
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
Thomas Gamuel by his will, dated 1643, left about 6 a. of copyhold land in trust to provide 12 penny loaves weekly for the poor, the balance to be distributed yearly in money. In 1786 the income from the land, Prior's croft or Honeybone field in Markhouse Road, and part of Markhouse common, was £4 15s. The property was enfranchised in 1855. A small piece was sold in 1873 to build St. Saviour's school, and in 1883 Walthamstow school board leased land to build Gamuel Road school. Honeybone field was let as allotments. More land was sold in 1925 and 1956. In 1957 the proceeds of sales represented £885 stock and the income from rents and interest amounted to £237.
He was a rich London grocer living in Walthamstow who bequeathed six acres of land known then as Honeybone Field and Markhouse Common, to six trustees, so that rent and profits from this land would be paid to the poor of the parish. It would become known as Thomas Gamuel Charity. An acreage of land from Honeybone Field was subsequently leased to Walthamstow School Board, who built Gamuel Road School for boys, girls and infants in 1887.
The present Thomas Gamuel Primary School which is now located in Colchester Road, Walthamstow, was opened in 1980 by Mrs Annie Flexon who was three years old when the old Thomas Gamuel school opened in 1887. The old building was knocked down to make way for new housing.
You can find out more information about the original school from Vestry House Museum, Walthamstow. In the present school there is also a permanent History display with the original log book from the first day Thomas Gamuel opened on 29th August 1887. The first log reads 'Opened School 199 boys applied and were admitted. Staff: Headmaster - F.A Farrar Asst Headmaster - A.S. Blakey. A great number of boys came from Marsh Street School, others from Gamuel Road Infts, Maynard Road, Boston Road, & St.Saviours. Many have not been attending school for some time".
In 1987, pupils and staff celebrated Thomas Gamuel Primary School's 100th birthday. They researched the life and times of Thomas Gamuel and the surrounding area. The staff dressed up for the day in Victorian costume.
This is the best I can do, one photo is Gamuel Road school and the others are Markhouse Road.
I do know many names but just do not know how to attach them to the photos.
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Public Reply
I went to Gamuel Road Infants and Juniors school from about 1953 onwards. The teachers I remember were Mrs Burrows,
Miss Samuels, who married and became Mrs Liste and Miss Simpson who I think was the Headmistress. In the Juniors there was
Miss Booth, Mr James, Mr Russell, Mr Palmer, Mr Charles (headmaster)... and a few more I cannot
One memory I have is celebrating the coronation. The school put on a party, and we all went in fancy dress. I went as Mrs Mop, and my elder brother went as a tramp, my younger brother... just 3 years old, went as a jockey. At that time we lived in a shop in Boundary Road.
There's one thing that has bugged me for years and years: I used to persecute the daylights out of two little girls whose surname was Mc Cready. I think one was Pat and I can't remember the other. They lived near an alleyway opposite a corner shop. The thing is over the years I have suffered various amounts of ridicule and persecution myself and I know how it feels: I would love to meet them and personally apologise, but that may not be possible, so... well, if they read this... I'm sorry for making your lives a misery!
Best wishes
Kel TYERS Private Reply Public Reply
Miss Dollbear is the lady teacher and the man is Mr. Barltrop, who was my bete noir. By a strange twist of fate, I am standing next to him.
If anyone is interested, the names I recall, starting at back row left, are - not known - Margaret Foster, who lived in the sweet shop on the corner of
Boundary Road and Boston? - Alan Wylie - Freddie Black, who lived in Tennyson Road and whose dad was in the tyre business (among other
ventures) - Beverley Murfitt, (family coal business in Boston Road?) - Pamela Allen? - Brenda Coyle? - Derek Smith - David Angus
- myself.
The second row from left - John Saville - Greta Cotterall - unknown - Harold Ward - Jimmy Dove - 4 unknowns - Eddie Bolton -
Tony Hook, who I was reunited with for five years when we both lived in Ontario from 1963.
Second row from front - Can't recall the person mostly out of the picture or the next two girls, but I think the rather severe looking young lady is
Maureen Marriott? then Margaret Thorpe, who lived in the pub in Queen's road, near Markhouse road - Doreen Jones - Dawn Butler -
Joan Willoby - a second Brenda Coyle ???- not known - Terence Smith - not known.
Front row - Michael Monks? - not known - Alan Dangerfield - Johnny Smith, who went on to be a teacher at Markhouse Road - Raymond Harmon
- another Raymond ? - Terry Downs - Malcolm Cook - Peter Bray - David Jarvis.
I may well be wrong on some of the names so I would welcome the possibility of being corrected.
Tony Lancaster Private Reply Public Reply
23-Nov-2009: Hello from Barrie Stevens!
George Gascoigne School about 1939
My mother Kathleen Fryer is second from the left third row up from bottom of group...
Barrie Stevens Private Reply Public Reply
Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Abley, Mr Cyril | 1951-52 | Also football coach | |
Knowles, Mr | 1963 |
Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Name | Years | Notes |
Nixon, ? | 1926-? | |
Price, Chris | 1958-1961 |
Date | Notes |
1958/60? | |