
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
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My grandfather Joseph Silk was born
in Mile End in 1875 and married Emma
Willson in Hackney in 1898. His first
business, following a family tradition,
was as a greengrocer which he ran from
a shop in Brunner Road. Strange though
it may appear today, he also sold coal
from the shop. However, due to the
expansion of housing and the population
in Walthamstow at that time, he found
that selling coal became a more practical
business than selling greengrocery. He
therefore became a full time coal
merchant using the Blackhorse Road
depot as a base.
My grandparents' first Walthamstow
home was in Lloyd Road, where their
first two children were born. Their third
child was born in April 1902 at 6, Essex
Grove, a double fronted property
opposite The Essex Arms public house.
The 1901 census shows the property was
then unoccupied. The house, which was
named Fairfield Villa, had an expansive
area at the rear due to having a wide side
entrance. This area was later extended by
the purchase of the house next door
No.4, Essex Grove. In the early years of
the business coal was delivered to
customers by horse and cart and stables,
complete with a hay loft above, were
built at the rear backing onto the gardens
of houses in Nicholson Road. When
lorries became an obvious choice for
delivering coal, garages and repair shops
were also built. However, the horses and
lorries were used in tandem for a while
which I can remember in the immediate
post war years. Our coal business was
sold to Joseph Cade & Co., in 1955 but
one of my uncles continued to live in the
house running a transport business from
there. This continued until 1966 when
the property was compulsory purchased
for the development of the flats that now
occupy the area between Essex Grove
and Nicholson Road.
Running a coal business from the
house made it a hive of activity, Local
people would come and go to order their
coal and pay the bills. Merchants came
to deliver the hay and horse feed and the
workmen would arrive in the early hours
to begin their rounds returning in the late
afternoon. When the horses were
released from their shafts they would
walk over to the scullery at the rear of
the property and put their heads over the
half door in anticipation of a titbit in
return for their labours. Once satisfied
they would then walk unaided over to the
stables and drink from the water trough.
Once their thirst had been quenched they
would then walk into the stable and to
their own stalls, again all unaided.
During this time the drivers would
secure the shafts, clean up the can and
stack the empty sacks on the rear of the
platform ready for the next day's
deliveries. My eldest uncle lived in the
house after my grandparents retired and
at one time had a large gaggle of geese
who were quite ferocious. I am sure they
kept many an intended burglar at bay.
One of my cousins loved the horses and
from a very young age would willingly
help to muck them out. Her love of
horses led her parents allowing her to
have her own pony. My sister and I
enjoyed our visits to Essex Grove and
had much pleasure looking at the horses
and playing in the hay loft.
Sadly this era is long gone and just a
happy memory of my childhood. The site
of the house could be located by the
existence of The Essex Arms and it is
with much sadness that I learnt of its
demise thus removing the last vestige of
the old Essex Grove. It was only a small
turning but it was certainly a busy place.
The photograph of No.6, Essex Grove
below shows my grandmother standing
on the right and next to her, holding a
small child, is her sister Eliza Martin
The child would be Eliza's son Alfred
born in December 1909. My father, who
was born in 1905, is wearing a brimmed
hat. Next to him is his brother Alfred and
then the eldest brother Joseph. Far right
is the maid, stated in the 1911 census as
Julia Cox, then aged 14 years. The side
entrance can be seen on the right.
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