
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
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Some of Roy's pictures and memories.
Mildred Good
My Nan, who lived at 247 Billet Road. Born March 5th 1880. She moved to Billet Road in about 1923.
My grandmother's home since sometime between 1921 and 1932, she and her family having moved from 64 Oakfield Road. The photo was taken in about 1997 and the terraced house is very little changed from when I
grew up there since my birth in 1948. It is a "council house" (or was back then). We moved out in about 1957.
The trolley buses used to stop right outside - I used to watch them from my room (the one with the smaller window). Out back was a fairly long garden backing onto allotments. We had a big apple tree and beyond that was, I think, a bomb shelter - but it was overgrown and "off limits" when I lived there. Stairs were to the right of the door, and at the end of the lincrusta covered hallway was the kitchen. My Nan had the downstairs front room, my parents the upstairs from bedroom. The coal cellar or bin must have been at the back, as I remember them tramping through the house.
This end of Billet road had its numbers changed in about 1932/1933 - it used to be 106, not 247! (The Billet Road numbers not only changed from odd to even, they changed direction too... 247 used to be 106, but 249 used to be 104 !!)
Roy Good