
Did you go to school in Walthamstow? Want to see pictures?
Pictures and stories here!
William McGuffie was born William James McGuffie in Dublin in 1876. He married Ellen Goodhind in 1900. In 1911, he was
living at Cleveland Park Avenue, Walthamstow and he was employed as a Timber Merchants Clerk.
In the 1920's he was a Councillor for Higham Hill ward and was a Justice of the Peace. He died in 1930.
(Text kindly provided by Bill Bayliss
Just thought I would try this one from my phone. This is a photo from William McGuffie before we went to William Morris think we might have been the first to go over after the changes.
I am in the second row from the back third on the left, I can remember a Tony Bisho and Patrick White. I remember a very talented art teacher and Mrs Butterworth, the head, who I think had quite a big family. The rest I will send over by post.
Kind regardsLynda CROSBY Private Reply Public Reply
In belated reply to post 3rd August 2014, and others, regarding staff at the William McGuffie Craft Annexe at that time, the name for the metalwork teacher I seem to recall is Mr Worthington. I certainly agree Mr Ferry (wood) and I'm fairly certain Mr Worthington (metal).
The girl's Domestic Science classes occupied the upper floor.
I was a McGuffie pupil 1958 - April 1961, prior to joining the Ever Ready battery company in Blackhorse Road.
Kind regards,
Weston Turville,
Bucks, England.
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Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
I found this old photo (very poor quality... thankfully!) of myself on the McGuffie school trip to
Interlaken around 1959/1960. I have no idea why I am holding the pot plant!!
I decided to check out whether the hotel was still there and... I found this other much more recent picture and realized that not only did the hotel still exist, but this is the very spot where the original photo was taken, including some updated pot plants!!
The hotel is called the Waldhotel Unspunnen. Here is a modern picture of it:
Can any other old McGuffians relate to these pictures?
Best Regards
Keith RODGER Private Reply Public Reply
We have now emigrated to Norfolk but still take an interest in Walthamstow.
I went to Greenleaf infants and my wife Ann and me both went to Forest Road/Greenleaf junior (school and William McGuffie.
Ann's years were 1956-60 and 1960-64 respectively and my years were 1953-55, 1955-59 and 1959-63, and no: we did not know each other at school, but met when Ann moved next door to me in Priors Croft.
Back to school the list of teachers we can remember are:- Mr Brown (who threw the blackboard duster at you), Mr Charlton (who threw chalk at you), Mr Ferry (with the berry), Mr Finch always on about F W Woolworths and cowboys and indy bums), Mr Furnace, Mr Hutchinson, Mr Jefferies, Mr Lambert, Mr Macintosh, Mr Norton, Mr Pershky (with his hearing aid), Mr Rollinson (who did all the paper scrolling for Christmas), Mr Smith, Mr Williams, Mr Wright (on his Triumph motor bike), Mrs Berkery, Miss Chapman, Mrs McDowell (with her ginger ringlets), Miss Roberts, Miss Taylor, Miss Tuckwell.
Headed by Mrs Butterworth, who cried when she caned you and Mr Tomlinson, who used to cane you in front of assemble until Alan knocked his wig of one morning.
Houses were Salisbury (yellow), Warwick (green), Maynard (blue) Toni (red)
Not forgetting the caretaker Mr Nicholls.
Names remembered from juniors Mr Bramhall, Miss Dodds, Miss Lodder, Mrs Powter, and headed by Miss Mauler.
Should be able to name the police officers as they were called in quiet frequently.
Halfway through break time smoke could be seen coming from the boys outside toilet, where they went for their cigarettes.
Girls play ground was too small for Netball so the court was drawn in the boys play ground as boys and girls were kept apart at break times.
We can also remember the 3 types chocolate biscuits sold at morning break, mainly because I was a milk monitor and it was part of my duties to sell them until I was demoted for fighting with Mr Williams, the sports master. Also remember having to walk up to the woodwork metalwork cookery and typing rooms at the top end of Greenleaf Rd. For P.E lessons we would either walk to Lloyds park (Girls) - boys would go by coach to Salisbury hall playing field on the North Circular next to the dairy and Phillips records and were left to find our own way home. Sports day was held at George White ground in Billet Rd.
Your with grey matter still working
Kind Regards
Reg & Ann GARTAN
(Ann née Thomas)
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Yes, I remember Mr Furness, he taught French and he was quite a formidable character as I remember!!
I was at McGuffie from 1958 to 1962. I also remember Miss Thrippleton or 'Thripp' as she was nick-named. I only knew her after she retired from school teaching, but she did teach swimming at the Walthamstow Baths and was also involved with the town twinning idea, indeed she was quite fanatical about the subject.
The other teachers I remember are:- Mr Smith, maths. Mr Morris geography, Miss Sue Arnold cookery, Miss James music, Miss Halls, english I think. Mr Charles Lambert succeeded Miss James in Music. Miss Berkery, Mr Tomlinson Head. Mrs Farrow deputy head. Miss Cronin, Mr Bash, Miss Brumby. Mr Finch, history. I also remember Miss Ettie Lovell who did a lot of piano accompanying for the school choir, she was very good.
At least when we left school in those days mostly at around the age of 15 or 16 we could read and write!!
I moved from W'stow & Chingford in 1971 to Sussex.
Anyone know the whereabouts of Margaret Burnand who was at McGuffie more or less the same time as me?? Thanks.
Valerie GIBBS Private Reply Public Reply
Hello Daniel,
I am enclosing an old photo (very poor quality I'm afraid). It was taken on a school trip to Interlaken,
the year was 1960 (though possibly 1959).
Left to right, they are: Gerry Cambitsis, Alan Thrift, Johnny Johnson and Fred Keruise (not sure about the spelling of Fred's surname). I have recently found out that sadly he passed away in 2011. I hope some others will recall the trip, and perhaps remember some or all of the Four (five if you include me) McGuffieteers?
Keith RODGER Private Reply Public Reply
I have just returned from a two day visit to Walthamstow after 50 years.
Much has changed and I thought it was all generally pleasing, but regret the loss of many places.
I would like to contact anybody that went to William McGuffie (Now demolished) 1946 to 1950,
St.Lukes (It appears to be now closed) 1946 to 1960, 5th. Walthamstow Scouts 1946 to 1960,
Chapel End Secondary (Now demolished) (1957 and 1960 to 1964.)
Are Geff Matthams and Alan Britland out there ?
Many thanks
Keith TODD Private Reply Public Reply
Hi Daniel, I wonder if you would be prepared to add this to Walthamstow Memories for me. Following are a few names that I can remember and a "?" for those I can't!
Top row left to right: Diana Henderson, Michael Goldsmith, Maureen Heales, ?, ?, Robert Walker,
Keith Proudfoot, Geraldine Ball, and ?
Second row from top left to right: ?, Joan Clements, ?, Judith Bristow, Brian Humphries, Lillian Roberts,
Terry Lyons, ME, Brian Hunter and Albert Poole
Third row from top left to right: Sandra ?, Margaret Russell, Kathleen Wood, June Flatman, Margaret Knowles,
Maureen Luscombe, ?, ?, Shirley Waterman, Pat Norris, Joan Goddard and ?
Fourth row from top left to right: ?, Kenneth Knight, Michael Reed, Brian Davidson, David Pepper (with board),
David Searle, ?, ?, and the late Jeffrey Dunkinson killed in a shooting accident while in the Army Cadets in 1954.
With thanks,
Marilyn STROUD nee KING Private Reply Public Reply
Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Brown, Miss | Head | 1952-56 | |
Driscoll, Mr | Head | ||
Farrow, Mrs | Deputy Head | 1958-62 | |
Tomlinson, Mr | Head | 1952-62 |
Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Arnold, Miss Sue | Cookery | 1958-62 | |
Bash, Miss | 1958-62 | ||
Berkerry, Miss | |||
Briggs, Mr. | 1952-56 | ||
Brumby, Miss | 1958-62 | ||
Clarke, Miss | 1952-56 | ||
Cronin, Miss | 1958-62 | ||
Dennis, Miss | Art+Drama | 1952-56 | |
Fenn, Miss | 1952-56 | ||
Finch, Mr. | History | 1958-62 | |
Finnis, Mr. | 1952-56 | ||
Furness, Mr. | Maths+French | 1952-62 | |
Halls, Miss | English | 1958-62 | |
Heath, Mr. | 1952-56 | ||
James, Miss | Music | 1958-61 | |
Kelsey, Miss | 1952-56 | ||
Kidwell, Mrs. | Music | 1952-56 | |
Lambert, Mr. Charles | 1960-62 | ||
Lovell, Miss Ettie | 1958-62 | ||
Macey, Mr. | 1952-56 | ||
Morris, Mr. | Geography | 1958-62 | |
Roberts, Miss | History | 1952-56 | |
Smith, Mr. | Maths | 1952-62 | Nickname "Sniffy" |
Thomas, Mr. | Biology | ||
Thompson, Mr. Joe | PT | 1955 | |
Thrippleton, Mrs. | Biology+PT +Swimming | 1952-62 | Nickname "Thripp" |
Williams, Miss | PE | 1952-56 | Later Mrs. Heath |
Name | Office | Years | Notes |
Name | Years | Notes |
Burnand, Margaret | 1958-62 | |
Gibbs, Valerie | 1958-62 |
Date | Notes |