
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
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George Gascoignea
Portrait from the frontispiece of The Steele Glas and Complaynte of Phylomene (1576)
George Gascoigne (c. 1535 - 7 October 1577) One of the often-overlooked generation before Shakespeare, he is remembered in Walthamstow as the town's own Elizabethan poet. He was also a soldier turned pacifist, a lawyer, a writer of prose fiction before the time of the novel, a courtier who failed at court despite being the inventor of the cult of Elizabeth as a demi-goddess married to her country, a member of a family so dysfunctional that his mother stole his sheep, and an MP who was drummed out of parliament for being a "common rhymer and notorious ruffian.
According to the 1911 Encyclopedia, Gascoine was born in one or other of those years, possibly in Walthamstow. I prefer the alternative sources which suggest he was born in Bedfordshire. His exact date of birth is not known. We do, however, know that he lived in Walthamstow for a considerable part of his life, as he married a local lass, the wealthy widow of one William Breton. The couple are believed to have lived at Thorpe Hall.
(Textand picture kindly provided by Bill Bayliss)
Read an article from Bill Bayliss: Walthamstow Central/George Gascoigne School
Dear Vivienne,
Pleased you enjoyed the photograph and thank you for reminding me of Kate's name. I've been disgusted with myself for not remembering some of those names and that was one in particular!
Christine I think lives not far from me in Frinton as I'm sure I've caught sight of her a couple of time in Connaught Ave. I expect by now you've let her know she features on the web.
I let Daniel have a number of my photographs for the site as I just felt that they would be better in the public domain rather than sitting in a drawer at home and you've proved I was right.
Fond memories.
Best regards
Roger DIXON Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Roger & Daniel,
I've just been looking at Google and found this very interesting post.
As a starter, my sister Christine Wescott is in the group photo shown and Kathleen Rainbow is next to her. Great to see Mr Foster & Mr Dixon.
I was there 1956 - 1958 and Mr Foster & Mr Les Smith were a couple of my teachers.
What a wonderful school that was - certainly gave me an excellent education. My family and I have been living in Camberley, Surrey for 36 years now.
I have been in local politics for 30 years of that and often think back
to my Gascoigne years and the confidence and start it gave me in life!
Vivienne CHAPMAN Private Reply Public Reply
I was a pupil at George Gascoigne Sec Mod, from 1961 to 1965. I didn't realise the school ended approx 1966, until a visit to my old haunts, revealed i believe it bacame a Teacher training college, or the like.
I remember teachers like : Taffy Dixon ( Head Master ) Mr Hughes P.E. * Mr Acres ART * Mr Gorman R.E. * Miss Wright ENGLISH & NETBALL ( Coach )* Mr Scott SCIENCE * & 2 x Miss Williams GEOGRAPHY etc. My old class room was in C " hall, and i think our form teacher was Mr Hunt, but im not certain ? Some of my old class mates were as follows, over the time and years i was there i.e. Ian Miller/ Jim Burkett/ John Martini/ Alan Shaw/Brian Russell/ Graham Walker/ Peter Henderson/Roy Lawson/Danny Scotland/ Susan Stiff/ Carol White/ Jackie White/Janet Wilson/Janice May/Christine Bray/ Brenda ?/ Albert Shaddock /Peter Vella ,.etc !!!!
My name is Kevin Turner, and would like to know if anyone of that era, is still living in the Walthamstow area, or moved away, and life has treated them well. If so drop me an email!
Kind regards,
Kevin TURNER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel, can you let me know a bit more about yourself? I was directed to the website by my brother John who came across it last weekend and I noticed the pic of the cricket team from Colin Budgey. I was indeed in that form year although not in the picture, but can add most of the names. I'm sure if I did around at past emails and pictures I could name them all!
Anyhow, for now: Back row - John Sales, Bob Smith, Dave Pottle. Front row - Ken Day (clipboard) David (Divi) O'Fiels, Danny (Wooge) Wheatley, Jimmy Martin, (Forget), John Burkett, (forget), (forget), (forget). I believe this is indeed from year 1960 and probably our second year at GG.
Can you let Colin know and add the above names please? I have been in touch with all of the above named pupils since leaving school except for David O'field who I would very much like to hear from if you ever have contact from him.
Oh, and Mr. Bolton was our Physics teacher, Mr Gorman did Biology, Mt Legg did Geography, Mr Williams did Music, Mr Pinchen & Mr Wright P.E. and it was Miss Fenton, not Tenton
All the best,
Roger WALKER Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
Here is a photo of the Gascoigne under-13 cricket team taken in about 1960. I remember the players, but not any names. I think it was after playing the local grammer school.
Names provided by Roger Walker:
Back row - John Sales, Bob Smith, Dave Pottle.
Front row - Ken Day (clipboard) David (Divi) O'Fiels, Danny (Wooge) Wheatley, Jimmy Martin,
(Forget), John Burkett, (forget), (forget), (forget).
I believe this is indeed from year 1960 and probably our second year at GG.
Best wishes
Colin BUDGEY Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
Thanks for the great memory-filled website found when I web-searched for 'Bateman's Model Shop' the recipient of most of my pocket money in the 1950s.
I, like many of your respondents, was born in Thorpe Coombe Hospital. In my case 2 weeks after VE day.
So I've rummaged through the attic and found some photographs that may be of use to you and I hope of interest to Walthamstow Memories visitors. There are quite a few so have uploaded them to Dropbox for you to view and download as you see fit.
Front Row - L to R Mickey Stone, George White, ?Gascoigne is of my classmates, Jimmy Dixon and form teacher Alan Foster in 1961.
When you've had a chance to look at them tell me what you intend to use and I can provide you with fuller captions.
Best regards
Roger DIXON Private Reply Public Reply
From Daniel: Many thanks, Roger: wonderful pictures! I'll be away from my desktop next week, so it shall not be before the first week in May that I'll be able to post them on the WM site. I hope that many other visitors will follow your example and send in their photos...!
Hello Daniel,
Here is a photo of some of my school friends in the play ground at the school in 1954.
I can remember three of them: Allan Pike, Allan Fryer, and Peter Searl.
The Headmaster at that time was Mr Jim Dixon. What a wonderful man. All the kids loved him. Yes loved!
Best Regards
Ken CLARKE Private Reply Public Reply
Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Dixon, Mr Taffy | Head | 1950s | |
Clark, Mr | Caretaker | ||
Smith, Mr | Caretaker |
Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Acres, Mr | Arts, Pottery & Crafts | ||
Allcock, Miss | |||
Bolton, Mr | Physics | ||
Budgie, Mr | Woodwork | ||
Carter, Mrs | PE | ||
Clarke, Mr Ken | Woodwork | ||
Collinson, Mr | RE | ||
Cox, Miss | |||
Crabb, Mr | |||
Dorricott, Mr | |||
Fenton,, Miss | |||
Foster, Mr | English | ||
Freeman, Miss | |||
Gill, Miss | |||
Gorman, Mr | Biology | ||
Grange, Miss | |||
Hassan, Mr | |||
Hayworth, Miss | Later Mrs. Wright | ||
Hughes, Mrs | aka Mr. Piches | ||
Jackson, Mr | Science | ||
Jones, Mr D | Maths+Football | ||
Legg, Mr | Geography | ||
Matthews, Mr | |||
Midson, Mr | Science | ||
Phelan, Mr | |||
Pholey, Mr | |||
Pinchen, Mr | P.E. | ||
Poulter, Mr | Science | ||
Reid, Rosie | Cookery & Housecraft | ||
Rollanson, Mr | |||
Scott, Mr | Science | ||
Sillet, Miss | later Mrs Gibbs | ||
Smith, Miss | Music | ||
Smith, Mr Bruce | |||
Ure, Mr | |||
Williams, Miss | Geography+Netball | ||
Williams, Mr | Music | ||
Wolfe, Mr | British Constitution | ||
Worthington, Mrs | Science | ||
Wright, Mr | P.E. |
Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Hughes, Mrs | School Secretary | ||
Clark, Mr | Caretaker | ||
Smith, Mr | Caretaker |
Name | Years | Notes |
Budgey, Colin | 1960 | |
Clarke, Ken | 1954 | |
Fryer, Allan | 1954 | |
Fryer, Kathleen | 1939 | |
Pike, Allan | 1954 | |
Searl, Peter | 1954 | |
Walker, Roger | 1960 |
Date | Notes |