nancy Towler, Elaine Ward, Glynis Wastell, Andrea Wiles, Dawn Williams, Gillian Winter, Christine Woodward, Theresa Wootton, Maureen Young.
Boys Robert Allitt, Martin Anderson, Graham Atkins, David Bamber, Steven Blackwell, Howard Blair, David Butcher, Raymond Castle, Ronald Chapel, Dexter Coles, Tony Cooke, Roy Coombe, Robin Defoe, Nigel Barrett, John Dunham, John Edwards, Barry Forrester, Mark Garbutt, Tony Gilbert, Patrick Gill, David Glass, Ian Handley, Keith Hawks, Steven Hardcastle, David Harrison, Steven Heasman, Stuart Heasman, Geoffrey Hunt, Philip Else, Tony Driver, Roger Ingram, Trevor Ingrave, Eric Jackson, Ian Kirby, Philip Looker, John Mace, Stephen Malme, Kenny Mason, Paul Masse, Michael McSweeney, Stephen Moore, Tony Morse, Richard Nagle, John Nickelson, Stephen Padbury, Stephen Pearce, Ian Hill, Stephen Johnson, Michael Pitcher, Alan Pratt, Stephen Reynolds, Tony Richards, Alan Skinner, Jeremy Staley, Ronald Stringer, Kevin Taylor, Terry Tatham, Colin Wickers, David Warby, Stephen Wedge, Peter Williams, Stephen Young, Gary Vaughan, Inderjeet Singh.
This list was put together by several people back in the late 80's to enable a re-union to be organised so may not be complete, or have accurate name spellings.
This snap (below) dates from the mid/late 1960's, I think.
The gentlemen are obviously out on a 'beano'. By the looks of their collective conditions, the serious drinking hadn't yet begun.
I've identified lads 1, 3 and 4 but I'm not certain about number two.
If any of our many WM friends can put names to the rest of these faces, I'd love to read 'em.
Number 1 is my dad - Frank Ryder.
Number 2 is named Riches, I think. I don't know his first name. If he's the fellow that I'm thinking of, he lived in Woodville Road (off of Buxton). He had a son named Terry.
Number 3 is my uncle Percy from Carr Road.
Number 4 is Jackie Hall. He was a family friend who lived in Gosport Road and later, Hale End Road./p>
Any positive ID's will be greatly received; and not made known to the local constabulary!!
Cin, cin!
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel
I have two interest in Tottenham.
The first being that my Great grandparents and their respective children lived in Tottenham from 1883 to around 1930 hence I am interested in finding out more about this area during that period. Secondly I would like to find photographs of Tenterden Road before it was redeveloped, secondly I wish to trace Churches in Tottenham in which my ancestors were married.
Secondly, from 1967 to 1980 I worked for Lorrileux & Bolton a large Printing Ink Manufacturing company based in Ashley Road Tottenham. Whilst I know they moved from Tottenham to Harlow some years later I would love to get in touch with any person who also worked for this company.
Alan HARPER Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Although this email concerns Tottenham and not Walthamstow, I thought that perhaps some of our visitors might be able to give some feedback to Alan.
Hi!! I wonder if there is anyone out there who can help me. I'm Trying to trace a friend from the 1960's, his name is Charlie Stevens he was born, I think, in Chatham Kent in 1945. He and his family moved to Billet Road Walthamstow sometime in the late 50's. Charlie and I had a mutual interest in motorbikes and used to go to the Calypso coffee bar in Woodford. As far as I know Charlie had two sisters, twins I believe. He left Walthamstow circa 1967 when he married a Girl from Loughton, her name was Donna Blandon.
If anyone has any information that might help me to find Charlie I would much appreciate it.
Reg GREEN Private Reply Public Reply
Donny & Ronny Penny - a wild pair. My first recollection of them was with the Young Braves at Maynard Road School. They had been fighting using snooker cues, or perhaps that's just a myth.
There was a sister too I think, Joan maybe, a friend of Ann Burkin.
Steve READ Private Reply Public Reply
Hello, I posted a question on the London in the 60's and 70's page on Facebook, and the reply I received was this: "Maybe try asking Keith Nichols? He writes about going there and various bands he saw at "
The question I posed was that since the late 1950's I have keep a detailed journal of all the live music I ever saw; however, I have an entry for the Chez Club in Woodford Green from 8th June, 1971, but no band listed.
I am hoping that Keith Nichols or someone on your staff has or can find the information. I'm well aware that Woodford Green isn't right next to Walthamstow, but I thought I'd try. By the way, I lived in Walthamstow from 1961 until 1970.
Thank you in advance. Peace!
Eve DIAMOND Private Reply Public Reply
I was a pupil at George Gascoigne Sec Mod, from 1961 to 1965. I didn't realise the school ended approx 1966, until a visit to my old haunts, revealed i believe it bacame a Teacher training college, or the like.
I remember teachers like : Taffy Dixon ( Head Master ) Mr Hughes P.E. * Mr Acres ART * Mr Gorman R.E. * Miss Wright ENGLISH & NETBALL ( Coach )* Mr Scott SCIENCE * & 2 x Miss Williams GEOGRAPHY etc. My old class room was in C " hall, and i think our form teacher was Mr Hunt, but im not certain ? Some of my old class mates were as follows, over the time and years i was there i.e. Ian Miller/ Jim Burkett/ John Martini/ Alan Shaw/Brian Russell/ Graham Walker/ Peter Henderson/Roy Lawson/Danny Scotland/ Susan Stiff/ Carol White/ Jackie White/Janet Wilson/Janice May/Christine Bray/ Brenda ?/ Albert Shaddock /Peter Vella ,.etc !!!!
My name is Kevin Turner, and would like to know if anyone of that era, is still living in the Walthamstow area, or moved away, and life has treated them well. If so drop me an email!
Kind regards,
Kevin TURNER Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
Have you ever wondered what will happen when you fall off your perch to all your email friends. Will they just wonder if you have passed away or maybe your computer has broken down etc. or maybe something else has happened. Sadly the former case is happening all too often with my peers in this part of the world.
This happened a few months ago when my emails form Perth in Western Australia were getting returned from an address in Idaho in the USA to a friend named Ashlea Simpson, who also happens to be an ex-pat Stowie and a member of my animal friends group.
Well it appears that, by using the Walthamstow Memories website as a common denominator, Ashlea has been reconnected to me. She had not passed away, but had only moved her home to another part of the USA and had lost all her contacts.
So there you are another way of using the Walthamstow Memories website that you should be aware of as it is all good.
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Dear Len, I'm ever so happy that you reconnected to Ashlea thanks to the WM site!
I raised the subject of ‘Digital Legacy’ on WM three years ago [Here].
It was referenced in one of my Latest news (Obsolete mails) messages, but perhaps I should include the page on the menu and make it more accessible.
I had Mr Dobson for wood work. Making a ship must have been his project for my class "I've got mine in the shed, unfortunately, minus the sails."
Were you in Mr Watt's class, Robert? I can remember two Bobs at that time. I was at the school same time as yourself.
Doug SAUNDERS Private Reply Public Reply
Although this rather long piece is about a now defunct Chingford cinema. It could be about any cinema in the UK that showed Saturday Morning Pictures. I hadn't realized until I was writing this piece (The Chingford Odeon) how much of my childhood activities were derived from my attendance at the Saturday morning pictures and although I grew up in Islington, how much of my experiences were shared by children throughout the UK. I made bows and arrows to play Robin Hood and his merry men and I had a percussion cap pistol to play at cowboys and Indians./p>
While I sat in the Rink (Gaumont-British) operated cinema in Finsbury Park and sang along with the bouncing ball that followed the words of a song projected on the large screen, hissed and booed the villains, cheered the heroes in their fight against evil, shouted when the film reel broke down, helped my mates to "bunk in" through the emergency exit door; I had no idea at all that my experience was being shared by children going to the pictures at the Walthamstow Granada and the Chingford Odeon.
What I do know from the amount of reminiscences there are on the local social media and other sites, is how fondly very many people remember their childhood cinema experiences and this is for them.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi, my father-in-law was in amateur dramatics at the Buxton road club in the 40's - 50's: Mr Reginald Spencer. Also my wife informs me she sang on the stage there as well, entertaining the old folk when she was about seven years old.
Michael WAKELING Private Reply Public Reply
Ray Penny lived in Eden road, I was friends with his younger brothers, the twins, Don and Ron. Derek gets on this website, I think he now goes under the name of Derek Greening-Brown, I believe he is related to Jean Brown the dress maker. Derek worked in the electrical repair shop at the corner of Eden and Orford, opposite corner to Frank Ison, I lived above and behind that shop.
Calvin BRADFORD Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel
my Mum was born in Badlis Road and I have her birth certificate, picture of Low Hall Farm Nursery, picture of school photo at William McGuffie (slightly weird looking) and pictures of St Edmunds Church in Leytonstone will try and get them scanned. I used to have pictures of Colebrook Road where we lived and also William Morris School so will try and dig them out.
Lynda CROSBY Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
work began on the old Post/Sorting office in Vestry Road about five or six weeks ago. This is the situation to date:
As you can see, only the façade remains. (This was always part of the plan.) A close look through the windows reveals that all of the internal, rear and side walls have gone.
I'll post again as the work progresses.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
I Remember the club, but more I remember Dave Sturgess (on left in middle photo), remember his lovely Salad stall outside the Cock Tavern and the equally lovely Kenny's Fruit stall opposite (Ken and Joy friends of my family - Ken sadly died)
Private Reply
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Someone sent me a link to your website and I remember both of the Swimming pools, I think that the Walthamstow one did smell a bit and this is where my Dad taught me to swim I might still have my silver life saving badge and brooch !! I lived with my parents in Colebrook Road, which had a cinema at the end of the Road which I think is a bus station now. I drove up about 8 years ago and walked the High Street seem to remember Bonners fruit and veg stall. I have pictures some where of Lloyds Park where my Mum took me as a toddler I will try and find them. Needless to say that is many years ago !!
Lynda CROSBY Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Paul, I lived in Parkhurst Rd, and we used to get our fish and chips from you on a Friday -wonderful. But what I remember more was, in the late 50's early 60's when I started work; every month when I got paid, I took my brother Derek to the sweet shop and I bought 1/4 buttered Brazil's for Mum - 1/4 Everton mints for Dad and gave my brother half a crown to buy whatever he liked (the half crown had to last a month) - I took home £16 a month, Mum had £4 for my keep, the season ticket was £3.2s6d, then there was evening classes, Sunday night social at Walthamstow Avenue football club, shorthand lessons to mention a few things. Not a lot left over to last me the month! Started work at £195 per annum plus 17/6 luncheon vouchers in the city. Hope I haven't rambled on too much, Go well, thanks for the memory,
Private Reply
Public Reply
Dear Daniel
Very many thanks. To my surprise after all these years have already had 500 hits including a couple of really good friends I lost touch with over forty years ago.
And I have very much enjoyed trawling through your own web site. It is easy to use, interesting and very well laid out.
Kind regards
Richard RAYMOND Private Reply Public Reply
I Have been trying to locate a Derek Greening for sometime who lived on Orford Road in the 50s. I am the same age as you and went to the same schools. Just wondered if you are the same Derek Greening I'm looking for. We used to hang out with Ray Penny, Les Blackwell, Bernie Green, and Larry Moffat. Ray and Les lived on Orford Road Ken Britton worked at CR electronics on the corner of Eden Road and Orford Road. Would like to catch up on old times. 60 years ago.
John THOMPSON Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for getting back so soon.
I'm searching for old friends that I grew up with Ken Britton, Ray Penny, Les Blackwell, Larry and Frank Moffat, Bernie Green. Ray Les Larry and Frank lived on Eden Rd. Derek Greening lived on Orford rd.
I left for Canada in 55 and often think and wonder where the boys are now. I was born in 1935 so hope I can connect with someone...
With best regards Daniel many thanks for your help.
John THOMPSON Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Barry,
I've just read your item dated 24th December last (following a tip-off from Dave Hammond).
It would be great to catch-up and share some wonderful memories of those Walthamstow Rangers FC days and our personal friendship.
I've just sent a note to Dick Raymond on his new WRFC website.
Please send me a personal note with your contact details.
And to Daniel - my sincere thanks to you for this fantastic website. You picked-up on a brief note I placed some years back on my Walthamstow 'prefab. boy' (Cornwallis Road) backround and asked me to share some memories - Partial retirement should allow me some time to do just that!
Kind regards to you both,
Eric ALLINSON Private Reply Public Reply
What Paul doesn't tell us is what was involved in shifting 1 ton of chips in three days. It meant that 20 x 1cwt bags (each nearly 51 grams in weight) had to be put through a peeler (A machine like a cement mixer). Then through a chipper, carried to the fryer, then fried and served. Effectively handling them at least 5 times which equals 5 tons! As well as this he would have been cleaning, filleting. portioning, frying and serving the fish.
Respects Paul from someone who was doing the same thing six days a week in the High Street,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
I have written this short piece to accompany the pictures of the Buxton Club that Louise Ridgwell of the Walthamstow Times Facebook site has kindly donated:
The Buxton Social Club
The Buxton Social Club at 112F High Street, Walthamstow is one of just a few Workingman's Clubs still left in Waltham Forest.
The club has always been popular with Walthamstow residents and has a justified good reputation for the quality of its entertainment and in the past the Club fielded its own football team. In the 1930's it was such a popular venue that the St John's Ambulance Association operated asub station at the property.
It was first opened as the Walthamstow Liberal & District Club, 130 years ago in 1885 and was at 4, Buxton Road. Due to redevelopment, it was forced to re-locate in 1982 and is now accessed via a small alleyway between Fish Brothers and Sainsbury's.
On entry, members can turn left to the lift or climb a staircase to access the spacious club that has an open area for dancing, a small stage for bands, the bar, and a room for pool, TV and darts. The club is only open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and about 80 or so people use the club on a a Saturday night and are entertained by a variety of different acts.
Walthamstow Memories correspondent, Sylvie Baigent nee Bass remembers:
My parents used to go to the Buxton Working Mens Club in Buxton Road regularly and I believe at one time my Dad was on their Committee. I remember the Palace and going to see pantomimes while sitting in the "ashtrays" upstairs. You got a really good view from up there. Manzies Pie and Mash Shop was the place to be after Saturday morning pictures, which cost us a whole sixpence, and if it was busy you could watch the man cut up the live eels for people to take home and cook themselves. It wasn't until I was in my teens that I tried jellied eels and found them to taste really good. My mouth waters !!!
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I've written a short article on Mickey Oates, a boxer from Walthamstow: [read it here]
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Mr Dobson was the wood work teacher. I was there 1944 to 48. On the front desk/worktop Mr Dobson had a ship which he was building. One thing I remember was you could not make anything until a drawing was done with relevent sizes and materials. My mother had a toasting fork with brass ferules etc and a mahogany tea tray which I made in his class and others which I cannot remember what happened to them
Robert ELLIS Private Reply Public Reply
We had the fish shop for about 30 years. My dad once owned both of the shops there. We did move the fish shop from the corner to the one next door and had the corner one for a fruit and veg shop. Then we moved the fish shop back to the corner and sold No142 to my grand mother who opened it as a sweet shop. My wife had a Saturday job there and that's where I met her. The fish shop was only open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and in those three days we sold 20 hundred weight/one ton of chips.
I was the bald man who did all of the frying and my name was Paul
Paul BONNER Private Reply Public Reply
Sixteen of us had just left Leyton Baths, after watching a group play, and we'd all had a great time, and thankfully we all came out unscathed, for back then when you left at the end of the night, there was always someone who would pick a fight, as mods and rockers both went to the Baths back then, seemed odd to me as both sides enjoyed the same music of the evening! O.K., so my mates used to pick fights too! It used to scare me though, as young as I was then, for I knew how easy it was to take a life, albeit unintentionally. So I always made a quick exit, for my long fair hair made an easy target, albeit could easy hold my own in a fight, no, I used to leave it to my pals who actually did enjoy a punch up! I've sidetracked a little, anyhow we were all hungry, so we made for the fish and chip restaurant that was in Hoe Street, called Seafare, adjacent to the Arcade.
All 16 of us went in and had drinks, and of course a full meal of fish'n chips, then a pal of mine came in, and the owner (manager?) asked him what he wanted, so my mate said: "Nothing, I haven't any money" (albeit any one of us would have mustered up enough money for him), so my pal said: "Then just give me a glass of water and a slice of dried bread". The manager/owner said that if he didn't have a drink or food he would call the police.
Anyhow, my pal took no notice of him and came and sat with me, we all though at this point had finished our meals and got up to leave. It was at this point, as we all got to the door, that we saw lots of blue flashing lights, and loads of police jumping out of their cars, and looked like a scene from a film!
All 16 of us were arrested, and even a pal who hadn't been with us and literally just passing, and said "Hello Keith, hello Charlie!" and the police asked if he wanted trouble too? and was promptly arrested. None of us could believe it!
I was sandwiched between two police, one of those being the driver, and as he drove down Hoe Street towards the Bell Corner, (to then turn left towards the police station, anyhow, the driver kept elbowing me in the face and jaw as be turned the steering wheel, and could do nothing to stop it, he was having his 'fun', knowing none of the facts. And likely he didn't care anyway?
We got to the police station and we all crowded in, and of course all protesting our innocence to no avail. All 16 of us arrived at court, we of course were all nervous, and remember the judge seeing the funny side of it when we ALL tried to get into the dock, thinking that was what was expected of us.
The judge, who was by now smiling, said that perhaps those that couldn't get into the dock, should stand in the aisle! Several of our pals spoke up to give a full account of what happened that night, and the judge could see that the whole thing was a farce, especially when my pal was arrested for just saying "hello".
The Manager/owner of Seafare, strangely, was not called to the bench and questioned, yet he himself knew that everyone of us was innocent, and that we all had food and drink that night and be had learnt well out of us, yet not once did that cowardly man say one word in our defence.
The judge did see good sense and found us all not guilty, and more's the pity wasn't printed in the local press of our innocence, after the not guilty verdict. I say that, for before the court case, it was all in the newspapers, with the headline SEAFARE FRACAS, where our names and ages were printed for one and all to see. The owner/manager should have been in the dock that day instead of us, and that includes the so cowardly police at that time who said that when we came out of the restaurant, we jumped all over the concrete plant containers that were in the central reservation, they said we smashed down the bedding plants etc, and I would swear on a lorry load of bibles today to say that this most certainly never happened. Yet this is what was printed in the locals at the time, it's a shame that someone didn't take a photo of those flower beds the day after, and find all the plants perfectly intact. Yes, all this was in the papers for friends and families to see, several of our pals were so worried in case someone told their employers, or indeed their employers should read it for themselves.
Why, I wonder, didn't the owner (manager?) just tell the truth, to say that it was only ONE of the lads that night who refused to buy anything, how on earth did something so very trivial become a police matter? What had he told them that warranted so many police to turn up? Assumingly to tell one lad to leave because be couldn't afford a meal, it was so ridiculous, and more so the police adding their lies to fuel the fire, why did they have to make this up, and not even face the consequences of their lies, all so very baffling.
This is not the worst of my WALTHAMSTOW MEMORIES by far, especially of so cowardly people, I have yet just two more stories to tell.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
There is a picture of Mr. Watts somewhere in WMs. I came across it some time ago! (Or it may have been in Walthamstow Times?) It's a photo of a group of WEW teachers. So Ruth, keep searching, as I will and I want to put it in my album. By the way, there was a Saunders family in Folly Lane 70 years ago! God Bless
Bernard HOWARD Private Reply Public Reply
Does anyone have photos or remember the old hardware shop 85 St Andrews Road on the corner of Lowther road. I lived there until 1961.
Jennifer HESSON
née LONG
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hello, Ken,
Not a bad guess - but wrong, I'm afraid.
There's no trace of your uncle's former shop, or its clock, in Hoe Street, I'm afraid.
So we have a shop with no clock in the High Street, a clock with no shop in Leytonstone and no shop or clock in Hoe Street. Try saying that quickly after a few pints!
Good to hear that your uncle is doing so well. Please be sure to wish him well from me.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Re the picture you posted: would the clock be the one that hung outside the Fish Bros branch in Hoe Street between Walthamstow Central station and High St? My uncle, Fred Newberry, was manager there for some years in the sixties. He's still alive and well at ninety and living in sheltered accommodation in the midlands!
Ken DUKE (Enfield) Private Reply Public Reply
Now I know why the pub "The Markhouse Arms" was always referred to as the "Crows" in those days, because of the previous owners in the 1900's! It's funny how the name stuck with the pub after all those years. I used to use the Markhouse arms, when Herbie was the guv, the beer was Of Trumans Brewery, a smashing pint. Thanks for enlightening me.
Brian POPE Private Reply Public Reply
Hi David
Thanks for the reply. Frank is my uncle: his still going strong, late 70s now poor sod.
Stephen BUISSON Private Reply Public Reply
I seem to remember working with a Frankie Buisson in the late 60s, a driver at London Borough of Walthamstow council yard in Low Hall Lane. Think he was a boxer too..
David FITZGIBBON Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: the link is now on our "Links page"
Dear Daniel Is there any possibility you could offer a link to the Walthamstow Rangers Football Club website. It is now up and running on Google (the link is
The site does have quite a few photographs going back to the 1960's and 70's, plus copies of a couple of Guardian reports from that era.
Be great if you could help.
Kind regards
Richard RAYMOND Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: the link is now on our "Links page"
When me and my wife met in 1971 . I wasn't able to drive (albeit did drive a lorry at times at Chingford Plains Fair), so to get about we would book coach trips with Grey Green Coaches. We would pick the coach up outside the electricity place, we would sit on the low wall to wait. This was of course at the bottom end of Church Hill.
We would book the coach at the travel agents in Hoe Street and Grey Green would supply you with a very descriptive catalogues of their numerous destinations, and we still go to those lovely places today, mostly now by car, but still use coaches. It was a shame when Grey Green folded for whatever reason.
Some places we did more than once because of their beauty, like the atmospheric Sissinghurst Castle. Other places were: Penhurst Place, Hever Castle, etc...
And we will never forget that arduous journey as a Day Trip to Symonds Yat!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Flower power had been in the headlines for quite a time in the late 60s, but had seen nothing of it in Walthamstow or surrounding areas, then early one evening me and a pal were walking down Church Hill, facing High Street, when directly across the road we saw a group of lads with their dressing gowns on over their clothes, some even had their pyjamas on, and dressing gowns, and of course flowers in their hair!
The lads saw that me and my pal had long hair, so beckoned us over. They were a nice bunch of lads, and we sat laughing and joking about, and talking about the latest bands - or 'groups', as they were called back then. I found it all rather nice and very unusual to say the least, far different from hanging around with my rocker pals at Nicks Cafe in Forest Road, or The Volunteer in Lea Bridge Road.
Anyhow, one of the lads had his own house in the Church Hill area, and we all went back there to stop for the night, and NO, there were no drugs being used whatsoever, we were just a bunch of lads enjoying this new flower power age.
Our first sight of these lads, as I said, were across the road in Hoe Street at the point where High St starts, and they were sitting under a large advertising hoarding, on a raised.....what looked like a filled in flower bed?
As we finally settled down for the night, I found a set of playing cards, so after a bit of fumbling about, I undid them without anyone knowing and carefully flicked them one by one in the pitch dark, to the shock of the other lads wondering what it was of that size that was flying about! And as I did each card randomly, the lads got more worried! Then some brave soul turned on the light to see that it was just playing cards to their relief!
We all had a good laugh about it, and I confessed!
In the morning we were talking about the night before, and of course spoke about how we loved Pink Floyd's album "Pipers At The Gates Of Dawn", which had been played all evening. Sadly, we never saw any of these lads again, but this was a very memorable introduction to the early flower power to our area, and wanted more of it, so started my travels all over London to see hundreds of bands over many years, for even on mostly meagre wages, money did go further in those late 60s/70s. I'd love to know about other people's recollections of those early hippy days, especially in Walthamstow!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi, Daniel,
recent posts by Carol Sharpe and Brian Chase have firmly established that the Fish Brothers shop was trading in the High Street as long ago as the 1940's.
This photo (below) shows the shop in 1960. It's the oldest image that I've ever been able to find and I know that it will be familiar to many friends of WM.
The more recent shop-front shows unmistakeable traces of the old one. The iron corner pillar may well still be in place inside the newer, cladded one. The windows of the upper floors seem to be unchanged. The picture (below) was taken this year (2015).
Linden Road has long-since gone so the shop no longer stands on a street-corner as it once did. The pawnbrokers balls are still hanging high on the wall but the lovely clock has gone.
However, there is a Fish Brothers clock, still keeping good time, elsewhere in the borough. Here it is (below).
I wonder if anybody can guess where this lovely old time-piece is.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
Had a nice email from Bill Bayliss with a pdf attached analysing the Co-op shopping list. Didn't guess that book would arouse so much interest - in fact I was in two minds whether to post it to you at all! Glad I did though.
Asked him about the Ross Wyld progress. He said his article had just appeared, but unfortunately he wasn't able to locate any photos. That's a shame, but I suspect he was quite a 'private' man (Ross Wyld that is, not Bill Bayliss!) and didn't encourage too many photos. Very interesting article though.
Weston Turville, Bucks.
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Does any one remember the Buisson family, they lived in Macdonald road Walthamstow . It would be great to see a photo!
Stephen BUISSON Private Reply Public Reply
Hi there
To there one who mentions Don Harvey.
He is living elsewhere now and in his 80's. My late father knew Don when he played in the Rising Sun Pub years and years ago before he played at the Walthamstow one.
Don taught me music years ago and a yeah a bril musician. He later played at The Wantz club in Dagenham with Roy Davis, but The wantz club closed down quite a few years ago. Don also before that played in the Royal Oak pub in green lane dagenham, that pub is now flats.
Don does not play much now due to health and age, he is living in south woodford that area now.
I just thought I would let you know that.
He is also on you tube if you check out my channel under puppylove1968 and ladywriter1968 you will find don on there, or just type in Don Harvey and he should come up on you tube.
Diamond Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel, can you let me know a bit more about yourself? I was directed to the website by my brother John who came across it last weekend and I noticed the pic of the cricket team from Colin Budgey. I was indeed in that form year although not in the picture, but can add most of the names. I'm sure if I did around at past emails and pictures I could name them all!
Anyhow, for now: Back row - John Sales, Bob Smith, Dave Pottle. Front row - Ken Day (clipboard) David (Divi) O'Fiels, Danny (Wooge) Wheatley, Jimmy Martin, (Forget), John Burkett, (forget), (forget), (forget). I believe this is indeed from year 1960 and probably our second year at GG.
Can you let Colin know and add the above names please? I have been in touch with all of the above named pupils since leaving school except for David O'field who I would very much like to hear from if you ever have contact from him.
Oh, and Mr. Bolton was our Physics teacher, Mr Gorman did Biology, Mt Legg did Geography, Mr Williams did Music, Mr Pinchen & Mr Wright P.E. and it was Miss Fenton, not Tenton
All the best,
Roger WALKER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi, Bill,
very many thanks for taking the time to research and write your article on Ross Wyld. As with all of your research, I found it both very enjoyable and very interesting.
I share your fear that Wyld - and many like him - are all but forgotten now. We seem to remember the tyrants and despots yet we too soon forget those who gave their lives and careers to social justice.
As far as I know (please correct me if I'm wrong) there isn't even a blue plaque on his former address.
Anyway, whether there is, isn't or ever will be, your tribute to the man and his fine works will now be available to anybody who is sufficiently curious to "google" Ross Wyld.
Sincere thanks for what you've done.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Keith
My name is Leslie Comber I worked for the company in Somers Rd. It was called R.J & J.E Parkers, they made steel lockers & Storage units for the print also lithographic equipment. I worked there from 1970 to 1975 so I don't know about the shop/house at the end, but it was not there when I was and I don't know when the factory shut down. I also worked for W.B.Bawn on Blackhorse Rd.
I lived in Fairveiw Cls, off Millfield Ave.
Leslie Comber Private Reply Public Reply
I have been inspired to put together the attached piece, following your posting of your grand-mothers fascinating Co-op Grocery Order book and I hope that it meets with your approval.
Best wishes,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Barry Ryder's mention of the "lost" Union Road in his recent post, triggered my memory of a Walthamstow Public House that today seems to be virtually unknown. This was the Markhouse Arms at 33, Queens Road and it was on the corner of Union Road. It disappeared when Kelmscott Secondary School was built in the mid/late 1960's. The attachment contains all the information that I have about it.
My best regards,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hiya, Stephen,
You're right about where the picture was taken - spot on.
This is the paving slab that you remember seeing. It's roughly in front of number 209 Wood Street. There's a more recent one that was laid as part of the millennium celebrations in 2000. It's about 12 feet away from this one. (See below).
There are lots of others running from south to north through Leyton, Leytonstone, Walthamstow and Chingford.
The line doesn't (or didn't) run through your school but you certainly crossed from the eastern hemisphere to the western hemisphere on your way to Warwick!
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Steve, there are also 2 Meridian Line markers in Highams Park that we used to straddle as we walked to school. One is at the junction of Selwyn Avenue, Winchester Rd and The Broadway. The other is in The Avenue opposite the station. It's funny how one persons memory leads different people to remember other stuff!
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That photo looks like it was taken at the corner of Wood St & Barrett road. I went to Warwick school, which was just behind the shop, I think. After I left, I noticed a paving stone on the opposite side of Wood St., towards the station, that had a metal line and 'GREENWICH MERIDIAN' on it. Maybe those two men are each in separate hemispheres. Maybe the Meridian went through my school, or my class, or even my desk. At any event it would seem that I lived in one hemisphere & crossed to the other to go to school. I wish I had known that when I lived there.
There was another paving stone like that on the railway bridge on Forest road, just up from the library.
Steve READ Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I'd like to suggest two names that don't currently feature in the 'lost streets' list, if I may?
Union Road and Prospect Road were demolished at some time between 1965 and 1969, I think. They were removed as part of the huge renewal project that was undertaken between Queens Road, Markhouse Road and Boundary Road.
Both roads were there as far back as 1894 as this street map of that year shows. They may have been there much longer, of course.
The pub on the corner of Queens and Markhouse was the Common Gate. The 'Meth. Chapel diagonally opposite is 'The Lighthouse', of course.
All traces of Union and Prospect roads were lost forever beneath the Kelmscott Leisure Centre, which was built during the early 80's and was opened in about '84.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
I remember Fish Brothers in 1943 and my Mother made purchases from them in 1940
Carol SHARPE Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
Further to my earlier letter regarding my uncle Ted and his wartime work on Mosquito aircraft components at Wrightons (Postbag 1st April), I thought you might be interested to see a couple of copies of his
mother's (my Nan) wartime Co-Op grocery order book, recently located. She was Charlotte Vince, née Gifford, originally from Cambridgeshire. Probably the most interesting page is that for Saturday 2nd September 1939, the day before war was declared:
Another page shows addresses of the six Co-Op branches active in Walthamstow at the time. Uncle Ted always lived at home, so the book is relevant to both Ted and Nan's wartime existence. Perhaps the book itself would be more at home now in the local museum?
I'm rounding off this post with a photo of Nan and my mother Phyllis in the rear garden of 200 Fulbourne Road, taken sometime in the mid-thirties.
Kind regards,
Weston Turville, Bucks.
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The Co op insurance office was in the High Street just down from Hoe street on the right, over some shops
Alan TUCKWELL Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Colin
My name is Geoff Harper and I am the multi-clothed lad at the far right of your picture. Some of us struggled to get "whites". From left to right they are as follows:
Ken Day, Dave O'Field, Danny Wheatley, John Sales, Jimmy Martin, big lad Hubbard I think, Barrymore Scotland, Kevin Clarke, Johnny Burkett, Dave Pottle, Kevin Pritchard, Keith Goodyear and finally Me.
I don't remember the occasion exactly but I went through school with most of them, some also played in the school Football team, and then a few went on, as I did, into the fifth year by 1963-64.
I've got plenty of good memories from that school and we were lucky to have a great Headmaster, Taffy Dixon and some excellent teachers.
Hope that jogs some memories of us, for you.
Cheers for now
Geoff HARPER Private Reply Public Reply
Fish Bros. Definitely there in the late 40's. Can remember going there with mum then, and later buying cufflinks (as you did) in the mid/late 50's, when I was in my teens.
Brian CHASE Private Reply Public Reply
I am aware that this article will probably not be as widely read as some of my other pieces. Nevertheless, I have written it as part of my tribute to the men and women who, today, are largely forgotten and unknown, but were primarily responsible for making present day Walthamstow.
I came to live in Walthamstow in 1960 and shortly after joined my local Labour Party (Walthamstow East) and became a local activist. By 1963, I had become the Youth Officer for Walthamstow East and was heavily involved with recruiting and educating members of the local Labour Party Young Socialist organisation. In this process, I met and got to know many of the people who were, or went on to be, Walthamstow Mayors and Councillors.
Ross Wyld was one of those selfless people who devote their lives to improving the lot of their fellow humans. It is one of my regrets that, although I met Doreen Wyld, I never knew her brother who died in 1963.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Bernard,
My husband Doug would like to know if anyone has a photograph of Mr. Watts' class of 1947/8. He is 82 now, and didn't think of taking his school photos when he left home. Anyone remember the Saunders family living at 29 Douglas Avenue around 1941?
What a great site this is, so many memories
Ruth SAUNDERS Private Reply Public Reply
Thanks for your interesting site.
I'm looking for information on the Teale family of Walthamstow. In 1911 they were living at 4 Rosebank Villas, and the head of the household was Charles Teale, who described himself as a domestic machinery dealer. In the past he was a rent collector and furniture salesman. His children included Sarah Jane, Edith Alice, George Henry, Charles Ezra, Florence Ethel, Albert Victor and Harold Fredrick. His wife was Mary Catherine Crinan, née Smith. There are some mysteries surrounding this family, and it would be good to solve at least some of them. I'm happy to share the information I have.
Mary SAYERS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
Does anyone have any idea what is happening with the late Richard Dunn's "Walthamstow History" website? Since the sad death of Richard, last year, I have looked at the site every few months or so, and there seems to be no further entries.
I know that when Richard passed away it was said that the website would continue, but I am sad to see that no tribute to Richard, or memorial notice, appears to have been posted either, and I thought this might have been done by now. Richard put so much of himself into it, and was passionate about keeping the website up and running/adding new items - I'm sure I'm not the only person who finds it all very sad.
Daniel, can I also say that although I don't always find time to look regularly, I love reading and looking at the WM website, and admire all your hard work to keep it so enjoyable - thank you for all your efforts, you're doing a great job!
Margaret MILLS Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: A notice did appear on our site [see here] in December. There is a person who is now in charge of Dick's site: I hope he will get it back running soon.
Thanks for your kind words.
Hi Daniel,
On a recent, unannounced visit I was lucky enough to find both Tom Pounder senior and Tom junior on the premises. Their welcome was very warm and they were very generous with their time. They confirmed that they had been trading since 1970 and, by the looks of things, they should be there for many years to come.
Both Toms had a great knowledge and appreciation of their fellow Wood Street traders and they were able to point-out a few neighbouring shops that had been there even longer than they had! I'll be posting-up those little gems soon.
As you can see, father and son were even prepared to have their photo taken in the midst of their busy day.
Wood Street Tyres has been keeping local motorists safe (and legal) for forty-five years; that's truly exceptional but not quite long enough to qualify for inclusion in E17's senior-top-ten. However, having had the pleasure of meeting Tom and Tom, I can state with certainty that if WM ever decides to offer a prize for the nicest, most genuine people working in town, these two lads will get my vote.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Keith,
Take a look at the class photo I put in on Jan 16th 2014. I've had only one reply so far, still wondering who's still around. I'm 80 now!
Bernard HOWARD Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Sure, I would certainly include the stall holders of "the famous Mile" to the Top 10!
Dear Bill,
Keep up the great work. Does anyone out there remember the Coop insurance office? I think was in Hoe st. - not sure, 50s and early 60s. Does anyone remember Lilian Brownlow, any photos around?
born in Palmeston Rd 1937
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Hi Daniel,
Here is a photo of the Gascoigne under-13 cricket team taken in about 1960. I remember the players, but not any names. I think it was after playing the local grammer school.
Best wishes
Colin BUDGEY Private Reply Public Reply
I was at William Elliott from 1955 to December 1958 W.G. Acres (Bill but not to his face) was headmaster, Mr New took art, Mr C.J. Lines, Mr W.E. Green and "Bertie" Baker a real character who was at the school during the 2nd World War took geography were other masters.
Keith COOPER Private Reply Public Reply
Hiya Keith,
I'm sure that Daniel and John will make the final determination as to which trades 'qualify', but, personally, I would include stall-holders.
If you are still in contact with any and they'd like to be included, perhaps you could "facilitate an introduction" for me? I'm never far away from the High Street (I live in Leytonstone now) so nipping along to meet and photograph somebody would be pretty easy for me.
I wouldn't want to turn-up unannounced and point the camera at some unsuspecting soul. I might cop a smack in the gob for being a nosy so-and-so.
Let me know. Cheers
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Sure, I would certainly include the stall holders of "the famous Mile" to the Top 10!
There's more "ghost" signs at:
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
Here's one of my favourite painted shop signs:
This is on the east wall of 198, High Street. Not exactly the Sistine Chapel, I know, but utterly delightful, all the same.
The wall is very close to the adjacent building and can't really be photographed from that position; the upward angle is too steep. This was done standing in the High Street itself. On close inspection the paintwork looks quite remarkable. It must (surely) pre-date the Selborne Walk development, because its position now is all but obscured by its next-door-neighbour. There wouldn't have been much point painting such a lovely sign in a place where it could hardly be seen.
Bill Bayliss has found some more on the net. They'll be popping up soon.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Barry,with regard to your list (As below)
Hi Daniel,
the oldest ten trades in Walthamstow, eh? Here's my list:
Geo White, 148, Hoe Street. Undertakers since 1888.
Alf. English, 72, St. James's Street. Undertakers since 1896.
Bennett, 99, Wood Street & 460, Hoe Street . Undertakers since 1900.
Rodi Café, 16, Blackhorse Lane. Since 1925.
L. Manze, 76, High Street. Pie 'n mash since 1929 (Possibly earlier)
Lamb's Café, 891, Lea Bridge Road. Since 1941 (Possibly earlier)
Colvin's, 110, Wood Street. Hardware store since 1949.
Bonners, 144, Northcote Road. Fish n' Chips since 1951.
Coggers, 849, Forest Road. Florist since 1952.
Fish Bros, 114, High Street. Pawnbroker/jeweller since 1960 (probably much earlier).
I would make the following comments:
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello, Barry,
Clever shot of the old 'Millbridge' sign! If, in your walks, you could catch more of these (soon to be hidden/removed?) signs I think it would become an interesting archive for WM followers.
I wonder if anyone recalls the name of the shop (stationary?) in Orford Rd (now "East London Sausage"):
I simply love that sign, although in need of some restauration, and hope it never comes down!
Many thanks
Daniel J QUINN Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Len,
I see that Daniel has clarified the distinction between "Lost Trades" - of which Strutts was one - and "Oldest Trades".
Please be assured that I did read Bill's excellent article and I very much enjoyed it. I also read your follow-up posting, which I also enjoyed.
I note that you lived in Markhouse road and went to the school. (No excuses for being late, eh?). As you were local to the area, I would be very grateful if you could have a look at the attached photo and see if the writing on the wall brings back any memories.
In case the wording is unclear it says, "Millbridge Motor & Cycle Works". The building is at the junction of The Crescent and Station Road. This is very close to the rear entrance to your old school. I remember the shop as being a tobacconist/newsagent. Did you know the shop?
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Roy,
I was a member from around 1963/64 til about 1970. The only name you mention that rings a bell is East but I swam with a Ray East probably a younger brother of John. The coaches I remember from then are Sid Payne, Robin Gibson and Fred Sapsford. One recollection I have of Ernie was when we had done particularly well at a Gala and he produced a bottle of 'Champagne' for us kids to celebrate with! Whether it was or wasn't the real thing, how posh and grown up I remember feeling!
Private Reply
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Read Bill's article about Strutts dated May 7th. They surely qualify started in 1891.
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Good observation, Len, but the Strutts business seems to have closed around 1973/4, according to Bill's account. We are looking for businesses who are still active.
Hi Steve,
What years did you swim at WSCI? I was there at the same time as Terry and John. Their dad was a mate of my dads - went to gala's in Ernie's Bedford van.
Lovely people! Last time I saw John he was in the police force must be over 25 years ago. If you have any pics from the time I would love to see them.
A couple of other guys at the club at that time were Kenny Wright John Trimmer and John East must have been the early sixties.
Roy CANHAM Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
the oldest ten trades in Walthamstow, eh? Here's my list:
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Thanks Barry. Not surprisingly, the first three belong to the same trade... I wonder if we should consider hospitals as trades, so we may balance! Well... the race is on - now all say yours!
Dear Friends & Visitors,
My greatest thanks to Roger Dixon, who sent in several pictures & captions. Two are in the George Gascoigne School page; the others are on the Walthamstow Picture Galleries (Athan Boys Club, Dairy and Carnival). Do let me know if you recognise people - or yourself? - in the photos.
In 2016, to celebrate WM's 15th Anniversary, we would like to assign a Special Award to the 10 oldest trades in Walthamstow: please send in your suggestions (ask your friends and spread the word!).
I'm still looking for items to add to the Lists of Teachers/Staff/Pupils to the individual school pages, so if you have pictures, names or memories to share, please send them in...!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Daniel J Quinn
Co-Editor, Walthamstow Memories
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Hi Barry !
What a good idea! Does this include stall holders who are still trading? or just shops?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Steve!
Thanks for the info,you're spot on! Well done! Ernie Smith. It all came back to me, and remember Terry's brother helping out at times. Ernie was a warm friendly man, I used to talk to him for ages over many cuppas! And Terry was a lovely chap too. You are also right about Arthur's stall i.e. the positioning of it, so we do have the right person, he too was a nice chap, we chatted mainly at the different venues when seeing different bands in the borough and beyond!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I've written a short article on Palace Mews, a tiny structural reminder of the Palace Theatre. [read it here]
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Bill's story about Strutt's and their sweet shop (lollies in Australia) was really nice and informative and as I lived at 101 Markhouse and went to school at Markhouse Secondary Modern, I passed the shop twice a day.
Geographically it was situated almost opposite to Markhouse Avenue opposite the newspaper shop on the corner that was owned by the parents of Iris Lane who was a school friend.
I attended the school until 1952 and I don't think I entered the shop once, but another lolly shop opened up in Markhouse Road opposite to Lowhall Lane when rationing ceased, and I often called there on an errand for my dad to buy "an ounce of Old Holborn pipe tobacco and a packet of Red Rizla papers". He would give me enough to buy 2 ozs of boiled lollies that were stored in large glass jars.
Just a thought, I wonder how many broken and decayed teeth were the result of all that sugar consumed by those children. I am 78 years old now and I still have most of mine, so there you are: eat less sugar and keep your teeth.
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
Bill, your delightful piece about Strutts and all those lovely sweets had me drooling.
Your use of the (1910) picture of Markhouse Road and School had me rummaging through my snaps. I've tried to "recreate" that photo many times. It's not easy. Having to stand in the middle of modern-day Markhouse Road make it very tricky! This is my best effort to date. The ambulance arrived about an hour after the shutter clicked.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel
I wrote a post a while ago on your site i wonder if you could help.
Looking for any Staff that worked for Granada TV rental (redifussion) from the years 1975 upwards. If you or anyone you know worked here please get in touch.
Thank you Daniel my search still goes know where...
Paul D Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Brian,
Excellent logic. The family actually lived at 2, Cross Street. I went through a similar process and using the two names given (Alex & Ron Saberi) I was able to work out their family and I got their address from the Electoral Roll. I then used a variety of social media and other address sites (BT Residential, etc) to find them at their present addresses. I got lucky and found Alec's address and I found Ron in the same area via a company that he was previously involved with.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi David
Bonners was a fish shop before it became "Bonners", but I think the name of the previous owners was Morris?? As I remember it just after the war as a child, Bonners took over about 1950/1 I think, as I was living at 78 Chewton Road then, just up the road from Ted Bonner. We then moved into Northcote Road (just around the corner) the shop next to Bonners at 142 was a Fruiterers & Greengrocers (Young's). This later became a Sweet shop, first I think Walkers and then Palmers, but I may have them the wrong way round.
Ted Bonner's son is Paul Bonner, he was working in the fish shop up until I emigrated in 1966. This would probably be the man you saw tipping the chips into the hot fat, as I remember that also. Paul would now be about the same age as my older sister.
Best regards,
Brian CHASE Private Reply Public Reply
Whenever people speak of the old High Street market, two names come up. One is Manzes Pie & Mash shop and the other is Strutts sweet stall. Manzes is pretty well documented (I've written a piece myself) but there is very little available about Strutts.
So, I've researched and written a piece [read it here]. I'm sure that there are a lot that people could add to the story and there are corrections to be made. For me, there is the mystery of who was Peter Strutt who, I understand, was the last Strutt family member to run the shop and what was his relationship to the family?
What I think that I have been able to do, is to explain how an unskilled box maker ended up running a home sweet making business by linking the family to the former huge Hackney Clarnico sweet making company. A company who, at the end on the 19th century, were the biggest confectioners in the UK.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Margaret & Daniel,
I tried to email through WM but didn't work so am trying this.
I do not remember an Alec Saberi, but Ronnie Saberi was in my class at Coppermill Lane Secondary School up until we all left in 1955. He was a very good football player. I do not know where he lived, but from your description I can think of 2 possibilities. There was a walkway from the end of Courtney Place, (which ended in a cul de sac) that runs from St. James Station alongside the railway tracks. The walkway continued beside the tracks through to Willow Walk, Selbourne Road Junction. I believe most of the houses there have since been demolished?? The other possibility is the walkway from Essex Road (although not a cul de sac) to Black Horse Road Station. Essex Road went from Pretoria Avenue to Forest Road. Spent many a pleasant hour in the Essex Arms. Please let me know if this reaches you and if it is of any help.
Best regards,
Brian CHASE Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: If others have problems emailing WM please let me know (info on browser used will be helpful).
I remember Bonners very well, I think it was considered the best in the area... My Nan and Grandad lived round the corner in Chewton Rd (I remember my Grandad had a very bad leg injury from when he was a milkman on horse and cart, as I remember he was on foot leading the horse by hand in bad snow, he slipped and the milk cart wheel ran over his leg). I'm rambling now lol.. Where it was fish n chips a couple of times a week... As I grew up later in Erskine Rd my Dad would go to Bonners in the car for our fish n chips. I think Bonners was there in the fifties as I'm 66 now. I can always remember being fascinated when the "Bald Man" - I think he was the son Dave - poured raw chips from a bucket into the boiling fat.. ahh great memories, no good to my waistline though... great times
David FITZGIBBON Private Reply Public Reply
WM has a host of well-written and researched articles and mailings which recall many of the shops, businesses and factories that no longer exist or function in Walthamstow. These stories - which combine the "corporate" with the "human' - can be read in the "Lost Trades" section as well as the monthly postbag. It's a sad litany which bears testament to the uncertainties of employment.
But, there is a flip side: there are a surprising number of businesses that still flourish in E17 in spite of the harsh and ever-changing economic climate.
So, here is the first "hidden treasure" that I'd like to remind my fellow town's-folk of:
BONNERS, 144, Northcote Road.
I don't know when Bonners first opened, so dating it accurately hasn't been possible. I would love to hear from anybody who can vouch for its existence prior to 1963; that's when I first patronised it. Back then the hoarding was pink with black lettering.
In any event, Bonners is at least fifty-two years old. Long may it continue.
I'll be submitting plenty more such delights in the coming weeks "some obvious and some, very surprising indeed", so get those walking-shoes ready for a stroll down Walthamstow Memories Lane.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: What A brilliant idea, Barry! I think WM could go further: if our followers could name the 10 Oldest Trades still active today, WM could assign an Award to them! Send in your suggestions...
Hi Keith,
loving all your recollections of Walthamstow and its characters. In your latest post you ask about 2 stalls in the High St. being passed on to others of a different generation.
I may be wrong (I often am!), but the first one you mention I believe was Ernie Smith, whose son Terry took over the veg stall, there was also a younger brother, John, and a sister.
The other one you mention, Arthur, I remember too, but not his surname, if the stall you're talking about was also a fruit 'n' veg stall just below the 'old' Monoux school (Council Offices in the 60's) on the opposite side of the road.
The common link between both of these?
Terry & John Smith, Arthur and myself were all members of Walthamstow Swimming Club during the mid 60's.
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hello Kenneth,
I would suggest that you access the following site and log on to become a member of the Alumni Association:
Join our Alumni Association
If you attended Waltham Forest College or the former South West Essex Technical College, or if you are a supporter of the College, you are eligible to join.
Happy reunions,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Friends & Visitors,
Just completed the Postbag update for the site, but still have to work on Roger Dixon's pictures, now accompanied by captions, that will be posted in the Galleries section.
New entries in the Personal Stories section: "Never judge a book.." by Keith Nichols, and "Tottenham Outrage 1909" by Barry Ryder.
I briefly met David Hughes in Walthamstow last week and he has renewed his "Snaps" offer: if there are any particular buildings or houses in Walthamstow that you would like a picture of, just email Dave with your request.
Our humble homage to the Royal new born on the Home page, which also contains a link to her Birth Certificate (thanks to Pam Ray).
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Daniel J Quinn
Co-Editor, Walthamstow Memories
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hi Daniel
My family all come from Walthamstow my father William Warder was the first Vacaflu Chimmey Sweep back in the 1950. But it is my mum I would like to find any one that knew her. She was Winifred Johnson before she married my dad in 1934. We think she had someone we would call aunt Fanny. Aunt Fanny lived in College Road and was bombed out and lived with my family in Mansfield Road until she moved just off of Billet Road top of Higham Hill Road. I went to William McGuffie School until 1962, my bothers are Bill and Terry and my sisters are Sheila and Linda.
Many thanks
Pauline ATKIN
(née Warder)
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hello Peter
I've trawled the Post Office Telephone Directories with the following results:
This seems to confirm part of your information. I also add the following (That I suspect you already know) so that readers can see some early British cartoons.
George Moreno Jr's "Bubble & Squeak" (British Animated Productions ltd. ~ 1947 - 1948)
by Jonathan Wilson
6 videos
Bubble & Squeak
Harringay, London.
Various shots showing the creation of a cartoon by producer George Moreno and editor Harold Mack of British Animated Productions - 'Bubble and Squeek'. Various shots of the team of cartoonists at work. Item ends with a sequence from one of the finished cartoons.
If this your "under construction" website with the plodding donkey? I love it!
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Cyril Abley was my teacher at Coppermill Lane School from 1951 to 1952 he was also a football coach I played in his team at school Selbourne House the best teacher from my school days.
David GARDINER Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
Could you please post the following on your Lost Walthamstow Trades page - or anywhere else you may think appropriate?
Many thanks
Can anyone confirm whether or not George Moreno Jr's animated cartoon studio British Animated Productions Ltd was actually based at 306 Hoe Street from May to December 1946?
The address was the company's registered office, as it housed the office of Richard A Smith, the solicitor who was company secretary, and in January 1947 the actual studio relocated to Fairfax House, Portland Gardens.
But it seems possible that in the latter half of 1946 the studio, consisting of a staff of 30+ artists (each with their own desk space) and a separately housed and securely mounted 35mm rostrum camera, was renting space at 306 Hoe Street, at that time the main office of the Shern Hall (Methodist) Building Society. During this period they produced their first cartoon film, "Big City".
If anyone has any information about this, or any other aspect of the company's history during 1946-7, I would be most grateful. The company's name was originally "Animated Productions Ltd" the British was added at the end of September 1946.
Peter HALE Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
I have been trying to access Walthamstow memories but keep getting site not found, is it down for any reason. Surprising how much I miss it when its not there!
I did send Bill Bayliss a little on the Walthamstow carnival and hope to write a bit about Fuller Electric
Best regards
Reg GARTAN Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Fortunately, it was only a momentary 'black-out' and all is back on line again!
Hi, my mother and father both spent their early years, before the war and after, living and working in the High St, Walthamstow. They are both in their mid eighties now. The family business was Stevens florist, Norman Stevens or possibly his father opened it and was my fathers uncle. My father has a great memory and can recall lots of people and most of the shops in the High Street. He would love to help anybody researching the period and has lots of anecdotal memories of the people of the street. My dads name is Ernest Stevens and mother is Elizabeth née Stallabrass.
Ernest STEVENS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi there Daniel - Sorry to have taken so long to acknowledge your e mail - I have been working on other projects related to some of the photos that I found at Mick's house - You certainly made a good job of the photographs that I sent - I only wish that I understood it all a bit better - it is all hit and miss with me but I have never had lessons - just bought a comp and turned it on. I think the Walthamstow site is absolutely fascinating and I have pictures here that may interest some viewers - just have to sort them out - no small task as there are so many - I used to live in Chingford - I also have some pictures taken in Florence - will keep in touch
Jessie SIMMONS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
Since I wrote my piece on the Rising Sun, I came across this super picture c1918, that shows the pub and the licensee, Harry Brown with a horse drawn charabanc full of wounded servicemen. As there seems to be too many servicemen for the charabanc, I wonder if some of the servicemen were patients at Whipps Cross Hospital.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
I think I've covered as much as I know about WALTHAMSTOW HIGH STREET market traders of long ago, but do recall many more faces who sadly can't put a name to, ome I knew for a quick chat, others just a hello, for I saw most of them almost daily living so close to the market.
My recent posting about the trader who yelled unprovoked abuse at me, had his stall outside the COCK TAVERN, next to the lovely MRS Vaggs, and scrolling back on this site, have seen many mentions and photos of High Street traders, and shocked to see this man's face again, and all the praises that the public gave him, so they had not been on the receiving end of his tongue all those years ago, to think too that it was likely that he must have known members of my family who were traders, I often wondered how he should have reacted if I'd told him?
He wasn't by far the only aggressive trader, for one of the newish traders took it upon himself to laugh and take the Mick about mine and my pals long hair, there was about 6 of us, so before going back to him, suggested to my pals that we should surround his stall and stare at him menacingly, he was one of those traders who did a short spiel before selling his goods, we could see that now he was getting nervous, and some of his bravado and cockiness had gone, but like the other trader that I spoke of earlier, if a fight did breakout, he would have the back up of the other traders, who would have all been oblivious to what had caused it, and even if they did here what he'd said to do they would most likely have sided in with him being a fellow trader?
I went back to the High Street in 1990, and was how the market had changed, and the very many new faces on the stalls, one of these new faces was a shortish chap sitting on a box wearing a cowboy hat. l was interested in something that he had to sell and obviously had to look at him to speak to him, but in a split second he said "who the f.....g hell are you looking at?"
Once again I was astounded, I told him that I was about to purchase something from him, but not now with your bad attitude. l said all this loud and clear in earshot of other bystanders.
Let's get back to the proper market traders, on the corner of WILLOW WALK and High Street there used to be a cafe called THE SUNRISE. Lovely people owned it, they were Greek I THINK? One of their daughters and I got on well together, I'm not sure how her name is spelt, but I THINK it's Adelise, she liked the song that I'd recorded, and felt sure that I'd be good on "Opportunity Knocks"! She sent off for the forms that I still have to this day, I never did apply, for I didn't think I was good enough.
I did however, go to the Opportunity Knocks studios with my friends in THE TINTED ASPEX, producer ROYSTON MAYOH saw to all the proceedings. Opposite the SUNRISE was a veg stall, owned by a great guy called Ernie. He and his son Terry worked together. Ernie, like me, was a regular in the cafe, he and I chatted for ages. A really nice chap I'd love to know his and Terry's surname.
Then one day, the saddest news that Ernie had died quite suddenly. Everyone was stunned, a shock indeed.
One other trader who took over his bosses stall, a good grafted and nice pal who I only knew as ARTHUR or LITTLE ARTHUR, not because of his height but more of his stature. ARTHUR had the most amazing record collection, he was really into DEEP PURPLE... I think he moved to the SOUTHEND area, I THINK he gave up the stall later on? He was a lovely chap and a good grafter and always had queues of customers, probably because of his nice ways with people, very unlike the other traders that I've mentioned, who were totally clueless when handling the public.
Let's hear from other readers of this site, and of your experiences with local stall boxers... good and BAD!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
How many of you recall the names of any bands that played on a purpose built stage for the Wood Street Walk? My friends in THE TINTED ASPEX played at that event several times, are there any photos still out there of any of the band's at this event, I wonder?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Here's a few more stall holders that once traded in HIGH ST EI7. I knew ALF HEDGES and his daughter to say hello to, for their veg stall stood next to my aunt and uncles Hot Dog stall on the corner of ERSKINE ROAD, the other Hot Dog stall belonged to a chap I only knew as Rick, I never knew if he was a fairground showman like my aunt and uncle, but when the fair came to LEA BRIDGE, Rick always had his hot dog stall right on the frontage of that fair, the majority of manor fairs are in the hands of THE SHOWMANS GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN, hence was open to GUILD members only. But there used to be a rule I THINK set by the local councils? That if you were a local showman, but not a member of the guild, you could apply for ground.
I know this, for I was a non-GUILD showman, and attended all 3 fairs on CHINGFORD PLAINS, albeit this was run by THE CONSERVATORS OF EPPING FOREST (I rented ground from them for several years at HIGH BEACH adjacent to the conservation centre - formerly a speedway track).
One set of my relatives when open at CHINGFORD were guild members the other not, so when the non-guild ones had a mechanical breakdown the Guild ones were not allowed to help. I recall that very clearly indeed, so not wanting to see a relative lose his living, we all sneaked out in the cover of darkness to loan them a cable, there were so many cables on the ground back then, that nobody knew what belonged to who!
I last opened on the Plains in 1986,the rules were still the same, for I was a local showman still, the rules have changed now I'm certain?
...Sorry, just noticed that the above name has come out as RICK it should read DICK...
Another stall holder who shall remain nameless albeit should be named for what he did to me years ago,l was just walking and talking with 2 pals,and funnily on my way to see my uncle on his stall ,when suddenly this stall holder yelled out, he was looking at me and shouted out. "Here comes Jesus Christ " l was taken aback but we'll used to people with there prejudices against guys with long hair,of course l stood up for myself and asked who he thought he was talking to? "Come on then" he said "do you want to make something of it ?"... I said you are a p...s taking b.....d,
With that, be had the front to go round the back of the pub for a fight! I couldn't believe what was going on, all for a normal walk down HIGH STREET.
What I couldn't understand, was that he had a long queue of customers, but of course they were from an older generation, who took me as a yob, yet all saw his totally unprovoked verbal attack towards me, yet not one of those customers spoke up in my defence against this very cowardly man.
Perhaps if a fight had ensued, he would have had the back up of every stall holder around him, they too then not knowing what had gone on, and thinking I was the bad guy in all this? I was young and looked perhaps like a yob in most folks eyes?
Supposing then that I did agree to fight him and beaten the bell out of him, what the outcome have been if he didn't make it back to his stall?
All I did say however was "You'll keep" he was still beckoning me on as me and my pals walked away, I assume because he picked on me he hadn't come up against that other notorious character whom I knew by the name of Eric Horst? And know him I did!!!
The total coward had his stall next to friends of mine, namely the Vaggs family, MRS Vagg and her 2 daughters CHRISTINE and JACKIE. They got to hear what went on, so I had a good chance to tell them what happened, they were shocked, for they knew that I wasn't a troublemaker, so knew I was telling the truth.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
In a couple of my postings I've mentioned the Walthamstow based band Eternal Fruit: does anyone else remember them?
I only knew Ted Franklin, as we were both going out out with sisters, his girlfriend was Sharon Hughes, they were courting a long time, but not certain if it led to marriage? I sadly only knew the other band members to say "hello" to, or a cheery wave when we arrived and they were on stage. Ted, I recall, lived in Clacton Road E17.
Does anyone know what became of the band? Or do they indeed still play as do The Substitutes? Some bands are lucky to stand the test of time!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Walthamstow Memories,
I am writing to enquire if you have any information regarding the former South West Essex County Technical School, located in the Forest Road college building next to the Assembly Rooms. I attended the school from 1948-1952 and I would be interested if there exists any old boys connections.
Best regards,
Kenneth B. COTTEE Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel
Hope you and yours are ok?
I have just received this from one of our readers. Isn't it nice when people take the trouble to respond?
Was just reading you article on the upper high street in E17
I used to work on the biscuit stalls outside Percivals when I was a kid around 1969 - 1970. Like you said he had two stalls, one for broken biscuits which his wife Peggy ran and the other stall had normal packets and tins. His name was Les Brimley if I remember correctly and his brother had biscuit stalls at the lower end of the high street on the same side of the road near British Homestores ?. I learnt to shout out like he did "come on mum get your biscuits 3 packets for half a crown" !!! for my efforts on a saturday " starting at about 6am getting the stalls out of a lockup in a nearby street and finishing at gone 6pm I got the sum of 30 shillings and at Christmas if he did well I got £5 !!! (Which was a massive amount) I found it very difficult to mentally add up various amounts in my head like 1s 3d plus 1s 7d etc. Peggy used to watch me like a hawk in case I made a mistake. Why couldn't it have been decimals then!
My mother used to work in Woolworth when it was on the corner of Blackhorse Road and then later on at the Coop just opposite. My grandmother used to work next to Rossis (the bottom one) in an offal butchers shop called Bingers. (Elsie and George Binger) After school I would get a 2d bus ride from Chingford Road and walk the length of the High Street from Hoe Street, pop into Bingers to get a slice of tongue which I sometimes ate with a roll from Lists the bakers opposite on my way to my grandmothers who lived off Blackhorse Road.
My cousin later owned the wood-yard between the two Woolworth sites
Happy memories - not been back in about 40 years!
Regards Peter (you are welcome to add on to site if you so wish) [email]
Take care & kind regards
Sally PASSMORE Private Reply Public Reply
Hi, Keith
You concluded your posting with a couple of questions about the current state of 99a, High Street. I was down there earlier today (26/4/15) "with my box brownie and tripod" Laughing out loud and here's what I got:
The shop is, as you can see, a Nail Salon. Wouldn't those Sally Annie folks be horrified at such sinful decadence, eh?
The word "Salvation" is still visible but the "Army" seems to have gone. Perhaps it's beneath the hoarding under the windows.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi, Carol
I was in the High Street earlier today (26/4/15) and I snapped this picture of the stone that your grandfather laid.
No doubt you've seen it many times. I have passed it (many) hundreds of times over the years. Now knowing of your real-life connection to it, it will never seem so "distant" again.
It's bearing-up remarkably well considering the years that it's been up against the elements.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Many years ago now, back in the 70s and when I was Head Groundsman for the Wadham lodge sports ground in Brookscroft Road E17. Every morning, during the whole of my stay at Wadham, an elderly chap used to give me and my assistant a shrill whistle to call us to give us a cup of tea!
We'd make our way to the bottom right hand side of the field, and Alf Andrews would hand us our cuppa over the top of a 6ft chain link fence: that took some doing! Alf lived with his wife and very elderly mother in Garner Road E17 and Alf was the Secretary of Leyton (or was it Leytonstone?) Football Club.
One day I'd gone along to see Alf for my usual elevenses, and I noticed the most beautiful blooms on his Chyrsanthemum plants. I told him that they looked like Prize blooms! He was chuffed at my remarks and said: "Do you think so ?". "I really do!", I replied.
I asked him what treatment he'd given them, he said he'd done nothing, no real feeding to speak of, nor paper or polythene bags put over the blooms, no curling of all the petals, etc... He said he just planted them, staked them with a cane and tied in, and kept watered. I said that he should enter them for a show, I told him that I knew nothing of prize blooms, for I've always believed that a plant will only grow how it wants to grow! Anyhow, after a couple or so weeks, Alf found a show and said he was going to enter, after that weekend, on the Monday morning, Alf gave his usual whistle for tea, he had a broad grin across his face and said: "I won!"
In fact Alf had won 3 firsts, 2 seconds and a 3rd prize! We just couldn't believe it, he thanked me for encouraging him on his blooms, and pushing him to go to a show. Perhaps I did unwittingly have an eye for prize blooms, but I doubt it.
I then gave some thought as to the judges, what was so different with Alf's blooms that they thought them worthy winners? Something that I've longed to see, and that is for judges to enter various shows with their own blooms, unbeknown to the new judges as to who they were, for then them getting no 1sts no 2nds or 3rds how would they handle the humiliation? For surely if they are judges they Must win?
A couple of days later, I took some nice photos of Alf posing with his winning cups, I still have these photos, that show the close up shots of his other Chyrsanths actually growing in the garden. The only thing that Alf did do, and that was dis budding to get large blooms on only some of his plants, for as he was a first time grower, he'd seen other growers do this. All the others he left as sprays.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Bill,
Thought I'd let you know I've sent a private email to Maggie, letting her know we too know Alec Saberi. My husband Doug Saunders, worked with Alec for many years. They were both employed as printers for The Kingfisher Press which began in Blackhorse Road, and later moved to George Road, Chingford early 1960s. Doug left there in 1973 to work as a black cab driver.
Alec and his wife Sandra visited us early 1982, but we then sort of lost contact. I hope Maggie does get in touch.
Best wishes,
Ruth SAUNDERS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Len,
it's a little insight into how a lot of reporters work. I quite often get reporters who contact me after they have seen one of my articles and usually I am quite happy for them to build on my research for their articles as long as I get a mention. Emma Ailes saw my speedway piece and wanted to make a TV piece about the subject. She contacted Daniel Quinn on this site and he referred her to me and I put her onto you.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
Thanks for the great memory-filled website found when I web-searched for 'Bateman's Model Shop' the recipient of most of my pocket money in the 1950s.
I, like many of your respondents, was born in Thorpe Coombe Hospital. In my case 2 weeks after VE day.
So I've rummaged through the attic and found some photographs that may be of use to you and I hope of interest to Walthamstow Memories visitors. There are quite a few so have uploaded them to Dropbox for you to view and download as you see fit.
When you've had a chance to look at them tell me what you intend to use and I can provide you with fuller captions.
Best regards
Roger DIXON Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Many thanks, Roger: wonderful pictures! I'll be away from my desktop next week, so it shall not be before the first week in May that I'll be able to post them on the WM site. I hope that many other visitors will follow your example and send in their photos...!
An article for the History Section: "The Tottenham Outrage".
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel
The result of Emma Ailes, BBC News Journalist who I believe contacted you or the Memories site and you put her on to me:
Of course I did not see the programme as we only get BBC East, but the link will give you the story (London TV News 18 April 7.35-45).
Len FINCH Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Great article! And I'm glad that the WM site acted as 'intermediary' for this to happen!
Just seen your email. My husband thinks the shop was called Sanders, and it was in the block of shops where Coggers, florist is now.
We're both Walthamstow born and bred.
Ruth SAUNDERS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Alice,
A number of Waltham Forest Foster Carers were involved with helping set up the Toy Library. As you will appreciate, the creation of a Toy Library enabled Foster Carers to access appropriate toys for the many children of different ages who came to foster carers' homes with just a bin bag of clothes.
Although these Foster Carers are now geographically scattered and have ceased to foster care for the Borough's children, some of them are still around. Among many other, the names that come to mind in this connection are Pat Littlejohn (Now living in the west country, a foster carer named Diane (I can't remember her surname but she was also involved with the Disability Resource Centre) and Cathy and Marilyn Tufton (Both In Chingford) If you email me privately, I'll give you a contact number for Marilyn Tufton, who will be able to access Cathy.
Best wishes,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Maggie,
Ronald and Alec Saberi are the sons of Augustus & Dorothy Alice Saberi (Formerly Norman) in 1965, Augustus, Dorothy and Alec were living at 2, Cross Street, Walthamstow. They are both married and I have an address and phone number for Alec that I have sent via the private email facility and a company address for Ronald.
Please let us know if you contact them because we like a happy ending.
Best wishes,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel
I hope you can help. This year the wonderful charity the Walthamstow Toy Library is 40 years old! It's an amazing achievement and we are marking it in various ways. But one of the things we want to do is try and track down original members. So anyone who joined in 1975, or the 70s. We have not had much luck so far and someone suggested you might be able to help. If you can help us spread the word and put out a call that would be amazing.
We are looking for any parents, carers or children who attended the toy library in the 70s to share their photos, stories and memories! If you or anyone you know can help please contact us on
Any further questions at all don't hesitate to contact me!
All the best
Alice LLOYD Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Jessie,
As you know, I've sent you your paternal family history via the private email facility.
The reason that I am making a public comment is because one of the Young Brave pictures shows the Mayor and Mayoress with members of the Young Braves Association. It will be of interest to many readers that I believe that the Mayor in the picture is Sidney Chaplin, for who the school was named. The picture will also be of special interest to Christine Keil, a Walthamstow Times Facebook correspondent who, I believe, presented the Mayoress with a bouquet of flowers.
My very best wishes
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Rochelle,
The Short & Mason scientific instrument company had a factory at Aneroid Works, Macdonald Road, Walthamstow from 1910-1958, when it moved to Wood Street, Walthamstow. This was on the corner of Macdonald and Hale End Roads. There was also another nearby scientific instrument making company named Taylor Control Ltd, who were a short distance away in Hale End Road and moved circa 1965.
Best wishes,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Daniel, You're a glutton for punishment. More school photo's, eh?
This is my last school photo. It was taken at Sir William Morris school in Gainsford Road, Walthamstow. It was probably done in 1971 and it features the entire school year - the 6th. We all left soon after, I think.
The roll-call (with spelling mistakes) is:
Top row, left to right:
Tim Fletcher, Richard Gibbs, Jimmy Emmerick, Chris Ball, Martin Hollier, Geoff Dunkley, John Davey, Gary Marsh, Carol Leeson, Elaine Brennan, Sue Russell, Naomi Moore, Stella Gordon, Paula Vacher, Christine Gough, Cynthia Wellings
Next row down, left to right:
Christine Williamson, Joan Pledger, Sue Lofts, Linda Cutmore, Christine Davis, Jo Banderuha, Sandra Sparks, Christine Bremner, Roger Corson, John Timms, Sam Marcione, me, Graham Ratcliffe, Tony Murrell, Peter Clayden, Steve Porter
Next row down (standing on the floor) left to right:
Mr. Martindale (Head), Janet Broomfield, Shirley Duffell, Marjorie Fortune, Alex Ingram, Janet Lee, Angela Groom, Janice Bailey, Sue Brown, Lesley Talbot, Frances Dann, Margaret Hughes, Katrina Jarvis, Fiona Garrett, Christine Belmont, Norman Brooks, Dave Morton, David Luck, Mr. Mc Alpine (Year Head)
Front row (seated) left to right:
Jim Lawlor, Geoff Abrahams, Ian Brown, Abdul Pandari, Tony Kaye, John Hall, Rob Buck, Colin Wakeling, Richard bates, Chris Howard, Bill Jennings, June Low, Susanne Barr, June Kidd, Carole Wherry
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Friends & Visitors,
My greatest thanks to Jessie Simmons, who sent me pictures & text for a new Picture Gallery: "The Young Braves Association". I think this will please many followers: do let me know if you recognise people - or yourself? - in the photos.
I shall be away from my desktop for the last week of April, so replies to your email shall have to wait until I return.
I'm still looking for items to add to the Lists of Teachers/Staff/Pupils to the individual school pages, so if you have pictures, names or memories to share, please send them in!
I hope you all appreciate!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Daniel J Quinn
Co-Editor, Walthamstow Memories
Private Reply
Public Reply
Dear Daniel, I am enclosing herewith the photographs that I found at my brother's house, after he passed away on the 29th May, 2011.
There are no dates on the photographs, but I think they were taken around 1960. I have also enclosed a copy of the minutes of a meeting which mentions people and dates:
I didn't realise that the man who ran the organisation was called Mr Stewart - I thought his first name was Stuart. My husband worked with Mr Stewart at Micanite and Insulators in Blackhorse Road, Walthamstow, and he introduced him to my brother, although my husband was never part or the Young Braves.
My brother was an engineer by trade, but was also an amateur photographer. When the braves went to camp, my brother drove a car, with an attached trailer, that contained a generator, to supply the electricity. He also took all the photos. Some of them are just proofs but, of the ones that are printed out, it seems that the camps were at Windsor and Corfe Castle.
I think Mr Stewart married a girl whose name was Audrey and she already had a daughter, named Heather, who was about 8 years old. Not too sure about this, but I have a photograph somewhere of the little girl taken at my sister's house in Worthing, where Audrey also lived. The Young Braves were disbanded soon afterwards when Mr Stewart died of cancer.
My brother's name was Henry William Richard Pearcy, although he was only ever called Mick. He never married and always lived in Chingford so, when he passed away, I went over to the UK to sort out his possessions. My husband too has recently passed away, after the cancer that he had been suffering with for years, finally caught up with him. It is only now that I have had the time to sort out all the paperwork belonging to both of them.
I dare say some of the people who visit the Walthamstow site will find it interesting, especially if they recognise some of the people and places. The photos are part of history now which is why I didn't want to just throw them out.
Kind Regards
Jessie SIMMONS Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel:All the pictures, including the minutes, have now a home in our Gallery: "The Young Braves"
I'm researching my family tree and have a death certificate for my great grandfather who died in 1922. The death occurred at The Lodge, Macdonald Road. I have tried searching for it but to no avail. I'm wondering if it was an infectious diseases hospital or perhaps part of the scientific instruments company for which he worked. Can you help?
Kind Regards,
Rochelle COHEN Private Reply Public Reply
The three snaps (below) were taken in the back-garden of number 8 Nicholson Road during the mid '60's. They capture the west/rear wall of the Rael Brook factory at the end of the garden.
The low, brick wall at the level of my brother's left shoulder used to be the wall between the rear gardens and the vehicle entry alley for the factory
This is the same, approximate view today:
The wall is still there. The drop behind the wall is about 12 feet below ground-level. It now serves as the vehicular access point for residents of the homes built on the site. The houses in the background are in Forest Road.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
I am delighted to say that I spent a wonderful day with Brenda yesterday.
My thanks to all of you and chalk up another success for WM!
Pat LYNN Private Reply Public Reply
Hello, I'm a bit outside my comfort zone here. Has anybody got any pictures or memories of Bearman's, Kirkdale Road store please?
Thanking you in advance for your help,
Best wishes,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Following various correspondence on the Walthamstow Memories site about the former Rising Sun Public House in Woodford New Road, I've written a piece that I hope you will enjoy. [read it here]. In many ways it is a sad reminder of good times past and of an uncertain future.
Best wishes,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear sir,
we have been searching, with great success for our Walthamstow ancestors. The only one we are having great difficulty in finding is Henry Martin born 1st February 1888 at 15 Collingwood Rd, Walthamstow. The last definite mention of him is in the 1901 census when he was living at 13 Felton St, Hoxton, with his parents William and Emma Martin. After that the trail goes dead.
I came across a Henry Martin who was in the south staffs reg in 1918, according to records him and his wife lived at 86 Clacton rd. She then moved to 19 Rosebank Grove, I believe the military were trying to contact her to say he had been taken POW, Henry's service number was 202510. We think this may be the Henry we are looking for as his brother Walter also lived in Clacton rd for some time. We are trying to find out Henry's wife's name as there is no mention of it in military records we have seen. If anyone can help us with this search we would be very grateful many thanks.
Steve MARDEN Private Reply Public Reply
I am trying to find any information I can on a family whose name was Saberi. I lived with them through weekdays (going home at weekends) from early 1948 to about 1952, when I became old enough to attend school full-time.
Both my parents worked full-time and the Saberi family cared for me. The couple had two sons, around 8 or 9 years older than me. I think one was called Alec and the other may have been Ronald. I was taken from them at 5 years, and, except one return visit to pick up a puppy from a neighbours, I never saw them again. Despite the abrupt ending to the relationship I have never forgotten them. They lived in a house that backed on to a railway embankment. I think the road was a cul-de sac, and seem to remember an alley at the end of it that lead to a railway station.
I never felt like an outsider, although the way they lived was very different from my own family. I called the mother and father 'Little Mum' and 'Little Dad'. 'Little Dad' had a motorcycle, I think with a side car. 'Little Mum' was very organised and used to have a nap in the afternoons, whilst I had to sit quietly. She had a collection of Toby jugs which I made up stories about in my head.
I even went on holiday with them as a family. Once I know to Clacton, and another time we stayed in a gypsy caravan somewhere in the countryside. I think 'Little Dad' had served in the war.
It would be wonderful to hear of or from them, or at least to identify the road where they lived.
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
Did John Herbert the international triple jumper and bodsleigher attend the school in the late 1970s?
Peter BOXALL Private Reply Public Reply
I have noticed a gentleman posting in your 'memories' section by the name of Keith Nichols.
I would very much like to ask him if he wrote a booklet called 'My Earliest Memories of Harold Hill, Romford, Essex', as I am trying to track a copy for a friend of mine and it went out of print in 1997.
Not sure how to post a reply on your site (public or private) as I get a request to install Microsoft Outlook to send an email. (Obviously I am NOT a techie!)
Would you be so kind as to contact him for me to ask? Please feel free to give him my email address if he should want to contact me. It would be very much appreciated.
Julianne COLBRAN Private Reply Public Reply
I do not know a lot about my great grand parents. I know they owned at least one off license in Leytonstone. Their son Albert ran it (my grandad) They lived above it and I have photos of my nan and grandad behind the counter that had pumps on like a pub bar. Customers used to take in jugs to be filled with beer. I also remember my nan telling me about burglaries that had accrued locally and how their dog had been poisoned in an attempt to break into their place. My great grand parents also owned some houses but I do not know any more about those. Harry Brown died in the flue epidemic in 1918 at the age of 54.
Sarah remarried. His surname was also Brown. I have been told that he lost her all her money. I do not know if that was true. I have found a grave in Queens RD cemetery with the names Harry Brown, Charlie Brown (second husband) and Sarah Brown. I presume there was a lack of money on her death other wise surely they would not have all been buried together in a family grave. The Rising Sun pub they owned was transferred to Sarah after the death of her husband Harry, but I do not know what happened to it then or when she left.
Carol Ann BARBER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I went to Sidney Chaplin and was wondering how I could add my name to the pupils list?
Many thanks.
Linda LETTS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
It has been really good to have such helpful replies to my original enquiry about the Cardo Memorial Hut.
In particular I should like to thank Bill Bayliss and Paul Taylor for their interest. All we knew was that someone had told us of this little building bearing the name Cardo. We had no idea which Cardo or why. It now looks probable that it was my husband's distant ancestor William John Cardo who was very active in the St.John Ambulance Brigade.
Thanks to these and also to posts on 'Walthamstow's Playground' we have been able to pinpoint its position. The various stories conjure up a fascinating picture of the way the area was used for recreation and have prompted several other people to contribute memories of the Rising Sun area and of the ponds.
Coincidentally, the Eagle Pond at Snaresbrook rings a bell with me as throughout my teens I regularly spent part of my school holidays with an aunt who lived in Wanstead Park. I distinctly remember the Eagle Pond being pointed out to me, almost certainly from a bus during a visit to one of her many friends around the Woodford area.
(Danbury, Essex)
Private Reply
Public Reply
I have attached the TT club match information. I was just waiting for Chris Steer to 'guestimate' the year. He thinks probably around 1946. I was so pleased when I came across Harry's old notebook - he was Hon TT Secretary at one time:
Kind regards
Angela WAGSTAFF Private Reply Public Reply
The Rising Sun... what memories I have of spending so much time as a boy fishing! I used to get the train at Hoe Street to Wood Street and remember the walk up the hill of Upper Walthamstow Road.
I would always visit the tea stall for one of the lovely meat pie's... great times!
David FITZGIBBON Private Reply Public Reply
Part 2 for the Personal Stories section: Walthamstow Building Society Gardens (p.2)
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
I went to school with twin girls Janet and Marie Lipscombe. The way I learnt to tell the difference was Marie had slightly slanted eyes, so in my mind I called them Marie slant and Janet straight.
Carol SHARPE Private Reply Public Reply
This is absolutely fascinating and confirmation of the pub information can be found at:
that tells us that the publicans for the pub in the relevant period were:
1912 | Thomas Worton Jun |
29/1/1916 | Thomas Worton |
29/7/1916 | Harry Brown |
1917 | Harry Brown |
14/12/1918 | Sarah Ann Brown |
1922 | Mrs Sarah Ann Brown |
1925 | Mrs Sarah Ann Brown |
In earlier years, in 1891, the journey from 'The Rising Sun' to the end of Lea Bridge Road cost 3d. and took 35 minutes, and at Clapton the passenger could board another tram which would take him to Bloomsbury
Between 1916-25 when the Brown's were the landlords, the pub would have been at the height of its popularity as the trams, which now interfaced with the Leyton tramway system, terminated outside and disgorged vast numbers of East Londoners who were out on the razzle for the day. There would have also been charabancs full of people on works or family outings. Beside the pub was the Bullrush pond where you could hire rowing boats. Over the road was a small fair and refreshment hut. A little way along was the Cardo Memorial Hut where a St John Ambulance Brigade member would attend to the various injuries sustained by the day trippers.
In my house we still have mugs of tea and well spiced home-made bread pudding and when the children were younger they would compete for the crusty corner pieces.
The Walthamstow library was opened in 1894 and that presumably was the date that your grand-father laid the stone. I would very much like to know more about your grand-parents and I would be grateful for any memories that you can share about them.
Best wishes
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
The surname Lipscombe rings lots of bike bells as Frank and Rita Lipscombe were owners of the bike shop in Markhouse Road where I spent many a happy hour and many of my hard earned pounds. Is it possible that you are related to them?
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
Post Bag brings back many memories. My great grandparents owned The Rising Sun in the early 1900's. Their names were Sarah and Harry Brown. He was also a Councillor and JP and laid the stone outside the old Walthamstow Library. I was born in 1951 at home in Edingburgh Road. It was nice to read about the tea stall opposite the pub. When I was young my father used to take me on walks to the forest and we always had a slice of bread pudding and a mug of tea at that stall.
Carol Ann BARBER Private Reply Public Reply
Hello there
I have just found this site and it is really lovely to see all the memories and stories.
I am looking for my Grandfather's family who lived in Walthamstow from 1905 onwards. His name was Harry Cunnington, he had brothers Benjamin, George, John. I know he married in 1922 to Ivy Rafter and had two children Leonard and Joy.
I know Walpole Road was one address at the time of the first world war and I am sure some of them must still be around. I would be really grateful for any information about them.
Once again great site.
Lorraine TAYLOR
Private Reply
Public Reply
Thank you very much for confirming the information about the Cardo Memorial Hut that was by the Rising Sun pond. (My post: 4th April 2015 - Public Reply to Mary Radford - Family Search Cardo).
You can see some evocative pictures of the pond in my article "Walthamstow's Playground" about the Whipps Cross ponds in the "History Articles" section: Walthamstow's Playground.0
In my post, I included snips from the Walthamstow Medical Officer of Health for 1933 & 1934 relating to the incredible range of voluntary work in the area carried out by the St John's Ambulance Brigade. This included: staffing the Willow Walk station, the sub station at the Buxton Club, the Duncan Memorial at Highams Park and in the summer the Epping Forest and Marsh tents and the Cardo Memorial Hut. Duty at Clapton Stadium every Saturday and at special meetings and at Lea Bridge Speedway with six men at every event. Cover every night to the Dominion, Carlton and Bell cinemas, Old Folks functions and football and sports duties.
In addition, Brigade members attended a course of lectures on gas attacks, first aid and nursing, "worms" and blood transfusions.
Although only 80 years ago, its like talk about a vanished land. Although the land remains, none of the places mentioned are still there and we can only but marvel and the dedication to their fellow humans shown by St John's Ambulance Brigade Members.
The St John's Ambulance Brigade is a world wide movement and is still very much alive and well and you can contact them at:
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Ruth, yes I moved to the prefab when I was 6 I believe...and then to Millfield Ave when I was 12.
Helen WILSON Private Reply Public Reply
Hi, attached is an article on "Avenue's Last FA Cup Run".
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Bill,
Regarding your post 29th March 2015 with the photo of the 1000 Mosquito built by Wrighton Aircraft Ltd.
Is there a list of names for that photo? My Grandma worked there during WW11, her name is Rose Ethel Field.
I'm trying to find a photo of her. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you also for the information you and Daniel do for this site. I am enjoying the reading
Terri MARTIN Private Reply Public Reply
Hi, I have been searching William Morris School, as I was one of the last children to attend the school prior to its closure. I have very fond and funny memories of the school. And recall a book was made of the last year at the school, in which there is a picture of me which I would love to show my children. Can you help at all..?
Many thanks
David WHEELER Private Reply Public Reply
In the period before her death, my mother suffered severe progressive memory loss. However, I discovered by accident that her memory could be stimulated by music which had always played an important part in life. This experience led me to learn that for many people their musical memory lasts much longer than their ordinary memory and I have since worked with carers of people suffering from Dementia and Alzheimer's illness to help stimulate their musical memories by finding music that was important to them.
In this process I have learnt that many people have bits of music that were an important part of their lives that they have lost or only part remember and often have difficulty in identifying what these are. These are maybe songs that they heard their parents or grand parents sing. Songs that they associate with their first romances or learnt at school or in the school playground.
So, as an experiment, I am offering a completely free service of trying to identify such music from your description of the few words that you can remember or the context in which it was played and either giving you the reference of where (Usually You Tube) you can access the music or sending you the song/music from my own extensive collection that dates back to 1900.
Of course, if I can't identify it, someone out there can...
Best wishes,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: a very innovative experiment indeed: many thanks, Bill, for offering such a service!
Could you add me to Chapel End Secondary Modern School's list of pupils: I attended between 1960 and 1964 - nickname Battler.
Thank you
Roger BRIGHTEN Private Reply Public Reply
Just came across your excellent site. I was born at Thorp Coombe hospital in 1959 and lived with my family at St Johns road, until way into my 20s. I attended Chapel End and have some great memories there. I found a link on your post bag for Reg King, who owned a shop in St Johns road (a shop we used a lot and I had forgotten about). I was wondering if anyone had any information on a bike repair shop in Forest road called Saunders. The guy who ran it was getting on, in my days - the early 70's, but could mend anything and charge pennies. My mates and I would push our broken bikes up the hill and then ride back down, would love any information on Mr Saunders.
Please keep up the good work
Shane LIPSCOMBE Private Reply Public Reply
Further to the recent articles relating to the above matter, I would state that I remember the hut. It stood on open forest land, adjacent to the Rising Sun pond, close to the main Woodford New Road. Its main purpose was to serve the many families that used the location for recreational purposes, bearing in mind that the majority of people did not have access cars like we have today and could not travel far or afford much.
The main attractions were the pond that had childrens boats for hire, which comprised of canoes, paddle boats and rowing boats. Over the main road there was a family run tea bar which sold all manner of snacks including home made ice cream with slivers of ice in. In addition there was also The Rising Sun public house which was e welcome oasis for many a rambler. Sadly no longer a pub, but some form of night club.
Over the years the popularity of the site waned and the hut was allowed to deteriorate, helped by the occasional bout of vandalism.
I think that the increase in the amount and speed of the traffic along the road and the application of the yellow parking lines firstly made it dangerous to cross the road and the fact people could not park their newly acquired cars hastened the final end of the site. Finally the pond was allowed to dry up through improvements to the old water works reservoir and the building of a new reservoir on the other side of forest road. In that excess water was no longer allowed to flow through the forest into the pond.. the final demise of the hut must have been in the late seventies if my memory is correct. I hope this piece of information is of assistance.
Paul TAYLOR Private Reply Public Reply
A few more Walthamstow memories of mine and on the subject of prize bingo.
On one of my postings, I mentioned that I was the main bingo caller. When working at 124 High Street E17 for Eileen and Jack Cohen, I remember during the 70s during the power cuts, how silent it all was when I was doing the calling, for of course the bingo machine was run by electric, and to break up the violence I had to do even more banter with the customers. All year though Ronnie Schwartz (the Manager, now a personal friend) would give me a short break from doing the calling and asked me to go to Rossi's which was opposite us, to buy teas and coffees, etc... for each and every customer. All done to keep the customers playing, for although the outlay for tea cakes etc... was a big outlay, it was nothing compared to the amount of games that I could get in by the time they'd finished.
High summer was the same, but this time I had to get trays of not only teas and coffees, but also cold drinks, and very many ice creams and lollies!
We used to open the doors at 10 in the morning, and Ronnie would straight away send out for teas etc to hold the first customers of the day. It was the very same ladies who turned up on the dot each day, they'd bring there lunches and flasks, and stop all day until we closed at 6.
On a couple of occasions irate husbands would come in looking for their wives. One incident was pretty nasty to see, when one bloke came in, grabbed his wife's hair and dragged her by it out into the very busy Saturday afternoon crowds to the shock of everyone!
When all the crowds had gone home, Ronnie used to count up the days takings, other staff washing up our tea things and putting the stools on the counter, and I had the awful job of sweeping up: it was mainly cigarette ash, and was so amazed how much of it that was in the dustpan when I'd finished!
Winter was the worse for me, being a strict non smoker, for the shop door was kept closed. One winter I remember I came out in huge boils, I'd never had this happen before, but it was so hot in there, and the air always blue with smoke it was horrendous, and, as I've said before, sore throats were a regular thing for me as I was the one doing all the talking!
The Cohen's had only 2 sons to my knowledge: Ian and Derek, each having their own bingo shops elsewhere, they being at Cleethorpes, Brixton, etc... Ian or Derek would take over managing "kid's shop", if Ronnie was ever ill or on holiday. Derek bought his own prize bingo at the Bell Corner. The shop was a long narrow one, right on the corner of Chingford Road and Forest Road, facing "The Bell" pub, and the main bus stop, the bingo shop joined the chemist shop that was (still is?) on the corner.
The bus stop side opposite the shop was the busier side of the street, and Derek was keen to get this new venture started, but clients were thin on the ground, so I said: "Could you get a really long lead for the microphone?" - which he did. I then asked him to put up a speaker outside. He wondered what I was up to, so I showed him: I walked out into the street to do my speiling to draw the crowds in, walking right up to the chemist door, and of course a bigger audience when the buses stopped over the road. People's faces on the buses was a picture!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Gilda,
I am new to this site I noticed your name if your maiden name was Silver I was in your class at Mission Grove School. I remember your mum's stall in the High Street I only have one photo of our class, I think you were in the front row sitting on the right. I am second row back on the extreme left the boy with fair hair. Hope you are well - be nice to hear from you!
David GARDINER Private Reply Public Reply
As you know, I replied to you by the private Email facility, telling you that I had found a picture of William John Cardo in a St John's Ambulance uniform complete with medals and I suggested that he must be the Cardo family member for which the Cardo Memorial Hut was named. Unfortunately, at that time I wasn't able to give you the location of the hut.
I am pleased to advise you that I can now remedy this situation and tell you that I have found reference to the Cardo Memorial Hut in two successive reports of the Walthamstow Medical Officer of Health for 1933 and 1934. As a result, I am pleased to advise you that it was located opposite the Water Works in Forest Road.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
In response to your request for more local school pix, here's a snap of us 'young Turks' at Sir William Morris in about 1968:
The hapless teacher was Miss Jones. She later married a fellow teacher at the school and became Mrs Coles. The names of my classmates are scribbled on the back of the photo and can be supplied to interested parties on request. I'm the grumpy kid in the back row, second from the left.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
The drummer in the photo of the band was Peter Bridge, who lived in Warner Road. We went to school together at Mission Grove and Coppermill Lane, but he passed away in his forties.
David GARDINER Private Reply Public Reply
Does anyone remember Stevens (or Stephens?) Nursery in the High Street? It had a glass roof, lovely place, the owner lived a 5 min walk from me when l lived at The Drive E17.
I also had business dealings with Mr Harknett, who had a flower and plant shop in The Arcade for many years. This was around 1976 or so. I had a market stall at the Lea Valley Trading Estate. Mr Hartnett sold me very many 'out of date' packets of seeds at 5p per pack, hence I'd sell them at 10p each, and I'd then have to tell buyers that the seed may have lost their viability, albeit the seeds were less than 6 months old so should be OK. But the small price was worth a gamble anyway. I also told them how my Grandad, when I was a little lad, gave me a packet of seeds that he found in his shed, at least 20 years old or more. I remember the delightful seed packet with the then painted pictures on the fronts, rather than an actual photo like today. I loved my Grandad's shed at 176, Leucha Road. Anyhow, as old as those seeds were, they all grew! No one was more surprised than my Grandad!
I was at Mr Harknett's fairly regularly, because he always had something new to offer me. I went along to the Arcade one day, and he offered me something really unusual: ex catalogue packs of very many varieties of bulbs of every description, these of course were sold on my stall, but then I had a real brainwave: I could possibly sell all these indoors in the warm, so I started to do plant parties - well, bulb parties to start with, as it was winter. Again, Mr Harknett sold all these cheap, so all I had to do was to sell them cheap as I'd done those seed packets, and sometimes I would make a little more money if the bulbs were unusual, yet could still sell them far cheaper than folk could buy elsewhere.
The plant parties were a great success, as you can imagine, for in the summer I knew one particular nurseryman in Cuffley, and used to buy in lots of spectacular plants, and told me to come in on a Thursday when he had a lorry load of Clematis, of every imaginable type. The plants were already 4ft high or more, trained on canes how ever many I bought... and sold the lot!
Arthur and Amy Laws also had a flower stall down the High Street for many years. At one time they were in partnership - I believe - with John Harker at Northfields garden centre, down Sewardstone Road. If I remember correctly, Arthur did the growing side of things and John the selling?
Arthur sang my praises one day, when he came to see me at my plant stall to see how l was getting on, and simply loved the way I used all those seed packets that l spoke of earlier, for the stall was the box iron type, so I put up lots of string across the bars from end to end, a paper clipped all the seed packets to the strings, and boy! did my stall look colourful, especially during the gloomy winter months.
I always wanted to have a stall down the High Street, I can't believe how many applications I made over the years! I was told that you had to wait your turn, I applied year after after year, but no luck. I made applications from the mid 60s until 1985 then simply gave up.
I think the office where you went to get your form was actually in the High St back then, or a turning off it?
Does anyone remember Harry? He mainly sold cut flowers, and he'd shout: "There's one, there's two...", referring to the bunches of flowers, and boy! did he swear if someone couldn't see the bargain that he was giving them when they refused his offer!
I liked old Harry, and what about those other nice people whose names I sadly can't recall. They also sold flowers in High Street, and a stall for very many years outside Whipps Cross Hospital. I also seem to remember that they reached the newspapers when they inherited... a mountain!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
a piece of the Personal Stories section: Walthamstow Building Society (p.1)
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Friends & Visitors,
First of all: Happy Easter to you all and to your families!
The Public/Private Reply button has changed throughout the site: it's more readable now!
I'm gradually adding Lists of Teachers/Staff/Pupils to the individual school pages, if you have pictures, names or memories to share, please send them in!
I hope you all appreciate!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Daniel J Quinn
Co-Editor, Walthamstow Memories
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hello Daniel.
I wonder if you could advise me?
I was an infant pupil at Chapel End School from late 1957 to circa 1959, whilst living at 60 Thorpe road E17.
Can you tell me if this would be the building in Roberts Rd E17 today?
I'd very much like to pay a passing visit.
Thank you.
(Frederick) John Wren
Private Reply
Public Reply
From Daniel:Here are two pictures taken off Google maps: one is from 1945 and you can see the original building, now replaced by the new one. Roberts Rd is on one side.
Hello Daniel,
POWELL family of 66 South Grove, Walthamstow 1881 "1920
My last post indicated that I had discovered the identity of my father Albert Powell, but as it turns out I have not been able to confirm this.
Albert is believed to be the illegitimate son of Mabel Ethel Powell, who was born in 1890 (West Ham), daughter of William Henry and Eliza Powell, married 1881. William Henry Powell was born 1858 and he and his wife Eliza (nee Hall Smith) had two other children, Thomas Henry (born 1882) Shoreditch, and Albert Frederick Powell, born Edmonton 1887.
The birth of Albert Powell to Mabel Ethel Powell is recorded as the 9 June 1919 at the Forest Gate Sick Home, although there are no records with those archives of this birth taking place.
My Dad, Albert, was sent to Western Australia in 1927 aged 8 and I still try to confirm his identity. I am naturally curious about talking with any descendants of the above family who may have moved to Lewisham. There is a marriage record for a Mabel Ethel Powell to Maurice Donaldson at Lewisham (Sept Qtr 1929) though I cannot prove this is the same Mabel Ethel Powell.
William Henry Powell was a Railway Clerk. I'm not sure of his death, but I think it may have been in the 1920's.
It is believed my father Albert had three sisters. Did Mabel Ethel Powell have a daughter Elizabeth, West Ham, Sept Qtr 1915?
I would be grateful for any information on the above family.
I am also curious to any links to the Powells of (Loughton) Essex, namely David Powell (1764-1832) and/or his daughter Caroline Powell, grandmother to Georgina Beatrice Crawley.
Please refer any responses to Barbara Powell,
Thank you Daniel. Kind regards.
Barbara POWELL Private Reply Public Reply
Does anyone have information regarding Johnson & Co, photographers at 31 High Street, Walthamstow. I have an old family posed photograph with the name of the photographer on the bottom and would like to know the time period of the existence of this company. At a guess the photo looks either late Victorian or early Edwardian but this is only a guess.
Gillian DARBY Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
Thanks to Bill Bayliss for the wartime group photo of Wrighton Aircraft Ltd. It's a photo I have seen before, many moons ago, but back then of course we didn't have websites such as Walthamstow Memories to make me reflect on it more.
My uncle, Ted Vince, was a skilled carpenter there for many years, and I believe worked on construction of the wooden bomb doors during the war. He could well be in the photo, but don't ask me where! He was born in 1904, was a bachelor all his life, and lived at home at 200 Fulbourne Road with my nan. I attach a photo of him taken around 1982 in the garden of our house at Park Court, Grosvenor Park Road, for interest.
Colin DOMAN Private Reply Public Reply
My brother, Roger Clarke, was great friends with Roger Hunt & Bill Cassel - does anyone know of them?
Ruth CLARKE Private Reply Public Reply
Ah ha!
The Dereck Wakefield/Dave Wayne name would explain the 'DW' on the bass-drum, that's for sure.
Many thanks, Gus.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
I remember Mr. Smith - he taught me and my Mum to swim in the beautiful old baths in early1950s!
Ruth CLARKE Private Reply Public Reply
I remember Mr Perschky, I was in his class.. yes he was very strict. I also remember Reggie Garton, I think I was in his class..
David FITZGIBBON Private Reply Public Reply
We lived in the very small prefab development of Essex Hall on Black horse Rd about 10 units in total. We lived there until I was 9, and enjoyed the shed (old bomb shelter), rain barrel in which we kept fish from the river lea, just across the road, and playing in the garden.
There does not seem to be any record of Essex Hall now, but it did exist!
Thanks so much
Ruth CLARKE Private Reply Public Reply
Helen, did you live in Essex Hall prefabs? We lived there from 1952 to 59 ( approx).
Then moved to Millfield Avenue!
Ruth CLARKE Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
Back in January I emailed some queries about the Cardo family and have now received a helpful private reply. We are particularly interested to learn more about a building believed to be in a park/recreation ground close to a road junction on the Leabridge Road.
We now know that it appears to be known as the Cardo Memorial Hut. One website refers to its use as a first aid point on bank holidays by the St. John Ambulance Brigade in 1933.
Can anyone throw light on its origins, precise location and which member of the Cardo family it commemorates?
(Danbury, Essex)
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hello Paul,
I've read your recent account on this site (A Child Of The 50's Growing Up In Walthamstow) with great interest and, because I also lived in one, particularly liked your description of your prefab.
In your story you mention 'The Young Braves'. You may be interested to know that there has been previous mention of them made in the Walthamstow Times Facebook site [here], with mention of Charlie and John Birkin and Christine Keil. There is also a picture that I hope will stir your memories reproduced by courtesy of Walthamstow Times.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
In reply to Barry Ryders mystery band photo, I seem to recognise two of the members, the guy on the bass players left is Dereck Wakefield who used to call himself Dave Wayne, and the smaller guy holding the guitar on Dereck's left looks like Lennie Brooks who used to be in The Leroys.
Hope this puts some light on the band.
Gus POPE Private Reply Public Reply
Some time ago I wrote an article about Wrighton's who had a factory in Billet Road. [read it here].
In my piece I wrote of Wrighton's role in building Mosquito aircraft in WWII. Unfortunately, at that time, I had never seen a photograph that linked the two. Now I have:
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel
I hope you're well.
Just a quick note to say that I have a new Walthamstow project! I'm now doing the social media for the Vestry House Museum. I'm really enjoying it as it involves mini research projects for every post.
I just wondered if I might ask a favour? Would you mind mentioning that we have updated our Facebook page to include daily posts not just on the museum exhibitions and activities but also on notable residents and landmarks? And we also have a Twitter account.
Here are the details:
Facebook -
Twitter - @VestryHouse
Best wishes & many thanks
Kirstin SIBLEY Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: I certainly encourage our visitors to visit Vestry House's pages on FaceBook & Twitter!
Hi Daniel,
I was born in Walthamstow and lived all my working life there. I have now retired to Suffolk, where I have had the time to compose an account of my memories of growing up in Walthamstow.
This is due to someone from my past recognising me from over 56 years ago, when we were both in a young peoples organisation called The Young Braves association. Last year I was working at my seasonal job at a local car park when Geoff Kempley came up and asked if I came from Walthamstow and did I remember the young Braves? This inspired me to put pen to paper.
If you feel that my account is good enough can you include it into Personal Memories?
Keep the good work up
Stephen Paul TAYLOR
Private Reply
Public Reply
I have an old postcard photo taken in 1932-33 of Queenswood FC Walthamstow. My father Daniel Aishford was the club secretary. My Grandfather (Daniel) is also in the photo, as well as my uncle Robert Aishford, who was a player along with George Brandon, my fathers friend.
I would be very grateful if you might be able to provide any information regarding this football team or if there are any relatives of other members in the team who might have the same photo and could provide more information.
My Father and Grandfather are in the caps my Uncle is fourth from the right and my father's friend is the captain with the ball.
I spent many happy hours in Walthamstow as a child with my Gran and was so pleased to find your site.
Janette BUSWELL Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
Band photo's refer taken in the early 60's. I am in the photos with Allan and would very much like to say "hello" to him.
Is it possible to send this email to him so that he can drop a reply directly to me if he wishes to? Or if permissible let me have a note of his contact email address?
Many thanks Daniel - Great Website!
Roger CROOKS Private Reply Public Reply
My Dad was Mr Perschky. He always said he would never leave William McGuffie because he had a reputation of being strict which was passed down from grandparents to children to grandchildren! He said it made life easier.
Ron PERSCHKY Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Steve, the electoral rolls for Waltham Forest and preceding urban districts are not on-line but can be viewed at the WF Archives and Local Studies Library. They're open Thursday to Saturday, and you'd need to make an appointment.
Private Reply
Public Reply
I'd be delighted to learn if anybody recognises this band or any of its members. The name is frustratingly obscured in the photo. The mean-looking dude on the extreme left, with the huge Hofner, is Ray Spiers; he lived in Warner Road. The picture looks like it was taken in the late 50's/early 60's. Ray's presence suggests that, whoever the band was - it was local.
Mistery band...!
Answers on a postcard, please...
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
My mum & dad met whilst working at the Micanite in 1934/5. They married in Dec 1936.
My dad Jack Smith was there over 35 years, working as a tube winder. He was there all through WWII, alongside doing ARP duties. Mum gave up work. My bro Dave, born 1937, me (1939) & Doreen (1942 - born in Air Raid).
We lived in Courteney Rd. I myself joined the "Mic" in 1955 as a clerk in accounts dept. So many Happy memories of our childhood in good old Walthamstow! Despite the mayhem that was going on around us.
My brother, sister and myself are forever recounting our times in dear old Courteney & Coppermill Lane School.
Happy days!
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hello Joy,
The boundary between Chingford and Walthamstow has never changed. The roads where we lived, Marlborough Road and Rowden Road, and all those up to the North Circular Road to the Crooked Billet, were in the Municipal Borough of Walthamstow. The Chingford/Walthamstow boundary ran along Higham Station Avenue which was the last road in Walthamstow before entering Chingford. Confusion arises because the General Post Office did not conform strictly to the London Borough boundaries when setting up their London postal district areas in 1856. So the areas of Highams Park, also part of the Borough of Walthamstow, and where we lived to the North Circular Road, are within the Chingford E4 postal district. This area includes the Walthamstow Stadium giving it a Chingford E4 postal address. The Chingford, Walthamstow and Leyton boundaries may still exist physically but in 1965 these three Municipal Boroughs merged to form the London Borough of Waltham Forest.
I trust this explains the difference between the old Municipal Borough boundaries and the General Post Office district areas.
Rodney SILK Private Reply Public Reply
Unfortunately, no. Life would be so much easier if they were!
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Keith Nichols has made a number of interesting posts to the WM site, and I particularly enjoy his memories as a travelling showman. However, I do draw the line at the number of posts he has made about ghosts, mediums and paraphysical/parapsychological events and I have already shown that his previous tale about the old man and a cemetery in the Coppermill Lane area did not have a factual basis.
Keith has now made a number of posts citing different faith healer/mediums that I must comment on. The first concerns the self styled faith healer Harry Edwards (1893-1976) who, Edwards claimed, had healed a hundred thousand people in Britain. A study in the British Medical Journal (Rose, 1954) investigated spiritual healing, therapeutic touch and faith healing. In a hundred cases that were investigated, no single case revealed that the healer's intervention alone resulted in any improvement or cure of a measurable organic disability. Edwards claimed he had cured about a hundred thousand people in Britain but Rose could not verify a single cure by Edwards. Rose visited a healing session held by Edwards and observed that an old lady had claimed to have been cured during the session and had walked without her sticks, but by the time the session was over was walking with two sticks out of the hall.
The next concerns Alf Bolton, who operated from a house in Beulah Road, Walthamstow. He was a self proclaimed faith healer who apparently had a small statue of a Madonna that wept blood. Like all the other cases involving statues of Madonna weeping tears of blood this was exposed as a fake and Bolton is alleged to have confessed to rubbing fresh raw meat on the statue to create the effect.
Keith mentions that he went to see either Doris Stokes or Doris Collins at Walthamstow Assembly Hall. They were both famous 'mediums' and as I would guess that it was Doris Collins that he saw as she came from Woodford. Both of these were exposed as frauds.
Stokes was exposed by the 'Daily Mail' and it was alleged that she would use private clients and put them in her audience, so when a reading was going badly, she could move to them as she already knew them. It was also found that her staff would scour the local newspapers for deaths etc, then contact a relative. This person would then visit the Stokes show and be asked to wear red so Doris could easily identify them. Doris would then go directly to the person and give very specific readings.
Collins was exposed as a fraud by James Randi who was a Canadian-American retired stage magician and scientific sceptic. Like fellow magician Harry Houdini, he was known for his challenges to paranormal claims and pseudoscience. After retiring at the age of 60, he chose to devote most of his time to investigating paranormal, occult, and supernatural claims.
Lastly, he mention the ghost of Dick Turpin. In 2004, I saw a hilarious Living TV programme where In pursuit of his ghost, the television crew, fronted by former Blue Peter presenter Yvette Fielding accompanying Psychic Medium Derek Acorah, headed into the Loughton Camp area of Epping Forest, just outside Loughton, in the late evening of Tuesday, December 30, armed only with torches, and their equipment. The psychic medium was basically trying to show Yvette Fielding the spirit of Dick Turpin, which apparently actually presented itself in the undergrowth and this was why they went off the footpath and deeper into the forest. They became disoriented and got lost. After the encounter the team was forced to radio for help and luckily head forest keeper Keith French was nearby and able to lead them out.
At the time one of my sons worked for the City of London in the Forest and I asked him what had happened. He and the rest of the Forest workers thought the whole thing hilarious as the 'lost' crew were actually very close to the main road.
I actually watched a number of episodes of this ghost hunter programme and as soon as I knew the location of the ghost hunt I googled the address on my computer together with the word 'ghosts'. I'm sure that you won't be surprised to learn that the ghost hunter always saw the ghosts in the same circumstances mentioned in the google pages.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Joy,
You are absolutely right: they did move the boundary. Up until 1965, when the Boroughs of Chingford, Leyton and Walthamstow amalgamated to form Waltham Forest, part of Walthamstow bulged into what is now Chingford and the boundary near Marlborough Road was Higham Station Avenue (That's why it was Walthamstow Stadium) After the Boroughs amalgamated, a large part of the Chingford/Walthamstow boundary became the North Circular.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi "something is not adding up here for me "did they move the Chingford boundary? I grew up in Rowden Road 50s to 70s, and had relatives in Marlborough Road "the boundary was always the North Circular at the Crooked Billet roundabout (as was) and anything the Chingford side of that was South Chingford...
Very fond memories of Meaphams sweet shop too - after school at Selwyn Avenue "marvellous jars of things like pear drops and those pineapple squares with chewy centres
Joy PEGRUM Private Reply Public Reply
I am researching my family tree. Does anybody remember Wilfred Henry and Alice? Wood, they lived at the lower end of Wadham Avenue, backing onto the old cricket ground. This was way back in the late 50's early 60's.
Any details would be a great help. They had 2 sons: William John P Wood and Albert S Wood, who actual lived just across the road.
Michael John WOOD Private Reply Public Reply
Does anyone know if the Walthamstow electoral rolls for 40s 50s and 60s are online anywhere or can they only be looked at through libraries town hall etc,
Many thanks
Steve MARDEN Private Reply Public Reply
Hi, Georgina,
Thanks for writing.
I really don't know how old Harry and Christine actually were in '63. I would guess that Christine was in her early teens. Harry simply seemed to be 'a grown-up' to me; I was only 9. He could have been anywhere between forty to mid 50's, I suppose.
My Nan - Anne "and her son John lived at 115 until about 1979. They then moved in with my Mum and aunt who were both widows. They all lived together in Woodford Green thereafter.
I honestly can't be sure that the Bucklands were still at 117 after 1979.
Good luck with your search.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Like anyone with a disability or terminal illness, we look to help our loved ones, and I did my best for my mum who had MS. I took her to see the well known Harry Edwards, somewhere in London. He had a packed audience, each person there hoping that they would be chosen for a healing, sadly we were the unlucky ones, and came away disappointed, we did however see people supposedly 'cured'. Now whether he was the genuine article I can't say, but he was extremely well known, but don't know what happened to him.
One Walthamstow memory of mine was taking mum along to see Walthamstow's own healer Alf Bolton, who made big headlines locally and beyond, and had a statue of Jesus that cried tears/blood? I can't remember the story now, but the Walthamstow Guardian Newspaper did several articles on him at the time. Then, suddenly faded from the scene, now what became of him l don't know.
I booked up to see him. So wheeled my mum to Beaulah Road E17, where he operated from. He had a lot of the people upstairs at that property, but as mum was in a wheelchair he came downstairs to lay hands on mum, but as expected she wasn't cured. When I said "downstairs", it was actually outside.
One other Walthamstow Memory was when I went to see one of the famous female medium - either Doris Stokes or Doris Collins? - I suspect the latter: readers of this may be able to correct me on which one!
The event took place at Walthamstow Assembly Hall E17. I was 15 rows back, therefore had a reasonable view of her on the stage, so as to what happened next was, to put it mildly, ...staggering!
Doris suddenly looked our way, and she said that she had a message, it was for the person directly in front of me in row 14. She then said: "The message is for you sir, 14 rows back 3rd person along". It goes without saying everybody there gazed at the person, who was visibly embarrassed, for the person wasn't a man but a Lady! (She was with her husband).
Doris of course was getting no reaction from the 'man' and wondered why the 'man' wasn't replying, she kept saying "yes you sir"and once again repeated the seat position. By now all eyes were on this poor unfortunate lady, who wanted the ground to swallow her up. Everybody was now all muttering away saying: "It's a lady "! Doris kept on pressing, and as she got no answer, went to someone else, I think that there wasn't anyone who believed anything she said after that. She did however pick on a lady, whose late husband had died in a fire, he had been a fireman, and apparently he was there with Doris with his Fire engine. The lady cried, so I assume Doris got this one right? Or was there a plant in the audience? For how could you get something so wrong on one thing and 'right ' on something else?
I expect that lady in front of me must have thought that the spirits need glasses! Or had Doris had a spirit in a glass before she came on!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
In one of my very recent postings, I mentioned Kate Ellis who saw the ghost of Dick Turpin, and mentioned that her grandson, Robert Mitchell, and I became great friends, and because we had that connection to the fairground. We did however become sort of related, for he married my mum's cousins niece, but sadly later they parted. I never found out if they got back together? Bob came to see me here, where l now live, and we got on so well, but never saw him again. I wrote a couple of times... no reply, hence no sooner had we met again he disappeared! Sad really, for I found photos of his family, one photo of a chap looked just like Bob! I also knew the whereabouts of his family's Gallopers (carousel), for he had no idea if they still existed, and it was me who supplied all the relevant info to the then new owners, who operated them at one of Norfolk's tourist attractions. They had a special board made up and sign written with all the info that I'd told them.
Bob had relatives in Walthamstow and Chingford and, of course, in the Loughton area, and was sad that most of his relatives had either died, or were suffering from dementia, and they were the ones who could have told him so much. Bob did tell me, on that one and only visit to me, that a relative had told him that one of the ancestors had a gravestone which had a set of Gallopers etched on it. Bob said that he'd searched both Queens Rd and Chingford cemeteries, and in Hackney area where the family had connections, but no luck.
When I last saw Bob, he told me that he wasn't connected to the fairground anymore, but was a plasterer with 16 men working for him, in the Chelmsford area. Bob too probably doesn't know that he still has relatives travelling today, and makers of children's rides., and residing in Witham, not too far from him! It's a great shame that he did not reply to my calls, for as I said, we got on so well, there must be an explanation, or perhaps he just didn't like my tea!
Perhaps Bob's sisters Barbara or Pamela may still reside in Chingford or Walthamstow areas. When I first knew them they lived in Bluehouse Road, Chingford Hatch E4. It's possible too that Bob's mum could still be alive, and still living there? For her mum Kate Ellis lived to a good age, and she may have the same genes!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
On the 23rd March, correspondent Kelly Leonardi posted the following:
I am looking for people for my mum Linda was Hennah. In 1966 she was in the unmarried mothers home at West Avenue E17 - would have been around June time. I'm not sure how long they would be in there for her daughter was born at the end on July. If anyone has any info it would be appreciated. Mum can only remember a Diane and a Maureen.
Most people today cannot imagine the stigma suffered by unmarried young women fifty years ago in the 1960's who became pregnant who were sometimes pressured into giving up their babies for adoption..
Although, sadly I am unable to help with her search, as a Foster Carer for Walthamstow in the mid 1960's, we sometimes had dealings with some of the young women and their babies from the residential home and I thought that readers might want to know something about the Unmarried Mothers Home that was at Carvile House, 43, West Avenue, Walthamstow
The Association of the Chelmsford Diocesan Committee for Family Care annual reports show that the Walthamstow branch issued its nineteenth annual report for the year 1922. However, the branch's origins lie in the appointment in 1901 of an outdoor worker, with a local committee to support her. The leaflet looked forward to a small shelter opening in 1902, but whether it did so is not known.
In 1922 the branch opened a shelter at 4 First Avenue; this was closed in 1923, but re-opened in 1925. In 1930 the shelter moved to a house at 9 Stainforth Road, named the Ellen Carville Home after Miss Ellen Carville [of Walthamstow, who died 1928], whose legacy had helped the branch to buy the shelter. In 1942 the shelter moved again, to a larger house at 38 The Drive, Walthamstow.
From 1925 until about 1934 the branch was supported by the Walthamstow Churchmen's Purity Council (from 1929 a committee of the local Church of England Men's Society).
This property having been compulsorily demolished, the Carville home moved in November 1955 to 43 West Avenue Road, Walthamstow. In 1963, the branch was registered as a charity, number 211485, apparently as the Walthamstow and Chingford Deanery branch. Following the creation of Greater London in 1965 the branch covered the London Borough (and deanery) of Waltham Forest, and was renamed 'Waltham Forest'.
The Carville home closed in May 1972 and the site was sold, apparently to the Springboard Housing Association Ltd. The building was demolished in January 1976 and was replaced by flats. The Waltham Forest branch continued to support a social worker, but following her departure the branch disbanded in 1979/80. It was removed from the register of charities in 1993.
Presently, and perhaps very appropriately, it is used as a privately owned Children's Day Nursery
The records of the Diocesan Committee for Family Care (formerly Diocesan Moral Welfare Association, formerly Diocesan Association for Girls' Aid) are held at the Essex Record Office in Chelmsford.
In 1964 the report of the Walthamstow Medical Officer of Health tells us:
Good luck with your search,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello, my grandmother Jane Elsie Buckland was born in 1916 and lived at 117 Gosport road. I don't know her father's name, but her mother was Jane. How old was Harry Buckland and Christine? I have no photographs of the house or them. If you have any information please contact me
Georgina WARDEN Private Reply Public Reply
I am looking for people for my mum Linda was Hennah. In 1966 she was in the unmarried mothers home at West Avenue E17 - would have been around June. Time not sure how long they would be in there for her daughter was born end on July. If anyone has any info would be appreciated. Mum can only remember a Diane and a Maureen.
Kelly LEONARDI Private Reply Public Reply
On the 14th March correspondent Thelma Dulley made the following post:
"Do any of your readers have any information about the Walthamstow Town Band in the first decade of the 20th century. I have been told that my grandfather, Oliver Silverthorne, was the bandmaster and I would love to find out more."
Although I don't have any direct information about Oliver Silverthorne's association with the band, I have sent Thelma a bit of his family history via the private email facility. Her post intrigued me so I did a little research about Walthamstow's brass bands. The attached article in the result.
Best regards and respects.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
I was restoring the gardens at a Public school and made a good few friends there, one of these was David. He was employed as a garden labourer, and on his own admission told me that he knew nothing about gardening, so asked if I could pop along to give him some advice on his garden, as he'd fallen in love with my garden at Guildford Road E17, hence paid my first visit to his home in nearby Loughton.
The first thing I noticed on my way to his house was that be lived very close to Traps Hill. Now I knew a bit about Traps Hill, and had done as soon as I moved to Chingford Hatch in 1960, and will give full details to you as I go along!
I turned to David, and said that I'd noticed that he lived very near Traps Hill. David wondered why I should mention that road, I was puzzled too for him not to mention why the road is so well known. David was still puzzled, so I said: "Haven't you heard of the well known Highwayman Dick Turpin?". He said that he had, but David still wondered why I should mention The Highwayman, so I said that Traps Hill is possibly the most frequently known place to see the ghost of Dick Turpin. I had hardly got my words out, when David turned a deathly white! I of course asked if he was ok, and when he regained his composure, he said "I've seen him!". He then went on to tell me what he saw. He said that he was on his way home from a mates house one cold misty November night, when a ghostly vision of a man on a horse passed him at a speed , and noticed that the man wore an old fashioned three cornered hat.
David was so shocked to now know that it was Dick Turpin himself who he had seen, and I was surprised too, for he was the 2nd person whom I knew that had seen Turpin. And as I said before, David had not known that Traps Hill was one of Turpin's haunts, .....he does now!
David did inadvertent me that I was the first person who he had told, for he didn't know how to explain on what he'd seen, of course if he had have spoken up, long standing locals would have put him wise. Now my findings, as I said , go back to 1960.
Not long after I moved to Chingford Hatch, another lad of my age (12) started at Heathcote School E4. His name was Robert Mitchell, he'd moved to the Hatch from Debden with his mum, older sister Barbara, and younger sister Pamela. Bob took me to show me where be lived, and we actually visited Debden fair, and there were Twist competitions being held on the Dodgems! I was soon to learn more about the family, and eventually met his lovely Nan, Kate Ellis, who lived not far from Bob and his family, at Otterbourne Road, also at The Hatch. I learnt a lot from her, and a lot of lost history too. She told me that they had a fairground yard in Station Road E4, but was bombed during the war and lost a lot of equipment (the Ellis family operated at one of the Epping Forest Retreats), of which I have written a lot in one of my books. Kate told me that when she was a little girl (she was 87 when I first knew her), she and a friend had been told about Dick Turpin's ghost, so one night she and her pal both sneaked out, and hid in a hedgerow on Traps Hill, in the hopes of seeing the ghost, and they did! She told me that they were terrified, and ran home!
Turpin's Cave at High Beach (Epping Forest)
She also told me about Dick Turpin's Cave at High Beach in Epping Forest, and told me that the cave was far bigger than what you see today, and that when she was a little girl, was told that people were lost in there and never found, and a decision was made to ram in a post at the mouth of the cave, and tie ropes around the waists of folk that wanted to wander into the cave, but could find their way out easily by following the ropes back to the post. Kate also told me that the cave led all over High Beach, under all those humps and bumps that make up The Beach. Kate also said that as a girl she was told that the cave, or one of the tunnels leading from it, led to Friday Hill House at Chingford Hatch, quite a few miles away.
Quite how much of this was true or legend, we'll probably never know.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel
Its a Walthamstow nostalgia day today.
There was a carpet shop in Palmerstone Road called Weatheralls. The owners were friends of my parents and lived over the shop before moving to Chingford.
There was another carpet shop in Hoe Street, it was actually two or three shops either side of a small failing book shop. It had started as a small carpet shop and then trade expanded and they needed more space. The book shop was the obvious route to expand, but the old boy who owned the book shop would not sell his pride and joy, so they leap frogged and bought the next shop the other side of the book shop.
The old boy's eyesight was poor and he had extra lights installed with some very dodgy wiring. Then in the 1960's when he died (or had to go into residential care), the carpet shop bought the premises and for a few months allowed a political party to use it as election campaign "committee room". That was where I got involved. It was very sad to see how the old boy had lived very frugally in a couple of rooms behind the shop. As I recall he couldn't get up the stairs, so the upper floor was in a very poor state.
No doubt more memories will emerge.
Bernard GREEN Private Reply Public Reply
Do I believe in ghosts? I do believe that people can experience "ghosts" that are created inside the person's subconscious mind and affect the conscious mind. How the information about the "ghost" reaches the subconscious mind is open to debate. Inherited memory is one possibility, telepathic transfer is another possibility. There are probably other methods.
I do believe in telepathy. For me the proof was when I felt the need to contact the aunt of girl friend with whom I had had no contact for more than 30 years. What was odd was that I felt the need to drive about 50 miles out of my way when going home from a business meeting to the town where the friend's aunt lived. I did not have the aunt's address and I did not know for certain if she still lived there, It was too illogical to do that so I didn't. Six months later the friend contacted me via Friends Reunited. I knew the exact time the need arose from the sign in at the business meeting. At that same time in Australia my friend was in the depths of despair with a lot of emotional stress, having lost many items in two burglaries and listening to a news item on the TV. There was similar feeling a few weeks earlier, but no way to time stamp the events. Never was there a clear message as to why contact was needed, only a strong feeling to do something illogical.
There have over the years been several similar incidents where without any logical reason I have been driven to contact people who were, unbeknown to me, in need of help or support that I could offer them.
Bernard GREEN Private Reply Public Reply
When my dear Nan (Rosina Ridley) died back in 1971, none of the family could face going to see her in the mortuary at Whipps Cross Hospital, so I thought I'd go on behalf of all of them, but I never told anyone, for I didn't want them to feel bad perhaps for not going. So I went along to see my dear nan, and glad afterwards that I went.
That evening I saw my girlfriend (now my wife) home, and walked all the way home to Coppermill Lane. I decided to walk down the back of the Hight Street, where all the market stalls were kept. There was no lighting, but usually safer than walking down the High Street, back then.
Anyhow, as I was walking along, I suddenly started to smell this odd smell, and it got stronger, so I stopped and sniffed the air, as perhaps I was imagining it. I walked a little more, and the smell was slightly stronger still, it then dawned on me that the smell was "clinical" to describe it, then I did get frightened, for I realised it was the smell from the mortuary, it was a mix of embalming fluid and incense. I don't know why, but I cast my eyes in the direction where Whipps Cross was, and knew then that this must be my Nan. I remember hurrying along at this point, and glad when l came out at St James' Street, where there was not only lighting, but the hustle and bustle of traffic and crowds, the smell now had gone. But as I started to walk down Coppermill Lane, the smell came back, and again I remember stopping to collect my thoughts and sniff the air again, but the smell remained.
Once indoors, the smell stopped. I made myself a cuppa, then went to bed, and once in bed the smell came again quite strong. I was scared, but thought this must be my Nan, and her way of thanking me for going to see her, and to let me know that she was with me. I remember too going under the covers and peeping out, then going under the covers and falling asleep. I never told my mum or aunts and uncle for a long time, nor my Grandad, but when I did, they all said it was my Nan thanking me.
My Grandad too started to have strange things happen soon after. The bathroom in Leucha Road had one of those pull cord gadgets, where a heater came on with the light: my Grandad would often see this light/fire on, who then pulled the cord?
When my Nan was alive she used to make little dolls clothes for the dolls on her dressing table, Grandad told us that when she died he'd go into their bedroom and see that the dolls had been moved around, this was Nans way of letting Grandad know she was still with him.
I miss my Nan and Grandad so much, I do hope we all meet again some day?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Further to Bernard Green's recent email, attached for interest is card showing Banks Radio and TV shop's full address.
Colin DOMAN Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: I've added your suggestions to the list and will re-post it presently. Many thanks.
For your business list, by way of two attached 45 rpm record bags from the early sixties (yes, I have kept them all this time!).
Also, radio component shops I used to visit are:
Colin DOMAN Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: I've added your suggestions to the list. Many thanks.
Lots of people have seen ghosts, or at least experienced 'something', but not a subject lightly brushed under the carpet, I am one of those folk who have had experiences, and some years back, I did a little booklet on the subject I found that if you didn't ridicule people, they would tell you or their experiences, i'll possibly only just tell you about what happened in WALTHAMSTOW or just outside it.l may have to tell you about them in snippets.
My first 2 experiences were odd to say the least, and couldn't really call them 'ghostly' but really to do with the power of the mind?
When we moved from Harold Hill, Essex, to Chingford Hatch E4 in 1960, I had no friends to start with, so used to go to the Regal Cinema at Higham Park E4 on my own, and did so for 2/3 years. A lovely young girl of my age started work there as an usherette, and had an instant liking for each other, her name was Lesley, I was far too shy to ask her out, so made every excuse to go to the pictures.
Then one day she wasn't there, I thought nothing of it at first, and just thought that she was either ill or having a day off, but after a good while I somehow found the courage to ask the manageress where Lesley was, and she said that she left about 3 weeks ago. Mortified was putting it mildly. I was kicking myself for not asking her out when I had the chance.
This played on my mind, for I had no idea really where she lived, albeit Winchester Rd seems to be at the back of my mind or around that area. It seems likely as this wouldn't have been too bad a walk for her to the cinema. Then one night I had this so very vivid dream, and that she was working in Woolworths at the bottom of Walthamstow High Street, I knew that well as my nan was one time manageress there, but that was all I knew of Walthamstow at that time. I just had to go to Walthamstow, so told my mate Tony Barnard, about my dream, Tony thought I was crackers! Mind you, so did I, but the dream was so real I just had to go and check!
All the way there Tony kept laughing at me for wasting our time and money, anyhow, we went into Woolworths, and walked around the store, and to the shock of Tony and me... there was Lesley working on the tea counter! We were both stunned. Lesley spotted me, and we both said hello. I was too shocked to say anymore. Tony and I came away in silence, and I never saw Lesley again. The second bit that happened to me was even stranger. We all used to pop round to see the mother of our two mates, she was a friendly soul, and welcomed us with a cuppa, her name was Beatrice, and husband Ken, he never joined in with all the chat and banter, and stayed in another room when 3 or 4 of us came round, we never stayed long.
A few years down the line when I was working at the Prize Bingo I was to have a huge shock, for one night I had a dream that Ken had died, again it was a vivid one and remember waking up very sad, then one day when I was calling out the numbers Beatrice came into the doorway dressed in black, my heart sank, for I knew what she was going to say... then the words came out... sorry to disturb you Keith, just thought. you might like to know that my Ken died three weeks ago, I thanked her for letting me know, I was longing to tell her that I already knew, but how could l? My dream too was three weeks ago exactly when Beatrice told me that Ken had died.
Thankfully I've never had a premonition like that again, but the puzzling thing is, why did I have that dream about someone I hardly knew ? I have more to tell... keep watching !
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
There was Banks Radio and TV in Hoe Street close to the junction with Queens Road.
There was an electronics shop in Queens Road, The owner had a damaged eye which disturbed some customers but knew his electronics. I recall him demonstrating the new fibre glass car aerials by bending one of them into a complete circle to prove they were truly un-breakable. He made the sale. I bought a Teleton Tuner and Amplifier from him which gave over 20 years of good service. He only sold the best.
There was McEntee Technical School in Billet Road which produced very good results in terms of a good education for life and not just for exam grades (though we did get the grades as well).
Bernard GREEN Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: I've added your suggestions to the list. Many thanks.
Hello Daniel,
Hadn't come across this List of Businesses before, but very interesting. A large file indeed, as you say.
Hope you won't mind me sending random snippets for it from time to time.
To start, the Ever Ready Co Ltd at Forest Road were Dry Battery manufacturers (as used in torch and radio). I worked there 1962 - 1966 before transferring to their development laboratory at St Anns Road, Tottenham.
A record shop I frequented as a youngster very much was Barnes and Harrods in High Street, but cannot recall the number.
Other snippets I will send randomly, if that's ok?
Best regards,
Colin DOMAN Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: I've added your suggestions to the list. Many thanks.
Dear Friends & Visitors,
A small change in the Menu items: in the "History" heading, you now find "List of Mayors" (previously contained in the "General" section).
A "List of Businesses" is now available, as a PDF file, in the "Lost Trades" Section (again under "History"): there are two versions (by Name and by Category).
In addition to trades, this list also contains some Schools and other Institutions.
You are most welcome to send in additional info to be added to this list.
Thanks to Dave Hughes for collecting the information.
WARNING: The list contains over 3100 entries, so the file is rather large and may take some time to download/view.
A new entry in the Personal Stories Section: "In Memory of Pat Quinn Jones", by Lynn Jones. Pat was my sister and, as it happens, today would have been her brithday.
I hope you all appreciate!
Enjoy browsing your site & kindest regards
Daniel J Quinn
Co-Editor, Walthamstow Memories
Private Reply
Public Reply
There seem to have been quite a few groups who named themselves 'The Ramrods' over the years. The most famous "and commercially successful "being the American outfit who recorded '(Ghost) Riders In The Sky' in 1961.
Not to be outdone, Walthamstow also had a musical ensemble of the same name. This is it (below).
The Ramrods, Walthamstow 1950/60?
I don't know when or where this picture was taken, unfortunately. I suspect that it was late 50's or early 60's.
However, I do know one of the players. The guitarist on the extreme right was Raymond John Spiers. He lived in Warner Road. In (about) 1962 he married my cousin Gillian Jemmett of Carr Road. They began their married lives together in Cornwallis Road.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Way back in the 60s, when one or other of my relatives was ill and we couldn't open at Chingford Plains fairground, I'd take myself off to Wanstead fair. Like today, I always tried to seek out the unusual, or the old freak and novelty... and parading shows were fading fast from our fairgrounds. It was such a surprise to then spot one such novelty show.
The wording above on the proscenium board read "FRANKENSTEINS MONSTER", then all the usual wording like: "IS IT REAL?" and "IS IT ALIVE?".
I thought I must go in and see this! So I did: a good few people were in there already, and we all stood in awe at the monster. It was sitting in what I would describe as an electric chair in design. The monster had a red light bulb just behind its head, for good effect, and its arms resting on the arms of the wooden chair with the wrists just partially 'clamped'. We all stood there in total silence, albeit there were mutterings from people wondering if it was real or not? For it certainly looked real and as good as anything that we'd all seen in films. It took a couple of brave souls to take a closer look, and as they did the monster would move its fingers slowly, you'd then hear gasps from the public ....."It moved!"....."No, it didn't!", said others. Then the monster would move its foot showing definite movement. Now folk were really intrigued, and coming even closer to look, the monster in the chair was positioned on a 2ft high 'stage' with various wires etc seemingly attached to the monster in some way.
Then all of a sudden the monster stood up!.. roared... and had its arms outstretched in typical Frankenstein pose, as if to grab someone. All the women screamed as the monster made to the edge of the stage as if to give chase! Folk ran out in terror, hence all brilliant 'advertising 'for the next crowds to go in and see what all the fuss was about!
It was the same on Mel Reid's Boxing and Wrestling Show, see have a plant outside, he'd put his hand up for a fight, Mel would at first taunt him by saying "You fight my man? Never!"... "You're too fat" or "You haven't got the guts", etc... This alone would get the crowds going before the guy had got in the ring! Plus, now you'd have a guaranteed crowd to go and see the show to see that ordinary 'JOE 'hopefully win.
He of course didn't win, especially with the wrestling, for he'd have all manner of dirty tricks done to him, the wrestler would get 'entry's, but the crowd really went mad and so furious that their man was being treated so badly, so at the height of the mayhem, Mel would slide open the wooden doors, so that all the outside public could see the near rioting inside the booth. So picture the scene: there's the crowds inside and outside the booth, all good 'advertising' again! It was at this point that Mel would do his speiling to the now very big crowds, he'd ask the wrestler that if he thought the decision was wrong, he'd have to come outside, put his hand up to fight again, so the crowds inside the show were giving him great encouragement to go outside and have another go. It really was mayhem in there, I can tell you!
Anyhow, the wrestler makes his way outside, followed by the crowds inside the booth (thus now emptying the booth), and he would complain about his treatment (usually that he'd been hurt below the belt... if you know what l mean!).
Mel would still be taunting him, but let this ordinary bloke have another go. So now we had double the crowd, those that saw the first fight and the new crowd who have now witnessed the chaos, the booth would be full to capacity. Of course it wasn't just that fight, it was a full show with other boxers and wrestlers who'd put their hands up to fight and were the genuine articles, but showmanship was needed to get the crowds in somehow !
When it was the ordinary Joe's turn to have his second fight, it goes without saying that he won! The crowds were thrilled: 'their man' had won, the wrestler would now come out of the ring, and go round with a hat, and the now very happy crowds would put in coins, pound notes etc to show their appreciation. This money of course was not for him, for this was put into a box, added up at the end of the week and shared out with the permanent boxers and wrestlers who travelled with us. One small thing perhaps worth a mention: Mel insisted that the boxers and wrestlers changed into boxing and wrestling garb. Where Ron Taylor on his booth ,let the guys fight in the clothes that they came in ,the wrestling he did provide wrestling clobber if the wrestlers wanted to as ordinary clothes were far too restrictive. Right, let's get back to the Monster!
On the show, when all the crowds had gone out, I stayed put, for I just simply had to watch the monster and the terrifying looks of fear on the public, this was something quite different. As I stood there alone watching the monster, the monster suddenly said: "Hello Keith!". I nearly jumped out of my skin, I can tell you! We had a very brief chat, for the new crowds were piling in to see the next show. I had no idea who the guy was, I had no time to ask! But so happily watched the show over again.
We used to pull in for the winter now that most fairs had finished, and like all showmen we had to find a job, anyone could more or less be guaranteed a job at the Laburnam Moulding Mills, at Sutherland ROAD E17. They specialised mainly making coffin mouldings. One morning a new chap started, he came straight up to me with a smile, he said: "I haven't seen you since Easter!". I was puzzled, go say the least. He then said that he was the Frankenstein Monster! Now it all made perfect sense: I'd known this chap on the fairgrounds for many years, as you can imagine we had tons to talk about!
The show was owned by the Appleton family of snowmen, who presented mainly freak and novelty shows at nearly all the major fairgrounds. Still today based in Norwich, but travel mainly in Devon, albeit don't travel those novelty shows anymore. Pity really, for the Frankenstein Monster show was a good money taker and crowd puller and could be adopted today?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Keith & Bill,
my Dad was evacuated to Truro during the war and here is a scan of his participation in 'Warships Week' whilst at school there.
He would have been about eleven or twelve at the time.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Keith Nichols recently posted a picture on the Walthamstow Memories site of a large group of young children (Predominantly little girls but with some older boys at the back).
I'm afraid I can't tell you about the people in the photograph, but I can tell you about War Weapons Week. Although, judging by the number of dolly prams and toys I would guess it was some sort of sponsored money making event.
The War Savings Campaign
In order to support World War II (1939-1945) the War Savings Campaign was set up by the War Office in November 1939 and Regional Savings Committees were organised. War savings were not only limited to the purchase of certificates and bonds, but also used local collections to raise money for aeroplanes, tanks and any items which were urgently needed for the war effort.
From 1940 onwards, local savings weeks became regular events with poster campaigns used to support the cause. The first campaign was War Weapons Week that had the object of replacing weapons oostr in the Dunkirk evacuation. This was followed by National Savings campaigns, designed to assist in the financing of the war, such as 'Salute the Soldier,' 'Spitfire Week', ' Wings Week' and 'Warship Week.'
Weapon Tarriff & Savings Targets
In order to maximize the income and effectiveness of the campaigns a tariff of prices was set to purchase different war weapons that could be adopted by the villagers and towns that raised the necessary National Savings target sums. (A Spitfire cost £5.000 and a small warship £250,000) The aim was for cities to raise enough to adopt battleships and aircraft carriers, while towns and villages would focus on cruisers and destroyers. Smaller towns and villages would be set a lower figure. Once the target money was saved for the ship, the community would adopt the ship and its crew.
An example of this was Warship Week. During the early parts of the war, the Royal Navy not only had lost many capital ships but was facing increasing pressure to provide escorts to precious convoys in the Atlantic. While there was not a shortage of sailors, ships sunk by enemy action had to be replaced.
Each region in the country was provided with a savings target to achieve. This was based on the region's population, with each general level of savings having a class of warship assigned. Once the target money was saved for the ship, the community would adopt the ship and its crew. Local charity organisations, churches and schools would provide the crews of the adopted ship with gloves, woollen socks and balaclavas. Children would often write letters and send cards to the crew. When possible, officers and men from the adopted ship would visit the local community. To celebrate their visit, a parade would often be organised in their honour.
The ship's commanding officer would exchange plaques, objects and photographs with the city or town that reached the target set, and an adoption would begin. The number of warships adopted was over 1200, and this number included the battleships, cruisers, destroyers and trawlers.
The total amount raised for the war effort was £955,611,589. A community would sponsor a ship through individual savings in government bonds and national savings certificates. The campaigns were organised by the National War Savings Committee with the full support of the Admiralty. There were a total of 1,178 warship weeks organised during the campaign's duration, involving a total of 1,273 districts. A press announcement quoted the adoption of eight battleships, four carriers, forty-nine cruisers, three hundred and one destroyers, twenty-five submarines, one hundred and sixty-four corvettes and frigates and two hundred and eighty-eight minesweepers.
Walthamstow eagerly participated in this campaign and raised sufficient money to adopt In March 1942
HMS Tumult, an A-Class Destroyer ordered in 1941 from John Brown's shipyard of Clydebank. The ship was laid down on 10th November 1941 and launched on 23rd September 1942 She was the second RN ship to bear this name, previously used in 1805 for a hired ship and she was fitted in March 1943 for use as a flotilla leader. Her battle honours were at: Sicily 1943 - Salerno 1943 - Mediterranean 1943-44 - Aegean 1944 - South France 1944 - Adriatic 1944 and Okinawa -1945.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Let me tell you the last bit about The Common Gate, Mel Reid and our time... and last time. A Boxing and Wrestling Booth was at Lea Bridge Fair.
After the hectic Bank Holiday was over, Mel kept the show closed for the rest of the week, for there was not a great influx of people to warrant the show opening. Mel asked me if I could keep an eye on the show for the rest of the week, so I took my flask and sandwiches, and spent my days just sitting on the front of the booth ....or standing!
I'd spend my time chatting to any friends that happened to visit the fair, and of course to the general public, who all took an interest in the show. I would also walk round the show several times a day to make sure their were not any vandals lurking about, for even when we were open, yobs would openly scale the wooden walls to get a free entry. The most surprising bit about this is that some of the public would have a go at us for making the yobs go back out! Any public that had a go at me shouting the odds, I'd say: "How much have you paid to get in?" They'd say: "7/6d", so I'd say: "You've paid all that and you want them to come in free?". This soon shut them up!
Racial tension was high back then, and I was to witness it for the first time. One afternoon, and as I've said, the fair wasn't busy, when suddenly fighting broke out right in front of the booth right where I was sitting! It was quite vicious, a heavy chain was swung, and although not meant for me, the chain hit the front boards of the show making a dent in the wood! On the main bank holiday, Mel's wife Fay (Faye) would be in the pay box, and her dad Sam McEowan, would take over from Mel doing the speiling on the front of the show to entice the crowds. Mel and Fay were good to me, for I was going through a bad time in my life, where very many would've turned to drink, drugs or smoking. I have done none of these. Fay would do me meals in their kitchen at The Common Gate, and Mel gave me some of his shirts and jumpers to keep warm.
I dreaded going home: there was nobody there, for Dad had long left us for love elsewhere, mum was never to leave hospital, little brother Barry had to go and live with Dad, and sister Sandra was always out with her pals. Christmas was the loneliest, all family gone...
Mel and Faye had two children - as I remember? - and believe the boy was called Mel? I can't recall the little girl's name now. I have the World's Fair newspaper each week (I mention this for I have no idea if their son grew up and stayed in the fairground business, for his name never crops up in that paper). Their daughter too could have stayed in the fairground, and perhaps married a showman? And of course wouldn't know her married name. (I have two photo's of Mel and Fay, which I will show here at some point).
Mel and the family moved to the Isle of Wight many years ago now, and may have stayed in the business, perhaps bought an arcade or permanent amusement site? Someone told me that Mel got into buying and selling cars? I dearly hoped they stayed in the amusement industry in one form or other, for Mel was a showman through and through.
One pleasant memory at the pub was when my pal Steven Hollick and me had just covered our leather jackets with glue. Steve had got hold of a bag of mixed coloured feathers from somewhere, and poured the lot on the jackets! We both went along to the Common Gate to show all our mates. Mel and Fay asked where we were off to, it was in fact to the hippy place The Middle Earth Club at Covent Garden.
Our feathers had hardly dried, so these feathers were all over the pub! They came off all down the road on our way to the tube station at Blackhorse Road, and all down the tube when the train came in. There were feathers everywhere! When we got to the club all the other hippys were plucking us! We caused another happening!
There were only two bad incidents for me personally at the pub, as mentioned in one of my earlier postings. I ran Disc City upstairs and a loudmouth yob, with the usual bravado with drink inside him, started to smash the glasses. Our hearts sank, for when we started this venture Mel had already told us that all breakages would have to be paid for, hence was all our hard learnt disappearing in front of our eyes.
The hob carried on looking at us and provoking us. Now the odd thing about this is that my mates didn't mind a fight, but did not want to approach this yob for now. He was menacingly holding out a jagged broken glass, all the lights were switched on, it truly was like something out of a Wild West film... with me in it!
I could see that my mates weren't going to do anything, so it was all down to me, so I asked the hob to put the glass down and leave, and told him that if I was the loser in this, I would hunt him down. We now had a crowd of onlookers, and all watched as the yob put the laws down and left.
The next incident was a strange one. I'd just sat down, when a girl that I hardly knew came over to me and sat on my lap! But in mere minutes I was punched in the face... from a friend of mine! It turned out that they'd had a row, and to make him jealous, she'd decided to put her arms round me and sit on my lap. The girl was full of apologies, I was so angry, my pal had now gone off, and I told everyone that if he didn't come back and apologise, I would find him. And I did, the very next day, in the cinema. He noticed me, but did nothing, so I went over to him, he stood up and I expected a free for all, but he apologised in an instant!
I stopped running Disc City after this, for pubs were alien to me, but totally lived up to the expectations of one, and everything I was warned about, I never went into a pub again until I was 56! I'm proud to say that I have never picked on anyone in my life, none of this..."Who you looking at ?"
Folk then found it strange that I took up wrestling, but that's another story, that I'll tell you about another time - and an interesting one. I took the sport up because of total cowardice, and ended with another very cowardly act.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
Just reviewed the list of pupils shown and there are many missing. Particularly my class for 1959 to 1960.
Just thought you should know
Fred HARRISON Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: I've added your name to the list... perhaps you could provide the names you recall?
A good bit of research Mike, I am writing a piece on him that contains essentially the same information, plus some other stuff. The key was realising that he was actually Frederick Ross Wyld. I regret that I never met him, but I did meet his sister a few times. I think that you will find that it was his father who went to the USA as the address is the one on the probate of his estate to his wife Julia.
RespectsBill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
I see my Ross Wyld request is up on the website already, which is very gratifying. A link to the Greenwich site was the perfect answer. Any other snippets of RW information I come across will be passed to you of course.
Actually, I don't know how you are able to keep up with processing all this incoming information, which seems to be growing exponentially (and likely taking up more of your time than you originally thought, perhaps)! But you are doing a grand job in carrying this website in my view and, I suspect, many others.
Best regards,
Colin DOMAN Private Reply Public Reply
I would have thought there is a possibility that Vestry Road Museum may have a photograph oh him.
I have looked up Ross Wyld's family history. His full name was Frederick Ross Wyld, exactly the same as his father's name. The 1911 census shows he was born in West Hartlepool, Durham about 1895, but living with his parents at 20, Rosslyn Rd, Walthamstow in 1911. His occupation is given as a boy clerk in the Land Registry and his father is an assistant school master.
There is also a christening record for Frederick Ross Wyld at Stratton, Durham in 1895. His military record shows he served with the 7th London Regiment in WW1 as an Acting Corporal and was awarded the British War Medal, Victory Medal, 15 Star and the Silver War Badge. He served in France. He was discharged from the army on 03 April 1917 due to wounds. There is also a WW1 War Pension record for Ross Wyld showing he was still living at 20 Rosslyn Rd at the time.
Shipping Passenger lists shows him arriving on the "Ile De France" at New York on 27 Jul 1937. His address at that time is given as 113 Orford Road. Probate records show Ross Wyld died 23 Aug 1963 at 24L Bisterne Avenue, Walthamstow and probate was granted to his sister Doreen Elise Wyld who was a spinter. I can find no record of a marriage for Ross Wyld and as probate was granted to his elderly sister rather than a spouse or other descendant tends to indicate he may not have married. The London Telephone directory for 1950 indicates he was an OBE and J.P.
Mike GILBEY Private Reply Public Reply
My memory of the Kingfisher Pool was a wedding reception in the restaurant or club house (Golf club?) next to the pool.
It was early 1950's and the bride was Valerie Weatherall, whose family owned the carpet shops in Palmerston Road.
I was about 8 years old and went exploring with a young lady (Wedding speeches are so boring). We found a workshop that was unlocked. My memory is using a vice to somehow turn a metal rod into a musical(?) triangle as a memento for the lady. Her name was Diane and I often wonder what happened to her.
I vaguely recall swimming there at some time, did the reception include a swimming party? I don't think so.
Bernard GREEN Private Reply Public Reply
Reading those letters about Mel Reid & the Common Gate Pub, my brother Ted used to have the Pub down the road The Brewery Tap. Mel & Ted used to play pranks on each other, one Sunday lunch time I popped in the Common Gate & Mel said I haven't wound your brother up lately, so he asked the guys in the pub would anybody like to earn a fiver & do a striptease in the Brewery tap. He found two volunteers, & said to them I will drop you off in the car park & pick you up around the other side in St James street, & said to me make sure Ted is in the bar tonight at 8 o'clock but don't let him know about the strippers. I was in the bar that night having a drink with Ted & about 8 o'clock the two naked blokes ran in & danced around the bar, Ted tried to grab one of them but couldn't, he said I might lose my licence over this, the two guys ran out into St James street but Mel wasn't there, he went back to the common gate with their clothes in car, so the two naked guys had to run all the way down Markhouse Road to Mels pub, half an later Mel walked into the Brewery Tap with a big grin on his face & Ted guessed it was him up to his pranks again, I asked Mel why he didn't wait for the two strippers & he said he wanted them to earn their money.
He was a character wasn't he!
Gus POPE Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
May I make a plea to your readers for any more information they may have about Alderman Ross Wyld?
We know already that he became famous for his skills in organising Walthamstow's defences during the second world war, and also for his subsequent report War Over Walthamstow, published just after. It was my recent reading of this most interesting document that made me want to know a little more about the man, but there is precious little other information to be found.
Internet searches only turn up Ross Wyld Hall in Hoe Street (a name that I believe has now been dropped in any case) and Ross Wyld Care Home in Forest Road, both obviously named in his memory. No photograph, either singly or in a group, can be found of this man, and no other text apart from a mention on the Greenwich Meridian website that he was involved in 1963 in marking out the line of the Greenwich Meridian where it passes through significant Walthamstow locations, including Forest Road near the Hale End Road junction.
Thanks and regards,
Colin DOMAN Private Reply Public Reply
I don't recognise anyone in this photo, can anyone help? When and where was the photo taken? The large banner reads "War Weapons Week - May 10th-17th" - The next bit is blocked out, then: "For Victory".
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
This is a photo of my Dad's grandad, my GREAT Grand father, Walter Herbert Nichols, photo taken on site at the Kingfisher Pool, on the Walthamstow/Woodford boundaries, on the 12th of June 1934. It's always been known in the family that he designed and built the Kingfisher Pool.
Walter Herbert Nichols at Kingfisher Pool - 1934
The photo could be a publicity shot on what looks like the opening day? For there is a lady in the background to the right of the photo, and a chap in the background again to the left of the pic, and one of his tradesmen just behind him.
My great grandfather lived at The Brambles, in Chingford Road E4, and as the property perhaps got too much for them in later life, they moved to 78, Westward Rd in a property simply called The Bungalow. Thankfully, The Brambles still stands (see the posting that Bill Bayliss, a couple of days ago), a grand photo! The early 1900s photos that Bill showed me is really superb... Well done Bill!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
How about this for a great photo! This is my Dad's aunt - my nan's sister. Her name is Sarah Coggin (maiden name), I'm not sure but I think her married name was Paley? She was born in 1895, in Bethnal Green, and lived in Walthamstow. Her main job, we're told, was as a machinist, and in later life worked at Lyons Corner House in Charing Cross Road, where this photo was taken (as written on back of photo), but the mystery is, on looking closer, the lettering on the bag reads... Bournes!
I have no idea what year this photo was taken, and never knew this great aunt.
Sarah Coggin at Lyons Corner House (Charing Cross Road?)
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Here is a lovely photo of my mum, Irene Nichols, née Ridley, first girl top row standing next to the teacher.
Winns Avenue School - Prefects 1936
The pic shows all the Winns Avenue School Prefects, photo taken in 1936. Does anyone remember the name of the teacher? Or any of the girls?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the great list of the teachers and pupils of Sydney Chaplin School. I was a pupil here from 1958 to 1962 and I would like to let you know that both Mrs Driver (needle work and deputy head) and Miss Bush were both at the school when I started in 1958. Miss Bush married and became Mrs Atwell.
Also on your list of pupils you have Janet Piper, she was in fact Patricia Piper (my best friend in those days).
Great memories.
Janet BULL
Private Reply
Public Reply
Dear Friends & Visitors,
The Sidney Chaplin School page has been enriched with the following:
Thanks to Dave Hughes for collecting the information.
Daniel J Quinn
Co-Editor, Walthamstow Memories
Private Reply
Public Reply
Do any of your readers have any information about the Walthamstow Town Band in the first decade of the 20th century. I have been told that my grandfather, Oliver Silverthorne, was the bandmaster and I would love to find out more.
Thelma DULLEY Private Reply Public Reply
I used to go to Sonny Dearden's dance school, which was just off of Hoe Street next to "The Towers" pub in Selborne Road. Friday night was "jive" night with Mr. Dearden joining in. I often wondered how long that dance school survived - perhaps someone can tell me?
Marilyn STROUD Private Reply Public Reply
I worked as a DJ for a time, albeit not at The Common Gate, and I used the name Hairy Teeth Keith, because I always had a long moustache and beard, hence you could never see my teeth! Once Mel Reid knew that name, he never called me Keith again: it was always Hairy Teeth! This was a bit embarrassing sometimes, especially in front of strangers, 'cos it sounded like 'airy teef! There was always a brawl of some kind on occasions. I once asked Mel if trouble came because of who he was and, like the wild west, every hard case made a bee line for the place, either to impress Mel, other blokes , or girlfriends, etc... Mel said that trouble stayed away BECAUSE of who he was.
We begged to differ.
Mel employed his boxers and wrestlers behind the bar, therefore any trouble was quickly quashed. Now, we all know the thickness of those old pub doors. Well, one night a fight ensued, or an individual out to cause trouble, anyhow. The boxers and wrestlers grabbed this bloke, took arms and legs each and rammed the bloke's head against those big old doors, and the doors actually opened with the force of the guy's head! How he wasn't killed I don't know! The sound of that thud I remember so clearly today.
When we opened the show at Lea Bridge Fair, we had several 'local' boxers putting up their hands to fight. Sadly, I've long forgotten the names of most of them, but all great guys. One boxer was called Dudley, a nice quiet man who hardly ever spoke. When it was Dudley's turns to fight, he always asked for me to tie his gloves before he fought. He was only about 5ft 2, I should think, very agile, and when punched full on the face he hardly flinched, but was more like one of those toy wobbly men, that some of us used to play with, and he'd bounce back with fair ease. I would loved to have kept in touch with him.
Talking of local boxers, Walthamstow's own Charlie Smith (brother: George), fought on Mel's booth at Lea Bridge, during our time there. He must have been good, for if my memory serves me well, I think Mel asked Charlie to travel with us, for all booth owners were always on the look out for good boxers and wrestlers - so that they didn't have to pay out any Prize money! Our men had to beat all opponents no matter what knew both Charlie and George Smith, but only really to acknowledge, or say hello to. My sister used to go out with one of George's pals, and both liked my dear mum.
One day at that same fair, during one of the wrestling bouts, one of the boards sprang up as it gave way and clouted one of the wrestlers in the back of the head and knocked him out, so I rushed to the showman next to us (the very likable Donald Wheatley) for a glass of water to revive the wrestler. A quick repair was done and we all carried on.
Later that afternoon, trouble was to occur, for whilst Mel was doing the speiling, to entice the crowds in, and hopefully get some fighters to come up, a guy suddenly leapt up and punched Mel in the face! Mel got up and every boxer and wrestler gave chase to catch the bloke. It was Mel that caught the bloke,- Mel was in a rage and, apparently, Mel grabbed the bloke by the most sensitive parts of his anatomy, we were told that the bloke went a greeny colour! The chap disappeared into the crowd.
About half an hour passed, and the bloke was seen coming back through the crowds, so we were all on the alert. The chap went straight up to Mel and shook Mel's hand! We were all shocked, the chap just said: "I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused", and casually walked away! We never did know what the problem was, least of all Mel himself. I will tell more of this saga shortly.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
See my posting for March 1st. The back of the photo reads "The Crisis / September 1938 / Winns Avenue Junior School" One of the lads in the gas mask is my Uncle John Ridley, Who are the others?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
I used to go in the Common Gate when Mel had it around 1970. I got into a fight in there one night and Mel grabbed me and other fella upstairs made us put on gloves and settle it. Thereafter me and who I later found out was Georgie Smith (Charlies brother, a local known boxer) became good friends. I later worked for Mel refurbishng the place and later a barman he had an Alsatian which was real friendly and roamed the pub. I went down the cellar one night and it was there, so I stroked and patted him. I later found out that was a different dog that was supposed to rip anyone apart that went near it. Phew!
John ELDON Private Reply Public Reply
With reference to your post about Mel Reid's Boxing Booth, I thought that you might want to see a picture of it. Below is a picture of it taken at J Steven's fair in 1960. You may be interested in seeing similar pictures (Including a lot of Ron Taylor's very fine traditional booth) at:
Other picturesBill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Maureen & Pat,
You mention dancing schools in Walthamstow. Is that Tap Dancing? I attended two Dancing Schools over the years - from when I was 5 years old and beyond. They were: The Lynn School of Dancing and the one in Rectory Road, whose name I've forgotten.
Are there other Tap Dancers from the 1940's who were in the Shows at the Pavillion in Lloyds Park - put on by the Lynn School of Dancing?
Lloyds Park was so beautiful then - cared for with great love by the Gardeners and Park Keeper...
Happy Memories...
Joyce DOWDS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Jessie,
Keith Nichols was talking of a house named The Brambles in Chingford Road, where his grandfather lived. The house is still there and looks very much like it did in 1911. The google map snip is how it looks today and I have given Keith picture of it in the 1920's.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
My name is Paul and I work for Eastside Community Hertiage. I am working on an oral history project with Eastside
on capturing the memories of the local area and about Whipps Cross as a war hospital. As the local historical society, I think
that it would be great to hear your expertise on the area and the changes that have happened. And what you know about Whipps Cross as a War Hospital.
As previously stated, this is an oral history project. It is funded by HLF and will be turned into an exhibition. We are seeking participants from around the area who had family who worked there, or were in World War I or even accounts from the local area. We are seeking personal written accounts or people who would be prepared to have a recorded interview.
If you are interested in the project or want to find out more, please do not hesitate to get in contact with me.
Paul Beard
Oral History and Cultural Heritage Trainee
020 8553 3116
Our address is:
The Parish Centre, Cardinal Heenan Centre,
326 High Road, Ilford, IG1 1QP.
Best Wishes,
Paul BEARD Private Reply Public Reply
I have had some success in the past, but does anyone remember George Stanley D Hurst and his wife Lily Esther Hurst?
They lived in Gosport road Walthamstow. If the names ring a bell we would love to hear from you...
Many thanks
Steve MARDEN Private Reply Public Reply
Good morning
As you will know, the Waltham Forest Oral History Workshop has been gathering recorded stories from the borough for more than 30 years, and now has 650 audio recordings.
Though World War 1 is top of the historical agenda at present, we are also seeking people's memories from World War 2. Our webpage gives more details, and the whole website has had a recent refresh.
Any coverage you can give would be welcome.
Best wishes.
Nick HAYES (for WFOHW) Private Reply Public Reply
On my 18th February posting you would have read about Mel Reid's Boxing and Wrestling show. What I did not mention was the demise of that particular show, of which full details are in the Walthamstow Guardian archives somewhere.
Sadly I can't remember the year - I was 18 or so I should think - Mel was ready to take the show on the road, for it was now Springtime (n fact, Easter), so we were all keen to travel again, and as usual I'd be helping (Wrestler) Dicky Swales, travel the show as usual, but then disaster struck, for one night the show was set fire to and almost destroyed.
I never found out the full details, I was just told that Mel had an argument in his pub (The Common Gate) that night, and the yob or yobs, knew that Mel had the booth parked up all winter at the Gosport Road E17 car park, so went along and set fire to the booth.
Mel was devastated - we all were - for that was an old fashioned show and welcomed asset at all major fairgrounds.
Mel told the newspapers at the time that he'd lost several thousand pounds in booking receipts, i.e. pre-paid rents for ground position.
Our first fair would have been Acton, then Epsom Derby at some point. I never did know if Mel re-built the booth at some point, but I went travelling with other relatives until I bought my own equipment.
There is only one booth travelling today - I use the word travelling very lightly, for as far as I know the late Ron Taylor's booth only goes out once a year now, to Great Dorset Steam Fair,the booth now owned by Ron's daughter Vicky.
Ron died only a few years back, and in his 90s still driving the lorries and erecting and dismantling the show. I'd known Ron and his wife Lily for a good many years and their referee Mick Griffiths. Several of my wrestler pals have wrestled on that booth.
I'm so glad that the booth didn't land up in a museum somewhere, as we all thought after Ron's death.
From the 1890s onward the booths were on a decline. More so when dole money came on the scene and men fought on the booths to feed a family, a far cry from today's muggers etc with their so cowardly ways... No, these were real men who could hold their heads high.
During both wars fairground showmen would set up on any bit of old waste ground to see if a few pennies could be made. One such piece of waste land was in Walthamstow High Street E17.
Just pause for a second when standing near 99 A High St, for in the late 1800s stood Alf Ball's Boxing and Wrestling Booth, this booth and the crowds flocking in to see a boxing Lion! It had come from a circus, and hardly in active form, it had boxing gloves fitted to its front paws and a boxer would enter its cage and would punch the life out of the poor beast, and this sad animal was so frail that a snort could hardly be heard, let alone a ferocious roar...
Ironically, this site was sold to the Salvation Army, who in 1891 built a Citadel on it. Today, in the Millennium years, the wording Salvation Army can still be read above 99a High Street. It was there a few years back: can anyone enlighten me as to whether it's still legible and what the building is today?
When you're near this spot, pause a moment and think of that poor lion.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Thank you for your reply. I don't have any problem at all with sharing information about Walthamstow, but you will appreciate that the Walthamstow Memories site essentially provide a free community service for people and does not have any commercial links.
I am retired inner London Local Authority Housing Projects Manager and I have a keen interest in the many new housing developments in Walthamstow. I wish you well with your particular development and I sincerely hope that this will contain a good proportion of genuinely 'affordable' (Not the Boris Johnson definition) housing units for local people who are being 'priced out' of the local market.
Best wishes
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Maureen,
It's nice to hear from you again and even better that that you have the information needed to help another Walthamstow Memories correspondent, You've just neatly demonstrated that people finding isn't an exact science and direct knowledge is better.
When I'm looking for somebody, I start with the information that I have, in this case a name and the information that she married around a few years I then work with a combination of factors and probabilities. Although people are more mobile these days, up until the 1980's, most people (Particularly women) married partners from their own localities. In this case, I looked for marriages of people with the same name within a narrow year band in the Waltham Forest and immediate neighbourhood (Edmonton, West Ham, Epping etc) This search threw up a likely candidate in the right time frame and area and I then tracked them via people finding sites like BT residential and I also use social media sites like Facebook, Friends Reunited etc.
It's not an exact science but considering that I am usually looking for people from 50+ years ago, it often produces good results. In this case, although I found somebody who met the criteria, the 'fly in the ointment' was that the woman I was looking for married completely outside outside of the local and immediate area.
My very best wishes,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Good Afternoon Bill,
Firstly apologies that no one has been in further contact, firstly, to say thank you and secondly to follow this line of enquiry up, it was passed on to a member of our team, for further research and marketing ideas for the development in Marlowe Road.
I would like to say though, not at any point had we tried to hide the fact that we are an agent, and didn't realise that it might have caused offence, that we are. I had stumbled on the forum, when I was looking into some articles and history on the area myself.
We thank you for your time and you previous emails and help so far, and again apologise for no one coming back to you sooner
Gareth JONES Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Pat,
I saw your request in Postbag on 05 March. I am a very good friend of Brenda as she and I lived opposite one another in Priory Court. Brenda married John Griffiths and they lived in Greville Road. and had two children a son David and a daughter Angela. Unfortunately the split up and divorced and Brenda is now living in Bournemouth. Another friend of ours Jean Hayes nee Winckless also moved to Bournemouth and she and Brenda are best friends. I am in contact with Jean by email and she passes on all the new to Brenda. Occasionally Brenda emails me or phones me. Hope this helps.
Maureen SHANKS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Bill and Daniel,
I am sorry to read that you have been unable to find anybody who had worked at Baird & Tatlocks.
When I left school in 1959, I went to B&T as an apprentice scientific instrument maker. My first introduction to a long working life in engineering was a period of time under the watchful eye of Jack Harris Snr., who at that time must have been about eighty years old and very insistent on everything being done his way, i.e.: correctly.
After the prescribed length of time, I progressed to the balance section where Stan Clarke was in charge of a small area assembling laboratory balances of various complexity and accuracy. To name some of the other apprentices taking the same or similar route as me include: Colin Mount, who along with Anne Cook, who also worked at Baird's in the office and later became Mrs. Mount and have become lifelong friends; Ron Beckwith who was keen on ballroom dancing; John Savery, John Rous, Brian Breeze, a few of the skilled men in the instrument shop at the same time as me were Sammy Ewer, Ron Scotten, Wally Kilmartin, Jim Hatton & 'Mac' Cooper.
Optica became an area attached to the instrument shop, which was an Italian firm producing optical instruments called spectrophotometers. This section was run by Bill Nelson, who along with Sid Bradshaw and a chap named Les (I can't remember his last name) came as a team from Newcastle. I worked in Optica for about four years gaining invaluable experience in the assembly and calibration of optical instruments.
I left B&T in 1969 when I moved to Newmarket in Suffolk, but carried on in engineering in Cambridge then G.E Aviation in Newmarket, where I had my own mechanical engineering department until I retired in 2007.
Best regards
Jack HIBBERT Private Reply Public Reply
On 13th February 2015 This site published the following post:
13 Feb 2015 - Local History: Marlowe Rd.
"Good Afternoon,
We currently have a site under development in Marlowe Road, that we are building flats on.
I was just wondering, if you could either help me with a bit of History on the road, I believe this plot was the old Cinema "or where we cold find out a little info/ history on the area close by?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Gareth JONES
As I know that Waltham Forest Council are developing the Marlowe Road estate and thinking I was helping somebody with a genuine desire to give back something to the community, I did some research and provided as history of the cinema with pictures.
There wasn't a response from the original poster and I didn't even get the courtesy of a 'thank you'! This may be something to do with the fact that the poster's Email address was that of a Woodford Estate Agent who seemed to be using the facilities of the voluntary Walthamstow Memories site to provide free information that he might otherwise have to pay for.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
My brother - Mick - was part of the Young Braves Assn, with a man named Stuart. My brother passed away in 2011 and I found some photographs of the children amongst his possessions. If you would like to have them I will send them by surface mail
Jessie SIMMONS Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: We are always pleased to receive stories/pictures from our visitors! Many thanks, Jessie.
Hi there - The road was called The Bramblings not Brambles - I used to live there...
Jessie SIMMONS Private Reply Public Reply
I was just reading your post. You could have known my dad and his family. They were the Ayres family and they lived in Higham street at that time. My dad was born in 1940 and he attended both of those schools.
Sadly, my dad Ron Ayres died in 2011 and all of his brothers and his sister have also died (there was Johnny, Bobby, Terry and Rita). Only the youngest sister Linda is still alive
Can you recall any of them?
(née AYRES)
Private Reply
Public Reply
On the 2nd March you posted:
Can anyone remember what year the top wrestler Jackie Pallo played King Rat at the Lloyd Park pavilion? I think it was in the 70s?
Also, can anybody tell me the name of that Pantomime? It may actually been called King Rat?
The pantomime would have been Dick Whittington, where King Rat is the comic villain who is the head of the bad rats. I took my grandchildren to see a version of this at the Barbican Theatre some years ago. I think that Jackie Pallo would have been King Rat at the Lloyd Park Pavilion in the mid 1980's.
From we learn:
Jackie Pallo June 12, 1926 - February 11, 2006 Pallo enjoyed national fame for more than a decade, but he had an eye on his future and, while still a wrestling star, played an Ugly Sister in Cinderella and later villains in Goldilocks and Dick Whittington.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Here are the two photos (as promised in my March 2nd posting) showing my Dad's dad Walter Herbert Edwin Nichols, who I never got to meet, and my step Grandad Percy Frederick Clayson, who was a lovely old chap, and quite hard of hearing. I knew him as uncle Perc (Purse). In the 50s/6Os he had an allotment just behind the new pool - albeit the pool wasn't built at that time, I don't think.
My Grandad is the 4th one from the left, wearing glasses. Who are the other men? And does anyone recognise the background as to where the photo was taken? And the exact year?
The 2nd pic, on the same spot, is my Grandad again (3rd from the left) and Uncle Percy (first from right). Probably he was the one who took the first picture. I wonder what is that to the left of this photo?
When I was about 9 or so, Percy took me to his shed (at 80, Kenilworth Avenue E17) and asked me if I would like a very old sword. I have always assumed that it was a family heir look, either on Percy's side of the family - or ours?
I took the sword to school (Heathcote E4) to show my history teacher, in the hope that he could identify it , and he did: he told me that it was from Crimea, and noted how some of the original green paint was still on it.
The sword had been really well looked after for it was inside its original, very well greased, case. Sadly, my sword was stolen from the classroom. I was truly devastated and I have often wondered over the years if someone still has it? Albeit not by the person who stole it!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
A great photo of my mum and Vi Smith on our day out to Southend, during the school summer holidays. Would dearly love to be in contact with Vi and Tom's two sons Keith and Alan. It's been a long search, but know they have family in Walthamstow, but her boys may have stayed in the Harold Hill area, Essex...
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Back row, left to right: Victor Fletcher, Ronald Oatham, Alex Braid, Barry Newell, Christopher Franklin, Tommy Moore, Kenneth Atkinson, Keith Atkinson
Front row, left to right: David Hartley, Keith Osborne, Leon Ellis, ??, Elaine Britton, Mr Dunsheath (Headmaster), Mr Hartrey (class teacher), Linda Waters, Susan Trim, Margaret Mingay, Me, Tariq Ali, Donald Case.
Sincere apologise for the one omission. I seem to remember the name 'crystal', but I can't be sure.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Help here needed please! On the back of the top photo it reads "Nick with his nurse, note the beard on Nick!"
When and where was this photo taken? We think it's my Dad's uncle, i.e. Arthur Nichols, convalescing after a war injury? Or after the war with some other illness?
Also does anyone recognise his nurse?
The 2nd photo is also said to be Arthur - with his son Barry? (Not to be confused with my brother Barry)
I have a small photo of Arthur's wife (unamed), at their home in Ontario, Canada. The photo shows her carrying Barry, whom we believe to have been born sometime after 1951, these photos do look like they are taken around that time.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
This is Mrs Green in her (and Mr Green's) garden at Kenilworth Avenue E17. Looks like the end house near to what was to become John Jackson's sign shop in the 7Os in Chingford Road.
Mrs Green, but I don't think is their garden for it's not cottagy enough! Also the two little lads need ID.
[See my 25 Feb posting]
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
I think this is my Dad's aunt Mabel (also written as Mable) - I call this photo "The Lady with the Film Star Looks... and Pose"!
She was born Mable Lillian Coggin in 1904, in Islington, later living in Walthamstow. She also married in Islington, in 1927, to George Edgar Sutton. Mabel died in Norwich in 1992. This is the so sad part about this, for she would have been no more than an hour possibly from where I live now!
Mabel's parents, were: Elizabeth Merry and Thomas John Coggin. Does anybody remember Mabel?
It is more likely that Mabel could have been my Dad's cousin? It was also rumoured that her husband was called Bert?
The bottom left pic was taken in 1932. The bottom right, taken with her friend or sister, was in 1934 - Mabel is the one seated.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
I am sure that's right, Jeff - thanks for that and for reminding us all how much more exciting dancing was back in the day. I realise that I made a mistake in my previous post - the dance hall by the Granada was Dudleys, not Bradleys.
Look forward to hearing from other people, of both sexes, who enjoyed close contact dancing. Had to be better than dating agencies didn't it!
Pat LYNN Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Keith and Daniel,
Tom T Hall was a country music singer from the USA. I have vague memories that he did tour the UK, but cannot recall when that was.
Best regards
Bernard GREEN Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Pat,
In a recent post you wrote:
"A particular lady I met was Brenda Green, who lived in Priory Court at the time and who subsequently married in about 1961/62 and moved to Greville Road E17 with her husband and son. If anyone has knowledge of Brenda's subsequent fortunes I would love to hear from them".
She married a man called George Bloor in 1963 and I am fairly sure that I have found them and have their telephone number and address. I will send this information to you on the private email facility.
Would you please advise via the Walthamstow Memories site if you find her. We love a happy ending,
Good luck!
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Keith,
In your recent post about Winns School, you wrote:
"The back of the photo reads "The Crisis. September 1938. Winns Avenue Junior School". Does anyone recall what the crisis was? Likely of course to be an air-raid"
Well, apart from the fact that I had been born 9 days earlier, which I don't think caused that much of a panic, and the fact that the war for Britain didn't start until a year later; the crisis in September 1938 was British Prime Minister, Nevile Chamberlain's discussion with Adolph Hitler and the signing of the Munich non-aggression pact which delayed the onset of war. Chamberlain arrived back in Britain flourishing the document and proclaiming "Peace in our time"
You may be interested to learn that, in WWII, there was a parents's strike involving Winn's school where the parents withheld their children from school and set up their own school,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
I think the dancing school referred to in the Orford Road area was run by Mr. and Mrs. Smith, both ex-champions I believe.
My mates and I used to go there in our teens, every Wednesday and Friday, and repair to a pub just across the road during the interval.
I recall two things in particular. We were all virile young men and easily aroused, and a result were reluctant to hold our partner too closely. However, this did not wash with Mrs. Smith (in her fifties?) and she was frequently heard calling across the dance floor to one young man or another 'Hip contact if you please Mr. So and so..'
The other thing I remember is that there was always a lady's invitation during the evening and for this the lights were dimmed. As soon as it was announced, all the men lost their confidence, tried to make themselves invisible and nervously lit up a cigarette. At these times, the side of the hall where the young men stood could quite easily have been mistaken for the Blackpool illuminations.
The music was always strict tempo Victor Sylvester, placed on an old wind.up gramophone.
Boy, did we know how to live in those days..!
Tony LANCASTER Private Reply Public Reply
In the late 50s/early 60s there were a number of dancing schools in the Walthamstow area (Sonny Deardens off Forest Road and Bradley's near the Granada in Hoe street are two that I remember), where I met some very nice young ladies. Does anyone else remember these places - there was another one north of Hoe street in the Orford Road area?
A particular lady I met was Brenda Green, who lived in Priory Court at the time and who subsequently married in about 1961/62 and moved to Greville Road E17 with her husband and son. If anyone has knowledge of Brenda's subsequent fortunes I would love to hear from them.
Pat LYNN Private Reply Public Reply
Daphnes Florist of Higham Hill Road was always patronised by our family for many years. But it was when I myself got to know them more, when I did a garden restoration for them at their home in Walthamstow. They were both the salt of the earth, and so nice to work for too.
I remember their particular job of work very well, for this was the first time that I'd been asked to dig out a Pampas Grass: it took me just over 4 hours of hard graft to remove it! This was a lesson well learnt, hence knew how to price more correctly when asked to dig out others during my long landscaping career, for they are very hard to remove!
The next florist was near the Bell Corner, in Forest Road, a short walk from Bedford Rd, and was called Peters, and of course more known as Peters Florist. On saying that, it was more affectionately known as Peters & Bettys.
These two nice people became firm friends, sadly Betty died only a few months ago. They both asked me if I could help them out by doing all their deliveries for them, but only at the more busier times like Vaslentine's Day, Mother's Day, etc... Now this job of work always fitted in fine with any other work that I had, The delight on people's faces when receiving bunches of flowers or a bouquet was a picture!
Even when I drove past their shop late at night, you'd see them working away to all hours, especially if they had a funeral or wedding on for the next day - for it had to be completed no matter what!
When they sold their shop, Peter took on the job working at a Garden Centre at Ingatestone, Essex. Peter always rang me to tell me if they had any old stock that was going cheap to clear, he always gave me first option. A little later on he took on the job as a Gardener on a private estate until he retired.
When doing all the deliveries for them all over Waltham Forest, Peter and Betty were good payers, and my fuel costs were always met. You meet some nice people in life, and forever grateful that I knew them, thankfully though Peter is still with us, but I'll never forget Peter and Betty, nor Fred and Daphne.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hallo Daniel
I have attached 2 photos of the 1942 Home Guard. My grandfather is in both photos. He is in the middle row, 3rd from left in the one with fewer people in it. The photo with more people in was endorsed 1942 by my grandfather.
My mother has the original of the photo of the bigger group and I can't remember where he is in that one. She lives in Brisbane, Australia.
I gather the two photos were taken at the same time "as the building in the background looks the same.
My grandfather's name was Albert Edwin Loy (1903-1984) and he lived in Hackney. My mother and her mother were evacuated to Sandy during the war "after a bomb landed in the school across the road (Sybourne St Primary school, I understand) "fortunately it didn't explode. My grandmother's sister and her husband (John & Mary Ellen (Thompson) Gower were killed in the bombing on 9 September 1940 at 54 Hersee Place, Bethnal Green.
My grandparents, his parents, his sister and my mother (his daughter) migrated to Australia in 1948.
I hope the photos are helpful for your archives. If you happen to already have them and can tell me the date, occasion, who is in the photos it would be helpful.
Be Good
Cheryl JAQUES Private Reply Public Reply
On the back of this photo reads "Happy New Year to Mr & Mrs Green - Xmas party 1948. Mrs Nichols".
{1948 is the year I was born}
How formal some people were back in those days!
The first lady in the front row is my Great-grandmother Minnie Nichols. Did she, I wonder, live at one time at 80, Kenilworth Avenue? And then pass the property to my Dad's parents? When they were better off, when moving to The Brambles in Chingford.
It is of course possible that they were already living at The Brambles and simply visiting their son and daughter-in-law, and got to know Mr & Mrs Green through them?
(For Mr & Mrs Green, see my 25th Feb posting)
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
These two photos are of my dear late mum aged about 19, I should think? The 2nd pic I'm not sure whether this was at Gilsons? Or possibly in a booth somewhere... bus/train station? It was an unusual booth as you can see, for it tells you your weight as well as taking taking your photo!
(See my posting for February 14th, 2015)
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Can anyone remember what year the top wrestler Jackie Pallo played King Rat at the Lloyd Park pavilion? I think it was in the 70s?
Also, can anybody tell me the name of that Pantomime? It may actually been called King Rat?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
My family had a long association at this address (80, Kenilworth Avenue, E17), as this was the boyhood home of my Dad Walter (Wallie/Wally) and of course his parents were my grandparents.
My granddad I never knew, but was said to be a cruel man, once throwing a dart into Dad's leg! Eric was Dad's younger brother and I have several photos of them all in the garden at that property.
My granddad was in the RAF (I'll submit more on this at a later date). During WW2 he was in the Home Guard in Walthamstow, and once again have some great photos of him with some chaps posing for the camera, one of the men being my step-grandfather (more of him later). My granddad had a good pal Percy Clayson, and told Percy that if anything should happen to him, he'd like him to look after Rosie for him. My granddad did die, and Percy did look after her - we think that they did marry and she became Rose Clayson. Nan's maiden name was Coggin. She had 3 brothers (Arthur, Albert and Alfred), and two sisters (Ethel, known as Ellen, and Sarah). I have a nice photo of her at the Lyons Corner House, where she worked.
Percy too is in the Dad's Army pose and once again I'll submit these soon! Did the Dad's Army have a base where they all met up for instructions? If so... where?
My Nan, like her husband, was a cruel lady. Once when mum had washed all my baby clothes, Nan took them down the garden in all the mud; my mum tried to clean out all the mice dirts from the cupboards, and told mum off for doing so. We're told that Mum had a miserable time there, and it was because of her treatment that mum befriended Mr and Mrs Green, a few doors down, and mum stayed life long friends with them (See my recent posting on Mr & Mrs Green).
My mum though loved Percy, but never saw him again after we moved away to Harold Hill. Dad would take my sister and me to see them both just twice a year. One of those times, just before Christmas, they would buy us the most wonderful presents, but I always had those thoughts of what mum had told us about her, so even as a child felt a bit two faced, for surely this short sweet old lady couldn't have done such things?
Sadly, I have not a single contact with nan's side of the family (name: Coggin). We were told that some of the Coggin family came from the fairground, but one lot were Market Traders at Ridley Rd. Market. I'll tell more on the Coggin family shortly. There must be some that are still alive? We're sure there are family in Hackney?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Would anyone know the whereabouts of Nurse Kelly? She was one of several nurses who helped look after my dearest mum when in Coronation Ward at Whipps Cross Hospital, during the 70s. Mum was in that so depressing Ward for 8 years until she died in 1978.
I used to bring mum home as often as I could and on one of those days, I asked Nurse Kelly if she'd like to come and visit us. And she did! I have just the one photo of her (well me and her) in our front garden at Hancocke House, The Drive, E17.
She was a lovely lady, always smiling, and would love to see her again, she's long retired now, but hope she's still around. I'm not sure but I think that she did live in the Whipps Cross area? My mum was Rene (Irene, or Renie) Nichols.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
My mum lived with her two sisters and brother, and of course their parents (my Grandparents) at no.2 North Countess Road E17. I have numerous photos taken in that garden and in the photos you can see some windows, very likely frosted glass for privacy for both parties!
The windows were for the Bakery, when I was a little lad I could hear all the bakers chatting away whilst working, and in summer those windows would be slightly open, to let in some much wanted air!
My nan and grandad used to have a Dorothy Perkins rose affixed to the old bakery wall. Sixty years or so later I'd love to know the name of that bakery: was it just a bakery supplying other bakeries? or were they baking bread for their own shop on the premises? Is the Bakery still there? If not what is it now? Also, when did the Bakery first open? and if it did close... when and why? And are those windows still there too? One of my favourite photos , is one that has the whole family in it, very many of them so sadly not with us any more. The photo is the family gathering for my auntie Rita née Ridley and uncle Jack Fryett, married in 1954. Rita and Jack are now in their early 80s and not in the best of health these days, so would like to tell them or any findings and tell my auntie Iris too, who is the same age and, again, not in good health.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
With reference to your e-mail concerning my sister Joan I have enclosed a couple of photos of the Rodger family.
The first probably dates from 1944 (a couple of years before my birth). In it are Joan, my Mum, my other sisters Jean and Edna, and my brother Colin. It was taken in the garden of 20 Campbell Road, the house next door to where my family lived (and where I was born). The house was the home of the Turner family, who had two children Maureen and Derek.
The second photos dates from either (I think) 2000 or 2002. It was sadly the last time my brother, sisters and I were ever to be all together for two have died since that picture was taken. My sister Jean was over from America and we all met up in Lanner (Cornwall), where my sister Edna was living at the time. The three ladies are from left to right: Edna, Jean and Joan. The two men are my brother Colin and myself. Possibly, fifty eight years between the two photos... fifty eight years of wonderfully happy memories!
Keith RODGER Private Reply Public Reply
The Queens Road Station was called plain old "Walthamstow" in the early 1960's, as far as I recall.
Paul SIMMONS Private Reply Public Reply
Some folk becomes characters without knowing it! You never needed to look no further than the Walthamstow Market! And it wasn't just the market traders, but also the public too!
The first one I remember was a chap who we just knew as Dog End Joe: he used to walk up and down the market looking for dog-ends (i.e.: cigarette stubs)! And he was always seen again at the end of the day picking out the odd bits of discarded fruit and veg.
Then there was a sweet old lady who was known as Nora or "The Sixpence Lady": she always asked folk for sixpence. We were told that she was arrested several times (easy target?) and rumoured that she paid her fines in sixpences! Apparently the coins were kept in lots of jars and under floor boards, etc... I too gave her money on occasions, but just one time she asked if I had sixpence, so I pulled some money out of my pocket, and said to her: "Yes, I have" and... walked on!
Then there was old Sam. I think he used to help some of the stall holders, but he always looked cold, so I gave him my old army great coat. It was lovely and warm, and really needed it myself! He never did wear it and my mates said I was mad to help him out, but I felt so sorry for him. I was told later that he did sell that lovely coat to buy fags and booze.
Now what about old Fred? I think he was sort of freelance to the market traders, pushing this huge old heavy two wheeled cart up and down the High Street, and along St. James's Street, and most definitely along Black Horse Road/Lane. He lived near there, I believe? I was sitting in a cafe one day when I read a news clip from the local paper, and saw that Fred had pushed that heavy barrow all the way to Southend and back with a cart load of logs for charity, so this must be in the archives somewhere?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
I had a nice surprise at the Prize Bingo where I was a bingo caller at 124 High St. E17, back in the mid to late 60s. Let me back-track a bit...
I was born in Thorpe Coombe Hospital in 1948. The war hadn't been over that long, so mum and dad had heard about new council houses being built at Harold Hill, Essex and moved into 8 Chippenham Walk, around 1950-51. Mum and dad's main pals at no. 13 were Tom and Vi Smith. They had two sons: Keith and Alan. Both Tom and Vi died many years ago and l have tried, with no luck, to find their sons.
At Christmas time in the Walk, some of the neighbours literally left their front doors open, so each of us could pop in and out for eats and drinks, and us kids thought it marvelous! Tom Smith had a brother, George, and always wore a thin striped shirt and braces and to describe him now I would say he was sort of "Romany looking". George had a sister called Sylvie and a grown up daughter Rene, who all came to Vi and Tom's party.
Now to my surprise! For one afternoon at the bingo Rene walked in and she somehow recognised me! I was now in my 20s and last saw her when I was 12 years old! I was in the middle of calling out the numbers, so no time to actually talk, which was so disappointing, for l wanted to tell her where I lived or get her address. She just had time to say that she and her mum and dad (George and Sylvie) had moved to Walthamstow! I was so happy, I always hoped that Rene would go back into the Bingo again... but she never did. Perhaps there is someone out there who might know these names?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Does anyone know or remember a couple called Olive and Max? They would have been great friends of my mum and dad. I have no surname for them, but do have a few photos.
Olive, Max and, on far right, my Mum
I'm certain they are Walthamstow people, one photo shows Olive with a lady who is so obviously her sister as they look so alike! They are also in mum and dads wedding photos, so very likely Max was my Dad's best man? They used to visit mum and dad when we lived at 8, Chippenham Walk at Haarold Hill, Romford, during the 5Os (we moved from there 7th March 1960).
My nan's brother was Alf Axford, married to my aunt Flo, née Latchford (her father was killed when working on the railways).
It was my dear auntie Flo who first took me to Kew Gardens when I was 12. A so very memorable day out! She also did our wall papering for us when dad walked out on us all. She was a lovely lady, she even took on part time work when she was much older delivering the Christmas post.
She lived alone when uncle Alf died, and couldn't get out much, so spent much of her time doing puzzles.
I don't know what uncle Alf's main job of work was during his working life, but did take a job as a doorman at Walthamstow Town Hall. They lived at Barclay Road E17, sadly I don't remember the number, and have no idea where these two lovely people are buried, therefore any help in this much appreciated.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Way back in the 1980s I landscaped my aunt's garden for her (I say Aunt, but in fact she was an adoptive aunt: we all had them back in the 5Os and 60s i.e. your own parent's friends and neighbours). This 'aunt ' was Auntie Betty, and was my Mum's school friend, Betty Kebbey, and lived at 32 Fleeming Road E17. She had lived there all her life as did her parents. At school, of course, her maiden name was Moore. She lost her husband sadly many years ago, his name was Les. Betty was a superb artist of animals. Betty's garden was totally over grown, mainly with one of our fastest climbers: the Russian Vine, or as it's also known as "the mile a minute vine". Betty said that it was very dense and had been there for donkeys years, and tried to cut it back to spare the last bit of lawn! It was now my job to clear it all!
It made a big bonfire, which took three long days and nights to burn through! When it all finally turned to ash, it was now time to rotorvate the now clear, but so uneven ground. It's then of course time go do the constant raking, rolling, levelling and treading, to then have the ground ready for turfing.
It was during the final levelling with the rake that I 'hit ' something, the soil on it was still wet and muddy, and could see that it was sort of oval in shape, and as it was a very hot day it dried very quickly. I could then see all these squares... oh, heavens! It's a hand grenade! I rushed to tell Auntie Betty: she was taken aback, she had no idea how it got in the garden, but had obviously been there since the war. Betty then said that she thinks that there was an ammunition store over the back to her and soldiers being around that area, but doesn't explain a random hand grenade! For as Betty said, she'd played in that garden as a little girl and been in that house all her life as did her mum and dad, and like her neighbours the gardens had always as far as she knew ....been fenced off.
To think that I'd had a fire on that very spot for 3 days and that's not including all the rotorvating, rolling with a heavy roller and me treading every inch of that ground! We of course called the police, and a single policeman put it in a shoe box to take it away, before he went though ..he looked at the grenade carefully, and said that we had been very lucky for the grenade was live and the pin almost worn away! Betty and I often wondered if there were other undetected grenades in some of the other gardens?
Now I don't know the reason, but Betty took an upstairs flat to number 36, sadly a very wrong move, for poor Betty became somewhat disabled and had to come down the stairs there on her bottom to answer the door. Betty and Les only had one daughter, Pamela. She was very much into gymnastics in a big way, as I remember, her married name was Ackland-Snow. She was a lovely girl, we got on so well, but then a big mystery! For she never told anyone about her mum's passing, we learnt from a neighbour a good while after, so none of us know where & when BETTY was buried or cremated?
I think Betty went to Winns Avenue School - so did my mum and dad, possibly? I have a lovely photo of some lads posing for a photo at Winns Avenue: it shows 8 little lads, two wearing gas masks. My uncle John Ridley is one of the boys in a mask.
The back of the photo reads "The Crisis. September 1938. Winns Avenue Junior School". Does anyone recall what the crisis was? Likely of course to be an air-raid?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Right! Let me tell you about my Hippy clothes in 60s Walthasmtow and how l got them! I suppose I was one of the most flamboyant with my choices, but I loved the whole era and was sad when it all ended. The very first item I bought was an 18th century jacket with all gold braiding to the front edges and gold frilly cuffs. It was sold as an original, but could be an item from a theatre? This of course was bought down Petticoat Lane, on one of my first visits there, it was a time though there when every stall was individual, and a very fascinating place to be.
I wore this jacket mainly in summer as it didn't do up at the front. Like all my clothing, I wore plain and crushed velvet trousers of every colour, but it was always velvet: Velvet trousers, jumpers and T-shirts were all bought from two sources in Walthamstow. I'll tell you about the first one albeit could only go in there if I was a bit flushed... which wasn't often! It became a very popular shop at the Hoe Street end of the High Street and called simply Cyril Conway. He always was a friendly soul and always happy to chat! I went to his home once to give him some gardening advice.
The main attraction at Cyril's shop was his sole employee, Mike 'Tinkerbell' Smith, of that great local band Sam Apple Pie. Now, although it was mainly a man's shop, girls would make their excuses to go into the shop to be near or speak to Mike! They would also be at the shop window making out that they were simply window shopping! I bought several jumpers from Cyril, all in the style of the popular Grandad T-shirts with all 3 buttons at the top. I bought every colour he had over time.
Just one item though stands out above all the other items that I bought from that shop and that is a well made flowery jacket, and were largish roses! I only ever saw one other person wearing the same jacket and that was Sam Sampson, of course from Sam Apple Pie! But there was a big difference, for Sam bought the matching trousers too + wore almost black thigh length boots as well!
Both the jacket and trousers were a good quality material, so I expect the trousers were a bit hot for him to wear on stage? I still have all my jackets!
The next jacket was a real beauty! And bought it from two Irish pals of mine, they were friends of the Irish band The Taste, fronted by Rory Gallagher... the jacket had belonged to the drummer. I actually met and became pals with my two Irish friends when they came into the Prize Bingo, where I worked in High Street. Sadly, they went back to Ireland. We did correspond for a time, but as usual life gets in the way!
One day though, one of the regulars, an old gent, came into the bingo and said: "I've got just the right buttons for that jacket!". Anyhow, the next day he came in and gave me the most unusual buttons: they were like a gold 6 petalled flower with a pearl in the middle. The jacket was a flat velvet of darker reds, yellows etc not at all as bright as the flowery one. Everyone loved this jacket. Sadly, this is the only one that I didn't manage to keep as damp got to it in a loft and the whole jacket went mouldy and totally unsaveable.
By the way, I am still in regular contact with the manager of that Prize Bingo: Ronnie Schwartz (aka Gus, Soho Gus and Bingo Gus!). He is in his 80s now and still looks really well! He and wife Betty are due to visit this summer, very welcomed friends.
The only other place that my wife and I bought hippy clothes and that was from hippies who had a house in Blenheim Road E17. These folk had everything we wanted, many styles of T-Shirts, velvet, satin etc... and so many designs too: suns, stars, moons, etc...
One last thing that I must add, and that was when me and pal Mickey Casey went to see The Pretty Things at a college somewhere in London and for some odd reason Phil May, lead singer, asked if everyone could sit down! Everyone did... except me and Mick! Needless to say we stood out like a sore thumb with everybody looking at us, so Phil asked why we were not sitting down... I said: "We don't want to crush our crush velvets!". Phil just said okay! So we had a great view of the band that night, perhaps Mick and l caused what they call "a happening"?
The real reason we didn't sit down is because we couldn't for the velvets were far too tight!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
I am so pleased that I'm still holding your interest with my stories about ATOMIC ROOSTER!
Back in the 80s Vincent Crane met and married the lovely Jean, who herself had been involved with the theatre (i.e.The Mouse Trap and tv's Z Cars, etc...). As most of you know, if you're a fan, Vince was a very ill man, and is well documented elsewhere. But I was a witness to that on more than one occasion and a very sad thing to see to such a nice guy. Now not many people know this, but he was getting together an 8 piece band and to call it The Rooster Road Show, and the lead singer was to be Helen Mirren. This - to my knowledge - never got started, for Vince was so ill at this time, and possibly the worry of this project made it worse.
Vincent started to get into getting fit - "a strength thing" as he called it - he and Jean took me out to the back garden, which I'd landscaped some years earlier, only to find that he'd dug this massive hole, supposedly to be some sort of pond! I took photo's of them both sitting on this large mound of earth.
Another time Vince would get on a push bike, put on a top hat and cycle up and down Belgrave Road, Wansted, all in the pouring rain, laughing and singing his head off! Vincent filled the pond to overflowing and flooded out his neighbours gardens too!
One of my most treasured items is 3ft s 2ft colour photo of Vince and another chap whom I believe was going to be in the roadshow: I'd love to know who he is. The photo was taken by the Mcalpines. It was Vince who gave me this fascinating photo + other photos of him sitting at his BabyGrand with just some of the forty odd cats on it! He also gave me some of his demos which of course became album tracks.
One of those demos has always remained a mystery for the name of the band is Tom T Hall and The Tom Cats: any ideas, folks?
Let's now go to other Walthamstow snippets.
Now I have no idea if this next band was a local one or not, but there was always quite a large poster advertising them on the wall or windows of the Brewery Tap pub. They were called Titus Groan.
I also knew Barry Hart or Lee/Lea Hart. He was in a band called Turquoise when I first knew him, and I think he was there the night I put on the Screaming Lord Sutch event?
Barry became more well known in the band Slowbone and were a great Walthamstow band travelling far and wide. My wife remembers him because he was building his own car. We also knew his sister Linda, who we believe became a fashion model. The girls all liked Barry, as we remember, and the lads liked Linda too! We found out later that she married one of my dearest pals Mickey Casey, for it was Mick and I who spent all our hippy years together - and they are further stories to tell! I would love to be in contact with Mick again so if you know him let me know... Sad when you unintentionally lose touch, he was my best man at our wedding.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Brenda has just dug out a newspaper clipping (possibly Walthamstow Guardian?) of one Eton Manor football game, and team names are:
C Daniel (Colin: goalie); K Lowe; A Morrell; G Barnes; K Elgar; D Starkey; F Clark; R Kaley; C Hand; W Hooper; J Bright.
Perhaps some of these are in that photo and may recognise themselves.
Thanks again,
Colin DOMAN Private Reply Public Reply
An article for Personal Stories: "The Wooden Cooling Towers"
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
I have the most amazing photo of the Walthamstow Social Centre taken at Christmas 1948. Does anyone know where this centre was?
What is odd about the photo is that there is about 30 people there and all ladies! And just one man standing at the back!
The old folks are sitting in front of what looks like a large cloth banner reading old Walthamstow Social Centre the wording of old tells you that this centre had been going for a good number of years. There are also some large initials on the banner at the bottom, but one of the ladies are blocking it!
What is interesting is that it is a nice clear photo And all these folk could easily be your relatives. I will show this photo shortly. I particularly have a fondness for this photo, because the very first lady in ghee front row is my Dad's Nan: my Great-grandmother Minnie Nichols. My Great-grandfather was Walter Herbert Nichols, the man who built and designed the well known swimming pool known as the Kingfisher Pool that stood in Oak Hill, Woodford Green, bordering Higham's Park, Walthasmtow. I have a wonderful photo of him on site there (a close up) taken on the 12th June 1934 and I assume it was the opening day?
Both my Great-grandparents lived at The Brambles in Chingford Road (still there, as Bill Bayliss told me + showed me some remarkable photos of the place going way back). When my Great-grandfather died, I'm certain that my Great-grandmother, either had built or moved to a property called The Bungalow at Westward Road E4. What is extraordinary is that my Dad always spoke of a superb wooden model of a castle that was kept in the front window of the Brambles, to the sheer delight for all those that walked past (did my Great-grandfather make this model, I wonder?)
This all became clear when Bill Bayliss showed me further photos of a garden nursery adjacent to The Brambles called Castle Nurseries, which had a beautiful folly in the style of a castle. Can anyone out out there today remember that nursery or have pictures of it? More so if the photo shows The Brambles too!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello again Daniel,
My recent submissions to the WM website prompted further discussion here with my partner, with result below. Our Walthamstow associations go deeper:
I'm attaching 6 photos that may be of interest. These are from my partner Brenda's album of her late husband Colin Daniel (1935-1998), formerly of Forest Drive, Walthamstow, until 1960 when they married. So actually I am the 'second' Colin, and also from Walthamstow - quite a coincidence! He was a much more sporty type though, as these photos will show. His chosen profession was accountancy, and in later years he held financial directorships with, in turn, Ford Motor Co.; British Leyland; Acrow (the crane manfs.); and Grand Metropolitan Hotels.
In 1952 the Trinidad-born British athlete Emmanuel McDonald Bailey (1920-2013) visited the Granada Cinema and was welcomed by the local athletics club, of which Colin Daniel was a member.
Photo 1 - Colin Daniel in middle row, second from right, wearing black shirt
Photo 2 - Colin Daniel is 6th from right
(The poster on the wall behind is for the film Untamed Frontier of 1952)
Photo 3 - Presentation to E McDonald Bailey on the Granada stage
Photo 4 - George Monoux School Athletics Team 1948.
Colin Daniel in bottom row, third from left
Photo 5 - George Monoux School Cricket Team 1949. Colin Daniel seated, second from right
Photo 6 - Leyton: the Eton Manor Junior 'A' Football Team 1949-50
Colin Daniel in goalkeeper strip, front row, second from left
Colin DOMAN Private Reply Public Reply
This is a bit of a long shot, but is there anyone who can cast their memory back to 1925, re: My research into a rather sad part of my family history...
My Great-grandparents Rose and Arthur Axford lived at the time at 7 Warner Road E17. We can only assume that they had walked from their home to the Ferry Boat Inn, when tragedy struck, for their little lad drowned in the adjacent river. His name was Reginald (Reggie) Douglas Axford. He drowned on the 4th August 1925, he was only 7 yrs old. All that is known today is that he was playing with some bigger boys.
I have just the one photo of him playing on his little bike in Warner Road with a chap talking to him: a relative? a neighbour?
Little Reggie sadly is buried with other people - as far as we know - at Queen's Road Cemetery. I know the exact spot where my Great-grandparents are buried at Chingford Mount Cemetery, along with my Great-grandfather's brother, but sadly no grave stone or I came into money this would be the first thing that I would remedy.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel
First let me say what a great service you are providing to all ex E17ers. I left the UK in 1965 for the USA.
Now at age 77 I would love to renew contact with a childhood friend. I'm Looking for Barrie (Barry) Reader who was born April 1937 and spent his early life living next door to me at 80 Beulah Rd, Walthamstow. We were inseparable school mates at Maynard Road until the 11+ separated us. I know that Barrie went on to Joseph Barrett Secondary and I suppose he was there until 1952-3(-ish). I would love to hear from anyone who has any knowledge of Barrie Reader's whereabouts.
Thanks for any help that you can give me.
Malcom BECK Private Reply Public Reply
The Mr Child (Alan J Child) that Steve Johnson mentions in his letter of 24th Feb was previously head of Thomas Gamual Primary School, Walthamstow. He was headmaster there during my stay 1952/58 and left to become head of Selwyn in 1966. I'm sure he mentioned to me when we last spoke (2001) that he himself had attended that school as a youngster. He lived with his wife (Head of the old Wood Street (Woodside) School, E17) and two daughters in Forest Side, E4, before semi-retiring shortly before 1980 to Scole, Norfolk. He later moved to Kenninghall, just south of Norwich. He survived his wife and died around 2004. He would have been in his mid 30's whilst Head at Gamuel, so could quite easily have been the Mr Child at Chapel End during his earlier teaching career.
He was a fine Headmaster and a great story teller and often had our class spellbound as we listened to his exploits in Africa during the second world war. He was very much involved in schoolboy football and regularly wore his blazer displaying the Essex Football Association badge. It only seems like yesterday that clad in black tracksuit, tennis shoes and whistle, together with the repeated instruction of "keep together lads" he would have us all jogging from Gamuel Road to Low Hall Farm for our afternoon games lesson. What great times they were and what a fine headmaster we had.
Private Reply
Public Reply
During the war years, my dear late mum (Irene Nichols née Ridley - Rene to her pals) always told me that she was a regular at the dances held at the WALTHAMSTOW AVENUE, and assume it was the pavilion on the football ground? Unless there was another building in WALTHAMSTOW AVENUE where the dances were held? ADVICE PLEASE!
Sadly mum got MS at the early age of 28, albeit not diagnosed until the mid 60s to what was actually wrong with her LTE does however give me some comfort to know that her teenage years were relatively good for her. Mum died in 1978 aged 54 (I'm now 66), but would love to think that some of mum's mates are still with us now in their 80s+.
I will soon show photos on this site in the hopes that some of you will recognise someone!
Let me tell you some names with these photos: VERA CHENNERY (surname is her married name). She married a nice chap called FRANK in the early 60s. They were still living at a corner house on the BILLET ROAD and had two or three sons.
Another chap in uniform named just as MEREDITH. Then there is a SYLVIA, and a lady with an odd nickname known as FLOSSIE BANG BANG! At WALTHAMSTOW AVENUE there were many American soldiers too, which also included Navy and RAF etc... Mum's sister, my aunt, only very recently told me that Mum won cups for doing the jitter bug, and that she was brilliant at it - must've been to win cups for it! Yet mum told me nothing of this or her younger life. Is there anyone out there today that can recall mum doing the jitter bug at WALTHAMSTOW AVENUE?
Mum had her heart broken by a Navy man, by the name of JOHNNY. Mum met him in WALTHAMSTOW, and went to meet him as he got off his ship ,only to see him kissing his WIFE! Later mum met the real love of her life, a chap called VANN, only to learn that he was killed in the D. DAY LANDINGS. I still have mum's 1942 diary, so I'll look up some more names! Another of mum's pals I met when I was about 16 or so was very good at reading the tea leaves! I went to see her just once! She was known as CONNIE COUGH DROP! She lived in EDWARD ROAD.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
When I'd finished on the fairgrounds late in the year, and to keep fit for the following year, I used to work as a timber porter at the LABURNAM MOULDING MILLS that was/is at SUTHERLAND ROAD E17, and hard graft it was too!
But one winter I decided that I wanted to keep polished up on my spieling, so applied for a job as a professional Bingo Caller, where plenty of patter and showmanship was needed, so an interview was arranged with the owners Jack and Eileen Cohen, and had to go to their home at SHARON GARDENS, HACKNEY. We got on so well that I passed the interview with flying colours! The company was called EILEEN AMUSEMENTS, and faced both THE CHEQUERS PH and ROSSI'S ICE CREAM PARLOUR.
The BINGO was at 124 High Street E17. I stayed with the firm far longer than I intended, and found it so hard in the summer, being indoors. The winter was hellish for me too, with all the heat and dense cigarette smoke - I often suffered with a sore throat though, re the constant patter and spiel that was needed to hold and entertain a crowd. And what with calling BINGO numbers for hours on end it wasn't a wonder! Our hours were from 10 til 6 and very busy on Saturdays, we had Wednesdays off albeit not for me, for on that day I used to be a Coalman, helping my pal Tommy White for whose business it was, his brother George also helped. After my day had ended at the bingo, I had an hour's break before doing even more BINGO calling from 7pm til 10 pm ...very sore throats were a big problem.
It was ALEXANDRA PALACE fairground. Showman who gave me the job after hearing of my success just up the road a little with the COHENS, his name was JOHNNY NORTH and believe his large arcade adjoined the now demolished MISSION GROVE.
My week was still not over, for every Sunday I'd be up early to travel to PETTICOAT LANE, to help the very delightful RONNIE SCHWARTZ. Now RONNIE was the manager of the bingo and worked alongside him each day, but he was a very unique and clever market trader, whom I've done more on in one of my books and far too much to tell here! I'm very proud to say that I've done much in my life, and have had no choice but to be one of life's grafters. A pal of mine years back, who too was a hard worker, his wife was listening to us talking about the many things that we'd done in life, she then said: "You two would have to be 150, if you'd done all these things that you say you do!". I turned to my pal and said: "Well there you are mate, that's the difference!" He looked at me oddly and said: " What do you mean by that, Keith?". So I said: "Well that's the difference to those who want to work and those that don't!".
I mentioned the likeable Tommy White earlier. He also became a long serving market trader in WALTHAMSTOW HIGH STREET with his fruit'n'veg stall, at first on the corner of WILLOW WALK outside the record store that ROCK AND ROLL SINGER DAVE SAMPSON eventually bought - I can't recall what Dave called his shop now?
Anyhow, Tommy later moved further down the HIGH STREET and believe he stayed there until he retired?
On the subject of record shops my own step brother owned one in HOE STREET E17 and called it UGLY CHILD RECORDS: his shop almost adjourned the GRANADA CINEMA.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Keith,
I was interested in your message about the 'Green Goddess' record, as I remember the "Thames at Six" broadcast very well. As you say, a few bars of the record were played and I still remember the first part of the chorus went something like "I'm just a Fire Fighter - Flame Hater" and the second part included "I'm just a Fire Killer - Flame Gorilla". Andrew Gardner placed his hand on his forehead briefly before saying "It's amazing what these people will cash-in on." To finish, he said that the record was "so good, we're going to file it for future use." He then tossed it into a bin placed in front of him for that purpose.
An amusing thing about this issue was that shortly afterwards I saw a copy of the record on a second-hand record stall in Portobello Road, and decided to buy it to see what the fuss was about! I'm sure I still have this copy somewhere, but I have so many boxes of records dotted around various storage points it would take far too long to find it. However, anyone interested in a copy can find it by following this link:
Best regards
John PRIDIGE Private Reply Public Reply
A bit of a long shot when searching for people, but can anyone remember a Mr and Mrs Green, who lived lived in KENILWORTH AVENUE E17? Sadly I never knew their Christian names, nor do I know their house number, but COULD be the last house nearing CHINGFORD ROAD, adjacent to what was my friend's sign shop. The other corner to KENILWORTH was/is an off licence. But going by a photo that I have of Mrs Green, it does indeed look like an end house.
My Dad's mum and dad lived at number 80 for very many years and definitely in the 50s, when l was a lad. They lived just a few doors from Mr & Mrs Green.
Old Mr Green we never saw move from his armchair, but Mrs Green was an avid gardener, and showed me orange and lemon plants that she'd proudly grown from pips.
They had a lovely cottage style garden. We never saw old Mrs Green when we lived at HAROLD HILL, ROMFORD, ESSEX, But when we moved to CHINGFORD HATCH on the 7th March 1960, she was a regular visitor; she never came empty handed, there was always sweets and comics for me and my sister and baby clothes for my new baby brother, who was born a few days later on the 18th. Dad walked out on us all not long after. Mrs Green always gave mum a bunch of flowers from her garden. The roses, when finished, I would just stick them in the ground just outside the kitchen door, the same spot where we shot the tea leaves several times a day... and all the roses grew too!
Sadly, we lost contact as we moved to COPPERMILL LANE E17 and not long after mum's MS got worse and was admited to WHIPPS CROSS HOSPITAL, where she remained until she died in 1978 aged just 54.
On our wedding day (20th May 1972) at ST JOHN'S CHURCH in CHINGFORD ROAD, I had the most wonderful surprise: someone called my name ... and it was Mrs Green! She was all smiles, sadly I couldn't kiss or hug her, for we we're both either side of the fence, and it was time to go into the Church, so had to say a quick goodbye, but not before handing me a wedding present, it still mystifys me on how she knew I was getting married and what day, I'm afraid I'll never know now.
The present turned out to be a beautiful crystal Howell of which I've treasured since the day it was given to us, that is until JANUARY this year, when my son's dog went Barmy, jumping on the window sill, looking at another dog , and smashed that lovely bowl. I was truly devastated. I keep all the broken bits in a box, not having the heart go throw it away . When we came back from honeymoon, I called on Mrs Green, but the door only opened slightly, her lovely smile now gone. I thanked her for her lovely present, the door closed slowly and I never saw her again, was she ill? Was Mr Green ill or had he just died?
It's also sad to think that they were both a lifelong before our wedding for I thought they'd died years before, as mum hadn't spoken their names in a long while, mum though was far too ill anyway.
I don't think they had any family, but my dearest wish today is to know where they are buried: are they in QUEENS ROAD or CHINGFORD MOUNT CEMETERIES? Only I'd like nothing more than to pay my respects to them both.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Like many teenagers in the 60s, I loved THE BEATLES. Pal CHARLIE BRENNAN (of The band COCO) and I were two of the lucky ones who managed to get tickets: we were up in the balcony and never heard a single note! We were also quite scared to the fact that you could feel the balcony moving with up an down motion - it felt like it was near to collapse and it was no great surprise when, two weeks later we went there to see a film, to see lots of scaffolding being put up, so perhaps there was a potential disaster? Mind you, the wild fans downstairs must've seen the chandeliers shaking!
The queue was enormous: from the GRANADA, where the event was held, and right down the HIGH ST E17. I had my ticket for years, right up to my 40s, but then went missing... stolen? I'm sure Charlie still has his today - I'll have to ask him!
When I moved to SUFFOLK in 1987 I was introduced to the most delightful chap that you could ever wish to meet . We became good pals from that first meeting , until his death years later. His name was FREDERICK LLEWELLYN EPHGRAVE, but to me and all that knew him he was JOE.
The nickname came about because of all the splashes of paint on his smock: JOEseph with the amazing Technicolor Coat!
You can imagine my GREAT sadness only in January this year, being new to the internet, putting Joe's name in to read that there never was anyone called JOE EPHGRAVE... and never existed! The strange thing about it is there are true facts as well! So how can that be a fictional character?
What I don't know about JOE isn't worth knowing, JOE'S wife was devastated when I told her of my findings. So... WHO WAS JOE EPHGRAVE? Well, he was one of this country's finest SHOWMANS ARTISTS, very well known on the fairground world, and worked with the best of them like HALL AND FOWLE, whose work has lived on way after their deaths, Joe had many notable works undress his belt. His most famous work was for PETER and LINDA BLAKE , when they asked him to make, design and paint what was to become the most famous drum in the world, namely... SGT PEPPERS LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND! You can see Joe's name credited on the album etc
JOE also painted The Gallopers (carousel) for the film CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG, they also asked him if he'd like to be an extra (extra money too !) Joe's wife has spotted him as a young man in it - I haven't as yet.
He also painted the Gallopers for the film OH ! WHAT A LOVELY WAR ! And also lots of scenery for the many CARRY ON films. The CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG GALLOPERS, as they are still known as, still travel Norfolk and Suffolk alongside my ex set of 1899 SWING BOATS Joe made and painted my 60ft top premium board for the BOATS, so today both of of his works stand side by side.
JOE made me a superb fairground organ and signs etched made fairground games and a superb model maker of fairground rides and stalls, etc... of which I was involved in the selling of his own models. I own Joe's last uncompleted model of a CAKEWALK.
I have written so much more about Joe in two published books about my life as a fairground showman, with photos of Joe, thus proving that this lovely man was a real person: he did exist and a very much missed friend.
One last thing that I will tell you and something to tell your friends , and that Joe got paid twice for doing that drum unintentionally of course, for he waited months before he got paid for his work, but two weeks later a cheque arrived for the same amount! JOE of course said nothing, for - as he told me - his first lot of money should have been in his bank... not theirs! And by the way, if you're in GREAT YARMOUTH at some point go and see the GALLOPERS on the PLEASURE BEACH for he painted those too!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
I was interested to see in your email you refer to a Mr Childs as one of your teachers, and also someone who had a large influence on your life. I wonder if this could be the same Mr Childs who became Headmaster of Selwyn Avenue Boys during my time there during the early 1960's. The dates would seem to allow it to be the same person. He was somebody who also helped shape my life and attitudes, and if you can access the 'Friends ReUnited' website you will see that there are numerous others who say the same thing. A truly inspirational man.
Private Reply
Public Reply
I am so glad that a lot of the readers of this site are finding my bits about ATOMIC ROOSTER so interesting, thus makes it all worth while! But I'll have to put a limit on this, as l can only say so much about the band covering the WALTHAM FOREST area for of course I have very many stories that happened with the band on the road during my time with them from all over the country, so here's some more snippets to hop hold your attention...
VINCENT CRANE had a new agent, during my time with the band, and his name was TERRY KING and was his idea to at last put Vince's name to the fore, hence renaming the band as VINCENT CRANES ATOMIC ROOSTER. It was TERRY who asked me and another roadie to completely cover the organ with a strong silver type material, to cover the dull glitter, where Vince's name had been written in Voodoo wording. The glitter looked great with all the stage lighting wherever we went.
CHRIS FARLOWE joined as lead singer. He once commented on a visit to Vince and Pat's home in WANSTEAD, that on going through the front door he had to pass boxes of cat food! For they had just over forty of them! At feeding time in the conservatory it looked like a moving fur carpet! When the band were rehearsing at LEYTON ARCHES MIDLAND ROAD LEYTON , Pat and I used to go to the BAKERS ARMS, to the WOOLWORTHS that used to be there, solely to buy cat food.
The public would stand and stare in astonishment when I and Pat literally cleared all the shelves, many questioned on why we needed so many! The band were rehearsing for a new album called NICE N GREASY, and JOHN GOODSALL (AKA JOHNNY MANDELA) formerly in BRAND X. We later went to TRIDENT STUDIOS to record TELL YOUR STORY SING YOUR SONG. A new band were in the adjacent room and we noted their unique sound, their drummer came out for a drink , and we all sat and watched SANDS OF THE KALAHARI, an old film with Stewart Grainger... the band was QUEEN!
There was always trouble outside LEYTON BATHS, especially as you came out at the end of the night. It was after one such night that I met Pat CRANES pal Cindy, she had worked at the boutique called BIBA and worked with Pat as cashiers at COVENT GARDENS... MIDDLE EARTH....Cindy had told me about this hippy place several times . Then one night I met her at the top of WALTHAMSTOW HIGH STREET and once again told me of all the bands that I was missing, and that night I decided to go! And went there for several years, and still have some posters.
I last saw Cindy in the GRANADA - she was going out with ROGER CHAPMAN of the band THE FAMILY and last saw Pat at WALTHAMSTOW CENTRAL leaving on a 69 bus with CARL PALMER to the BOTTLENECK BLUES CLUB at STRATFORD, where CARL had a flat.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
As a landscape Gardener and Plantsman (among MANY other things in life!), I had an estimate accepted in the CHURCH HILL area of WALTHAMSTOW. It was for a very sweet lady by the name of MRS PENNY. She had not long lost her husband and she cried almost all of my stay there, and remained inconsolable - hence why I have never forgotten her. She gave me one of her husband's gardening tools of which I still have after all these years. It's a special tool like a blade on the end of a thin wooden handle, a tool good enough to get between the closest growing plants. She passed my name onto her new neighbour and it turned out that I knew him! He was one of the stall holders from WALTHAMSTOW MARKET. I only knew him as TED, and he only sold toiletries.
After this job was completed, MRS PENNY passed my name to the other neighbours the other side of her, they were two elderly ladies: one a lot older than the other. They had obviously moved from a much larger house and had brought far too much stuff with them, for they'd put lots of old furniture, mirrors etc... In fact it looked like a whole antique shop dumped in a skip!
Boy! If I knew then what I know now... for the stuff must have been worth a small fortune!
Then one of them said that I looked like their nephew VIVIAN, or at least had the long fair hair like him (as I indeed still do to day) and they then went on to say that he was in a very famous pop group, so now I was intrigued and asked who they were. She said they're called THE BONZO DOG DOO DAH BAND, and the madcap singer was their nephew VIV STANSHALL... AH! - I said - now it makes sense for he lived a couple of roads away, in fact he lived at GROVE ROAD, therefore the two ladies were VIV STANSHALLS aunt and grandmother. It was the aunt who employed me her name was MRS YOULDON. This was a memorable hat trick of a job!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Me and my wife Debbie were members of the CHEZ CLUB, held at THE CHESTNUT PH LEA BRIDGE RD and still have our membership cards from those so lovely days!
DEBBIE and I actually met at THE CHESNUTS when EAST OF EDEN were playing. DEBBIE was with her pals who did the light show there - they were called CATHODE ELYSIUM LIGHTS - and did their show all over the borough and no doubt further afield too! Her other pals were in that other great WALTHAMSTOW band, MANDRAKE PADDLE STEAMER, later the name shortened to THE MANDRAKES, if I remember correctly? Forgive me but I think the pub was THE CHESTNUT TREE?
That club always had a great atmosphere and saw many great bands there like DADDY LONG LEGS, GINGER BAKERS AFRICAN DRUMMERS, etc... That club will forever have a place in our hearts as the place where we first met, back in 1971, for we married in 1972, we have 4 grown up children and 5 grandchildren... so far!
If my memory is correct, a nice chap who I only knew as STEVE ran the CHEZ CLUB, and had another club that did perhaps have another name, held at THE GREYHOUND PH in LEA BRIDGE ROAD, where I saw THE PRETTY THINGS.
He also ran a club at THE RED LION LEYTONSTONE, and at this stage STEVE and I got very pally for we hardly ever missed a venue. One day though STEVE invited me and my pal Togo to his home to see his vast record collection. It was at this point when he was flicking through the albums that I spotted DEATH WALKS BEHIND YOU (LP) so I said: "Oh... I see you like ATOMIC ROOSTER?". He said that it was one of his most favourite bands. The DEATH WALKS BEHIND YOU album hadn't long been out and he said that he'd love to get the band at the RED LION, but had difficulty in trying to find out who managed them. I immediately told him that VINCENT CRANE was a personal friend of mine: STEVE'S face was a picture! He just could not believe it!
I straight away said that I'd ring him. I thought he would pass out! I of course relayed how I first met VINCENT, and he listened intententively. I said that VINCE only lived at WANSTEAD (BELGRAVE ROAD) and that I'd only just finished landscaping their garden... and Vince said that my payment for the garden was coming out of his royalties cheque from THE CRAZY WORLD OF ARTHUR BROWN album!
Anyhow I put STEVE in contact with Vince, arrangements made, hence ATOMIC ROOSTER made their first appearance at the RED LION all down to yours truly!
I have often wondered if STEVE continued in running music venues?
One band that I missed on one occasion at the RED LION was that superb Scottish band WRITING ON THE WALL. Me and my pals would go the length and breadth of London to see them, yet somehow missed seeing them on my own doorstep!
The night ATOMIC ROOSTER played at the club they went down a storm to the total delight of Steve - I think I made his year!
VINCE'S first wife PAT has a brother PETER (MEGGS). He lived in LONGFELLOW ROAD E17 for some years and their parents lived for many years in BROOKSCROFT ROAD, a few doors down from my aunt and uncle and two cousins, the uncle was my Dad's brother and their house backed on to the WADHAM LODGE SPORTS GROUND, where I was Head Groundsman for a few years working for Sir TERRANCE and LADY MALLINSON. They were living at the WHITE HOUSE WOODFORD GREEN at that time
Peter who was of course Vince's brother-in-law, came along to a gig on one occasion but did not want to drive the lorry! Nor did the new roadie, who was a roadie for THE KEITH CHRISTMAS BAND, hence it was all down to me to get them and the equipment to the venue, namely LEICESTER UNIVERSITY, for a charity gig go raise money for the RSPCA (THE BAND HAD TWO GUITARS STOLEN THAT NIGHT).
What was the problem? - I hear you ask... The answer is easy: I had only just passed my driving test three weeks earlier and didn't want anything to jeopardise that, for I desperately needed a car to get my dear mum out of hospital for days out (she was in WHIPPS CROSS for 8 years) + wanted to buy my own fairground equipment, and to carry tools for my Landscaping business as I'd only just gone self employed so if l made a mistake with this lorry all would be lost for me. I'd never drove on a motorway in my test, I was petrified! Vince thought it hilarious and told me not to worry!
YES, I did get motorists yell out, but we got there and back with fair ease, and I got used to the lorry in the end. My next worry came when I got home to find that Vince hadn't given me a padlock! So I had a sleepless night worrying about all the equipment. Luckily we lived at THE DRIVE amd our ground floor flat faced WALTHAMSTOW TOWN HALL!
ATOMIC ROOSTER are renowned for their different lineups of band members, but during my 4 years with the band we got through 16 roadies!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
Found this photo recently - it is of Woodside School (then Wood Street School).
It is Class 4 1953/54 and the teacher is Miss Whipp. The headmaster at the time was Mr L. V. Head.
I am really struggling to name my fellow classmates (there are very few I can name) but I am second row, 5th from the left (almost dead centre).
Alan GALLANT Private Reply Public Reply
I've been trying to submit some information on Blackhorse Road school for Teresa Martin (Lost & Found 6th February 2015) but can't get into the website by clicking on either the "private" or "public" reply tabs. I'm sure the information and 'photo I have would be of great interest to her as I am exactly contemporary with her father. Can you help please?
Ron J READ Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
I came across a wonderful site for historians at, which gives a detailed breakdown of John Strype's 1720 survey of London. There are plenty of maps and illustrations on the site with detailed accounts of each parish. The site should prove more than interesting to anyone researching various areas of London.
Walthamstow is one of the parishes he describes and below is a small extract:
WALTHAMSTOWThere is much more on Walthamstow the relevant page being (link error)
"A Little Mile North East of Low Leyton is the Parish of Walthamstow situate; washed likewise and bounded on the West with the River Ley, from whence the Town gently riseth unto the Forest.
The Church is fair and large, mounted upon a Hill; consisting of three Iles: That on the North Side built by a great Benefactor to that Parish, Sir George Monoux, Alderman, and Maior of the City of London, in the Reign of K. Henry the Eighth. Whose Coat of Arms still remains in one of the Windows of that Ile. He built also the fair Steeple.
In this Parish are divers ancient Seats: As Higham Hall, the Seat of the Rowes, an ancient mily: A fair and graceful House in Hoo Street, inhabited by Joh. Conyers, Esq; (Patron of the Vicarage) and his Ancestors."
Mick GILBEY Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Keith,
yes, I remember Dave very well. Back in the 1950's we use to travel together on the train from Hoe Street to Liverpool Street as both Dave and myself worked in the City. It was Cliff Richard who gave Dave a start with his recording career. If my memory serves me correct Cliff's original group ("The Hunters") became Dave's backing group. I think Dave originally lived in Highams Park. He was living in Clacton at the time of his death and had still been performing right up until that time.
John ANDREWS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel, Think I've gone about as far as I can go (as the song says!) with any degree of reliability on memory. Maybe it's turned out too long for what you have in mind, so some 'subbing' may be needed? [read it here]
I've answered some of your prompts, but where I haven't, the truth is I cannot recall any interesting incidents under those headings. Of Greenleaf history before my time, I have none, unfortunately. I was not the sort of child to get into 'gangs' or big 'scrapes', and I only got the 'stick' once I believe, for which reason I entirely forget.
My younger sister related a funny incident to me from same school which I never knew about before, but I said to her 'don't tell me, tell Daniel', so she well may.
All the best from Buckinghamshire,
Colin DOMAN Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Victor
I seem to recall that you may have been one of my roommates in Interlaken. Along with Gerry Cambitsis, Fred, and possibly Peter Craig. I didn't drink the cider, just a few bottles cheap and not to cheerful Chianti. Mr Wright used to call in to see that nothing was going wrong late at night, also to check that no one had slipped out and was trying to raid the girls rooms on the floor upstairs. I think the fruits were peaches. Like you, I bought my walking stick in Wildersville, along with an assortment of tack on badges. Sadly all lost now. Giant brown slugs... now that is what I thought they served for breakfast, I didn't realise they were meant as sports equipment! As you say, a great holiday though.
And the memories last forever...
Best regards
Keith RODGER Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Vic
I think the original "Cornish and Son" sign was gold lettering on a black background. The current "Millennium Food and Wine" store is painted a reddish orange. The William Morris dinner room is now the William Morris Daycare Association (at 124 Erskine). All this is from the internet - I haven't been back there for nearly 60 years.
Best regards
Clive BAGSHAW Private Reply Public Reply
I do remember we used to sit on the walls opposite the store, passing the time till we had to go to school at McGuffie. The walls we sat on were those of the William Morris dinner rooms, but as I haven't been back to that part of London for over 20 years I have no knowledge of what may still be there, was the shop painted a reddish colour?
Vic MORLEY Private Reply Public Reply
John ELDON Private Reply Public Reply
It is now possible to view detailed old maps of Coppermill Lane online at
Some of these maps go back centuries, but not one shows any form of burial ground.
I wonder if the elderly chap who told you about this burial ground might have believed it himself but in truth it may be no more than a bit of folklore which he passed on.
Mick GILBEY Private Reply Public Reply
I went there many years ago and it was exactly as I remembered it all those years before when we were all immortal those were the days
Happy memories
Vic MORLEY Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel, you're probably already aware of this but I've only recently found it:
Private Reply
Public Reply
I think way back in the 80s someone wrote to the Walthamstow Guardian regarding something that they themselves had read some years earlier about a strange creature that they themselves had seen scuttling in the road at the kerbside. I never knew if that first person ever got any replies? So I assume the second person didn't see any replies either. Sadly I'd moved away from Walthamstow around that time, so I myself never got to see if there was a reply and have remained intrigued ever since! The creature was seen in Fulbourne Rd. E17. What is baffling is why did only one person write in originally, and no other alerts in local newspapers?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
I remember Manzies pie and mash shop with the live eels sold on the stall outside, they were our competition in a way as they also slid jellied eels and my parents had the shellfish stall outside Burtons the tailors opposite the Co-op corner of Pretoria Avenue.
Vic MORLEY Private Reply Public Reply
I don't know what it had to do with ghosts but the 'elderly chap' was completely wrong when he said that there used to be a very old cemetery in the Coppermill Lane area. There wasn't and I hope that the following sheds some light on the situation.
Supply & Demand
The number of cemeteries that are needed in a locality is largely determined by the size of the population. Between 1801 and 1861 the population of Walthamstow grew steadily from 3006 to 7144. Although Walthamstow people had access to the railway station at Lea Bridge in 1840 which started an influx of people to Walthamstow, it was the coming of the Liverpool Street railway to Walthamstow in the early 1870's that triggered a population explosion. Between 1871 and 1901, the population of Walthamstow rose from 11.092 to 96,720 people.
The Walthamstow UDC Inadequate Infrastructure
This huge increase in the number of residents created major problems for Walthamstow Urban District Council because it's infrastructure, the roads, drains, schools and hospitals etc wasn't sufficient to cater for the needs of the residents. This was also the situation for the existing inadequate burial facilities.
Where We Buried Our Dead
For a nearly a thousand years most local people were buried in the graveyard of St Mary the Virgin, Walthamstow's Parish church. Indeed, part of the graveyard was a plague pit where victims of the 1665 plague were buried. From about 1787, the much smaller number of Nonconformists were buried in a graveyard at the at the rear of the Marsh Street (High Street) New Meeting House.
New Cemetery Provision
This period was the time when many new huge cemeteries were created to serve the needs of the vast expanding London population The mounting population pressure problem in Walthamstow was similar to other neighbouring Boroughs and created an urgent need for new burial sites. In 1856, the biggest cemetery in Europe, the huge 200 acre City Of London Cemetery was opened at Manor Park. In 1861, the dedicated St Patrick Roman Catholic Cemetery was opened at Leyton. In 1872, a new cemetery covering 11 acres opened at Queens Road, Walthamstow. and the very big Chingford Mount cemetery covering 41.5 acres was opened in May 1884.
After WWII, cremation started to grow in popularity and by 1957 there were 100 crematoriums in the U.K. In 2000, over 70% of the deceased were cremated (437,609 out of 611,960 deaths), making this one of the highest percentages of cremations in the European Union.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
I went there many years ago and it was exactly as I remembered it all those years before when we were all immortal those were the days
Happy memories
Vic Morley Private Reply Public Reply
To thank you for the excellent job made of posting my two Greenleaf Road school group photos and names key.
Best regards,
Colin DOMAN Private Reply Public Reply
There are no doubt many Landlords have owned the Common Gate pub in Markhouse Rd. EI7, but none perhaps as memorable as Mel Reid? He and wife Faye took over the pub sometime during the 70s. They were both fairground showroom, Faye being the daughter of Sam and Esther McEowan, who were both extremely well known with their Boxing and Wrestling Booth, travelling mainly in the West Country.
Mel also had his own Boxing and Wrestling Booth too, and travelled widely with it. As a fairground showman myself, I first laid eyes on Mel's show back in the latter part of the 60s. He was open with his show on the fairground at Barking and seemed to generate a lot of excitement on the ground as I was to find out for myself a little later on as you'll read! The main opening night of the pub was one to remember, for they were friends of the band "The Troggs", hence this brought a lot of ecstatic fans along filling the pub to the brim! I went into the pub a couple or so days before, to see my pal Charlie Brennan, as he was the brilliant drummer for "The Tinted Aspex", who more or less became the resident band there, and to my surprise I saw a huge photograph on the wall of the stage area of a Boxing and Wrestling Booth! So did no more but introduce myself to Mel and Faye, and told them that I was from the fairground, hence we now had something in common.
Mel then asked if I'd like to run a Disco upstairs. I thought it a good idea, so I named it Disc City and with three pals of mine I took it on and we were quite successful with it. I must point out that I am a life-long non drinker or smoker, so being in a pub was totally alien to me and did feel uncomfortable, for like all pubs you have your drunks, yobs and trouble from all sorts, and it did come thick and fast (but that's of course another story!) I told Mel that I had done some training doing Wrestling when I was 16 or so at a club in Hackney/Bethnal Green, and asked if he needed wrestlers. And was more than willing to do more training so I did!
Mel had two wrestlers behind the bar: one of them who I only got to know by his first name Ronnie. He was the one to fully train me, his name was in the ring was Christiane Leopold. I have tried over many years to find Ronnie again to no avail. I contacted Dr Vanessa Toulmin of the Fairground Archive and she told me that years back he was wrestling on Mickey Kieley's Boxing and Wrestling Booth, sadly though Mickey died some years back now.
The other wrestler behind the bar became a life-long friend albeit lost touch until the 23rd of Sept. 2014 and that dear man is Richard (Dicky) Swales. To the closest to him, he also had the very memorable wrestling name of "Dirty Dicky Swales".
Now Dicky was never a ring villain, more a lovable rogue! You'd never suspect that Dicky was a wrestler, but saw him fly over Mels bar to sort out a troublemaker, and put paid to this bloke in mere seconds!
What I didn't know was that Mel still operated the booth, it was then that l worked with Dicky more closely when building up and pulling down the show. Dicky was like a Dad to me: he looked after me, for he knew that My Dad had walked out on us all and my mum with MS they were tough years. We opened the booth at Lea Bridge Fair and not too far from The Common Gate. The show went down a storm, but did cause a lot of trouble and of course excitement, so much so that we were never asked back again! Mel asked if I'd like to do the timekeeping so I did! And boy was it an exciting show! LTE was certainly an eye opener to show the public to never underestimate size or stature.
On the Tuesday before we pulled down, Mel had contacted the Walthamstow Guardian and they sent a photographer along to take photos of Mel sparring in the ring, and boxing poses on the front of the booth, but we never did see them go to print so perhaps they are in the newspapers archives somewhere? As you can imagine, there's much more to tell. Dicky Swales turned 85 back in 2014, and we hope to meet up in Yorkshire this summer (2015): what a reunion that will be! He has sent me some wonderful photos of himself in his heyday, when he topped the Bill, following in the footsteps of his own hero wrestler Mike Marino, when in Yorkshire. I hope to meet my other wrestling pals Les Prest and Dennis Lord.
I also managed to get my mate Vincent Crane (Atomic Rooster) permission for him to use Disc City upstairs for rehearsals - all very handy in the daytime! One last thing: it was either Dicky or Ronnie who gave me my wrestling name of Rasputin III - there were others who too used that name, but the guy who used to call me his brother was the best in my opinion, and that was Raslin Rasputin aka Johnny Howard... mind you we do look alike!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
That was Cyril George Abley who was born in Walthastow in 1918 and taught at McGuffie and Warwick. I knew him in the 1970's when he was a prominent local Labour Party activist. I think he live din Chingford when he retired and he died in 1994 in Waltham Forest.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
I am glad you think the photos worthy of an entry in W/M [see them here]
The area of what is now known as "The Old Village" holds many memories for me as I have strong family connections there going back to the early 1900s.
The car is a 1934 Rover 12 (mine for 12 years now!).
Getting a photo there that does not have traffic or passer-by interference is not easy, those I have sent were taken as early in the morning as possible - pity about the parked 'moderns' about, which little can be done, and which spoil an otherwise almost timeless atmosphere.
Jim PALING Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Nikki and Daniel,
My Father Stan Robinson is also pictured (first on the right next to the float) If you have any more Electric Wire company photos that you are willing to share, I would love to see them.
Debra CLARK Private Reply Public Reply
Vincent Crane of Atomic Rooster asked me if I was able to help him with raising money for charity, and agreed straight away, not knowing what I was getting involved with at that point. Vince said that he'd just cut a record to help raise money for the current firemen's strike (1977) and would I be able to help him distribute hundreds of records! I immediately said that I'd be only too pleased to help out - little did l know that it would be just him and me doing all the distribution of all these records!
Anyhow, Vince had all the many boxes of records to my then home at 162 Chingford Rd. E17, and seeing that lot knew that we had a task on our hands. Vince wrote the words and music, and chose a new record label called Atomic Records (I wrote my then telephone number on each and every record so DJs could contact me for a free copy). Vincent chose the title of the song "Fire Fighter", plus anew made up name of Green Goddess. The lyrics were quite saucy, I know that Vince sang the lead vocals, but forgot to ask him who the musicians were that backed him. I'd still love to know, for I wasn't there this time as I had been on other recordings. Vince and l went by bus, train and a lot of walking too, around pubs, clubs, discos and, of course, all the fire stations in Walthamstow, Chingford, Woodford, etc... We worked tirelessly on this, and all out of our own pockets when it came to the travelling expenses.
My phone bill was huge, for l rang every DJ out of the Walthamstow Guardian, and those days it was a long list too. It was then the case of taking the records to all those that I phoned. Now whilst I was doing this, Vincent was at the TV studios explaining all about this record and that it was a totally charitable one, so it was agreed that it would get a good plug the ever next evening on ITVs "Thames at Six" show, hence Vince rang me to tell me to switch on, he told me that he'd managed to secure a big plug on TV and should rake in thousands of pounds to help all the firemen and their families.
We all watched eagerly for the programme to come on, and when it did... total disaster!! Andrew Gardner had obviously been so totally misinformed about the record, for the next words that came out of his mouth shocked us all, for he played just a few bars of the song and said: "There's only one place for a record like this!"... and promptly threw it in a bin!!! He had been misinformed and thought that Vincent was cashing in on the strike! All our very hard work died that very night. Vincent said that he never did get an apology from the TV company.
I'd like to think that a lot of Walthasmtow Firemen etc still have that record today, but how many of them never learnt of the disaster? For it was impossible for Vince and l to contact everyone and those that saw that programme must have believed every word that Andrew Gardner said that night and truly believed that Vince had been cashing in. I and Vince certainly knew different!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
I was born in 1935, so presumably started school at Chapel End in 1939, but I think it was also the year I was evacuated to a village near Luton. I lived in Brookscroft Rd so was not far from the school. I possibly only spent a couple of years from 1943 to 1945 at the school because of my evacuation. The teachers you relate to other than Mr Grainger were after my time. My teachers were Miss Jones (Welsh) form teacher, Mr Childs form teacher. This man helped to form my life. He started a football team and all our gear was made by a Miss Potter. We won the league in the first year of our formation, beating Roger Asham 10 nil in our first game, but losing to them in the cup the same year 2-1. They had a lad called Kenny Dowler playing for them, who went on to play for the Avenue. Other teachers where Mr Ling and a Miss Rose and Mr Grainger already mentioned. I think the Hd Master was a Mr Hall, who wore a motar board and gown for assemblies.
In my last year before going to William Morris I was made a prefect for green team. My close friend was a Peter Coxall, who lived across the rd from me. We would kick a tennis ball back and forward across the rd on the way too and from school. He was a very good all round cricketer specialising as wicket keeper. Other than the kids in our rd who I used to play with on a daily basis the other two friends where both in the football team. Kenneth Dad and Clifford Taylor, they both came from more middle class families both very pleasant, but they had a more continuous education than me and both went to the George Monoux Grammar School and became our opposition in football matches. I have never regretted my evacuation, which occurred twice to two different villages in Bedfordshire, but I can still remember the air raid warnings, being got up in the middle of the night and making my way down to the Anderson Shelter. I also remember playing on the bomb damaged sites in Sturge Avenue. Even though you were there later on I wonder if it recalls any memories. Our holidays were mostly spent in Epping Forest or Chingford Plains and Connought Waters, or at Larkswood Swimming Pool, often getting a boat out on Hollow Pond, Highams Park Lake, and the Rising Sun. I would spend quite a bit of time at Wadham Lodge and the LT Sports ground watching cricket. Well I think that is enough for now. I married a girl from the Girls County High School and we are still happily married and living in County Durham.
Bryan COOK Private Reply Public Reply
Does anyone remember my uncle George's family who were market traders at Walthamstow High St.? My uncle is George Mansfield, husband to my aunt Iris née Ridley. Uncle George's parents had a fruit and veg stall outside Toynbees butchers shop. I don't know my uncle's mum's name, but his Dad was Jack Mansfield... Jack's brother though was actually employed by Toynbees, but do not know his name. My wife's aunt and uncle, also called Iris and George (surname of Newman), ran a toy stall for many years in the High St., and Iris used to make all the dolls clothes, they were related to Jimmy Newmann, the well known boxer.
My wife's father and Grandfather, surname Pells, used to sell green grocery, going all around with a horse and cart at Walthamstow and Leyton.
My wifes grandfather was kicked in the stomach by the horse resulting in serious injury. The horse and cart were kept at a stable somewhere in Leyton.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Before owning my own fairground equipment, I used to help my aunt and uncle at various fairs. We did however open at Chingford plains for all three Bank Holiday fairs. It was either the Easter or Whitsun fair that I recall an incident, and that the Forest Keeper (Mr Riley), or the police, asked all the fairground showmen to turn off their music, for a bomb was going to go off at the edge of the adjacent forest, quite near to the tea hut of Hugh Hall.
The fair fell silent on this bright, sunny spring morning, then... BANG! We all saw a blast of leaves and soil go up in to the air.
As the years went by, I found no showmen that I knew who could recall the incident. It wasn't until the year 2000, that l found someone who did remember! Every year I get the Mayor's invitation to attend the opening of the Kings Lynn Mart fair, held around Valentine's Day, noted as the start of the travelling showmen's year. The prime spot (known as the 'floating position') was given to Bertie Ayers with his Gallopers (Carousel). Bertie was at this time the President of the Showmans Guild of Great Britain. We got talking about Chingford fair and I thought I'd mention the bomb incident. He was so surprised that I remembered it and I was glad that he remembered it too! We both wondered how the bomb got there, and who found it. Did the incident reach the local papers? And why did the music have to be turned off? Had this been a Sunday, it wouldn't have mattered, for back then in the early 6Os, when the incident occurred, we were not allowed music on Sundays on any fairs, as I remember. The atmosphere was odd to say the least. Also to the fact that we lost the morning trade, for we were not allowed to open until after lunch. Boy how times have changed!
I last opened with my Victorian Coconut Shy on the Plains in 1986.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Alan,
A few names for the Warwick School 1960 picture:
4. Richard Bright (Titch)
26. Craig Dichenson
32.Alan Chapman
36. Geoffrey Norton
I now live in Thailand
Richard Bright Private Reply Public Reply
Hiya, Keith,
unfortunately the rehearsal rooms in Midland Road, Leyton have long gone.
After trading as 'Thunder Dome', the place was variously re-named, 'Recent' and 'Kazimi'. It closed in about 2000, I think.
Like so many locals, I'd used it from time to time. I actually 'jammed' there with Jim Mitchell once. It was great fun. The other players that night were (the late) Dave Hamill on drums, Mark McLoughlin on bass, Gary (?) on harmonica and Rex (?) on guitar. I played guitar, too.
I've read Bill Bayliss' 'rock tree' for Sam Apple Pie and Jim Mitchell and was saddened to hear that the poor fella isn't in the best of health these days. I really do wish him well. I only met him twice and "like everybody else "I found him to be be fantastic company; not to mention a 'balls-out' singer.
Not long after we met at the rehearsal rooms we bumped into each other at a blues jam. I wasn't playing that night - I was 'scouting'). He saw me and came straight over. He very graciously invited me to play with him but I didn't have my guitar so I declined. I wish that I had. Another 'blow' with him would have been great.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Now I can't say if I was the first person to bring Screaming Lord Sutch to Walthamstow to do a gig in 1970, but just before I booked him to do a show, a couple of years prior, before I knew him, I did see him going into Rossi's Ice Cream Parlour at the bottom end of the Walthamstow High Street (the St. James's st end) and he was just in his dressing gown! He was with another chap who was dressed in smart regency style clothing (i.e.: velvet jacket, frilly shirt), and the chap had longish hair too. The Walthamstow Guardian later took photos of them both, so still in their archives somewhere?
Apparently, Dave Sutch had got a call whilst sunning himself on a beach somewhere abroad and quite literally got on the plane as he was! He'd come over for something political as l remember? He most certainly got the heads turning that day in the High Street!!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
There has been much written about Leyton Baths, the very first band saw there was Gary Farr and the T-Bones, but sadly I can't recall the year!
It would of course been the 60s, now the next bit I need help with: a band called The Uglys (or was it The Uglies?)... for I remember a dispute between the two bands over the spelling of the name even though both bands were thousands of miles apart: one lot in this country the other in America! I know the dispute reached the Nationals, but have no idea how it was all resolved.
Anyway, the band did a good show, and I think it was the time of a bread strike, and the band bought lots of loaves of bread with them to throw out to the crowds, and the fans threw it back! And all done in great fun, albeit nearly everyone there hadn't seen not a slice of bread in a while, including me and my pals, if our parents had seen the total waste of all these 100s of loaves they would have passed out or run home to get a wheelbarrow!!!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Are you the Valerie Gibbs that lived in Eldon Rd? If so, do you remember the Francis family from Storey Rd? I am Carol the eldest.
Carol Kibben Private Reply Public Reply
Many years ago, back in the 60s, l lived in Coppermill Lane E17. I won't say the number, for it is possibly not fair on the folk who live there today, but l found this a very unhappy home.
I'd moved there with my mum, sister and little brother, from nearby Chingford Hatch E4. The move was because mum wanted to be near her Mum and Dad (my Grandparents) in Leucha Road. It was always a little scary, as bedroom doors would open on their own, especially one bedroom door, odd to the fact that this room was never ever used...
I got talking to an elderly chap one day and got onto the subject of ghosts, so of course I told him what had been going on in doors. He looked at me intentivelly, and asked me if I knew that that area of Coppermill Lane used to be a very old cemetery.
I have read lots on old Walthamstow, but this cemetery has never been mentioned: is there anyone out there who can shed some light on this?
I am not sure when Queens Road Cemetery was first used - possibly though around the 1800s? - so then where were Walthasmtow people buried before that? It's therefore quite possible that a huge cemetery could have been in the Coppermill Lane area, as this is quite close to the Walthamstow Marshes, of which could back then have been larger in size? Therefore the area possibly was seen as unsuitable for any housing or shops and a distance for the cemetery to be quite a way from the earliest properties built in old Walthamstow, i.e.: around the Ancient House. for where were the people buried who lived around that time ? Hence quite feesable what that old chap told me all those years ago...
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
I am attaching two school group photographs along with a key of names that can be (unreliably?) recalled. Apologies in advance for any names mispelt or wrongly ascribed. Some with double ?? totally forgotten. Should stir up some memories, and possible corrections, somewhere:
Colin DOMAN Private Reply Public Reply
This is another in my articles about Walthamstow's 'lost' industries [read it here]. I'm actually a bit 'fed up' because: (1) I couldn't get a picture of Higham Hill Lodge and (2) despite my best attempts, that included making an appeal on the excellent Walthamstow Times Facebook site, I was unable to get any 'memories' from people who had worked at the factory. I've also got another article on the Micanite factory that is well on in that I've done the basic research and I would dearly love to get some memories/reminiscences from people who worked there.
Best regards
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel & Keith Nichols,
I do recall a man called Cyril (last name may have been Peters) at McGuffie Youth Club. I do not think he was ever a teacher at Mcguffie, at least not while I put in my occasional appearances there. He was a kind and friendly man, but was sadly often the butt of some of us youngsters jokes. He ran the youth club football team, I say 'team' but in truth it was just 11 lads who had no idea of what being a team meant, but who enjoyed playing the game and getting heavily beaten most weeks!!
There were two very talented players in the team, Kenny Bennett & Jimmy Wilson, who could and did play well in any position asked of them. Along side those two were Ted Franklin, a very solid left back, David Archer, who was tough tackling and not unskillful inside left, Gerry Cambitsis a fast & fearless left winger, whose style of play was modeled on the Spurs winger Cliff Jones, then at center forward we had the 'Beanpole' Rob Saunders,who was at least 6feet 5inches tall and did not need to leave the ground to score many a fine goal with his head!! The other four regulars obviously have left no lasting impressions on my mind... their names and positions having been lost in the mud of Salisbury Hall playing fields. One position left to fill that I do remember... goalkeeper... no takers for that, so Cyril said using a very good bit of sporting psychology "Now this position is perhaps the most important one of all", so I volunteered immediately! Cyril didn't bother to ask me if I had ever played in goal before, which was quite fortunate really, because I hadn't! Well only in kick-a-bouts over the Rec!
At half time Cyril would run on with a slice of Jaffa orange and a Dextro energy tablet (yes, we were taking performance enhancing drugs even then!). He would give us a gee up talk saying words like "I am really proud of you lads, I think you were definitely holding your own... right up until the match actually started". Anyway I was shipping goals like the Titanic shipped water nearly each and every week. So desperate measures were called for... somehow Cyril managed to persuade Johnny Hollowbread (Spurs reserve goalkeeper) to come and train us, with special attention being paid on how to improve my goalkeeping skills, if that was possible! After about six weeks of Mr Hollowbread taking training lessons, he called me aside and gave me an very honest assessment by saying "Keith, have you ever stopped to think that maybe goalkeeper is not truly your best position on the field?". Well of course I had, and so had everyone else in the team, I was rubbish and everyone knew it. So from that day onward I handed over my gloves, cap to someone else and gave the violet coloured roll neck jumper back to my sister Jean, and donned the green & white stripped shirt of a McGuffie 'outfield player'.
Now there was a team called Paduka Villa, who were romping away with the league, and as yet no team had scored against them. So come the Saturday we were due to play them bets were taken on how many we would loose by. Now for the one hightlight of my entire footballing carreer, Gerry Cambitsis centered from the left, someone behind me called 'Leave it Keith', but I took no notice and just stuck my foot out: the ball hit my leg and dribbled very slowly inside the left goal post. I had become, even if only very accidently, the first player to score against Paduka Villa! Not that it did us the slightest bit of good we went on to loose 10-1!! That, I believe, was the only goal I ever scored in a competitive football match, so perhaps Johnny Hollowbread should have said 'Keith have you ever considered you have no best position on the field at all?'.
One other team that we played deserves a mention as well they were called Castle, and as the name suggests they wore the colours of Newcastle United. They were a real rough and ready bunch, and they all appeared to have dirt or soot smeared on their faces. In fact they could have been easily mistaken for a bunch of lads going to audition for roles as some of Fagin's 'street boys'!! Their motto it seemed was "If were can't beat you fairly, we will certainly beat you unfairly", and this they did with continued verbal threats, punches, and unfair crippling tackles. Even Cyril's abacus went into meltdown trying to keep a record of the goals they scored against us. Cyril would be the first to admit that he was no great footballing coach, but what he lacked in knowhow he made up for with his unlimited enthusiasm, his time was given freely and willingly, plus he supplied the oranges and dextrose tablets out of his own pocket. I will always have fond memories of him.
Just a quick mention of a few other footballing snippets (with some added name dropping). My love of football started from the moment I got my first football. At the age of ten or eleven I joined a club called Brighton Avenue. It was run by a Mr. Wayman, and was obviously named after his place of residence. He had two sons, whose names were always first on the team sheet, they were though very good players so I guess that the fact their father ran the team had little to do with it. The real star of the team was a young lad named Dennis Bond, who went in later years to play for Watford and Spurs. We trained at Markhouse Road school and played home games at either St James Park or Low Hall Farm.
When I played for McGuffie School (as opposed to McGuffie Youth Club) we once played a cup match against McKentee - or was it George Monoux? - anyway, whoever our opponents were, they included amongst their ranks the Morgan twins: Ian & Roger Morgan both went on to play for QPR, and Roger also had a few seasons with Spurs. We lost the match (what's new!), but we took them to extra time before loosing 6-4.
Lastly, the aforementioned Kenny Bennett & Jimmy Wilson both went on make appearences for Walthamstow Avenue. I believe Kenny also played for Leyton FC until injury finished his career.
The changing laces of footballers footwear. On the left the clodhoppers (that needed plenty of dubbin) that I wore until I was able buy a pair of Simlam 'continental' style boots. My dear old Dad used to say the the new style boots looked like more like ballet shoes. He also used to add that having seen me play a few times perhaps that was no bad thing!!
Best regards
Keith RODGER Private Reply Public Reply
Definitely the Palace Theatre was on the right, but was there a cinema or something to the left? - Became Tesco??
Lynne ROUE' Private Reply Public Reply
Like most teenagers back in the 60s, me and other pals were regulars at the Granada in Hoe St E17, and seeing the many bands that played there, it was 1965 and "Top of the Bill" was the Yardbirds. I took a nice photo of my pal Charlie Brennan standing looking at the Yardbirds van, which was to the right of the cinema and at the entrance of the alley that led to the stage door. Seconds later a few chaps appeared from that alley and looked obviously like a band. l asked who they were, and they said that they were called The Mickey Finn, and it was Mickey Finn that I was talking to!
l asked if it was okay to take a photo of them and they of course said "yes!", so they all stood in a line for me to take their photo and posed outside the hat shop immediately adjacent to the Granada. I also took a nice photo of Mickey whilst signing his autograph for a fan. (I will show these on Walthamstow Memories at some point). I looked up the Mickey Finn band and Mickey Finn himself and that proved a most interesting reading. It was at this point that I had a big surprise, for on reading some of the line ups of the band over the years I spotted the name Rod Clarke, then on reading further found that it was indeed my friend Rod Clarke, who lives ten minutes from where l live now! I shall now make a point of contacting Rod to see if he is in the photo as a young man back then. Rod introduced himself to me way back in 1987, when l first moved to Suffolk. Rod still plays today as Rod Clarke and Rollercoaster, so look him up too folks, for again it makes very good reading ! Rod first contacted me when he found out about my involvement with Atomic Rooster: isn't it a small world?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Did anyone on here take part in the Gosport Road Coronation Street Party?
I was then Valerie Stow, and lived at 139 Gosport Road. I imagine there might be some children and grandchildren of the neighbours left now, who may remember. I would be most remembered because I am "vertically challenged" and sang at the party "How much is that doggie in the window"
Were you or any of your family at that party? Would love to hear if you were!
Valerie SIMS
née STOW
Private Reply
Public Reply
A very small world, indeed.
I remember Mrs Engledew, though I'm sure my Nan (and others) called her 'Polly'. She was a good friend of my Nan's and was often in the house.
My Mum, Dad, brother and I all lived at 115 for a short while - from autumn '63 until early '64. We had returned from a brief stint on Canvey Island and were waiting to be allotted a council house. My Nan put us all up. With her oldest "John "being there, that made four adults and two kids.
It is entirely possible that your wife would have seen and spoken to us at some time. The dates that you give would definitely place her a few doors away at the right time.
I recall that the family at 117 were the Bucklands. The father was Harry and there was a daughter named Christine. Further along the road (about number 123) was an older lady named Sophie. She was forever shouting at people who passed her house. There was also a lady that I knew as Queenie who lived opposite 115.
Does any of that ring any bells?
Your photo of the back garden shows all of the recognisable features that were so familiar to me at my Nan's house.
Wonderful stuff.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
In response to your email I would advise as follows:
From "The Streets of Waltham Forest" (Volume 1 "Walthamstow) by A D Law, we learn:
"Marlowe Road is named for the Elizabethan Poet "Kit Marlowe. In 1871 it named Clarkson Road with the eastern arm being named Lower Road. The road was made up in 1878 and it was renamed as Marlowe Road in 1909"
In the 19th century and into the first quarter of the 20th century there was a rabbit warren of courts and alleys running off of Marlowe Road that were redeveloped by Walthamstow Council.
We learn from
Located in the northeast London district of Walthamstow. The Wood Street Picture Palace opened in October 1912. Entrance to the cinema was via a long narrow passage from Wood Street, with the auditorium laying parallel to Wood Street behind a row of shops. The auditorium had seating for 900 on long wooden benches on a single floor. It was operated by the Penny Picture Theatre Co.
By 1914 it was re-named the Crown Picture Theatre and operated by a company of that same name. Several other independents operated it over the following years. It had been re-seated with conventional cinema seats and its capacity was for 650.
It was known as the Crown Cinema in 1947 and became the New Crown Cinema before closing on 8th July 1950. It re-opened under new independent management in 1953 as the Rio Cinema, but this was short lived and it closed in 1955.
The building went through several uses, but has operated as Wood Street Market for many years. It specialises in selling antiques and collectables and is one of London's 'hidden' treasures, especially if old gramophone records and memorabilia are your thing!. The building iself is nothing special, with open truss-beams in the ceiling, it was never anything more than a local cinema for the area.
Contributed by Ken Roe
Below, is an excerpt from Showtime In Walthamstow by Gregory Tonkin published by the Walthamstow Antiquarian Society.
"Crown Cinema, Wood Street
The first reference to this cinema is in the Rate Book for 1912 when it is recorded after 81, Marlow Road as "Penny Picture Theatre Coy Ltd". Mr Machal Secretary of 641, High Road, Leytonstone. It has 650 seats. Two years later the owners were the Crown Picture Theatre Coy (Wood Street).
In 1916 the premises are recorded in the Rate Book under Wood Street, but later the building is described as 83, Marlowe Road although the main entrance was in Wood Street.
In 1921 the owners were Church Pictorial Ltd and in November 1924 the Crown Picture Theatre, Walthamstow, was re-registered".
Below are present day Google map snips of the front entrance in Wood Street and side entrance (Close to Marlowe Estate) of the Crown Cinema:
I will send you my working file on Wood Street via the private Email site facility.
If you have any questions or queries, please come back to me.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
My dear mum, like so many Walthamstow folk back then, worked at Gilsons in Billet Rd, making ammunition during the war. Should think that she was about 19 or so. Mum's maiden name was Ridley, she lived with her mum and dad at 2 North Countess Rd E17 - literally across the road to Gilsons. It was one lovely summer's day when there was an air raid, it was nans birthday and the blast blew all my nan's birthday cards up the chimney! They had to retrieve them later. Mum had only just finished work, so she was at the back door having a wash in the kitchen. Nan kept calling to her frantically to come over to the shelter in the garden which mum did... eventually. Then all bell let loose BANG! - a bomb dropped taking off the roof, all the windows blown in and the kitchen door where mum had moments ago been standing having a wash! Mum, nan, grandad, my aunts and uncle - who of course were only children (Iris, John and Rita) - thought they had been buried, but thankfully it was only thick clouds of dust. When the all clear came, and things had settled down, my Dad got the cooked chicken out of the bombed out larder and picked all the glass out of it so that they had something to eat!
Rita and Iris are still with us and both now in their early 80s, but sadly Rita recalls that sad day. She was only 9 at the time and remembers being carried by a warden over to the nearby Roger Ascham School, with all others that had been rescued or injured. Unwittingly they lay her down next to a little girl who had just died and it was a little girl who lived opposite... To think that this little girl could have lived until she was 80 or more! Sadly, nothing has ever been learnt from war... absolutely nothing!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Is there anyone who remembers the Allan Gordon Studios in Markhouse Rd.? Well, that's where l made my 2nd demo disc, for l felt compelled to record this so beautiful song that Charlie Brennan had written. Like all of us back then as teenagers had very little money, I asked what was the cheapest way of recording it, so they suggested that for this once they were able to take off the lead singer's voice and put mine on instead, hence the music would stay as it was, this then saving studio time. The fee then was £5 per hour, a lot of dosh back then! Thankfully because we didn't need the band there, we did the song in one take! Hence the demo only cost me a fiver! The band of course were the Walthamstow based "Tinted Aspex". The line up was: Carlie Brennan, Martin Hopwood, Eddie Hoare, Robbie Rook and, lastly, Terry Rance, who was one of the founder members of Iron Maiden. Terry is still in a band today.
The Allan Gordon Studios left Walthamstow to go to Leyton Arches, and Atomic Rooster were the first well known band to rehearse there. Bands that also went to these new premises were Motorhead, Adam Ant, etc...
Two friends of mine, Angela and Andy Spencer took over the premises at some point and called Thunder Dome. Perhaps someone can enlighten me to say if they still operate today?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
How many of you remember lol singer Dave Sampson? Sadly, Dave died in 2014, but what a nice chap he was! l first made myself known to him when he bought a record shop on the corner of Willow Walk and the High Street. I told him that I'd just made a demo disc, a song written by my close school pal Charlie Brennan, who later found fame in the band "Coco" with Cheryl Baker (more about Charlie another time!).
Anyhow, Dave said he'd like to hear it, so l took it along for him to hear, but what l didn't know was that it was to be relayed through speakers inside and outside the shop into the High St market! It was then that a chap approached the counter and asked to buy it!!! Dave and l were so surprised, and I recall the man being so disappointed that it hadn't been released (and so was I: that would have been my first sale!!) Mind you, it was a sad beautiful song, and Charlie had written both words and music. We were always going to go back into the studio, add violins etc to it... but time passed and we never got to do it!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
I would like to tell you about our families connections to Music Hall, etc...
Let's start with my great-grandparents on my mum's side: first my great-grandfather Harry Charles Ridley (1873-1944). He was a military tailor, but I recently found out from one of my grandad's nieces that he was a semi-professional singer and well known not only in Walthamstow, but also around the East End and no doubt further afield too. My relative also told me that his name used to be on not only posters, but also in theatre programs of which some may still be in existence somewhere, and assuming he never used a stage name?
His wife (my great-grandmother Rose Ridley, née Tunnicliff, was also rumored to have trod the boards. Again, did she have a stage name? All this is backed up because of her close friendship with two big music hall stars of the time, namely: Florrie Forde and Marie Kendall (the grandmother of film actress Kay Kendall). It is well known in the family that my Great-grandmother and at least one of those two ladies mentioned used to get a little tipsy, and sing in Walthamstow High Street and around Hackney and Bethnal Green etc... Also, the two music hall stars lived or had connections to these areas. There is more to know, l'm sure?
The Tunnicliffs, back (we think) in the 1800s, had a factory in Leyton or Leytonstone making buttons and bows!! Now whether they used their surname I don't know, but one Tunnicliff that we do know of, and around the late 60s at least, was the Chief Mortician at Whipps Cross Hospital, for it was he who laid out my dear nan Rose Ridley, née Axford, in 1971. Now whilst mentioning my nan, she had a brother: Fred Ridley. He was married two a lovely lady called Mena (Mina) and performed at music halls, fairs, clubs, pubs, etc... l have two amazing photos of her, one in a clown-type clothing, the other as a man! The family believe that they left Walthamstow to live in Portsmouth and they had two daughters - Pauline and Lena - but that's all we know...
Lastly, a very dear friend of mine passed away on 13th Jan 2015 and that was music hall star Ronnie Ronalde, the world's most famous whistler. One of his most memorable is the whistling of "In a Monastery Garden". To think that he topped the Bill at the Hackney Empire only about 3/4 years ago, and he told me how so thrilled he was to get standing ovations too! Ronnie and his wife Rosemary live a ten min walk from me where l live in Suffolk - l will miss this very nice man.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Good Afternoon,
We currently have a site under development in Marlowe Road, that we are building flats on.
I was just wondering, if you could either help me with a bit of History on the road, I believe this plot was the old Cinema "or where we cold find out a little info/ history on the area close by?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Gareth JONES Private Reply Public Reply
Has anyone got any recollections of a fairground family that opened with rides and stalls on the site next to St. James's St. Station? Where the toilet block and surgery were/are, Their surname was Sweeeny? Are there any photos of it there and what year?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
"I AM P J PROBY !" ... not really!!!
But in my youth many said I looked like him, I was always a big fan of his, and did lots of his poses to the delight of anyone wanting to see me do it!!
My dear late mum Rene (Irene) Nichols, née Ridley, sadly had MS, and we used to go on holiday with the MS Society to Maddisons Holiday Camp at St. Mary's Bay ,Dymchurch, Kent. Arranged by the Walthamstow and Chingford branches of the MS Society, it was there that we got friendly with a lovely young lady, who had come along as a helper, she too remarked on my resemblance to P.J., with a further surpise: she was or had been his hairdresser!! Her name was Beryl Petty (now Briscoe), so as far back as 1965/66 she cut my hair to his style and l wore a black silk ribbon as he did. Beryl even showed me how the ribbon was cut at the ends a certain way. Beryl was a regular at our (then) home at Chingford Hatch and travelled every week from Walthamstow to see us...
P J Proby
Beryl and I went to see P J Proby when he was at the Walthasmtow Granada (The trouser splitting days!). On another occasion we went to the stage door to get autographs when one of my pals shouted look girls it's P J Proby... pointing at me!! Suddenly lots of girls became hysterical and started to chase me!! It was so scary! I tried to tell them that l wasn't him ! I'm sure they gave up when they heard my Cockney accent! Beryl also gave me another surprise: a few years before, I used to have a paper round and Christmas week and customers would give us tips (the odd sixpence, half crown, or two Bob bit), but then I called at number one Lichfield Rd, just off The Avenue, and a chap came to the door with his family in the background, and obviously noticed my long hair and promptly gave me a pound!! To think... a week's wages in mere seconds!! Beryl then told me that it was Charles Blackwell who lived there and that all the singers and bands that appeared at the GRANADA always went back to the Blackwells for drinks and eats etc...
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Is their anyone who recalls a really nice chap buy the name of CYRIL? I don't know if he was a teacher at McGuffie school, but certainly at the Y.C that used to be there. I and pals were regulars there. Sorry folks, don't remember Cyril's surname - sadly I was 18 when I went to that Youth club...
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Just seen your post regarding the Manicom family who loved at 115 Gosport Road.
My wife was born Sandra Blake and lived at 109, Gosport Road from 1945 to 1965. Her mum and dad were Lily and Harry Blake. Her aunt, Millie Engledew lived at 113 Gosport Road and would have been their neighbours.
I have attached a photo of Sandra and her parents taken in the garden of 109, Gosport Road taken in the late 1950's. Queens Road cemetery is behind the wall at the back.
Small world.
Roy BEILEY Private Reply Public Reply
Further to the post from Colin Doman on 6 Feb 2015 regarding the William McGuffie craft annexe, I wanted to add a few notes from the girls perspective.
In my final year at McGuffie in 1965/6 we used this annexe. The upper floor was in two sections, each being accessed separately by the central staircase. To the left (facing the building) was the Domestic Science room which was nicely kitted out with cookers, gas on one side of the room and electric on the other. Work benches for food preparation and quite a few sinks. Domestic Science also extended to teaching the principles of laundry and to this end a "Servis" twin tub washing machine was installed as well. The opposite side of the upper floor was the typing room fitted with modern desks (for those days) that had revolving tops which when flipped over revealed a typewriter below which seemed to be manual Remington and Olympia models from memory. There was always a scramble to bag the desks with the newest machines and here we learned the basics of touch typing. Have no memory of the teachers on either subject unfortunately. I do remember the name of Mr Ferry for boys woodworking classes and have often since thought that had I been given the choice of Domestic Science or Woodwork I might have chosen the latter. The typing however has proved to be a life long benefit.
Vivienne FIELD Private Reply Public Reply
Thank you very much for the information. I only met Jimmy 'Taffy' Dixon a few times in the early 60's and as a new comparatively young Labour Party member in Walthamstow I was slightly in awe of him. I did briefly talk to him about Wales explaining how I had been evacuated to a small mining village in Afon called Pwll y Glawr. To my amazement, he knew it!. It is only now, that I have been able to research his family tree and found his birth and connection to nearby Glyncorryg, that I realise why he would have known it.
I am sending you a copy of his paternal tree via the 'private' email facility that you may find to of interest and I would ask that, if you have any photos of him, would you please let me have a copy.
Best wishes
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
In belated reply to post 3rd August 2014, and others, regarding staff at the William McGuffie Craft Annexe at that time, the name for the metalwork teacher I seem to recall is Mr Worthington. I certainly agree Mr Ferry (wood) and I'm fairly certain Mr Worthington (metal).
The girl's Domestic Science classes occupied the upper floor.
I was a McGuffie pupil 1958 - April 1962, prior to joining the Ever Ready battery company in Blackhorse Road.
Kind regards,
Colin DOMAN, Weston Turville, Bucks, England. Private Reply Public Reply
Can anyone help me locate two long lost friends? The first was a lady who worked as a lady gardener at Springfield Park at Clapton E5 during the 60s. She did at the time live around St Aandrews Rd, off Higham Hill area and knew my aunt and uncle on the fairground Rose and Jack Cook, and lived at 32 Oatland Rise. They lived in their yard there. On retiring worked their "Hot Dog" stall outside Rumbelows store on the corner of Erskine Rd in the High Street E17.
My other pal is Michael Neal. He boarded with Rose and Frank Finesilver for very many years and worked for Thames Water.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Just read the article by Bill Bayliss on Jim Dixon Tower: I found it extremely interesting as he was a distant cousin of mine and I never knew he had a block named after him!
Some information Bill might like to know it that Jim was born in Glyncorrwg, South Wales, in 1901 and died in London in 1969. He lived with his brother David and I believe a maiden sister. His labour roots go back to the mining village and the poverty they had to put up with. They were brought up in socialist extended family - the MP was Ramsey McDonald who visited the village as my grandfather William Stephens was the local party secretary. My late mother could remember him bringing the first labour cabinet to the village.
Stephen ROGERS Private Reply Public Reply
One of the first bands I ever saw was Tony Rivers and the Castaways, at St Barnabas School, Woodford Green. I used to belong to the Youth Club there and walked all the way from Chingford Hatch to Bernwell Road, where I lived.
The first band I saw in Wlathamstwow at the Marsh St. Youth Centre was a band called "The Picture". My delight was that they played most of the songs from the "Pretty Things" album, called "The Picture", that l had only just bought!
One evening l was walking down the Avenue, Highams Park and a chap's car had broken, so l offered to give him a push to his home nearby, he saw that l had long hair (as l still do now), so automatically got onto the subject of bands and it turned out that he was a member of "The Outlaws" (i.e.: Mike Berry and the Outlaws). Mike had left the band at this point, so they were looking for a lead singer. l told him l was a singer, so promptly joined the band!
We all went to the pub called "The Eagle" at Tottenham, so that I could be introduced to George Cooper and told that he was managing "The Pretty Things", of whom l was a big fan! George was a nice guy as l remember. We did a photographic session outside a Church just off the Woodford Green high road. Sadly, l never got to see them! l never did get to sing a note with the band for nobody seemed to get their act together and never really got started!
The photos may possibly still be out there somewhere for there were lots of photos taken! There must be lots of photos of me taken when l was a roadie for "Atomic Rooster", as l had a small part in Roosters act for when Vince (Crane) did his manic bit whilst playing the wild instrumental ....Gershatszer... l had to rush out to hold up the organ and the overhanging - and now imbalanced - keyboards, to prevent the whole lot toppling over! ....of the stages were particularly shiny and we'll polished the organ etc would spin full circle to the delight of the ecstatic fans!One lot of photos that must still be out there must be those taken by Vince's first wife Pat's cousin.
Mike Berry lived near Walthamstow or Woodford Green area, and was in later years starring in TVs "Are you beig served".
l assume the band "The Picture" we're a local band too?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
My father Gerald David Field was born in 1930 in Hackney, then the family moved to Blenheim Rd, Walthamstow. He went to school at Blackhorse Lane and Winns Avenue. Does anyone have any information or school photos between 1935-44? His friends were Ronny Tinkgee, Ron and Walter Worsley, Burie Sholts(?) and Eric Stockdale. Does anyone know these men? My dad has dementia and I am putting a life book together for him.
Thank you
Teresa MARTIN Private Reply Public Reply
Michael BRUIJN Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Joan
Browsing the website I came across your photo Andrew Mill 1954 (22nd July 2013). I have the same photo. My Nan Janet (Agnes) Ellison is also in the photo. She is the lady with black hair and glasses to the left of your mum: behind the lady in the checked dress who has the white glare above her head.
Debra CLARK Private Reply Public Reply
The Walthamstow Memories site has a reputation for its specialization in the remembrance of local bands and venues and maintains a dedicated local bands slot. In this connection, Dave Hughes has done a tremendous job in compiling lists of bands and the venue they played in Walthamstow.
On and off, two of the bands from the 70's that are frequently mentioned with affection are the uniquely Walthamstow Sam Apple Pie and Jimmy Riddle bands. In this connection, I must however confess to some slight bias as one of my sons has played in the Jimmy Riddle band. Many readers will know that, many years before the E17 boy band burst on the scene, Sam Apple Pie made an album named E17.
This is my homage to these bands and to the special time that they represented. [Read the article here]
In my story, I mention that Jim Mitchell, when working as a 'roadie', as asked to show Stevie Wonder a typical British pub. I'm trying to get hold of Jim to get a first hand account but I've heard a third party version which is:
Jim took Stevie Wonder to a pub near Finsbury Park in north London. The pub had an old upright piano. Stevie went to it and started to play. The bar manager's response was "Get that effing nigger off my piano!"
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
HI Daniel!
Is there anyone out there from way back who remembers my Grandparents? They are ROSE ALICE RIDLEY and HARRY BISHOP RIDLEY - he called himself THE BISHOP OF WALTHAMSTOW!! My nan used to be the one time manageress at WOOLWORTHS at the St James's st. end of HIGH ST, and my Grandad was employed (?) to play the piano to the potential customers!! They spent a lot of their life living in LEUCHA RD, albeit also over the years at DIANA RD and 2 NORTH COUNTESS RD, the very early years most of the RIDLEY family lived at APSLEY RD. My Grandads brother, GEORGE RIDLEY was still there in the 6Os he was HEAD KEEPER at MILLFIELDS on the LEA BRIDGE RD, later as HEAD KEEPER at the well known HACKNEY MARSH where he stayed until he retired.
All the best to the readers of this!!
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Barry
Thank you for taking the trouble to tell me about your family and the immediate area around Gosport road. I am sure you have many happy memories of the area, as you know I am researching my ancestors, The Martin family of Gosport road. If anyone has any pictures of pre war Gosport road or earlier we would love to hear from you.
Many thanks
Steve MARDEN Private Reply Public Reply
When I lived in Stirling road we use to see the cart horses which carried these vast rolls of paper from the yard in Higham st. In winter the poor horses sometimes slipped over which was a tragic sight. Many a time we saw the drivers wip the horses to get them up. Another time going by the side entrance in St Andrews road we saw great piles of maps by the entrance all done up in bundles. Looking back I think they were from the RAF, maybe target maps?. Wish I took some, if they they were bet they could be worth something today. Perhaps some one would know about this?
Robert ELLIS Private Reply Public Reply
Was wondering why there were so many streets named after villages and towns in Warwickshire: Eatington (Ettington) Road, Fulready Road, Halford Road, Leamington Road, Daventry Road, etc...
In particular Eatington (or Ettington as it's now known) Fulready and Halford are all small villages within a three mile radius of each other in South Warks. My Mum lives in Ettington!
Greville & Brooke (streets adjacent to one another in Walthamstow) are also the names of the houses at my old school (Warwick --- In Warwickshire!) Even more bizarrely the now re-named Warwick School was (is) on Barrett road just next door.
Is it just coincidence or is there an underlying reason for all these similarities?
I'd be fascinated to know! Is there anyone who could enlighten me?
Many thanks for your time and patience. Kindest regards
Greg MUIR Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Keith,
I enjoyed your recent Email in which you mention Rose Finesilver who ran the Contemporary Youth Club.
There is some nasty, scurrilous and obviously wildly inaccurate information about Rose on the internet and I am collecting information about her and the Youth Club with the attention of writing a piece about it. I would welcome any further information/memories that you and other readers can contribute.
Best wishes
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
I'm looking for any knowledge of the Bessant family on a site to study the shops in Walthamstow market circa 1952
Dallas BESSANT Private Reply Public Reply
My mother spent much of her life with the 'Paul' family. I noticed someone managed to trace Paul Bonner (Bonners fish & chips) [see here]. My mum lived with his grandparents in their pub for many years and has often spoken of Mitzy, Paul's aunt, I believe. I have heard so many stories about his family and feel I know them.
I wonder if anyone new Mary Smith: she lived with Mr & Mrs Paul, who Ran three pubs in the area at various times. Paul Bonner is their grandson. Could anyone put me in touch with them? I'd love to surprise my mum!
Thank you
Philippa HARRIS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Steve,
My "family connection" to Gosport Road is a strong one but, in terms of chronology, it may only just overlap.
My maternal grandparents, John 'Jack' Manicom and his wife, Sarah Anne (nee Emery) lived at number 115 all of their married lives. (Jack died in 1957) I can't be sure when they moved there and I'm not sure when they married. I do know that their first son "My uncle John Manicom "was born, at the house in about 1922. They had three other children, Joyce, Edna (my Mum) and Bill. They were all born between 1923 and 1931 (approximately).
This photo "looking from the back of the house looking toward Queens Road cemetery beyond the wall - shows my grandad, Jack seated front/left. His wife 'Annie' (my Nan) is at the back on the right. Their youngest son "my uncle" Bill is standing behind Jack and, just creeping into the shot, peeking over Bill's shoulder, is my uncle John "their oldest. I would estimate that this picture was probably taken in 1950 (ish). Number 71 would be about 12 houses away to the left of shot.
This shot was taken in the back garden of number 115 and is looking back toward the house. The two houses to the right would be numbers 113 and 111. Number 71 is tantalisingly close, off to the right.
This was the last picture ever taken of my grandad, he died very soon after, in 1957. He is buried in Queens Road cemetery, which, of course is at the foot of the garden where he is standing. I measured his final resting place to be 110 yards from the spot where he is pictured.
I will look to see if I have any more pictures closer to the time that you are writing about.
Kind regards for now
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
I found this whilst raiding my 'divine archive':
Taken in 1934, this photo features my uncle, Percy Jemmett (c.1920-1976). Percy married my maternal aunt, Joyce Manicom. He is in the back row, at the top of the group, with his head overlapping the white, centre-divider of the window frame.
I went to the same school thirty years later. It was called, Beaconsfield Secondary Modern then. It's now Coppermill Primary, I believe.
I'm afraid that I have no information on any of the other lads or the teacher in the picture.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Two days before the start of WWII, the curiously named "Operation Pied Piper" started and within a very short time, 1.5 million women and children were evacuated from potentially unsafe urban areas into safer rural areas.
I believe that earlier this year Waltham Forest Museum mounted an exhibition about the evacuation but, unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend this. This was particularly galling for me as I was a two-time evacuee myself (Once to Sussex and once to South Wales) and I would have liked to revel in the nostalgia.
I've written this rather long article about the evacuation of children from Walthamstow in WWII [read it here]. Because they will be many people, like myself, who weren't able to go to the exhibition but have a personal interest in the subject because they are former evacuees themselves or as the children and grand-children of evacuees. It's particularly long because I have tried to include as many of the accounts of their experience in the words of the evacuees themselves together with various official and other supporting documents that explains how evacuation was organized and the early evaluations of its implementation.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Walthamstownians,
Thanks to Vivienne Field who mentioned Cornish's grocery store in an earlier posting. Mr Fred Cornish, who ran the store with his son, Frank, from about 1910 to about 1960, is my Grandad. The store was at 122 Erskine Road on the corner with Melville Rd, and now goes under the name "Millennium Food and Wine".
I didn't grow up in Walthamstow but did visit the store a couple of times in the mid 50's. The only thing I can clearly remember is getting a treat from the "broken biscuit" jar thanks to one of the shop assistants, Edna. We found reference to the store in Robert Baltrop's book "My mother is calling me: Growing up in N. E. London between the wars", where he writes: "I was always being sent to Cornish's grocery shop. It had a black-and-white tiled floor and a marble counter, and Mr Cornish wore a long white apron and a dark jacket; he was brisk and smart, and the shop was like a miniature Sainsbury's." Vivienne also remembers the marble counter tops.
Another story handed down through the family concerned advert hoardings where the garage of the Millennium store now stands? For many years there was a metal Robertson's jam advert there. In the 1920's, my Dad, who was raised at 87 Greenleaf Road just around the corner, used to kick the metal hoardings to make the sound of a giant cymbal. Mr Fred Cornish used to emerge shaking his fists at the local hooligans. 20 years later Dad married Mr Cornish's daughter and the metal hoardings eventually ended up in Weston-super-Mare as the roof to our coal bin. The Robertson's Golliwog became a family symbol and in 1982 Robertson's sent Mum and Dad a congratulatory letter on their Ruby Wedding anniversary.
Does anyone have memories or photos of the Cornish store?
Clive BAGSHAW Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel!
Is there anyone out there who can help me with some info?
My great grandparents lived at no. 7 Bedford Road E17 (their names are ARTHUR AXFORD and ROSINA née JEWEL): numbers 1, 3, 5 , and SEVEN were all bombed in the last war. Number 9 onwards still stand, hence you can still see the exact spot where my great grandparents house once stood, sadly now all car park. My dear mum RENE (Irene) NICHOLS née RIDLEY said that their garden in summer was full of Asters a variety called... ostrich plume... Sadly my grand father died after falling down after sweeping snow in the small front garden. Are there, I wonder, any photos of those houses? Or indeed was there anything pictured and documented in the local papers at the time?
Also, opposite them lived their daughter albeit lived in Forest road, on the corner of Gaywood rd (?), and said to have faced Lloyds Park. Today there are trees on the spot and old folks home?? I was told that it was a land mine? Apparently my great aunt, Minnie Olive, and her children were in an Anderson shelter at the bottom of the garden and buried for four or so hours. Min's husband Joe rushed along to help in the rescue (Joe was a doorman at Walthamstows PALACE THEATRE). My great grandparent's great grandson is JOHN AXFORD, well known on The Antiques Road show. My great grandfather was a Foreman at Hornimans Tea. Where was his exact place of work, (Hornimans factory)? His brother HENRY, on hearing of his brother's death, took his own life. He lived at COURTNEY PLACE E17: he apparently taped up all the doors and windows, with a notice reading do not enter - gas on...! He too I believe he worked at Hornimans.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
I just wanted to thank Laura Forrester for the memories and our school class photograph of 1963. I wanted to tell her I think I might be living in her old house in Salop Road.
Maria POND
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hello Barry,
I guess 53 years has just about been long enough for the wounds to heal!! Although the story was based on a real incident, I will admit to some slight embellishments to make an already boring story little less so. Gerald was the name of the man who broke the 'Funfight at the Dispatch Corral' up. Here is picture taken on a Garners day trip to Southend (long after I had left Garners )
Gerald is the in the first chair on the right of the photo, and I believe the man behind him is Ray (who was pictured in the Christmas picture) ( photo's courtesy of Melvyn G Daubney). Here is photo of the Garners van, that I sometimes went out in with George delivering garments to various clothes shops, and of course also stopping off at various betting shops!!
A few years later I worked at Achille Serre's, and who should be the lovely lady who checked how many buttons I had crushed while attempting to press the raincoats... none other than Gerald's mum!!
Best regards
Keith RODGER Private Reply Public Reply
A friend remembers working in a Dressmaking and drapery business that made Parachutes too, it was in Hainault Road Leytonstone. Family owning it were called Latter any info welcome she is 92 and went there when she was 14 left for war work at 17.. Urgent please help, thank you.
P.S. - My friend did not remember the road name correctly, Hainault Road is wrong it should be 122, Union Road now called Langthorne Road and the Company was owned by Owen A Latter, general draper..
Evelyn SEMLYEN Private Reply Public Reply
Hi, again, Keith,
Your tale of 'lost love' (or should that be, 'love-stolen-from-you) whilst at Garners was deeply moving. I sincerely hope that time has healed your wounds.
Your mention of 'Candy' from Cherrydown Avenue evoked a memory for me. I once courted a young lady who lived in Middleton Avenue, which runs off of Cherrydown. She two-timed me with a bloke that I worked with. I'm sure I'll get over it one day Sad smile.
Your photo of the 'inner sanctum' Garners prompted me to dig out a picture of my Dad working at the aforementioned, Geary's. Here 'tis.
My Dad would have been in his mid-twenties (approximately) when this snap was taken. That would have been around about 1954/5.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Up to 1955 we used to live at 34 Cuthbert Road with Nan and Grandad, Charles and Rosina Pallett.
I seem to remember Hawkes family in number32 I think. Other families were Knowles at no 36 and Lacons at 30.
I do have VE photos taken in Cuthbert Road with a large number of the residents
In photo outside pub, I think that the man eighth from the right in front row wearing light cap could be Charles Pallett my grandad
Peter PALLETT Private Reply Public Reply
Two of our ancestors Charles Martin and his brother Francis William Martin (known as Bill) lived at 71 Gosport Rd, Walthamstow, in the early 1920s, both brothers emigrated to Australia. Francis William set sail for Brisbane in 1923 aboard the Esparence Bay and his brother Charles left on the Sophocles in 1924 also for Brisbane, both were teenagers who appeared to travel on their own. Francis occupation is listed as a farm labourer and Charles an electrician - it seems it was quite common for young east end people to leave for oz, if anyone has any comments to add about the subject or any family connections we would love to here from you
Many thanks,
Steve MARDEN Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Helen,
I don't know the years you are referring to when you lived in Blenheim Road but my dad lived there in the 1930 to early 50s.
His mum was there till early 1960s. He lived at No.86. His name is David Field.
Teresa MARTIN Private Reply Public Reply
Hello, what a great site, I've found it extremely interesting with loads of memories flooding back from my childhood when I lived in Gainsford road.
My wife and I both born in Walthamstow moved nearly fifty years ago after getting married and would very much like to communicate with the site in the hope we mite find someone out there who knows us.
Best Wishes,
Bert & Rita DRAPER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Bill,
I can only recall a few details of Morris Singer Co Ltd.
The main services and products they designed, manufactured and supplied were bronze, brass and steel extrusions and castings for passenger liners, cruise ships and the military. These consisted of balustrades, pot holes, hand rails etc. Also they made bronze and steel window and doors and their fittings for the leading banks and large buildings in London and throughout the UK.
One of the large contracts they were successful in winning was the windows and the stainless steel cladding for the Millbank Tower on the Embankment in London. They also manufactured many items/parts for the lifts for Hammond & Champness who were also part of the Pollards Group.
There were approx.. 100-200 persons employed and had a machine shop, several assembly shops, paint shop, stores and its own canteen as well as the offices.
Regrettably these details are all that I can recall but I hope they give you an insight into the very pleasant time when I worked there.
Kind Regards,
Fred HARRISON Private Reply Public Reply
I was born in Wyatts Lane in Walthamstow 60 years ago and revisited it again in 2013 after 44 years in Australia. I am researching my family history and love your site as it gives me a real picture of what it must have been like when my parents and grandparents lived there many years ago. It has also given me a sense of belonging and at some stage I will put some information out there for your families list but at this stage though, I am looking for my Aunt, Rita Kendall née Smiles. We lost contact with Rita a few years ago when my Dad (her brother, Alfred Smiles) began to suffer from the effects of Alzheimer's. Rita was married to Bill, who has since passed away, and had 4 children, Kay, Billy, Kevin and Julie. I have no idea where the Kendalls lived in Walthamstow but Dad and Rita grew up in Maynard Road. Their father's name was Horace Reginald and his second wife, Rita's mother, was Dorothy Hartley. I vaguely recall that Rita may have moved to Chingford after her husband died but I am not sure. I hope there is someone out there that can help us get in contact and I appreciate the opportunity your site has given me to maybe find her.
Thanking you and regards,
(née SMILES)
Private Reply
Public Reply
Something else for Walthamstow Memories, to be made public.
Way back in the 70s, I decided to go into promotional work and put on a good rock concert in Walthamstow. So in 1970, made the obvious choice to ask my pal Vincent Crane (ATOMIC ROOSTER}.... to do the gig. Sadly, he was still in New York with the band so wouldn't be back in time for the date that I had chosen i.e.: the 31st of October - HALLOWEEN!!! I WANTED a band that would suit the night and be a bit lively. I contacted various agencies, but could not find anyone suitable on a par with Vince and the lads, I soon saw a name that seemed to have been around for 100 years: it was SCREAMING LORD SUTCH, as it turned out a chap I knew had DAVID SUTCH as a friend! So he contacted him direct hence now avoiding agents fees.
I had been a long time member of the CONTEMPORARY YOUTH CLUB that once stood in QUEENS ROAD E17 and knew the youth club leader very well and that was ROSE FINESILVER and as I had helped her out on occasions, suggested I use the youth club as the venue free of charge!
I had no idea if a youth club was the right place or would have the right atmosphere, but it was great on the night. I went ahead placing ads in the various music papers and mags etc I then went ahead ahead and designed a suitable poster. The large posters came back just a few days before the event and shocked to see a bad misprint i.e. SUCTH: a disaster to the fact that there were a few unscrupulous promoters and groups back then purposely advertising themselves to fool the public I once saw a poster as THE ROWLLING STONES: crowds came thinking that it was indeed a misprint. It was now too late to do anything about it.
I called the event HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL. We had a good mix of older teddy boys mods and hippies all in all it was a fantastic evening. I paid DAVID SUTCH ninety pounds - a lot of money back then! DAVID (LORD SUTCH) found the poster amusing, for he told me that it was the first time that he'd seen his name misprinted, so he took a poster with him as a keepsake! He told me that he still had it when we met up a few years later down Portobello Road. I still have my poster plus other bumph to keep that he gave me. I'd love to know what the line up was of the SAVAGES... DAVID'S backing band, also known as the RAVING SAVAGES. David and the boys did a terrific night of theatre and rock n roll. I booked two support bands - my friend DEL was the frontman for THE SUBSTITUTES (THE ROCK Band), Del dedicated the night to me for putting on a a good night and dedicated the song Jumping Jack Flash in my honour!!! The band is still going strong today albeit haven't seen Del since then. The other band was UNION Jack SMACK. I met their friend or manager when me and pal MICKEY CASEY went to the Kings road most Saturdays Mick and I posed outside The SPOT CAFE Chelsea. We had all our hippy gear on they wanted us for a French album cover, we never did see it !
I have lots of memories to share with you all so be warned !!!
All the best
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel!
Thanks for putting in my first contribution to Walthamstow Memories A big thank YOU to the two chaps who replied I.e Stephen Read and a long lost pal, Steve Johnson, in both public and private replies.
I was saddened to learn of pal Andy Johnson's passing and the possibility that Mike Smith may have passed too... SAM APPLE PIE were a brilliant band and a great bunch of lads Sam Sampson and Bob Rennie added fun during their short stint with ATOMIC ROOSTER especially when we were at Ebbvale in Wales and security guards were very heavy handed with the crowds Sam's put down was brilliant more so after the guards had spoilt the set of the support band BUDGIE.we were at the brand new sports complex in EBBWVALE there had been hysteria at David Cassidy concerts all over the country the guards mistook our crowds as teeny boppers!! The guards spoilt the night at Ebbwvale I'm certain the cans who were there remember it today? Our front row fans were literally kicked in their faces by the guards. We all thought that this is what causes riots - thankfully the Welsh Fans did not react l think they were all stunned in what they saw anyway for the reaction of the guards came out of the blue!!!
VINCENT CRANE also had something to say over the microphone and later the band and us road crew all complained to the management
All the best
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel ,
One morning sometime around 1954 I had set out for school (set out, but perhaps never intending to actually get there). My Mum's last words as always were "Go straight to school, and keep your socks pulled up". Neither of those two actions were very likely to be adhered to though. I crossed over Hatherley Road and continued up the top end of Campbell Road. There was, and still is, a long wall that runs the length of someone's back garden (see below), and of course back then there were paving stones not tarmac making up the pavement.
As I walked head down, pondering what my excuse would be for not attending school today, I noticed something shiny lying in the middle of one of the paving stones. My first thought was "This is wonderful: I have found a sixpence!", and immediately I was planning all the sweets I could buy with my find. I picked it up and realised to my dismay that it was indeed a coin, but not one I had ever seen before. The thoughts of all those lovely sweets were diminishing very quickly: no blackjacks, no fruit salads, no penny hard liquorice sticks!! Just a strange looking coin as a replacement... I wouldn't have minded so much had it been chocolate money!! Well, I did go to school that day, and I had the coin in my pocket, so I decided to ask one of the teachers if they knew what it was. He told me that it was an Elizabethan silver coin, but had no idea of what denomination it was. I still wasn't overly impressed with the fact I now had a coin that came from the reign of Elizabeth I, and would much have preferred it to be from the reign of Elizabeth II, for that meant money to spend on my way home in that sweet shop!! Anyway, cutting a long boring story short, over all these years I still have that coin. To the best of my knowledge it is actually a sixpence, and is dated 1572. It has been 'clipped' around it's edges. It has no great monetary value, but anyway I would never part with it. I still wonder how it got there, and also how many other hands have held it, and what sort of goods it has been used to purchase. So many stories that coin could tell! Some things I know it never purchased were: blackjacks, fruit salads and penny hard liquorice sticks... damn it!!
Best regards
Keith RODGER Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Liz,
I would suggest that first you contact Barnardos and ask for a copy of their records.
You can also search the Electoral Roll records for the address, Contact Waltham Forest Museum at: (link error) and ask if they have an Electoral Roll for Walthamstow for that year. If they have make an appointment to view it.
I will also contact you on the private email facility to see if offer any specific help.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello John,
There is a booklet published by the Walthamstow Historical Society called 'Right up your street', which is I believe a short history of Wood Street, and I am sure would have old photos of the street included.
There is also a web site which has many fine images of Wood Street on it.I hope this is some help to you.
Best regards
Keith RODGER Private Reply Public Reply
I am contacting your website because I am publishing my father Albert Stow's memoirs, on Amazon Books and Kindle this week, and I thought you may be interested to post on your website.
The book is subtitled A Story of War and Love 1914-1941 and I have finally completed the text, which is unedited from my fathers' notes he made, when myself and my family encouraged him when he was in his eighties. He died last year aged 99 years. I have added many of the family photographs he had, of the early 20th century Walthamstow that he moved to as a child, having been born near Whipps Cross, Essex. At St. Stephens Road (some cottages are still there, but not the shop over which he was born) before they moved in to Walthamstow.
The photographs illustrate the anecdotes and stories of his growing up between the two world wars in Walthamstow.
I recently also took part in a radio interview on radio London with Jo Good (2/12/14 15:00) available this week on the Radio London website.
I look forward to your response,
Malcom Stow Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
Just a little sad story about my time at Garners. There was lovely young girl named Maureen (who everybody called Candy, I guess that was because she was very sweet), and we went out for quite a few months. She lived in Cherrydown Avenue in Chingford, and I had plans of perhaps both of us living in Walthamstow's posh neighbouring borough.
Well I was 15, and it was time to think of settling down!! Now enters the villain of the piece, for legal reasons (and my personal safety) I will simply refer to him as E. Now this E also worked at Garners, and had obviously other plans for the lovely Maureen. He frequently made comments about why she went out with me, a mere lad of 15, when she could have had a fully grown man of 17!! Anyway one day he sort of challenged me to a duel (well his words were actually 'I am going to beat the s--- out of you'). Now at this time I was a Born Again Coward, so I declined his offer, but he insisted, so a time was set for a showdown in the Dispatch Department on Saturday morning.
It wasn't really a fight, it was like more two silly boys rolling around the floor trying to talk tough! Thankfully someone intervened before I could actually get hurt, and we both walked away, E was breathing fire and mouthing obscenities... and I was thanking my lucky stars that none of my bones were broken or my blood spilt. Word somehow got around that E had thrashed me (which probably he would have done had I not paid the person to intervene!!) and the lovely Maureen then looked upon him as her champion and me as a... weed.
In years to come they married and E became a bus driver, and I suspect they both rode off into the sunset or at least into the Chingford bus depot!
My one and only Christmas at Garners. From left to right: Adrian, Jeanette, Louisa, Ron, Sue, Jennifer, Me and Ray. Apart from mine, I have forgotten all the surnames. Sadly neither Maureen (she may have been taking the picture) nor E are in this picture though.
Best regards
Keith RODGER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi I went to Greenleaf Infant's in 1957 then Greenleaf Juniors, then I went to Winns Avenue from there I went to Willium Fitt. My maiden name was Marcia Rose
Marcia BLEE
née ROSE
Private Reply
Public Reply
I enjoyed your recollections of your early 'work experience' in the High Street very much. Jane's series of photos are excellent, too. Like you, I have a very strong High Street connection.
From about 1954 "60 (approximately), my Dad worked in Geary's butchers shop at number 69. He, my Mum and I all lived in the flat above the shop until about '57.
I took this photo in about 2001, just days before the shop closed for good. I was revisiting my old haunts and was saddened "though not surprised "to see that the shop was on the verge of disappearing for ever. By the look of the papered-up windows, I only just got there in time. (The building captured on the extreme left of the frame is the Cock Tavern Pub.)
My thanks to you and Jane for evoking some more, wonderful Walthamstow memories.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Bill,
have been looking at your website and as others have mentioned it is very good of you to do it.
I was born in King Alfred road in 1933 and then moved to my Grandfathers place 28 Stirling road Walthamstow with my Father Fred and Ethel Ellis plus my sister Maisie and Grandmother Winnie. Have several memories linked to other contributers ie Whipps X hospital, my younge sister born 1938 had an accident on the swings and was taken to Whipps where she stayed for a long time also was told by parents she was the first child to receive penicillan in oil injections in Whipps, they found she is allergic to that , by swelling up of face and other parts. Later in life my daughter Dawn was the first baby to be born in Harlow Princess Alexandra hospital.Back to me , went to St Andrews school and then on to Blackhorse road school. Was evacuated to St Just in Cornwall. As Mr Nankervis joined the RAF we were shifted to another family where I was taken with the husband to catch snakes at one time for their skins i was told later. That did not take long before we were home to Stirling Road.Later to William Elliott School in Higham Hill.
In 1948 started at Wrightons in Billett road in the makers dept. 1951 . In to the RAF and out 1953, funny thing happened that when I went back the person who ran the sick club fund came round and said " have not seen you for few weeks". He was one of those rare breeds who done the carving. I still lived at Stirling road until 1957 when i married Shirley and then we moved into new house in Harlow. I went back to Wrightons in 1959 and left in 1961. My parents moved from Stirling road to Hurst Ave Chingford where in 1986-87 they both died. The above is just a glimps of places mentioned by the contributers, i could go on for ever more thinking about my past life in Walthamstow and persons met. Again many thanks for bringing it back.
Robert ELLIS Private Reply Public Reply
Your photo of Fish Bros brought memories when we got my wife's wedding ring in 1957.
Robert ELLIS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Cyril,
I was very interested in your story of the V-1 flying bomb incident at Hollow Ponds.
The actual date of this incident was 1st August 1944, and the time of impact was 14:17hrs. This V-1 bomb was almost certainly one of a salvo launched from northern France at 13:58hrs. Some of the missiles in this salvo contained the more powerful Trialen explosive, while the others contained the usual Amatol.
Records show one fatality with a further six injured. Whipps Cross Hospital suffered slight blast damage, as did approximately two hundred houses on the Walthamstow side of Lea Bridge Road. If you were close enough to see the actual impact of this V-1 then you quite possibly owe your life to the fact that it came down in water, as a land impact would have increased the blast effects - particularly if the warhead contained Trialen.
Best Regards,
V-Weapon Researcher
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hi Alan,
I had no idea that you were a local lad!
I'm afraid that I never had the pleasure of playing with or against you at school. I was born in '54 and went to Edinburgh Road, Beaconsfield and Sir William Morris schools.
Oddly enough though, you and I have 'met' in a manner of speaking. Back in the late 60's you visited a Subbuteo Club which used to meet in a flat above Ron's Drug Store at 119, Wood Street. I would have been about fourteen years-old and I was one of the many present who was flicking mini Alan Stephensons about on the green baize. I think that you had met Ron Russ during your West Ham days. The picture below was taken in the late 90's, long after the club had folded-up, but you may recognise the shop front. It's gone now.
Among my collection of 'Soccer Star' magazines is one which has you on the cover!
Even better than that, you feature playing for West Ham in the wonderful, 'Big Match' series on DVD. Your Palace era wasn't captured by the programme, unfortunately.
You certainly played with and against the very best players of the time. Your 2nd, November '68 home match against QPR has you teamed up with Ronnie Boyce, Harry Redknapp, Trevor Brooking and, of course, Moore, Hurst and Peters!
Curiously, the Rangers team that day fielded the late Mick Leach. From the mid-to-late 60's he coached, part-time, at my school, Beaconsfield, whilst playing professionally.
Another of your matches (August 22, 1970) shows you playing alongside my all-time hero, Jimmy Greaves. (I was "and remain "Spurs fan, by the way.)
One of your goals is also preserved for history on the disc, isn't it? A fine, far-post header away at Middlesborough.
Speaking as someone who yearned to be a professional footballer "but didn't make it "I am (still) full of admiration and respect for you and your fellows who did live the dream. Keep well and thanks for some wonderful memories.
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Keith,
I was forever bumping into Sam of Sam Apple pie quite a bit way back whenever. Went to a Pink Floyd concert with him, I think, It is very foggy for some reason.
Wikipedia has a link ( which says that sadly, "...Andy Johnson, died from throat cancer on Friday 5 March 2010 in Hastingwood, Essex, at the age of 62."
I don't know where I got it from but seem to remember reading that Mickey Smith also died.
Try a search on W'Stow memories for 'Sam Apple Pie'. It crops up quite a bit.
Vincent Crane , also sadly gone, I played chess with him & his wife while they got ready to go see Ike & Tina Turner & got trounced.
My contact with the band etc was girlfriend, Jean Latimore & Mark Harrington or Mark Poppins, DJ at Cook's Ferry Inn.
Steve READ Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Fred,
I'm glad that you have 'discovered' the Walthamstow Memories site and I hope you will enjoy browsing the 15 years of memories and letters.
You're quite right that I didn't include information about the many companies associated with Pollard Shopfitting. The problem with writing stuff about companies is that if I'm not careful they become just lists of companies an dates. The history of successful companies is that they get taken over and incorporated into bigger companies that ultimately become international conglomerates. This means that I have to be selective about what I include and I'm sure that I don't always get it right.
I do know of the Morris Singer company but not a lot beyond the fact that they were specialist bronze workers. It would be good if you were to write down and send us your experience and knowledge of the company so that we can incorporate that into our knowledge of Walthamstow companies.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Bill,
Have just found the website and find all very interesting and quite an eye opener.
My name is Fred Harrison and I left Sidney Chaplin School in April 1960 and started work as an apprentice at Morris Singer Co Ltd in Ferry Lane (next to the Ever Ready Factory) and progressed to a Time Study position and then to tan Estimator
This company was also part of Pollards Shopfitters but it is not mentioned in your write up.
Fred HARRISON Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Tony,
Have just read your post on the Walthamstow Memories site and thought I would reply.
My name is Fred Harrison and I lived at 98 St Andrews Road until 1951 with my Mum & Dad and two brothers "Eddie and Brian. I remember attending school with you at St. Andrews infants and the Junior school and then at William Elliot Whittingham which closed and we had to attend Sidney Chaplin until 1960
I remember the teachers you mentioned very vividly but enjoyed going to school in particularly the sports as the school was one of the top performing schools in the borough in athletics and football. I was in the football team and athletic teams and was proud to have won some medals for the school and borough.
I married Janet Cook who originally attended the infants and junior schools as me but also attended Blackhorse Road (Willowfield). We have a daughter and a son who attended schools in Walthamstow until we moved from Gloucester Road to Harrow in 1983.
We now live in Northchurch "just outside Berkhamsted in Herts.
Was nice to be reminded of school memories.
Fred HARRISON Private Reply Public Reply
Hello, is there any way of seeing who lived at the above address in 1929?
My mother in law has this address on her birth certificate, but she was put into Barnardos and has no record really of her family
She was born in 1929 but at a young age was taken to Dr. Barnardo's Home. She has the name of Ellen Babbs as her mother and Walter James Humphrey as her father, a milk roundsman. The address shown is Bemsted Road but do not know if that is one or both of the parent's address. We can find no trace of them marrying and in fact it may be he was married to someone else at the time. Any information would be very helpful as she is now 84 and still does not know much about her family and if she still has any.
Many thanks
Liz TURNER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
Collating all of the emails into one long piece would be ideal. If the content and presentation is satisfactory, then, by all means, do it that way. I'd be delighted to have a submission included in the History section.
[Read the article here]
Barry RYDER Private Reply Public Reply
Did you know Norman Lumer a pupil 1958 onwards, who painted a picture with natural products. The painting I believe hangs in the school hall.
Thank you,
Gerald DIAMOND Private Reply Public Reply
Many thanks, Daniel. I'll take a look in the Vestry House Museum. Keep up the good work its fascinating.
John HAWKES Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
We have been carrying out research into the CARDOs my husband's mother's family.
I am wondering if any of your Walthamstow Memories correspondents might be able to help.
We were told some years ago by a chance acquaintance of a pavilion/summer house building on a sports ground on the Leabridge Road, bearing the name CARDO. It was near a road junction at which our informant regularly had to wait in the traffic on his way to London. Can anyone tell us about this? Several members of the family were active in sports and we would like to know which member of the family it commemorated, and its exact location if it still exists.
The Cardos were bootmakers, their business having originated in Plaistow and Stratford in the late 1800s, and a branch of the family had shops in Leytonstone (where they also had a factory) and in High Street, Walthamstow until 1926. Is there anyone in the Walthamstow area who remembers the shops, or maybe had relatives who might have worked for them?
Mary RADFORD (Danbury, Essex) Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
I saw some old pictures on the facebook site 'Walthamstow in pictures' of Wood St, including the attached photo of men outside the pub in wood st and a link to your site. Do you now where I can get a better resolution/larger copy of this picture as I think my grandfather and great grandfather are in the picture? They lived in Cuthbert Rd at that time and had a coal merchants and removals/grocers business at Wood St Station. It looks like an outing of some sort.
Would be grateful if you can point me in the direction of where I can get other pictures of wood st that are clearer.
Like your site by the way.
John HAWKES Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: The picture was sent in by one of our visitors, Derek Everett. You may find it in the 2014 Postbag His grandfather is in it...!
Would like to know if you have any information of the Taylor family in the Beulah Villa Home in Walthamstow around 1817's. We have documents of information and transactions of the sale of the home in 1818.
Thank You
Beverly TAYLOR Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
I have just received an email from Richard's partner Vivienne in which she told me about Richard's passing.
I was assured that Richard's website 'Walthamstow History' will continue and is to be maintained by his friends.
I presume that there will eventually be a fitting tribute to Richard on the website as a lasting memorial to him.
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
This is my 4th article (The first three being: Connaught, Hale End & Whipps Cross Hospitals) about Walthamstow medical facilities and chronicles the story of the Walthamstow Isolation Hospital situated in Chingford. In writing this I have leaned heavily on work previously undertaken by Len Davies, a Chingford historian and the transcript of the oral recordings made by the Waltham Forest Oral History Workshop that form their 'Touch Yer Collar, Never Swaller' publication. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any early pictures of the hospital, a problem that seems to have been shared with Len Davies.
This is the penultimate piece and (Hopefully) the last one will be about dentistry and other medical facilities provided by the former Walthamstow Council.
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
My name is Emma, and I am a journalist at BBC News. I'm looking at doing a piece on the history of cycle speedway on the bomb sites of London, and I came across a piece Bill Bayliss wrote about his memories.
I was wondering whether you might be able to put me in touch with Bill?
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Best wishes,
Emma AILES Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Perhaps some other of our visitors may have useful info for Emma?
Hi Nyrie, I can confirm that photo 56 was taken circa 1941/43 at St Marys Junior School for Girls in Orford Road Walthamstow. I know this because my elder sister Joyce is in the picture, fourth pupil from the left,second row from top. the lady in centre of the group was the head mistress at the time, Miss Weir. I would have thought that as Campus Road was some distance from Orford Road, your mum was more likely to have gone to St Saviours Church of England Primary School, at the corner of Markhouse Road and Verulam Avenue? I hope this information will be of some help.
Reg GREEN Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
First let me once again thank you for all the time and effort that you put into this site. It is very much appreciated I'm sure not just by myself but to all the other visitors. The 2015 postbag is now blue on blue, I also have trouble reading this, I have Internet Explorer 9. Could we please go back to black on white.
Tony JONES Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Many thanks for your kind words! As for the "Blue on blue" problem: it should be fixed now - but please let me know...
Hi Daniel, just to add bit more about the factory. There use to be high up the building a place for the air raid spotter who use to bring up the red flag, this in turn went to the factory spotter down Stirling road, and this where I come in: My Dad had a arial post which I use to climb up and then shout down the gardens REDS UP. LOL.
Robert ELLIS Private Reply Public Reply
I also was evacuated from the school and remember all those buses lining up and getting on the train later. I ended up at St. Just with the Nankevise family. Their place was right in centre of village opposte the clock.
Robert ELLIS Private Reply Public Reply
Now that brought back memories of the club, I was in the RAF and had a short wave radio on and picked up the cup final of them, nothing out of normal you might say, but I was in the desert...
Robert ELLIS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi David, I also went to both those schools, I lived in Stirling road and bottom of your road there was a field which we had our cycle speedway track. Also there use to be the usual street gangs LOL. You can go to William Elliott Whitingham school on the web site of that. Down bottom of your road a family called Chant lived, we used to go in there with Jackie Chant to listen to radio song hits by Jack Jackson show. You mentioned Janet, Ditto.
Robert ELLIS Private Reply Public Reply
In approx 1942, I was getting into boat with a friend at hollow pond when the airaid warning had gone off, but we never used to take notice of it being 11 & 13yr olds: a doodle bug came right over the top of us and cut out. Jimmy said: "Run!" - it all happened in seconds I can still see it to this day hitting the water: we were blown to near the road where we saw people lying in the road they said the blast must have gone over us. We were taken into hospital; I had shrapnel in my foot & Jim in his arm. I was stitched up, Jim was kept in. A nurse took me to the bus stop, but the siren went off so she put me in a brick shelter saying she would come back when the all clear sounded: I never saw her again, so went to the bus stop got a trolley back to Plaistow. On the bus was the boat attendant and he started telling everyone about us. He was a coloured fellow; the lady conductor let me off with my fare the reason I am telling this as I have been to the boat house some years ago and saw photos of the damaged boat house at the time it said it was a rocket which was wrong: I and my parents were bombed out 3 times. 4 of my uncles served in the armed forces did not come for 4 yrs: that's what I call traumer!
Cyril USHER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi everybody! My name is Keith Nichols (sister Sandra , Brother Barry) all born & bred in Walthamstow. I am VERY new at this internet lark and boy have I got plenty of stories for your post bag known. The future months & years!
Let me kick off by asking if anyone can confirm that my mate Andy 'Snakehips' Johnson has passed away? Andy & I used to sword fence each other at our youth club at Heathcote school E4.
I was a roadie for my pal Vincent Crane for 4 years. What is not known by the public is that Sam Samson and Bob Rennie both joined Atomic Rooster, Sam as lead singer and Bob on bass guitar.
Sadly I've lost contact with all of Sam Apple Pie.
I have a good few stories of local bands of which I hope you will get to read.
Nice to see the band Eternal Fruit mentioned. I knew and member Ted.
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
I saw that you are looking for a Frank Muffett - would he be a relation to Ruby Muffett, Stanley Muffett and Gordon Muffett??
Sandra FALKOWSKI Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
Just a quick note to wish you and all those that contribute to this site a very happy 2015.
Thanks for all the time and effort that is put into Walthamstow Memories, It sure is a great read.
Here's to another successful year.
Kind regards,
Janet BULL
Private Reply
Public Reply
Hello Brian,
It's always nice to hear from ex Walthamstow residents and you are part of a goodly crew who now live in Australia and remember Walthamstow with affection.
As a welcome gesture and with your permission, I have researched both of your paternal and maternal ancestral trees (Sent to you by 'private' email), that I hope you will enjoy.
Happy New Year,
Bill BAYLISS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Gary,
in the 1952/53 football photo in the back row left end is John Snell (tubby), next to him is me Henry Dunne (note the Kramer hair style from the Seinfield tv show). The tall guy is Alan Jones, I believe the end guy is Albert Vigar, in the front row left end is Terry Goodall, next to him is Ginger Martin, far right is David Taylor. We all graduated in July 1954. I have lived in the USA since 1963
Hank DUNNE Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
I did miss the earlier notice from you and I am so sorry that it is true that Richard has passed away.
I have passed that information onto Louise at "Walthamstow Times" (Facebook) too.
Len HALL Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
Jane Leftwich very kindly allowed me to use some of her photos, this one illustrates where Garners (Garment manufacturer) was situated in the High Street:
This was my first venture into almost paid work. At fifteen I was employed to check rolls of material to see how many faults there was in them. If there were to many, then back to the supplier they went. I wasn't too good at this and it was also very boring, so I just used to stick a small tab on at various intervals to make it look like I had been doing my job correctly. So as you can imagine more rolls of material were returned than were actually used. Another of my duties, being the 'new boy', was to be a bookies runner. There were two long term employees, who I guess thought I was simply employed to do their bidding. So George the driver and Mick the man who kept all the machines in working order would hand me bets to put on for them.
This was done in Sidney Higging's, which I believe was first licensed betting office in the High Street. It was on the opposite side of the road from the Chequers. I never got a share of any winnings (if they had any!!), but it give me a taste for heavy gambling, so every time I went over I invested 6p each way on any horse that had the least chance of winning!! I was always attracted by the very long odds, never actually realizing that the reason for those long odds was... that the poor creatures were probably only one or two races away from the knackers yard! Or becoming dinner for dogs(or even humans) on Sid's horse meat stall at the top of the market.
Best regards
Keith RODGER Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Bill,
Many thanks for the info on Stan Gerula, so detailed and really fascinating.. I was not sure if he played in the two great games that the A's played against Man.Utd in the cup but pleased to say he did.
A family member played for the Avenue in the Cup Final against Leyton by the name of Dennis Hall, he scored the winning goal he was only 18 at the time and was called in to play at the last minute due to an injury to a first team regular. All the Avenue players got for playing in the Final was a watch.
Happy new year,
Len BASSETT Private Reply Public Reply