
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
Here is a lovely photo of my mum, Irene Nichols, née Ridley, first girl top row standing next to the teacher.
The pic shows all the Winns Avenue School Prefects, photo taken in 1936. Does anyone remember the name of the teacher? Or any of the girls?
Keith NICHOLS Private Reply Public Reply
Yes the girl in the middle of the middle row was my Mum who was then Doris Turner. She spoke highly of a teacher called Miss Rogers. I that any help at all?
Alan THOMPSON Private Reply Public Reply
Dear Daniel,
I thought this would be of interest to the website:
Kind regards
Ed CHATWIN Private Reply Public Reply
I am Janice Dunn's daughter (third in from right, half way down with the big bow in her hair!). Mum came across this website by chance and recognised herself and others remembering lots of their names! Top left is Maureen Webster, girl holding the board is Marcia?? Anne Scotheran top row and Raymond Dolphin, .. and the list goes on!! Hope this helps!!
Helen COOK
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I was born in Chingford and lived in Walthamstow until 1956/1957. My parents and their parents lived in Walthamstow. Every thing on this website brings back many memories. I attended Winns Avenue Primary and Junior school. This picture was taken in 1952 when I would have been 6/7 years of age. Got this picture from my mothers possessions when she died a couple years ago. I am circled. Does anyone else recognise themselves?
I can remember some names like Royston Bull, John Ayers, Gladys Kirby, and a few others.
Clare WILLIAMS Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel,
On the Winns Avenue photo the names I know are my wife's friend, Maureen Brazier, is first right row two, Phyllis is the same row only fourth from the right,
the only other name familiar to me is one of my old friend, Charlie Wright, sadly no longer with us, he is second from the left front row.
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Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Name | Years | Notes |
?, Marcia | 1952 | |
Asprey, Phyllis | (later Mrs. Wybrow) | |
Ayers, John | 1952 | |
Brazier, Maureen | ||
Bull, Royston | 1952 | |
Chatwin, Ed | 1942 | |
Dolphin, Raymond | 1952 | |
Dunn, Janice | 1952 | |
Kirby, Gladys | 1952 | |
Ridley, Irene | 1936 | (later Nichols) |
Scotheran, Anne | 1952 | |
Webster, Maureen | 1952 | |
Williams, Clare | 1952 | |
Wright, Charlie |
Date | Notes |