
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
I was born at Thorpe Coombe Nursing Home, Walthamstow in June 1954. I lived in Albert Road (off Hoe Street) till I was 11 and then we moved to Normanshire Drive in South Chingford. My sisters (Janice and Cilla) and I all went to Walthamstow High
School(as had my mum - Pamela Drake) and my brother, John went to George Monoux. We all went to Thomas Gamuel Primary School and I have school photos from 1959/1960ish. I was so excited to see all the great stuff that you are gathering together. I too remember the Beatles at the Granada, and I was lucky enough not to have to go home early with a migraine! So I did see them Wow!
I also noticed the Howard Road address. My piano teacher for many years was Harold Greenhill who was a lovely blind man who skipped across the room when he was pleased with you and got his wife to check up on fingerings if he wasn't so sure!! He lived at 173 Howard Road. I used to walk there from school each week.
I also remember the Walthamstow Museum at Upper Walthamstow which I used to love to visit - the model layouts were a particular favourite of mine. Anyway I would love to know more of what you are doing. Please send me any
information you can. My parents who now live in Cromer Norfolk would also be interested, having lived in Verulam Avenue before moving to Albert Road.)
Sorry to ramble. Thanks.
Sue Stott email